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Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Posts posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hi Mac,

    Really glad to hear you purchased the dongle - you can now output 16 universes of DMX over ArtNet or sACN, which is very powerful from a PC based system.

    There are no files on the dongle, so you won’t be able to copy an unlock file from it.

    The dongle can however be used with any Windows PC. PhantomZerOS will only be unlocked whilst the dongle is connected. 

    When you are running PhantomZerOS as a FLX with the dongle connected, you can check Phantom has been unlocked, by pressing SHIFT + F9 to open System Information. You can then press System Info, and the dongle hardware should be shown at the bottom of the list.

    Hope this helps and makes sense, if you have any questions let me know. 


  2. Hi Mac,

    27 minutes ago, Uriahdemon said:

    I have tried previously to have a fixtures output to additional DMX addresses but did not have any joy.  I will look at this again this evening.  Tks for your help again

    No worries - let me know how you get on.


  3. Hi Phil,

    ZerOS 7.9.5 is the software version that introduced full Art-Net 4 implementation.

    You will therefore need to roll back to ZerOS 7.9.4, if you wish to continue using the N4 gateway.

    If you no longer have a copy of ZerOS 7.9.4 and would like to have a fresh copy, please send me an email, and I'll be able to give you access to this.


  4. Hi Mac,

    On 10/16/2019 at 12:29 PM, Uriahdemon said:

    The question is what if I get to a venue and they have 8 movers.


    23 hours ago, kgallen said:

    I think only if they are of the same type of mover.

    Kevin is correct, this would only work if they were the same model/mode as the existing programmed movers. To add these into the show file, you could either address them to the same DMX address as the existing fixtures, so they will be a clone of one another, or you could tap SETUP, and in the Fixture Schedule add additional DMX addresses to your existing fixtures. Again, the same information will then be sent to the additional addresses.

    To do this, your best option would be to have plenty of movers in your show file, all pre-programmed in palettes and playbacks. When you get to a venue, you could ten use some of these dummy fixtures, and change their profiles to the fixtures in the venue. All programming will then work on these fixtures.

    23 hours ago, kgallen said:

    I know palettes are referenced, but I'm not sure about groups, so that bit of my sentence above could be a non-starter too...

    Groups can be used to reference intensities, not reference selection. 

    For more information see below...


    Hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know.


  5. Hello,

    On 10/16/2019 at 12:00 PM, Aivar said:

    So, that means I have to have two separate playback faders - one with "fader controls colour enabled" (but without colors fading when alternating in chase) and the other "colour disabled" (colors fading can be controlled when alternating chase)?

    Yes, you could do this if you wish.


  6. Hi Phil,

    What ArtNet gateway are you using?

    Are you using one of these...?


    We have found that early versions of these units are running firmware, that has an issue with the ArtNet communication. This results in the device working with earlier versions of the ArtNet protocol, but is not ArtNet 4 compliant, which is the protocol streamed from FLX. 

    There doesn't seem to be a way of updating the firmware on these units, so unfortunately you will either need to replace the ArtNet gateway, or roll back to an earlier version of ZerOS.

    Hope this helps and makes sense, if you have any questions let us know.


  7. Hi Karl,

    Thanks for letting us know. 

    This is an option in the fixture editor software, under the fixture’s parameter’s details. 

    We will look to add the switched encoder rather than range encoders to relays 6 thru 12 in a future library update.

    If you have any questions let us know. 


  8. Hi Joe,

    Automatically updating Next cues after renumbering cues in a playback is something we are looking to implement in a future software version. 

    This is logged on our software enhancement system as reference number ZOS-8373.

    If you have any questions let us know.


  9. Hi Phil,

    Has the console booted since performing the software update, or does the LCD continually spin whilst the console is powered?

    If the console is failing to boot, please download a fresh copy of ZerOS 7.9.6 from the website here...

    Please follow the instructions available below, which detail how to perform the software update from a bootable USB stick...


    If you have any questions let me know.


  10. Hi Mac,

    4 minutes ago, Uriahdemon said:

    Would this type of thing do the job....??   https://www.thomann.de/gb/showtec_net_8_5.htm

    Yes, that's an 8 port Ethernet to DMX gateway. It doesn't however support the sACN protocol, so you would have to use the ArtNet protocol on FLX.

    5 minutes ago, Uriahdemon said:

    So I am guessing the FX4 is for perhaps receiving a converted sACN/Artnet signal from an 

    13 minutes ago, Edward- Z88 said:

    "Ethernet to DMX gateway"

    to breakout to fixtures on the stage.

