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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Everything posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hi @Paul Bennett 211 As you have a standard FLX console (not FLX S), I have moved this topic to the FLX forum. Another software package I am aware of is "CSC Show Control". However, please note that I have no experience with this software, so you'd have to do your research to see if it does what you want. When syncing lighting cues with certain points in an audio track, it is very common to use the MIDI Timecode protocol rather than MIDI Show Control... https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/setup/triggers/midi-timecode However, this requires the configuration to be done on the lighting console, where you configure each cue with an exact time stamp (hours:minutes:seconds:frames). The cue then triggers when the MIDI Timecode signal reaches that time... https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/cues-playbacks/cue-settings/cue-triggers This therefore isn't as intuitive as adding trigger points to a timeline view on a third party software package.
  2. Hi @discover The Showtec Shark Wash One has a 7-channel mode. The Showtec Shark Zoom Wash One has an 8-channel mode. Please could you describe what specifically isn't working with these modes? Does Pan/Tilt work?
  3. Hi @RichardNR3 Upon loading the show file, the console should be restored to the exact state it was in when the show file was saved. Can you confirm that the button that toggles between Channels/Playbacks is functioning as expected when pressed? Are intensity values changing in the Output window on the console as expected? Please feel free to email us a copy of your show file to support@zero88.com, and we will take a look to see what may be causing the issue. Please let us know if you have any questions.
  4. The functionality you’re describing here is what enabling “Position” under “Fader Controls…” would achieve. “Fader controls” can be found in Playback Settings > General. The “Manual Fade” fader function options are used for manually controlling intensity crossfades in cue stacks.
  5. When releasing a playback from a cue release macro, the playback will release over the fade down time of the cue releasing it… https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/cues-playbacks/cue-settings/cue-macros
  6. Hi @Hummel & @Davidmk Apologies that I am a bit late to the party on this topic, but this is a great thread - loads of good tips and workflows. I'll add the following: As well as the "Mixing Playbacks and Running the Show" video, check out this video too if you haven't already... A playback's fader and playback's button cannot be split into separate playbacks. The fader and button are simply two controls for the same data on the playback. If you press and hold a playback's GO button, you can then type the cue number you wish to go to on an external keyboard, and then let go of the GO button to go into the cue. If you are going down the OSC route, this would be a more elegant solution of jumping to a cue. FLX S48 consoles do not have remote switches (and therefore do not have the Ctrl+F1 - Ctrl+F8 hotkeys). "Inhibit" is an "Intensity Mixing" option in a playback's settings, and therefore is not applicable to parameters such as Pan & Tilt. To achieve what you are after, you could use "Fader Controls", to configure a playback's fader to crossfade to/from the recorded position parameters for example. FLX S consoles do not have Blind mode. If a playback is released over a time, values will crossfade back to the previous playback's values. Playbacks can be released over a time using cue release macros, or Programmer Time. More information here... https://www.zero88.com/storage/downloads/c4034f20-af9a-4531-b8f6-f8c2c5330fc4/ZerOS-&-OSC-(“Open-Sound-Control”)-v2.0.pdf The "Manual Fade" options in Playback Settings > General > Fader Function, can be used to manually crossfade intensity values between cues. Attributes will continue to use their cue fade times when the Fader Function is set to "Manual Fade". As cues are advanced by the playback's fader movement in "Manual Fade" modes, the GO button is temporarily disabled. Please let us know if you have any questions.
  7. Hi @Reems2 Welcome to the forum. As discussed via email, the show file that was loaded into the consoles was partially corrupted. I have emailed you a "fixed" show file, which you should be able to load into the consoles to clear the issue. Please let me know if you have any questions.
  8. Hi @netzton Welcome to the forum. Thanks very much for your suggestion. This enhancement is logged as reference number ZOS-4947 on our software tracking system. I have made note of your request for this. Please let us know if you have any questions.
  9. Hi Kauz, Glad you were able to achieve the look you were after. As a reminder, there is a dedicated automatic "Candle" effect for flame flickers. However, your custom playbacks are a good option for a bespoke look. Let us know if there's anything else we can help with.
  10. Hi @Hummel Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. It is not possible to set the speed of effects using Global BPM / Tap Tempo. Effect speed can be controlled separately using the Speed Override control. Please check out the forum thread below... This will allow you to vote on the features you'd like to see in a future ZerOS software update. Your suggestion would be covered by the "Improve effects engine" option. Please let us know if you have any questions.
