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Edward Z88

Zero 88 Alumni
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Everything posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hi Eric, As Kevin says, a Reset Desk clears all show information, leaving your Setup configurations such as which protocols you use, and your user preferences. A Factory Reset clears all of these, leaving only the Fixture Library in the console. The "Clear All" option in Setup clears all programming, leaving your patch. Show files will store all patch information. Therefore you should be able to have a separate show file for each show and simply load them in. Edward
  2. Hi Mac, I'm very well thank you hope you are too. This isn't currently possible on FLX. Only one cue stack can be viewed at a time, by holding VIEW and tapping the playback you wish to look at. It is also worth mentioning that when viewing the Faders window, the on-screen faders show the current (C) and Next (N) cues, so this may also help to see what is running. Another way of seeing what playbacks are controlling which fixtures, is to press "Source" at the top of the Output Window. This will give you an annotation of which cue is in current control of that fixture. The way multiple cue windows can be opened on ORB consoles is by using the syntax VIEW STACK x ENTER. All the best, Edward
  3. Bonjour Génial. Les informations ci-dessous de CAST sont utiles ... http://forums.cast-soft.com/index.php?threads/connecting-to-art-net-and-sacn-streams.674/ On dirait que si votre PC a une interface réseau WiFi ainsi qu’Ethernet, vous devrez peut-être désactiver le WiFi sur le PC avant de démarrer WYSIWYG. Vous pouvez trouver que DMX Worshop est un logiciel utile pour s’assurer que le PC reçoit Art-Net ... https://artisticlicence.com/product/dmx-workshop/ J'espère que cela t'aides, Edward Hello, Great. The information below from CAST is useful ... http://forums.cast-soft.com/index.php?threads/connecting-to-art-net-and-sacn-streams.674/ If your PC has a WiFi network interface as well as Ethernet, you may need to disable the WiFi on the PC before booting WYSIWYG. DMX Workshop is useful to check the PC is receiving Art-Net ... https://artisticlicence.com/product/dmx-workshop/ Hope this helps, Edward
  4. Bonjour, Merci pour l'information. Pour tester le réseau, pouvez-vous installer ZerOS Remote Monitor sur votre PC? ZerOS Remote Monitor est un logiciel gratuit disponible au téléchargement sur notre site ici ... Une fois que vous avez téléchargé et installé le logiciel, exécutez-le sur votre PC. Sur le FLX S, tapez SETUP -> Remote -> Enable et assurez-vous que l’adresse IP et le sous-réseau sont dans la même plage que votre PC. Sur le logiciel PC ZerOS Remote Monitor, vous devriez voir la console s’afficher. Si tel est le cas, nous savons que le problème concerne WYSIWYG. Avez-vous essayé de redémarrer WYSIWYG une fois que Art-Net est présent? J'espère que cela t'aides, Edward Hello, Thank you for the information. To test the network, can you install ZerOS Remote Monitor on your PC? ZerOS Remote Monitor is free software available to download from our website here... https://zero88.com/forum/files/file/18-zeros-monitor-for-pc/ When you have downloaded this and installed the software, run it on your PC. On the FLX S tap SETUP -> Remote -> Enable, and ensure the IP address and Subnet are in the same range as your PC. On ZerOS Remote Monitor PC software you should see the console appear to connect to. If so we know the issue is with WYSIWYG. Have you tried restarting WYSIWYG once Art-Net is present? Hope this helps, Edward
  5. Bonjour OK merci de m'avoir informé. Si vous appuyez sur SETUP -> Périphériques réseau, pouvez-vous voir WYSIWYG affiché avec l'adresse IP de votre PC? Quelle est votre configuration réseau? Avez-vous simplement un câble Ethernet entre votre FLX S et votre PC? Je ne sais pas pourquoi WYSIWYG ne détecte pas les données Art-Net. Quelle version de WYSIWYG utilisez-vous? Pouvez-vous confirmer que vous utilisez ZerOS 7.9.4 sur votre FLX S? Vous pouvez trouver la version actuelle de votre logiciel en appuyant sur Z / SHIFT -> Informations système. J'espère que cela t'aides, Edward Hello OK thank you for letting me know. If you tap SETUP -> Network Devices, can you see WYSIWYG displayed with your PC's IP address? What is your network setup? Do you simply have an Ethernet cable between your FLX S and PC? I am not sure why WYSIWYG isn't detecting the Art-Net data. What version of WYSIWYG are you running? Can you confirm you are running ZerOS 7.9.4 on your FLX S? You can find your current software version by tapping Z/SHIFT -> System Information. Hope this helps, Edward