    Many venue installs will use Ethernet cabling from a patch room up to ports on the rig bars. This can be cheaper than using dedicated RS-485 cabling, and can double up of either being DMX or an Ethernet signal. If you were sending DMX, you could then use the Stairville unit to get to standard XLR DMX connectors to plug into fixtures.

    8 minutes ago, Uriahdemon said:

    Also should I be using Artnet or sACN please.....??

    ArtNet and sACN both have their pros and cons. Both have slightly different feature sets on top of the basic DMX over Ethernet functionality.

    If you wish to use the unit you linked to, as I mentioned you'll have to use ArtNet. If you were interested though, there are many books available discussing these and other lighting networking protocols. A quick search shows the popular ones...

    Google Books

    1 hour ago, Uriahdemon said:

    enabled both Artnet and SACN (as I was not sure which to use)

    As a general rule, unless configuring specific universe routing, only use one protocol to stream DMX over Ethernet at a time.

    Hope this helps,


  11. Hi Mac,

    As Kevin says, the  Stairville FX4 is purely for receiving DMX data (RS-485, not via Art-Net) that's been distributed over network cabling, not for converting sACN/ ArtNet to DMX. It's literally an RJ45 connector to XLR connector adapter.

    The key words for what you need are "Ethernet to DMX gateway". The other term often used for these devices is a "node" (however, strictly speaking any device on the network is referred to as a node).

    The most basic Ethernet gateway we sell, is the 1 Universe box, capable of converting 1 universe of ArtNet to DMX...


    If you have any questions let us know.


  12. Hello,

    10 hours ago, CPlater1 said:

    Sorry I haven't replied with an update on this, been a bit busy.  I will try to set everything up soon and test, if this would still be of interest?

    After investigation, it turned out to be out of date firmware on Simon’s gateway which was the cause of the issue. 

    ZerOS 7.9.6 has been released since this thread, so feel free to use this if you wish to test. 


  13. Hi Roger,

    7 hours ago, RogerA said:

    I don't understand thats in Solution

    For Solution consoles, tap Other Windows (found top left of the Output Window), then from the drop down choose System Info. Then press System Text. When you open Capture on your PC, and you are using CITP, you should see your PC’s name and IP address listed in System Text, with the connection status. 

    Hope this helps,


  14. Hello,

    To fade colours between steps of a chase, hold SETUP and tap the Chase’s button. This will open the chase’s settings. To achieve a full colour cross fade between each step of the chase, select the Colour Fade percentage, and type 100%. 

    6 hours ago, Aivar said:

    higher the fader is the brighter the lights (colors) are

    If the colour saturation is being adjusted by the fader level, this means Fader controls colour is enabled for the chase. For the colour fades to work correctly, you will need to ensure fader controls colour is disabled. To do this in the Chase’s settings, tap General, and ensure colour has a blue stripe, indicating disabled.

    Hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know. 


  15. Hi Roger,

    It would be worth checking the Firewall settings for the Capture application on your PC. Ensure Capture is allowed to communicate through the Firewall.

    To do this open Control Panel, and go to Firewall settings.

    On your console, when your PC is connected, tap Z -> System Information -> System Text. When you open Capture on your PC, your PC's name and IP address should be displayed, and the console should report that Capture is connected.

    Hope this helps, let me know how you get on.


  16. Hi Raffa,

    We will not be able to make a fixture file from this information.

    We need the DMX traits and channel map, that state what each of the 16 DMX control channels does.

    If you do find this please email fixturesupport@zero88.com, and we'll be able to make the file for you.

    I believe Keith replied to your original email with an existing fixture file that he guessed may give you control over the fixture - I'm assuming this didn't work?

    If you can't find the information, you can patch 16 dimmer channels, and work through each one making a note of how it controls the fixture. This method is always difficult with fixtures with shutter parameters as well as dimmers and colour mixing, as many channels have to be at certain levels to get light output.


  17. Hi Oli,

    Have the fixtures been daisy chained in order of DMX addresses? If so swap one of the working fixtures with one that isn't, leaving their DMX addresses the same.

    If you loose control of the working one, and gain control over the other, there is an issue with the DMX line. If you have a DMX terminator to hand it would be worth connecting to the DMX out of the last fixture.

    12 hours ago, Oli said:

    Am we doing someting wrong or is there any restriction?

    On FLX S24, your control capabilities are a maximum of 48 fixtures, with either 1or 2 universes of patchable DMX channels available, depending on whether you have a 1 or 2 universe variant.

    Hope this helps,


  18. Hi Roger,

    I would recommend trying the Capture files in the article below...


    The article details how to configure a PC's network settings to allow for Capture to communicate with the console.

    Once you have done this, and prove this works, you can then use your custom visualisation software and show file, using the same network configuration.

    Hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know.


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