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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Posts posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hi Eric,

    The Fader Controls option allows parameters of the enabled attributes, to be scaled manually from their current value, to their programmed value, rather than snapping or fading as soon as the playback is triggered.

    If you have a playback where you would like to enable Fader Controls position, go into the playback settings, and choose position. Now this fader will control the intensity, but also the position of the recorded fixtures.

    Hope this helps,


  2. Hi Serge,

    Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum, glad to hear you’re using FLX S.

    There is a known issue changing playback fader functions to one of the manual fade options, and then back to default again. You are correct, the best way to rectify the issue is copy the playback to an empty playback, and then copy back over the top of the original. This will be repaired in a future software update, but there is no date on this yet.

    If you have any questions just let us know. 


  3. 25 minutes ago, scottydog75 said:

    Great to hear that 7.9.6 and a new manual is 'very' close to release! I have been waiting for the new manual for ages!

    As of today, we have ZerOS 7.9.6 running on our consoles in house. We are working on finishing manuals and release notes, and we will then be able to release.


  4. Hi Martin,

    Yes, unless we find any issues with the software in the next week, we are happy to release ZerOS 7.9.6 very soon. Internally we have had minor revisions since the ZerOS release candidate.

    Entirely up to you whether you’d like to wait for ZerOS 7.9.6. If you are happy with ZerOS 7.9.4 for now, you may as well stay on that software version, and upgrade straight to 7.9.6 when released. 

    If you have any questions let me know.


  5. Hi Roger,

    Is the strip blinder patched as a single fixture on your Solution or as 10 individual dimmers? If patched as 10 individual dimmer channels, you can use the automatic Chaser effects, and apply an offset. If you have a single fixture patched with each Lamp under the "Beamshape" attribute, you will need to go to the Waveforms tab of the Effects window, and apply a Sine wave, speed, size and offset for each lamp. To open the Effects window, hold SHIFT and tap EFFECT.

    Hope this helps, if you have any questions let us know.


  6. Hi Roger,

    If you are running the latest release software, when you press "Automatically Create Effect Palettes" 45 auto effects should be created. ZerOS 7.9.5 is the latest release software for Solution. If only one effect palette is created, please try installing ZerOS 7.9.5 again.

    ZerOS 7.9.5 can be downloaded from our website here...

    Installation instructions can be found here...


    Hope this helps, if you have any questions let us know.


  7. Hi Kevin,

    Macros are only required if you want a single Note command to emulate a Go button press. In most uses of MIDI Notes as the article describes, the Note number you send to the console, will trigger that cue number on the viewed playback.

    I will however add this information as a tip under the Note's Cues section.


  8. Hi All,

    Apologies for the lengthy delay on this. Due to the delay in getting the manual out, we have taken the decision to release the manual alongside ZerOS 7.9.6, to help future proof it.

    ZerOS 7.9.6 has been in release candidate stage since mid-July. We are planning to release this month.

    If you have any questions let us know.

    All the best,


  9. Hi Simon,

    With MIDI Notes, each individual Note command triggers each individual cue. For example when the console is set to Notes triggering Cues, and it receives a MIDI Note On 10 command, the console will trigger cue 10 in the currently viewed playback. 

    If you wanted to simply emulate a Go button press with the same MIDI Note command, you could do this, however via programming a Macro. 

    Firstly, program a macro that presses your Go button. You can do this by tapping RECORD MACRO x ENTER (where x is an empty macro number) -> Keys -> Press your Playback's Go button -> MACRO. Now, view an empty playback, and program an empty cue. Go into this cue's settings -> Macros... -> Macro Add -> Choose your Macro -> OK -> OK. Now, whenever you send a MIDI Note 1 command and you are viewing this single cue macro playback, it will emulate a Go button press of your main cue stack.

    Hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know.



  10. Hi Joe,

    Hope you're well.

    No date on Stage Sizing yet. We require a new fixture library for this, to gain more information such as Pan and Tilt ranges.

    The current plan for the road-map is the new fixture library will be released as ZerOS 7.9.7, and so Stage Sizing will then be able to be released after ZerOS 8.


  11. Hello,

    Yes, for this I'd program a new playback. Record 50 cues, each one turning each pixel from your chosen blue, to your chosen orange. I'd recommend using palettes for this, so that if you wish to change your night time blue, or your sunrise orange, you can update the colour palettes and all 50 cues update automatically. As you step through each fixture and change it from blue to orange, you may find the SHIFT + Right Arrow key shortcut helpful, for selecting the Next fixture.

    Then for each cue set a colour fade of 30 seconds, and an Auto With trigger, with a wait of 6 seconds. I'd recommend temporarily changing the console fade time defaults, to save you having to change 50 cue's fade times. To do this tap SETUP -> Defaults -> Cue Colour Fade.

    You can then trigger this playback from a cue in your Master Playback if you wish, whenever you need to use this sunrise effect.

    Hope this helps,


  12. Hello,

    Thank you for the request. 

    As you say, FLX has 4 physical UDK buttons, however 40 in total across 10 playback pages. They are page locked by default. There are no plans to add UDKs to FLX S consoles, as this is a more advanced feature.


  13. Hi Mac,

    There's currently no way of preventing a playback from being inhibited by another playback that is soloed. However, UDKs won't be inhibited by a playback being soloed. You could therefore have an intensity programmed for your FOH on a UDK that can be latched on before you solo a playback.

    Hope this helps, 


  14. Hello,

    Sorry to hear this. 

    Have you created a show file from a fresh install, or have you loaded an existing show file into the new software? Please could you send us a copy of this show file to support@zero88.com, and we’ll take a look to see if there’s anything causing the issue.

    Has the console offered to dump a debug file to USB? If so could you send these across?

    It is possible to roll back the software to ZerOS 7.9.4 if you wish, however we haven’t come across this issue before. ZerOS 7.9.4 can be downloaded here...

    For information on setting Default values, see below...


    2 hours ago, MihiGyver said:

    By the way it would be awesome to have a second window with White, Amber, and UV or what ever needed by the color picker. (Im thinking about buing rgbwauv par)

    The colour picker will use RGBW chips for colour mixing if present. Other chips will be available via the encoders. 

    Hope this helps, if you have any questions just let us know. 


  15. Hello,

    See if there is a “Shutter” parameter or similar under the Beam attribute. What value is this set to? 

    Most fixtures personalities should be configured so that when intensity is raised, you will achieve White light output. Therefore parameters such as RGBW or Shutter are preset at values specified in the fixture’s manual to allow this. 


  16. Hi Steve,

    Just to confirm, what console is this on? What software version were you running previously before updating?

    I would recommend doing a fresh install of ZerOS 7.9.5, using the instructions available here...


    Once ZerOS 7.9.5 is freshly installed, you should find new effects are available when you press the "Auto Create Effects" button.

    If loading in the show file into the freshly installed software is still causing issues, please send us a copy of your show file to support@zero88.com, and one of the team will take a look to see what may be causing the issues.

    Hope this helps,


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