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Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Everything posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hello, Thanks for the request. You currently can't access Rem Dim from the ZerOS Remote App. If you are using the ZerOS Monitor app viewing the Faders desktop, you could assign a UDK to be a Rem Dim function, which you could then use via the app. Hope this helps, Edward
  2. Hi all, Thanks for your comments. We will bear this feature in mind - especially useful for when the consoles are on site-wide networks. Edward
  3. Hello, Glad to hear you solved the issue. Let us know if we can help with anything else. Edward
  4. Edward Z88

    My stupid questions

    Hi Kevin, Noted - will be creating more knowledge base articles soon. Edward
  5. Hi Philipp, Apologies for my delay in replying. 1 - Yes this is possible. The green faders are preset B, which are fixture numbers 25 through 48. Therefore simply tap SETUP, select your LED fixtures, and renumber them to be in the range of 25 - 48. If Dimmers are currently patched onto preset B which you aren't using, press and hold preset flash 25, and tap preset flash 48, to select 25 - 48. Then tap DELETE, to delete all of these fixtures from your show. Then you have renumbered your fixtures, tap SETUP, and then tap SPECIAL. Under Channel Button on the MFKs, this will allow you to configure the channel buttons to be Select buttons, meaning these buttons can select your LED fixtures, allowing you to use the MFKs and encoders to control them. 2 - You can change the channel fader preset mode to HTP rather than LTP. To do this tap SPECIAL -> Preset Mode -> HTP. Hope this helps, if you have any queries let me know. Edward
  6. Edward Z88

    My stupid questions

    Hi all, Apologies for the delay in replying, I have been out of the office - normal service will now resume! A "spreadsheet" style Program Window that shows what is recorded into cues isn't currently available on FLX series consoles - this remains currently only on ORB or Solution consoles. Currently as Kevin says, if I have recorded fixtures into a cue accidentally, go into the cue, select the fixtures you don't want, and click HOME, tap UPDATE -> ensure SmartTag is disabled, and tap Remove. Then tap the playback's button to complete the command. HOME is pressed as a quick way of tagging those fixtures you don't want. Fade times on Flash are currently only available on the Fade Up (using the cue time). For flash on fade up and down, the UDKs can be used. As Kevin mentions, the default encoder behaviour for effects is Absolute, meaning when an encoder is adjusted, all selected fixtures are given the parameter value displayed above the encoder wheel. For the offset parameter, this therefore means you are offsetting all fixtures by the same amount, resulting in no visible offset across the fixtures. This is where you can hold SHIFT and dial the encoder to fan the fixtures - the parameter will display the value of the first selected fixture. If you want to see the fanned value you have given for each fixture, you can use the Next/Previous fixture shortcut, of SHIFT + LEFT or RIGHT arrow keys, or SHIFT + EXCEPT or AND. There isn't an option to spread a mood board across your fixtures. You can however select a filter from a mood, jump to the colour picker, and then fan from this point in the colour spectrum. If you record an effect to a playback, you can configure the fader of the playback to control the effect, giving you both speed and size control. If you just want Speed control, you can use Speed Override, which will allow you to control the speed of the effect running in the currently viewed playback. Fader Controls will go from the fixture's current state, and allow you to fade through to the recorded state. White is often seen for LED fixtures, as the default for LED fixtures is the colour in white, so you fade from the defaults to the recorded colour. Could you elaborate on this one? As Kevin mentioned, I would use the Output Window's "Preview" mode for this, to show you information on the Next cue. This isn't currently available with effects - you would have to record an effect into a cue, and then have an auto-follow on cue afterwards that would stop the effect. Alternatively, you could record a chase. Chases have the Shots option to define the number of times the chase runs. Hold SETUP + tap EFFECT. Hold SHIFT, and choose "Fan Middle" or "Fan V". Click OK, and then hold SHIFT and dial the Offset parameter. Hope this helps, let me know if you have any queries, or any more questions. Edward
  7. Hi all, As Simon mentions, he has discovered an issue where Art-Net data doesn't seem to be streaming. We haven't heard any other reports of this yet, so if you are experiencing the same issue please let us know. AFX- that would be great if you could post back with your results. Let us know whether you find there is an issue. We are continuing to try and recreate this internally and struggling, which is very frustrating! Will post back when we have more information on the issue. If you have any queries just let us know. Edward
  8. Hi both, The new external desktops are available for both FLX S24 and S48. S48 can be accessed via the external monitor output, and S24 via the Remote Monitor. Hope this helps, Edward
  9. Hi Kevin, I have completed my degree, however Jon and I are both out of the office at the moment so our replies have been a little delayed. Many thanks for the information and investigation into this. I will take a look at this issue further when I have a physical console in front of me. All the best, Edward
  10. Hello, For this, type 1 THRU @ ., Tap RECORD, and then tap a UDK. Hold SETUP and tap the UDK to open its Settings. In the Flash function, change this to Latch, and change the mix mode to LTP. You can then configure fade times, and click OK. You should then find you can use this UDK to fade all fixtures to 0 over a fade time. Hope this helps, let me know how you get on. Edward
  11. Hi Claude, If so, your console is in basic programming mode. To change this, press SETUP -> Settings, and ensure Tracking Options are enabled. Then exit SETUP, and press and hold RECORD. The SmartTag option should be available - ensure that the console also has “Cue Only” selected, unless you would like to program cue stacks with tracking behaviour. Hope this helps, Edward
  12. Hello, As Kevin says, only parameters that you change will be recorded, if SmartTag is disabled. To access the Record Options, you can press and hold RECORD. In here ensure SmartTag has a blue stripe, meaning deselected. From now on, if you simply push up channel faders for your fixtures and tap RECORD, only intensity will be stored. Hope this helps, Edward
  13. Hi Petr, Great, glad to hear you have performed the software update. ZerOS 7.9.5 is now the latest release of ZerOS, released on May 17th 2019. As updating software from ZerOS 7.9.4 to 7.9.5 is easy, I would recommend doing this to keep your ORB XF up to date. ZerOS 7.9.5 is available to download from our website here... Once you have downloaded the software, simply unzip/extract the folder, and then copy the “ZerOS 7.9.5 USB OS Creator.exe” to the root of a USB stick. You can then plug the USB into your ORB XF, tap SETUP, choose Load File from the screen, and then click the software update to load in. The console will warn you your show file will be lost, and you can then proceed. For editing Home values, please see the guide below... http://support.zero88.com/1011411491 Hope this helps, let me know if you have any queries. Edward
  14. Edward Z88