  11. Hi @Tommox If the console's faders are in "Channels" mode rather than "Playbacks", do you find that individual fixtures incorrectly turn on automatically? As @Davidmk mentions, this could be a hardware issue. Please boot the console with the SETUP key held down, to boot into Test Mode. When in Test Mode, check that the onscreen faders match the levels of the physical faders as you move them. If the onscreen faders show different levels to the physical faders, this suggests there's a hardware issue. In this situation, please email a picture of the serial number sticker on the rear of the console to support@zero88.com, and we can advise how to proceed. If the onscreen faders in Test Mode match the physical faders, this suggests there is not a hardware issue. If possible, please boot the console normally, take a video of the issue occurring, and then email this to us, to allow us to investigate further. Please let us know if you have any questions.
  12. Bonus tip - on Solution consoles, tap Other Windows > Effects Window. This window will list the parameters of the currently selected fixtures and show you if any effects are running.
  13. Hi @Simonkbike To clarify, are you running an intensity effect or colour effect? The automatic “Fire” effect is a colour effect, and the automatic “Candle” effect is an intensity effect. If you are running the candle intensity effect, and it is too bright, you’ll want to lower both the fixture intensity, and also the effect “Size”, to reduce the effect. This is because the intensity wheel takes control of the fixture's intensity. It therefore has control, rather than the effect in the cue. If you adjust the intensity, tap UPDATE, and tap your playback's GO button, the effect will then resume using the adjusted midpoint intensity. When you select fixtures, this will open the parameter table at the bottom of the Output window. If parameters are referencing an intensity effect, the effect palette reference will be displayed in the relevant cell of the table. If parameters are running an effect that is not stored as a palette, no reference will be given. If you select a fixture, the effect encoder wheels will show whether an effect is running on the fixture.
  14. No problem - let us know if there’s anything else we can help with.
  15. This is correct, but as mentioned, it does require an external keyboard, or the onscreen number pad in the Z window.
  16. Hi @Craig The easiest way to change which cue you’d like to go to next, is to simply tap on the cue you’d like in the Cues window. It will go yellow, meaning the next GO press will take you to that cue. If you hold SETUP and tap a playback’s go button, this will open the playback settings. In here you can configure the shifted button function to Pause. 2 shift-presses will then achieve Go Back. Let us know if you have any questions.
  17. More information has been added to this page… https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/setup/universes/dmx-2#in
  18. Pleased to hear it - thanks for the update.
  19. Hi @ADCtech1855 Thanks very much for the update. This is both good and also frustrating at the same time, as we don't know the root cause! That would be great - thanks very much.
  20. Hi @SvenB Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. Please tap SETUP -> Save, and save a copy of your console's show file to a USB drive. Please then email this to support@zero88.com, and we can take a look. Please let us know if you have any questions.
  21. Hi @Kauz In all my time @ Zero 88, I don't think anyone has actually asked how to do this! But, this is a very good question. Triggering a chase will always set it to full. Releasing a chase will always turn it off. Releasing therefore won't help you in this situation if you want the chase to dim to a certain level. If you don't want to simply move the chase's fader down manually, you could automate this by recording yourself an "inhibit" playback. You could then trigger the inhibit playback in a cue in the Master Playback, as a way of scaling the fixtures used in the chase playback. If you'd like instructions on how to do this, please let me know.
  22. It sounds like everything is configured on your console. Please go to Z/Shift -> System Information -> Desk Info, and take a picture of this screen. Please then email this to support@zero88.com, and we can take a look.
  23. Manually tapping the palettes used in the cue at the top of the Update Options, is the same as clicking "Update References", but "Update References" is essentially the shortcut to allow the console to automatically update the palettes that are used in the current cue. That is correct - "Remove" cares about tagged parameters, not selected fixtures. You can't use SmartTag in conjunction with "Remove". UI improvements are covered in ZOS-5728... You won't see what we call the "Parameter Table" on the internal touchscreen. See the link below for more information... https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/desktops-windows/output-window It certainly isn't impossible! Thanks once again for your time - it really is appreciated.
  24. I've removed your show file from your original post, so this may have freed up enough storage for you to post your new show file. Please can you confirm your male to male DMX cable is wired correctly?
  25. Thank you for attaching your show file. I loaded your show file into ZerOS, and both DMX Ports are configured as DMX Out: If you would like DMX port 2 to be your DMX Input, choose "DMX In" under DMX 2.
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