  6. Bonjour Quel est le message d'erreur affiché par WYSIWYG? Dans les options de WYSIWYG, assurez-vous d’avoir choisi Artistic License Art-Net plutôt qu’une console Zero 88. La console et WYSIWYG sont-ils tous deux corrigés? J'espère que cela t'aides, Edward Hello What is the error message WYSIWYG is displaying? From the options in WYSIWYG ensure you have chosen Artistic Licence Art-Net rather than a Zero 88 console. Are the console and WYSIWYG both patched yet? Hope this helps, Edward
  7. Bonjour Recevez-vous le message d'erreur dans WYSIWYG ou FLX S? Si le protocole SETUP -> Visualisation -> WYSIWYG ne semble pas fonctionner, désactivez-le et utilisez Art-Net à la place. Assurez-vous que votre PC WYSIWYG se trouve dans la même plage IP que FLX S. FLX S peut utiliser une adresse IP 2.x.x.x ou 10.x.x.x. Lorsque Art-Net est activé, quittez SETUP, puis appuyez sur Z / SHIFT -> "Informations système" -> "Aperçu du réseau" pour afficher la sortie Art-Net IP. Le sous-réseau sera J'espère que cela t'aides, Edward Hello Are you receiving the error message in WYSIWYG or FLX S? If the SETUP -> Visualisation -> WYSIWYG protocol doesn't seem to be working, disable it, and use Art-Net instead. Ensure that your WYSIWYG PC is in the same IP range as FLX S. FLX S can use either a 2.x.x.x or 10.x.x.x IP address. When Art-Net is enabled, exit SETUP, then press Z/SHIFT -> "System Information" -> "Network Overview", to display the outputting Art-Net IP. The subnet will be Hope this helps, Edward
  8. What protocol are you using to talk to Capture? If you are using CITP, when you tap Z -> System Information -> System Text, can you see your Capture PC displayed as connected? Under Network Overview, does CITP say it is transmitting? Edward
  9. Hello, To do this, hold SETUP and tap the Master Playback’s button to enter its settings. Then tap Raise and Lower, and Disable Release On Lower. This means when you lower the fader, the cue stack won’t release, and you’ll stay left in the current cue. Click OK to save the settings. To manually release the playback, you can then hold CLEAR and tap the Go button. Hope this helps, if you have any queries let me know. Edward
  10. Hi Kevin, Yes that's correct. I reckon numbered in the order you list will be correct. That sounds as if the 2 channel mode is Personality ID 1 then. Let me know how you get on. Edward
  11. Hi Kevin, I'm going to guess what they call "Product ID" is our RDM Device Model ID. It looks like they have provided that in decimal, and we require the Hex. 22 is therefore 0x0016, so I reckon try typing 0016 in the Model ID box. There doesn't seem to be any indication of Personality ID in that information - if the fixture has 4 modes for example I would expect each channel mode to be given a unique value from 1-4. This may have to therefore be trial and error. If the manual refers to them as "Mode x", then number each mode using this number. If not, a good place to start is number the modes in the order they are listed in the manual. Let me know if you have any queries, Edward
  12. Hi Joe, Thank you for letting me know. ZerOS 7.9.5 is going to be released soon, hopefully in the next week. If you could wait until this is released, try installing ZerOS 7.9.5 and see if this solves the issue. Kind regards Edward
  13. Hello, Sorry to hear this. This is not a hardware issue. When "Auto Select Channels on Fader Move" is enabled, the channel selection is quite sensitive, and so the slightest fader movement will cause the channel to select. To prevent this from happening, tap SETUP -> System Settings -> Auto Select Channels on Fader Move -> Disable. You can then manually select the fixtures using the channel buttons. The sensitivity will be reduced in ZerOS 7.9.5, which will be the next software release for FLX S. If you have any queries let me know. Edward
  14. Hello, A user guide for the Fixture Editor software can be found attached to the article below... http://support.zero88.com/975405071 I have quickly made the fixture file you require below... Chauvet FXpar 9 9Ch.ift This file contains an Outer ring control, and an inner ring control. To patch the fixture, patch the outer ring matching the start DMX address of the fixture, and then patch the inner ring at the next available address after the outer ring. This will then give you two channel faders on the console to control the inner and outer rings of the fixture - the inner ring control also has the strobe functions. If you can get to PLASA in September we could certainly have a chat through this as part of the training session. With RGB parameters, the easiest way to dial them all to 0, is to go to the colour picker (pressing the middle encoder button for either Red, Green or Blue parameters is a shortcut to get you here), and then use the on-screen fader to the right of the picker to scale them all to 0. As well as using the encoders to dial to 0, there is a hidden syntax method. To do this hold Z/SHIFT, and tap the parameter name on the touchscreen, and then tap Z/SHIFT to type @ 0 ENTER in syntax to set the level to 0. That's great, really glad to hear you enjoyed the training. Hope this helps, if you have any queries let me know. Edward
