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Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Posts posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hi Joe,

    Thank you for letting me know.

    ZerOS 7.9.5 is going to be released soon, hopefully in the next week.

    If you could wait until this is released, try installing ZerOS 7.9.5 and see if this solves the issue.

    Kind regards


  2. Hello,

    Sorry to hear this.

    This is not a hardware issue. When "Auto Select Channels on Fader Move" is enabled, the channel selection is quite sensitive, and so the slightest fader movement will cause the channel to select.

    To prevent this from happening, tap SETUP -> System Settings -> Auto Select Channels on Fader Move -> Disable. You can then manually select the fixtures using the channel buttons.

    The sensitivity will be reduced in ZerOS 7.9.5, which will be the next software release for FLX S.

    If you have any queries let me know.


  3. Hello,

    13 hours ago, drscoop said:

    Thanks Edward, that’d be very useful if you could advise.  If I interpret you correctly, I could possibly have 3 custom profiles, so I could add the four FXPars three times over, with the same 4 DMX start addresses but with:

    - outer RGB LED ring, accessing the colour picker

    - inner RGB LED, accessing the colour picker

    - strobe function

    I’ve not used the fixture editor before, so an idiot’s guide would be great.

    A user guide for the Fixture Editor software can be found attached to the article below...


    I have quickly made the fixture file you require below...

    Chauvet FXpar 9 9Ch.ift

    This file contains an Outer ring control, and an inner ring control. To patch the fixture, patch the outer ring matching the start DMX address of the fixture, and then patch the inner ring at the next available address after the outer ring.

    This will then give you two channel faders on the console to control the inner and outer rings of the fixture - the inner ring control also has the strobe functions.

    13 hours ago, drscoop said:

    Alternatively/additionally, we could muddle through this show and it’s maybe a good excuse to get to PLASA again in September with a USB stick and get some face to face training? :)

    If you can get to PLASA in September we could certainly have a chat through this as part of the training session.

    13 hours ago, drscoop said:

    is there an easy way to quickly set an encoder to zero?  I’d find it helpful when dealing with RGB colour mixing as things seem to default to 255.  

    With RGB parameters, the easiest way to dial them all to 0, is to go to the colour picker (pressing the middle encoder button for either Red, Green or Blue parameters is a shortcut to get you here), and then use the on-screen fader to the right of the picker to scale them all to 0. As well as using the encoders to dial to 0, there is a hidden syntax method. To do this hold Z/SHIFT, and tap the parameter name on the touchscreen, and then tap Z/SHIFT to type @ 0 ENTER in syntax to set the level to 0.

    13 hours ago, drscoop said:

    we had training on our new FLX S24 desk this weekend from TFG/Stage Superstore in Manchester - they did a great job and were a real pleasure to work with.  Just thought I’d let you know your remote training teams are doing you proud...

    That's great, really glad to hear you enjoyed the training.

    Hope this helps, if you have any queries let me know.


  4. Hello,

    Hmm, still work in progress I’m afraid. Current latest beta software is ZerOS, and we’re hoping to have a release candidate out soon. 

    If you would like access to this beta software let me know. 

    All the best,


  5. Hello,

    For easy access and control for each set of RGB pixels within the fixture, I would recommend patching each RGB pixel as a separate fixture in the console.

    Therefore for the CLB4 you describe, patch 3 generic RGB LED Units for the first three pixels per unit. You’ll then need to create a fixture file for the last pixel, that will also control master strobe and dimming. This would therefore have...


    When you select all 4 pixels per unit, you’ll then be able to apply effects, and fan colour across the pixels in the unit. You also have the ability to record groups, so that you can control the fixture as a single unit if you wish.

    Hope this helps, if you have any queries let me know. 


  6. Hello,

    Fixture files can currently have only one set of RGB (W) control applied to the colour picking. Therefore if there is a fixture with multiple cells, the files are usually made where no elements use the picker to avoid confusion. 

    If you wish, you can however edit the fixture file using the Fixture Editor software, and choose to either apply the central LEDs or outer ring to the picker. 

    If you’d like a hand with how to do this, let me know. 

    Don't forget although currently this particular fixture isn’t applied to the colour picker, you can manually dial the colour mixing parameters to for example red, tap UPDATE, and tap the red colour palette. This colour palette will then work for all fixtures in the console as well as the FXPar9s. 

    Hope this helps and makes sense, any queries just let me know. 


  7. Hi Tim,

    Yes that’s correct. The fixture editor software requires raw values, and therefore for 16bit parameters this is a value of 32,768 for 50%. 

    The reason the fixtures go back to 0,0 when playbacks are released, is also due to not having 50/50% pan and tilt home values in the fixture file. Unless you modify the fixture file, you will also have to update the console’s default values. For more information on this, take a look at the article below for adjusting home values...


