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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Edward Z88

Zero 88 Alumni
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Everything posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hi Sven, That's correct - an example in this situation would be to have each song number as the hour number, and then the timings specific to that song. For example song 1 could start on 01:00:00:00 and have its specific timings, and then song 2 would start at 02:00:00:00. After the first song your MIDI source could then stop the first clock, and start the next for each song. Hope this helps, Edward
  2. Hi Sven, Currently you can’t use MIDI Triggers on Phantom. You can however configure MIDI settings, save the show, and load into the console for use with a physical MIDI connection. For more information, take a look at the article below... http://support.zero88.com/990063141 Hope this helps, Edward
  3. Hi Chris, At the point of recording the Colour Effect, the fixture's position parameters must have been tagged. For example after recording your position effect, if you select your fixtures and tap HOME, then apply your colour effect, and then record this to a playback, all parameters including position will have been tagged. Therefore the fixtures will go back home when the playback is raised. Whereas if you select your fixtures and type @@ (or any other method to control just intensity), then apply the colour effect, only intensity and colour will be tagged in that playback. You can therefore layer the position and colour effects across the same fixtures. Hope this helps, Edward
  4. Good Guess!! Edward
  5. Hi Chris, On Solution and ORB series consoles, there are 6 remote switches, and so the 6 keyboard shortcuts keep this compatible across the range. A request to map Remote switches 7 & 8 to a keyboard shortcut for FLX is logged on our tracking system as reference number ZOS-9497. Cheers, Edward
  6. Hello, You could do this through creating a custom fixture file. The Fixture Editor, along with a user guide, are available here... http://support.zero88.com/Fixture-Library/975405071/Fixture-Tools.htm Edward
  7. Hello, UV is outside the visible spectrum, and so cannot be accurately used on the colour picker. With chips such as Lime or Amber, fixtures use different hues and saturations of these chips, so they are hard to give a defined wavelength and position on the colour picker. RGB and therefore W, have theoretically much more easily defined wavelengths of emission, and so therefore can accurately be placed on the picker and used for mixing. Hope this helps, Edward
  8. Hello, I would recommend dropping us an email to support@zero88.com, and our Service Manager Keith will be able to get back to you. I'm sure Ian Knight will be along soon too, who will also have suggestions for what may be the cause. Edward
  9. Hello, Please find an updated fixture file attached for the Stairville MH X200 Pro Spots... MHX200ProSpot.ift Copy this file to USB, plug into the console, tap SETUP -> Load, and choose the fixture file to load in. You can then go to the Fixture Schedule, select your existing Stairville MH X200 Pro Spots, tap Change Profiles, and replace the fixture for the new personality labelled "EDIT". You can then click OK, exit Setup, click Auto Create Beam palettes, and you should find the gobo images load in correctly. Hope this helps, if you have any queries let me know. Edward
  10. Hello, Amber and UV Controls will be available for the fixture on the encoder wheels. If they don’t appear when the fixture is selected, tap Colour again. Hope this helps, Edward
  11. Hello, To confirm - are these fixtures Stairville MH X200 Pro Spots? I can't find MHX200 scans in the library. I have been able to recreate this issue with the Pro Spots in both modes. Taking a look at our library file, the images are correctly formatted. I will continue to investigate this and get back to you. The latest manual for Solution is currently ZerOS 7.9.2, available here... https://zero88.com/manuals/IM9210 - Solution Manual Issue 2.0.pdf For changes since this software version, see the software release notes, available with the software downloads here... https://zero88.com/forum/files/category/4-legacy/ ZerOS 7.9.5 is the latest software for Solution, available with release notes here... Just so you're aware, the latest Zero 88 Fixture Library is version 38, available from our website here... Hope this helps, if you have any queries let me know. Edward
  12. Hello, Please could you send a copy of your Fixture File to FixtureSupport@zero88.com, where one of the team will take a look to see what may be causing this. If you have any questions just let us know. Edward
  13. Hello, FLX S24 will colour mix using Red, Green, Blue and White colour parameters if they are available with the selected fixture. In your fixture file, Red, Green and Blue parameters will need a "Special" definition for their parameters. You will need to ensure this is set to "Red - Positive", "Green - Positive" and Blue - Positive". White does not need a Special definition. If White is present, as you select more unsaturated colours, RGB is reduced, and white is increased. You can also see this, as by default with an RGBW fixture, the White auto colour palette will have white at full, RGB at 0. The reason for this is to allow for the fixture's shade of white to be used for colour mixing, not adding other chips. Hope this helps, Edward
  14. Hello, As Kevin says, Speed Override will do this for you. It will control the speed of the currently viewed playback - so first you'll need to press and hold VIEW and tap the playback button of your effect. You can then use the Speed Override encoder by pressing Z/Shift, or configure a Speed Override fader by pressing SETUP and tap an unprogrammed playback. All the best, Edward
  15. Hello, Very true - in some circumstances SmartTag is very powerful, however it does have drawbacks such as this. SmartTag is something we would like to revise - which is also related to choosing which playbacks could get recorded into cues. No date on this yet, as this would take a lot of time implement, and would require very extensive testing! All the best, Edward
  16. Hi Wosti, No problem, for future reference the Remote app pass code can be found on the console by tapping SETUP -> Devices -> Remote -> Security. Edward
  17. Hi Hendrik, Sorry to hear this. Please could you resend your original email, and also footage of the fault to support@zero88.com, and one of the team will be able to take a look. Feel free to link to this thread, and explain the console has been shipped back to the dealer. All the best, Edward
  18. That’s great, thanks for letting me know. Edward
  19. Hi David, Many thanks for posting that’s great to see. For reference, it is also worth mentioning that CTRL + F1 through to CTRL + F6 on an external keyboard, mimic the first 6 remote switch triggers. Edward
  20. Hi Romec, No problem - if you have any other questions just let us know. Edward
  21. Hi Jolyon, The console software application is the ZerOS OS Creator USB - v7.9.5 17-5-2019 MD.exe. Please try downloading again from the link, and follow the install instructions available in the release notes here... Let me know how you get on. Edward
  22. Hi Romec, That's correct, in some situations you may want the steps of the macro to execute over a longer period - for example when entering or exiting Setup using a "keys" Macro. Edward
  23. Hi Rigo, The Reset DMX Outputs option in Setup will temporarily reset the DMX outputs for a few seconds, and then return the output to the previous values. More information can be found in the manual here... http://support.zero88.com/975242041 You therefore should be able to use the console as normal without loosing show data or requiring a software update. If you have tried doing this and experienced issues, try power cycling the console. Hope this helps, Edward
  24. Hi Romec, When macros have been programmed, they can't be edited. When you recall a macro, you will see the commands being typed in the command line. If you wish you can slow the playback speed. To do this hold SETUP and tap the Macro tile in the macros window, and from the Speed drop down choose Slow. Macros can include as many button presses as you wish. If you wanted this to be a macro, you would tap RECORD -> MACRO -> 1 -> Commands -> [fixture number] -> [attribute key followed by palette number] -> RECORD -> [attribute key followed by palette number you wish to overwrite] -> ENTER -> MACRO. Edward
  25. Hello, If you turn the console on, tap Z/Shift -> System Information, is the software still displaying ZerOS Edward
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