    Save Show?

    Hello, As Kevin says, no internal storage on ZerOS consoles, other than the current show file and library. We do occasionally get requests for this. However the benefit of saving externally, means your show is safe even if the console is damaged. Users that have a few default show files for their console, sometimes use a small stubby “fit” USB stick in one of the side/spare USB ports, so there’s no risk of the USB getting snapped if the console is moved. This allows for multiple show files to be stored - and allows for easy show file editing on Phantom. All the best, Edward
  15. Hi Kevin, OK. We haven’t logged this yet, however will post back with a reference number when we have. Edward
  16. Hi Neil, The tracking mode of the console won’t effect this. In the Master Playback’s Settings, is it set to HTP Master, and HTP Fader Function? These are the defaults which will allow it to be mixed with other playbacks. If you’re still having difficulty, please email us your show file to support@zero88.com, and we’ll take a look to see if we can find the cause of the issue. All the best, Edward
  17. Hello, Really good to hear where FLX consoles are being used. Please let us know if you need help with anything, and please let us know of any extra features or improvements you would like to see on the consoles. We’re always interested to hear the comments from users. All the best, Edward
  18. Hi Oliver, Does this Fixture have a shutter and intensity parameter? You can check this by consulting your fixture’s manual. The shutter should be defaulted to open, meaning all you’ll need to do is raise the fixture’s intensity. This can be done by pressing FIXTURES, selecting your fixtures, and using the wheel, or pressing HOME. To check the shutter is open, tap BEAMSHAPE, until you find the shutter parameter. Hope this helps, Edward
  19. Hi Neil, As Ian mentions, I would recommend giving Keith a call, or emailing us at support@zero88.com, for instructions and advice on this. Edward
  20. Hi Neil, Out of interest, why are you recording a cue with the fixtures at 0% on the Master Playback? If you home your fixtures, tap RECORD, and then tap a playback button, the lighting state will be stored. Double pressing CLEAR, and then raising the playback fader will raise the intensity of the fixtures. If this is not the behaviour you are getting, it sounds as if a setting has been altered. To check the settings for your playback, hold SETUP and tap the playback’s button, then choose Raise & Lower. This should be set to Trigger on Raise, meaning your lighting state will output when the fader is raised. If it is disabled, you’ll find you’ll need to press the playback’s button, before you can raise the fader. If this option is disabled without you changing the playback, the console defaults have been altered. To check these tap SETUP -> Defaults -> Playback Defaults -> Raise & Lower -> Trigger on Raise, and make sure it’s enabled. If it isn’t, when you enable this all future playback you record should behave correctly. This means the fixtures have moved on dark, ready for when they’re next used in the playback. For more information, see the article below... http://support.zero88.com/1011707591 Hope this helps solve your issue. If you have any queries just let me know. Edward
  21. Hi Philp, It is not currently possible to configure a playback’s button to be a group select. This functionality is only possible on the full size FLX by programming a macro. As Kevin says, the reason your playback wasn’t getting recorded correctly was due to SmartTag being enabled, which ignores fixtures with 0% intensity. Hope this helps, Edward
  22. Hello, If you don’t want true colour mixing, then you can also use Fader Controls to allow to cross fade between your colour playbacks. To do this, see the article below... http://support.zero88.com/1011405471 Hope this helps, Edward
  23. Hi Kevin, OK thanks for clarifying. FLX won’t change modes automatically, unless a universe is getting full, so there’s something strange going on. Let me know if you get more information from Adam Hall. Edward
  24. Hi Kevin, Thanks for letting me know. Yes- sounds like either the code in the fixture file is incorrect, or the code the fixture is reporting is incorrect - either way when the console is detecting the fixture, it isn’t finding a fixture file in the library with matching RDM data, and is therefore creating its own basic one. If the fixture is set in the higher channel mode, I would expect FLX to detect this higher channel mode and patch it- unless the fixture is only giving information for the 2 channel mode over RDM. Out of interest, when the 2 channel mode is discovered and patched into FLX automatically, is the mode changed remotely on the fixture from the higher channel count to the 2 channel mode? Edward
  25. Hello, That’s great, glad to hear it. Let me know if you have any queries. Edward
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