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Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Everything posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hi @scottydog75 This is indeed strange behaviour, and is most likely down to the venue’s dimmers. What dimmers are they? Sounds like they could be doing some form of load limiting (either intentionally or incorrectly!). The DMX Outputs window on the console shows the raw outputs of the console, and won’t lie. Copy your playback to an empty playback, hold SETUP and tap the button of the playback you pasted, Advanced > Renumber. The “last cue” field now shows the total cues in that playback. Hope this helps.
  2. No problem at all - really pleased to hear that solved the issue. Let us know if there's anything else we can help with.
  3. In Setup > Universes > DMX, can you doublecheck that RigSync is definitely disabled on port 1, and enabled on port 2... https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/setup/universes/dmx-2 The RDM information for this fixture is included in the latest library, so ZerOS should automatically patch the fixture from the library when it is discovered.
  4. Fixtures must have default values. It is therefore not possible to remove parameters, because they must have a default value assigned. You are therefore essentially always "updating" when recording to the Home key. DELETE HOME is a special operation, that reverts the values to the library defaults (but of course does not remove parameter data). Hope this makes sense.
  5. Effect data (Speed, Size, etc) cannot be stored as a fixture's default values. However, if a fixture's parameters were referencing the values stored in an effect palette, these values would get stored in the fixtures Defaults, as per any other parameter referencing a palette. So if you apply a [Rainbow - Warm] effect, and then RECORD > HOME > Default, RGB will store a reference to E23 (effect palette 23). Yep, that is the best solution: select the fixtures, set the desired colour values, such as applying colour palette 1 [White], and then RECORD > HOME > Default.
  6. Hi @Les Green Welcome to the forum. I believe my colleague Keith has replied to your email regarding this. I think @thierry has hit the nail on the head - you'll need to make sure your channel faders are in "LTP" mode, rather than "HTP" mode. When in LTP mode, the channel faders can be used to reduce the levels of intensities active in cues. When in HTP mode, the channel faders mix with the active cues, rather than override them. The Channel Mix Mode can be set from the SPECIAL MFKs. As a side note, we would recommend using the UPDATE key when adding/removing lights from an existing cue. To do this, go into a cue, make your changes, tap UPDATE, and then tap the playback's GO button. Hope this helps.
  7. The issue here is that you are unblocking cue only. Let's say cue 11 is blocked, and cue 12 tracks from cue 11. If you unblock cue 11 (UPDATE > SmartTag > GO), you are removing data from the cue. If you are doing this as a "Cue Only" update, this means the console will remove blocked data from cue 11, and add that removed data back into cue 12, to make sure that cue 12 looks exactly how it was programmed. This is exactly the same as if you were to turn a light off in a cue, and do this as a Cue Only update - the console would need to add the light into the next cue, so the next cue looks how you originally programmed it. In your example, cue 12 then may become partially blocked, as it is now telling fixtures to go to values they were at in the previous cue. So, in this example you could update cue 11 with SmartTag and Track Forwards enabled, and this would unblock the current cue, and would not add/remove data to/from the next cue. I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any questions.
  8. Hi @LLuk Before unblocking cue 10, are you sure that cue 11 wasn’t also blocked? If you went into cue 10 and then cue 11, were the fixture’s intensity percentages displayed in white in the Output window in both cues? Unblocking cue 10 would not also unblock cue 11, so you’d find that the intensity percentages were purple in cue 10 when unblocked, and white again in cue 11. As mentioned, you’ll have to do this if you want to unblock every cue in the stack…
  9. Excellent - pleased to hear it. Let us know if there's anything else we can help with.
  10. Hi @Stan Vigurs Were you raising fixture 14's channel fader, and noticing that it was also adjusting fixture 26's intensity? If so, I would recommend testing your console's faders. To do this, switch off the console, and then switch it on with the SETUP key held down. After around half a minute, the console will boot into Test Mode, with a virtual front panel shown on the internal touchscreen. Please move each fader up and down, and check that the console is registering the level of the faders correctly. If a physical fader's level does not match the fader level the console is registering onscreen, or a physical fader activates a different fader onscreen, please let me know, and I can advise the best steps to take. To exit Test Mode, switch the console off and back on again, and it will then boot normally. Please let us know if you have any questions.
  11. Hi @kgallen Thanks for the suggestion. I'll share this with the marketing team.
  12. This has been clarified... https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/setup/settings/record-update#tracking Please let me know if you have any questions.
  13. Let's say these fixtures are on in cue 1, and you want them to fade down over 15 seconds in cue 2. In cue 2, program the first 8 fixtures @ 0%, and the remaining 2 @ 25%. You can then set the Fade Down time of cue 2 to 15 seconds, so that the first 8 fixtures fade to 0% and the remaining 2 fade to 25% over 15 seconds. Please see the link below for more information... https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/cues-playbacks/cue-times Apologies if I have misunderstood your question. Please let me know if you have any questions.
