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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Posts posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hi Tim,

    Sorry to hear this.

    Is there a DMX indicator on the dimmers/ splitter? Does this go off/display no DMX when this happens?

    Is there any correlation to the times it happens - for example is there something specific you are doing on the console when it happens?

    How often does this seem to occur?

    Are you able to send us your show file the issue is present in? If so please send this to support@zero88.com, with a link to this forum thread.

    Kind regards,


  2. Hi Matthew,

    If the console recalls the previous fader function on boot, there is no need for the option in Setup. The option planned for Setup was only going to be a "Boot option", and therefore when booted the user could still change the fader function if they wished.

    I appreciate, the ideal situation for your implementation would be to have a locked down "operator mode", where only faders can be operated from the iPad. When the console is locked, playbacks can be operated using the faders, however not via the remote.

    If you have any queries let me know.


  3. Hi Peter,

    As mentioned in the thread you linked to, the new effects aren’t loaded, if software is installed from a bootable USB drive, rather than running the install application on the console.

    2 hours ago, Howartp said:

    we tried "Setup > Load > install" but this bricked the console, wouldn't boot pass the segments going dizzy on the channel/page LCD.  Reloading via prepped stick has got the console working again.

    I haven’t seen this before. So when FLX displayed switch off the console, how long did you leave after turning the console off and on again? How long did you wait whilst the page segment display was loading? Did you see anything on the internal or external screens?

    All the best,


  4. Hi Benjamin,

    Did you swap your original fixture to your edited fixture? If so did you power cycle the console before exiting Setup? Changes made in setup are not stored until you exit setup, which may be why you changed the fixture, power cycled, and the old one was back again. 

    There is no way of deleting fixtures from the library on the console.

    As Kevin says, when loading in fixture profiles make sure they are named differently to those already in the library, otherwise you won’t be able to tell the difference between the two. 

    Hope this helps,


  5. Hi Matthew,

    Rather than having an option in Setup, instead FLX S consoles will now remember the fader function they were in before power off.

    You should therefore find if you change to playbacks, power cycle, the console will boot back up in playbacks. You can see this process happening, as now when you tap the fader function button, the save icon temporarily goes red, as that change is stored on the console.

    Hope this helps, let me know if you have any questions.


  6. Hi Ethan,

    When you press "Automatically Create Macros", these are Fixture Macros, which are generated from the currently patched fixtures.

    However, Macros can also be programmed, to save you button presses on the console. For example, you might program a macro that selects some fixtures, and takes you straight to the colour MFKs. 

    This would be programmed by using the following command:

    RECORD -> MACRO -> choose an empty Macro MFK -> Choose to record either keys, or the command line -> select your fixtures -> COLOUR -> MACRO. The macro is now stored, and now when you press this macro palette, the fixtures will be selected and colour will display on the MFKs. Macros can then be triggered by cues, meaning you could simply record a macro of the Playbacks page button being pressed, and then have this triggered by a cue in the cue stack when you need to access the next playback page.

    If you have any queries let me know.


  7. Hello,

    2 minutes ago, ethan1997may said:

    Hi there thank you very much for your reply it helped me out a lot. 

    No problem!

    2 minutes ago, ethan1997may said:

    1. Is there a highlight function on here for when I am setting up my positions?

    Yes, the shortcut for Highlight is SHIFT + HOME.

    3 minutes ago, ethan1997may said:

     2. Is there a way to edit the clear button so that I can choose what it clears rather than it clearing everything to its home position?

    Pressing the CLEAR button once will always clear any fixture selections, and a second press will clear any programmer data. If however you only want to clear the programmer of specific fixtures, you can use the Clear Fixture function. To access this function hold SETUP and tap INSERT. Using the drop-down menu, choose Clear Fixture. Now, pressing INSERT will clear the programmer of the currently selected fixtures.

    5 minutes ago, ethan1997may said:

     3. Lastly how to I setup a fader as a master override speed control? 

    To do this hold SETUP and tap an empty playback. From the options choose Speed Override, and click OK. This fader will now also control Speed Override, as well as the pot next to the Master Playback. If you tap SUBMASTERS, the external monitor will show you the fader's functionality.

    Hope this helps, let us know if you have any other questions.


  8. Hello,

    ENTTEC Wings are no longer supported by ZerOS. You will therefore have to run an old software version on your FLX to be able to use them.

    What software version are you running on your FLX? You can find out by tapping Z -> System Information.

    If you are on an older version, you will be able to connect your wing, FLX, and other network devices into an ethernet switch. You can then tap SETUP -> Wings on FLX, and ensure FLX is also set to receive a DHCP IP address if the wings are also configured that way.

    Kind regards,


  9. Hello,

    This is logged on our system as issue reference ZOS-9415. This has come about due to the new desktops being implemented. 

    The quickest way of getting back to the cue stack on boot, is to press VIEW, then SHIFT + VIEW, if you don't have a mouse/touch screen connected.

    If you have any queries let us know.


  10. Hello,

    13 hours ago, ethan1997may said:

    1. Is it possible to mix effects on playbacks so say I have a tilt effect on playback 1 and a pan effect on playback 2 if I use both those faders would they mix effects or would one take over from the other?