    For editing defaults see here...


    Hope this helps, if you have any queries let me know. 


  8. Hi Jimbo,

    I have loaded your show file into Phantom ZerOS and have taken a look. I can't seem to recreate the issue you are seeing. 

    I have gone into cue 5 from cue 4, and also cue 13.5 from cue 13, and the 5 min cross fade runs correctly. Adding in Auto After or Auto With triggers on cues 4 or 13.5 also results in a smooth crossfade running from the previous cue, without the whole stage going dark.

    Could you confirm it is these cues?


  9. Hello,

    Yes a copy of your show file may be handy to take a look at what is going on. From the picture it shows all except fixture 3 displayed in yellow. This means their intensity is being controlled by a UDK, they are Highlighted, or their intensity default values have been changed. More on Output Window colours can be found here...


    UDK data and playback data will be mixed HTP, and therefore as they are at 100% this will be output.

    All the best,


  10. Hello,

    Is there another playback set to Inhibit these fixtures? If so this will be causing you problems unless it is raised to full. Were the other fixture's intensities sourced from another Playback, if so ensure SmartTag is enabled and try updating the playback.

    Feel free to send us a copy of your show file to support@zero88.com, and one of the team will be able to take a look.


  11. Hello,

    Kevin has linked to some really helpful articles, which should hopefully point you in the right direction. As Kevin has mentioned, this sounds like some configuration in Playback Settings is causing you these issues. In the majority of cases, you should be able to leave the playback settings in their defaults and the console will work as expected.

    1 hour ago, JMorgan said:

    - when I play a playback, especially as a chase, how can I stop that playback mid cycle? The only way I seem to be able to do so is by bringing the fader to 0, but that acts more to reduce intensity. The cues continue to play.

    To manually Release a playback and stop it running, you can hold CLEAR and tap its button. The console should automatically release the playback when you lower the fader. If not, in the playback settings under Raise & Lower, Release on Lower has been disabled.

    1 hour ago, JMorgan said:

    - after programming playbacks, if I go back to channel control, the light intensity will not change if a playback intensity has been left on 0.

    This sounds like the Intensity Mixing of your playback has been changed to Inhibit.

    1 hour ago, JMorgan said:

     - reducing other playback sliders to 0 will also reduce all lights to 0 regardless of other playbacks running.

    Again, another instance of Inhibit.

    You may find the article below useful, which discusses Inhibit...


    1 hour ago, JMorgan said:

     - for intensity mixing, I seem to have to set it to inhibit in playback settings for the playback to run at all - if I don’t do this, cues don’t play and the lights all stay at 100% intensity and no colour changes. Using HTP/LTP/LTP Catch doesn’t seem to change this.

    Potentially you have disabled Trigger on Raise, meaning the playback won't run when the fader is raised?

    Hope this helps, you are welcome to email a copy of your show file to support@zero88.com, and one of the team will be able to take a look and talk you through what may be causing the issues.

    If you have any queries let me know.


  12. Hello,

    Great, thank you for confirming your software version.

    Yes, the file attached to your post is a debug file, file extension .zdb. Please send this to support@zero88.com with as much information on when the crash happened, and if you think anything may have caused it. 

    Many thanks,


  13. Hi Dave,

    The analogue 8 pin DIN connectors on the back of the console will control 6 channels, using a 0 to +10v signal. 

    This information can be found on Page 35 of the manual, attached to the article below...


    I believe Strand ACT6 dimmers have the ability to switch between receiving a 0 to +10v signal or 0 to -10v signal, so ensure this is set to receive a positive voltage. You’ll then be able to connect the console and dimmer together, and have intensity control of the dimmer channels.

    Pulsar dimmers are usually wired differently, so I would recommend consulting your Pulsar dimmer’s Manual to determine the control pinout.

    Lightmaster consoles use the following Output pinout...

    Pins 1-6 are channels 1-6

    Pin 7 supply voltage from the dimmer  

    Pin 8 is Ground

    Hope this helps, if you have any queries let me know. 


  14. Hello,

    Sorry to hear this.

    I would recommend emailing us a copy of your show file to support@zero88.com. One of the team will be able to take a look, and see what may be causing the issue.

    21 hours ago, labby said:

    running the latest solution software

    By latest Solution software, I presume you mean ZerOS 7.9.4?

    All the best,


  15. Hello,

    Software update instructions can be found in the release notes included with the software download...

    Simply download the software, and extract the software file to the root of a USB stick. Plug the USB stick into the console, tap SETUP -> Load File, and choose the software file application. The console will then perform the installation. Software updates will remove the current show file from the console, so make sure you’ve saved a copy to USB if you would like to load it back into the console afterwards.

    Hope this helps,


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