  15. Hello, Phantom ZerOS is certainly an area we're looking to improve in future updates, including introducing more keyboard shortcuts. The next ZerOS update (v7.9.5) will bring a couple of minor user interface changes to Phantom ZerOS. All the best, Edward
  16. Hello, Hmm, still work in progress I’m afraid. Current latest beta software is ZerOS, and we’re hoping to have a release candidate out soon. If you would like access to this beta software let me know. All the best, Edward
  17. Hello, Thank you for your comments. In a future software update, ZerOS will support multi-cell fixtures, to allow for multiple pixels of RGB to applied to the colour picker and effects engine. All the best, Edward
  18. Hello, For easy access and control for each set of RGB pixels within the fixture, I would recommend patching each RGB pixel as a separate fixture in the console. Therefore for the CLB4 you describe, patch 3 generic RGB LED Units for the first three pixels per unit. You’ll then need to create a fixture file for the last pixel, that will also control master strobe and dimming. This would therefore have... Red Green Blue Strobe Dimmer When you select all 4 pixels per unit, you’ll then be able to apply effects, and fan colour across the pixels in the unit. You also have the ability to record groups, so that you can control the fixture as a single unit if you wish. Hope this helps, if you have any queries let me know. Edward
  19. Hello, Interesting, thanks for letting me know. I will take a further look into this. If you have any queries let me know. Edward
  20. Hello, Fixture files can currently have only one set of RGB (W) control applied to the colour picking. Therefore if there is a fixture with multiple cells, the files are usually made where no elements use the picker to avoid confusion. If you wish, you can however edit the fixture file using the Fixture Editor software, and choose to either apply the central LEDs or outer ring to the picker. If you’d like a hand with how to do this, let me know. Don't forget although currently this particular fixture isn’t applied to the colour picker, you can manually dial the colour mixing parameters to for example red, tap UPDATE, and tap the red colour palette. This colour palette will then work for all fixtures in the console as well as the FXPar9s. Hope this helps and makes sense, any queries just let me know. Edward
  21. Hello, This doesn't sound like anything to worry about. During the boot sequence the screen will turn on and off before the initialisation text runs. FLX S consoles should take around 30 seconds to boot. If you have any queries let me know. All the best, Edward
  22. Hello, Great glad to hear you found the articles useful. If you have any other queries just let us know. Edward
  23. Hi Tim, Yes that’s correct. The fixture editor software requires raw values, and therefore for 16bit parameters this is a value of 32,768 for 50%. The reason the fixtures go back to 0,0 when playbacks are released, is also due to not having 50/50% pan and tilt home values in the fixture file. Unless you modify the fixture file, you will also have to update the console’s default values. For more information on this, take a look at the article below for adjusting home values... http://support.zero88.com/1011411491 For editing defaults see here... http://support.zero88.com/1011707631 Hope this helps, if you have any queries let me know. Edward
  24. Hello, OK no worries. If you have any queries let me know. Edward
  25. Hi Jimbo, I have loaded your show file into Phantom ZerOS and have taken a look. I can't seem to recreate the issue you are seeing. I have gone into cue 5 from cue 4, and also cue 13.5 from cue 13, and the 5 min cross fade runs correctly. Adding in Auto After or Auto With triggers on cues 4 or 13.5 also results in a smooth crossfade running from the previous cue, without the whole stage going dark. Could you confirm it is these cues? Edward
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