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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Everything posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hi Dan, That’s great thanks for the information. I would recommend updating your software to ZerOS 7.9.5. Let us know how you get on. Edward
  2. Hello, That’s great glad to hear it. If you have any other questions just let us know. Edward
  3. Hello, Do you have Fader Controls Colour enabled on your FLX console’s playback? If so cue colour fade times will be ignored. This option can be found in the Playback Settings, by pressing and holding SETUP and press the playback’s button. To turn off Fader Controls colour, ensure colour has a blue button stripe. Hope this resolves the issue. Let us know if you have any questions. Edward
  4. Hi Phil, Are you programming all of the lighting states into a single Playback and using the GO button to advance between them? Or are you programming single lighting states onto multiple playbacks? If you lower a playback fader, the MAC 250s will be “released”, meaning they’ll go to their defaults, which are pointing straight down, no gobo, no colour. To stop this happening, hold SETUP and tap your playback’s button. In the Playback Settings, press Raise & Lower, and disabled Release on Lower. If programming multiple cues into a single playback, the MAC 250s should be moving on dark, meaning they’ll automatically prep for when they’re next used. If you would like us to take a look at your show file, feel free to email it to us at support@zero88.com, and we’ll see what is causing the problem. Hope this helps, let me know if you have any queries. Edward
  5. Hi Eric, As Kevin says, if you wish to load your ZerOS 7.9.4 show file into ZerOS 7.9.5, make sure you have plenty of time to work through it to ensure it looks the same as you programmed it. As mentioned in the release notes, effects may be slightly different in ZerOS 7.9.5 due to the updated effects engine. ZerOS 7.9.5 does include many performance enhancements, we are trying to find what caused the random lockup Kevin mentioned. All user fixtures will be removed when performing a software update. If you have user files contained in your show file, these will be loaded in with the show file. If you have custom fixtures that aren’t contained in Fixture Library 37, your easiest option would be to use the Fixture Editor software for PC to import all fixtures into a single .ift file, and then simply load it into the console. I would also recommend you email these fixtures to us at FixtureSupport@zero88.com, so that we can contain them in the next Fixture Library update. Hope this helps, Edward
  6. Hello, Software updates on FLX S consoles cannot be performed by creating a bootable USB drive. Instead, the ZerOS 7.9.5 USB Creator.exe software file, can simply be copied to a USB stick, and plugged into FLX S. On the console you can then tap SETUP -> Load File, and choose the software file to load in. Detailed instructions can be found in the Release Notes, available here... Hope this helps, let me know if you have any queries. Edward
  7. Hello, You can configure colour parameters to fade between cues in a chase in the same way you can configure intensity. To do this hold SETUP and tap your chases’s button. At the bottom of the window you can configure the colour fade percentage for the cue transition. All the best, Edward
  8. Hi Tim, OK thanks for the information. Hopefully the article helps you out. If you have any questions just let us know. Edward
  9. Hi all, Thanks for letting us know. We’ll take a look into this. Edward
  10. Hi Josh, As Kevin describes, FLX S consoles by default Move on Dark, and prepare a fixture’s colour, beam and position when a fixture has 0% intensity, for when the fixture is next used later in the cue stack. You will therefore need to have a cue where they are off, to allow this to happen. Some fixture’s do have the option to automatically go to 0% intensity when moving, however you’ll need to consult your fixture’s manual to see if this is possible. Hope this helps, let us know if you have any queries. Edward
  11. Hi Tim, By default, when RECORD is pressed on a FLX S console, tagged information in the programmer, and any other active playbacks, will be stored into your cue. If you would like ONLY tagged, programmer information to be recorded, you’ll need to ensure SmartTag is disabled on the console. To access this option, press and hold RECORD to open the Record Options window. In here you’ll see a SmartTag button. Press this to ensure it is disabled - indicated with a blue stripe. You can press RECORD to close this window. Now all future programming will only be storing programmer information. For more information on tagging, see the article below... http://support.zero88.com/1014189311/What-is-Tagging.htm (You seem to have created two duplicate posts so I have deleted the other). Hope this helps, if you have any queries let me know. Edward
  12. Hello, If you just wish to store intensity, you’ll need to ensure SmartTag is disabled. To do this set your intensities to the levels you’d like them at using the channel faders, then press and hold RECORD, and from the Record Options tap SmartTag, so that is has a blue stripe in the button. This will mean only tagged information in the programmer will be stored, ignoring anything else. If you have other information in the programmer, you may then use the attribute buttons in the record options window to choose to not store any specific tagged attributes. You can then tap the playback you wish to store to. Now only tagged information will be recorded. For more information on tagging, please see the article below... http://support.zero88.com/1014189311 Hope this helps, if you have any queries let me know. Edward