    By default, these playbacks wouldn't mix - instead LTP rules would be used, so whichever playback you moved latest will be output. However, you can enable Fader Controls Effect on these playbacks. This will mean the fader will scale the Speed and Size of the effect, and so you would then be able to raise both faders to 50% for example, and have both Pan and Tilt movement. For more information on Fader Controls, see below...


    13 hours ago, ethan1997may said:

    2. Is it possible for a playback to control the size of effect?

    As I mentioned above, configuring Fader Controls Effect, will give you the ability to control the Speed and the Size of the effect using the playback's fader. If you just wish to control an effect's speed, you can use the Speed Override control. You can set any empty playback to be a Speed Override control, or you can use the dedicated pot for this next to the Master Playback. The Speed Override will give you control over the currently viewed playback, so press and hold MEMORIES and tap the playback you wish to view.

    13 hours ago, ethan1997may said:

     3 Is there anyway of pixel mapping with the solution or if not is this something you are going to implement in the future?

    There is no way of Pixel Mapping on Solution consoles - you just have the ability to use the on board effects engine. Pixel Mapping will be coming to FLX, not Solution.

    Hope this helps, if you have any queries let me know.


  11. Hi JP,

    Yes as Kevin says, when programming a light show, this is normally done by programming a cue stack per song, and the cues within that stack would be triggered using a time code, such as MIDI Time Code. For more information on MIDI on ZerOS, see below...


    Solution consoles have the ability to be upgraded, to allow for MIDI Input. For more information on this, see the article below...


    Hope this helps, if you have any queries let me know.


  12. Hi Dan,

    16 hours ago, danh said:

    So unfortunately it seems I spoke too soon - MIDI timecode stopped working today during a programming session, and when I checked the read out on the console it was stuck on the time that the timecode failed, rather than displaying 'not connected' or whatever else. I can 100% confirm that my Motu Fastlane was functioning correctly and still giving out time code correctly.

    Sorry to hear this. Was this running ZerOS 7.9.5? The software version can be found on your FLX by tapping Z -> System Information, listed next to "Software Version".

    16 hours ago, danh said:

    Say for example I've got two moving heads and I applied a figure of 8 effect to them and hit record to a new cue in my stack (tracking enabled). This all works fine, however what if I want to also add a chase to the intensity values of these moving heads, causing them to alternate between 0% and 100% to a given BPM? 

    You have 2 options here. This first, is to edit the playback, so that the cue contains both a position and intensity effect. To do this playback your position effect, select your fixtures (or double tap ENTER to select anything on above 0%), tap EFFECT, choose an intensity effect you would like, and apply an offset using the offset buttons along the top of the effects window. Then tap UPDATE, and tap your playback's button.

    The other option is to record an intensity effect or an intensity chase onto another playback. When you have done this you will then need to go into this playback's settings, and change the Intensity Mixing to Latest Takes Precedence. Click OK, and now when you fade your chase up over the top of your position the fixture's intensity will be lowered, revealing the chase/effect running.

    Hope this helps and makes sense, if you have any queries let me know.


  13. Hi all,

    Hope you're well.

    After further investigations, we have discovered the ZerOS Library file, which contains the new automatic Effect palettes, does not get installed if software updates are performed using the OLD installation method, of creating a bootable USB drive on a Windows PC. The new method of simply loading the software application into the console works correctly.

    The new method is described on page 7 of the release notes, under "Consoles running ZerOS 7.8.3 or later". The release notes can be downloaded here...

    In ZerOS 7.9.6 we will ensure the file is included in the old installation method too.

    Hope this helps, if you have any queries please let us know.


  14. Hi Loz,

    When you are in Program Mode on the Jester ML, tap the colour palette you wish to name, press the right arrow key to select the name field, and then press ENTER. The MFKs will then allow you to type in the name, or you can use a USB keyboard.

    Hope this helps,


  15. Hello,

    On 6/28/2019 at 7:17 AM, nbaldwin said:

    Apologies for the long text, trying to add as much detail in the hope that it triggers something.

    No problem at all, many thanks for the information.

    On 6/28/2019 at 7:17 AM, nbaldwin said:

    There's definitely something weird going on. The thing is I can't understand why I'm only really noticing this behavior now after updating to 7.9.4 about 12 months ago. Possibly this is because old shows (we mainly reuse shows and modify) seem to 'convert' OK but creating stuff from scratch (which doesn't happen often) is when all the problems start.

    From your description, I am not sure why those movers aren't being stored into cue 2. Please could you send us a copy of this show file to support@zero88.com, along with a description of what fixtures you wish to recorded, and we'll take a look to see what is going on.


  16. Hello,

    Macros can only be triggered by cues. Therefore releasing a playback by pulling the fader down can’t trigger a macro. 

    What you could do however, is Record a blank second cue onto the playback. In this cue, trigger a macro that deselected your fixtures, and also add a release macro that releases its own playback. Then go into the playback settings (hold SETUP and tap the playback’s button), tap Raise and Lower, and press disable release on lower. 

    Now, you can fade your playback up, then fade it down, and then press the playback’s button, which will release the playback and deselect the fixtures. 

    Hope this helps, if you have any queries let me know. 


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