  14. That is correct. The Tracking Options in the Record Options window (accessed on the external monitor upon pressing RECORD) can be used during programming. The option in Setup > Settings > Record & Update is different and should NOT be used during programming. As per most options in Setup, the logic is that you configure the console Settings first, prior to programming.
  15. I think we'd need a little more information to find an explanation for this. Maybe if you upload the showfile this will be enough for Edward to try "unblock" and give you an explanation if the unblocking doesn't work for a specific fixture. @LLuk - as Kevin mentions, a show file would be very handy, as this may indicate the cause of the blocked values. More information here... https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/cues-playbacks/playback-settings/advanced
  16. Hi @LLuk As @kgallen mentions, without knowing how you have programmed your Cue Stack, my guess would be that you have been copying cues. Upon "pasting" a cue, you may find you encounter blocked values, where a fixture in the pasted cue is now told to do something it is already doing. With SmartTag enabled, you can go into the cue, tap UPDATE > GO, and this will unblock the cue. Please let us know if you have any questions.
  17. Hi Brett, Changing the “Tracking Options” in Setup > Settings > Record & Update can change the data stored in cues. This should therefore only be set prior to programming. The best way to view this setting is switching the console between “Normal” mode (Tracking options enabled), and “Beginner” mode (Cue Only). Please see this link for more information… https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/setup/settings/record-update#tracking The option in Setup > Settings > Record & Update, is NOT the same setting as the one found in the Record Options window. In the Record Options, you can switch between Tracking and Cue Only whilst programming without issue. See the link below for more information… https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/cues-playbacks/record-options/tracking Unless you can load in a previous show file, you will need to update your “broken” cues. See the link below for information on creating RGB colour mixing playbacks… https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/cues-playbacks/playing-back-cues/rgb-colour-mixing-on-playbacks I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any questions.
  18. Hi @scottydog75 When you record an effect palette, by default only effect information will be included. This means the base intensity value that the effect is running above and below, is not included. In your example, you are therefore applying the intensity effect whilst the fixtures are @ 0. The effect is therefore running from -50% to +50%. If you select the fixtures, and @ 50 ENTER them, you should see the effect then runs as intended (0% to 100%). To include all information including intensity into an effect palette, hold SHIFT and tap RECORD, and then tap the effect palette to store to. Hope this helps.
  19. I have doublechecked the Shark Wash One 7-channel mode, and the Shark Zoom Wash One in 8-channel mode. As these modes do not have colour mixing, you will need to choose a colour using the "Colour Mix" parameter to achieve light output. To do this, raise the fixture's fader, tap the "Colour" tab at the top, and then press the button in the middle of the "Colour Mix" parameter's encoder wheel. This will show all of the available colours, allowing you to tap the colour you want. You can then tap the encoder's button again to close. You could then store this colour as the fixture's default colour if you wanted to, so that the next time you raise the fixture's intensity, it comes on in this colour. Please click the link below for information on customising a fixture's default parameter values... https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/controlling-fixtures/defaults I hope this helps. Please let us know if you have any questions.
  20. I can confirm this issue will be fixed in the next ZerOS update for Solution consoles.
  21. Oh of course - I’d forgotten Multiplay. I did actually use Multiplay on a couple of shows many moons ago - I just used it for audio though, not triggers.
  22. The following is an OSC string/address: zeros/cue/go/1/5 Whereas the following would be the same OSC message, but sent as arguments: /zeros/cue/go “1”, “5”
  23. Hi @thierry Thank you for the information. Fixture Macro MFKs are not activating fixture macros on Solution consoles. This issue is logged on our system as reference number ZOS-11852, to allow our software team to investigate further. Please let us know if you have any questions.
  24. Hi @thierry Have you doublechecked Macro 1011 is definitely the "Lamp On" macro for the Robe Robin 600E Spots, and isn't the Lamp On macro for a different type of fixture? To check, open the Macros window on the external monitor (SHIFT+MACRO), and then select the Robin 600E Spots. You should see a "Robin 600E Spot" tab appear at the top of the Macro window, showing you the macros for this fixture. You should see a [Lamp On, Fixture Non Position Reset] macro, with its macro ID displayed, which is the Lamp On macro for the fixture. To access this Macro on the MFKs, select the fixtures, tap MACRO, page down to the fixture macros (which start @ MFK page 51 onwards), and then find the correct Macro ID to activate. Let us know if you have any questions.
  25. Just to be clear, "CSC Show Control", is different to "SCS Show Cue System". If neither achieve what you're after, unfortunately I'm not sure of any others!
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