  13. Hi Kevin, I’ll take a look at this in further detail. As you say, if you have position parameters tagged, I would expect manually choosing to not record position in the Record Options window (Position with a blue stripe), would result in an ICBE effect palette, not ICBPE. With other palettes, only that specific attribute will be stored, unless SHIFT + RECORD is used to store all parameters into the palette. For more information on tagging, such as the different colour attribute stripes, see below... http://support.zero88.com/1014189311/What-is-Tagging.htm All the best, Edward
  14. Hi Zeljko, Please send us an email to support@zero88.com with this request, and Keith will be able to get back to you. All the best, Edward
  15. Hi Chris, Great OK, let us know if you don't think anything is quite as you expect. Edward
  16. Edward Z88


    Hi Robin, Hope Kevin's comment has helped you out. When each pixel is patched as its own fixture, all pixels can be selected, and effects can be offset across them. If you have any questions just let us know. Edward
  17. Hi Dan, This is correct looking at the fixture file. The movement effects are the only auto-effects that can be applied to this fixture. The reason intensity effects such as chases aren't available, is due to the fact this scanner doesn't have an intensity parameter, only a shutter parameter. A tip to quickly find the number of DMX slots a fixture uses - tap Add Fixtures, find the fixture, click Next, and type in a quantity greater than 1. The Patch Offset will display the DMX count of that fixture in brackets. Hope this helps, Edward
  18. Hi Kevin, Apologies for our slow response. Has Peachy's suggestion worked for you? Edward
  19. Hi Eric, We have received your email. Apologies for our delay, as Kevin mentions most of the team have been out of the office at the ABTT Trade Show. We will be working through our Support emails and Fixture requests next week. Edward
  20. Hi Martin, Sorry to hear this, we haven't come across this issue before. Can you confirm you are running ZerOS 7.9.5 on your console? You can find out by tapping Z -> System Information. Please could you send us a copy of this show file to us at support@zero88.com with a description of the issue, and we'll take a look and see if anything may be causing the issue. If you have any instances of this happening again, please do let us know. Hope this helps, let us know if you have any questions. Edward
  21. Hello, Not by using the Global BPM, however the Speed Override control on the console allows you to speed up/ slow down programmed effects on the currently viewed playback. Speed Override can be found on the second encoder wheel by pressing Z, or can be configured to an empty playback by holding SETUP and tapping an empty playback. The currently viewed playback can be selected by holding VIEW and tapping the playback's button. Global BPM will allow you to do this. More information can be found here... http://support.zero88.com/1011580981 I would then record a blank dummy playback, that contains triggers for both chases, in order for them to start at the same time. To do this, tap RECORD, and tap an empty playback. View this playback, and then tap the cue's Settings button. Then tap Macros... -> Trigger Cue Stacks, and select each chase. Click OK on the Macros window, and OK on the Settings window. Now when you raise this playback's fader, your chases will run together, at the speed of the Global BPM. The simplest way of doing this, is to enable "Fader controls colour" on your colour playbacks you wish to mix. Information on how to do this can be found here... http://support.zero88.com/1011405471 Hope this all helps, if you have any questions just let us know. Edward
  22. Hi Eric, Sorry to hear this. Thank you for emailing us your show file. We will take a look into what may have caused this and get back to you. All the best, Edward
  23. Hi Both, Apologies for my delay in replying. Many thanks David for creating that document. When MIDI Notes is set to playbacks, and Octaves are separated, this will give you full control of the playbacks. The device ID under MIDI Show Control is not relevant for MIDI Notes, this is for use only with the MSC protocol. Hope this helps, let me know if you have any questions. Edward
  24. Hi Chris and Eric, Haha very true! There is a list of requested tutorials growing. We plan to create these at the most convenient time to future-proof them - we will create them when we know there won’t be large operational/UI changes for a while! All the best, Edward
  25. Hi Dave, No - FLX S consoles only have access to the 45 auto effects. These can then be mixed and edited, which can then be stored as your own effect palettes. There is no way of accessing Waveforms on FLX S to create your own. A work around could be to create the effect Waveforms you would like blind, using Phantom ZerOS running as FLX. You’d then be able to load the show file into your FLX S to access the custom effect - bear in mind there is currently no way of importing just an effect palette into your show. Hope this helps, Edward
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