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Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Everything posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hi Mac, So what ArtNet IP does Phantom seem to keep changing to? What is the ArtNet IP of the master FLX? This is correct. What are you finding is an issue with this? Edward
  2. Hi Terry, Great, glad to hear you solved the issue. If you have any questions let us know. Edward
  3. Hi Terry, If you are currently running fixture library v36, you'll need to load in the "BlankLib.ift" library file before loading in gft38. Once you have downloaded the blank library file from the article, are you extracting the file to the root of a USB stick? If you are simply copying it, it won't have been unzipped, and therefore the Jester won't be able to read it. Let me know how you get on. Edward
  4. Hi Terry, If you are getting this error, please follow the guidance in the article below... http://support.zero88.com/1540160811 Hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know. Edward
  5. Hi Mac, When Phantom ZerOS is opened, it should use the last selected IP for each protocol, if it is still available for the laptop's chosen NIC. If you haven't already, I would recommend restarting your PC. You should then find when Phantom is opened after restarting, the last selected IP is available. You will usually see 3 IP addresses in this window, the PC's Ethernet IP, the PC's WiFi IP, and the PC's loop-back IP, which will be Which IP does Phantom seem to keep reverting to when opened? Edward
  6. Hi Martin, Thanks for the comments. I have added this request onto our logging system. Reference number ZOS-9638. If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  7. Hi Mac, The IP used for Capture visualisation software will have to be the same as Phantom ZerOS Tracking Backup. This is because they are both using the laptop's Ethernet port, which as Jon mentioned, can only have a single IP address. On your console, the IP addresses will of course have to be different to the IP of the laptop, however Tracking Backup and CITP may be the same IP if you wish. To quickly check the IP address of your laptop, on your laptop hold the Windows key and press R, then type "cmd" and click OK. Then type the command "ipconfig" and press enter. This will give you a break down of the IP addresses and subnets of the different NICs (Network Interface Cards) of the laptop, including the physical Ethernet port and WiFi. Hope this helps, Edward
  8. Hi Mac, Instructions for changing the IP address of your laptop can be found in the article below... http://support.zero88.com/1004254221 If you have any questions let us know. Edward
  9. Hi Erics, Thanks very much for trying this, glad to hear the slow down isn't causing an issue now. If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  10. Hi Mac, Great - if you have any questions let me know. Edward
  11. Hi Mac, Really glad to hear you purchased the dongle - you can now output 16 universes of DMX over ArtNet or sACN, which is very powerful from a PC based system. There are no files on the dongle, so you won’t be able to copy an unlock file from it. The dongle can however be used with any Windows PC. PhantomZerOS will only be unlocked whilst the dongle is connected. When you are running PhantomZerOS as a FLX with the dongle connected, you can check Phantom has been unlocked, by pressing SHIFT + F9 to open System Information. You can then press System Info, and the dongle hardware should be shown at the bottom of the list. Hope this helps and makes sense, if you have any questions let me know. Edward
  12. Hi Mac, No worries - let me know how you get on. Edward
  13. Hi Phil, ZerOS 7.9.5 is the software version that introduced full Art-Net 4 implementation. You will therefore need to roll back to ZerOS 7.9.4, if you wish to continue using the N4 gateway. If you no longer have a copy of ZerOS 7.9.4 and would like to have a fresh copy, please send me an email, and I'll be able to give you access to this. Edward
  14. Hi Mac, Kevin is correct, this would only work if they were the same model/mode as the existing programmed movers. To add these into the show file, you could either address them to the same DMX address as the existing fixtures, so they will be a clone of one another, or you could tap SETUP, and in the Fixture Schedule add additional DMX addresses to your existing fixtures. Again, the same information will then be sent to the additional addresses. To do this, your best option would be to have plenty of movers in your show file, all pre-programmed in palettes and playbacks. When you get to a venue, you could ten use some of these dummy fixtures, and change their profiles to the fixtures in the venue. All programming will then work on these fixtures. Groups can be used to reference intensities, not reference selection. For more information see below... http://support.zero88.com/1011579831 Hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know. Edward
  15. Hello, Yes, you could do this if you wish. Edward
  16. Hi Phil, What ArtNet gateway are you using? Are you using one of these...? https://prolight.co.uk/product/n4-artnetdmx-node We have found that early versions of these units are running firmware, that has an issue with the ArtNet communication. This results in the device working with earlier versions of the ArtNet protocol, but is not ArtNet 4 compliant, which is the protocol streamed from FLX. There doesn't seem to be a way of updating the firmware on these units, so unfortunately you will either need to replace the ArtNet gateway, or roll back to an earlier version of ZerOS. Hope this helps and makes sense, if you have any questions let us know. Edward
  17. Fair point, not sure why that’s not labelled, will look into that. Hopefully that button is obvious enough to not need a label 😉 Edward
  18. Hi Phil, Great, glad to hear it. Edward
  19. Hi Karl, Thanks for letting us know. This is an option in the fixture editor software, under the fixture’s parameter’s details. We will look to add the switched encoder rather than range encoders to relays 6 thru 12 in a future library update. If you have any questions let us know. Edward
  20. Hello, Apologies, by button labels, I mean writing on the physical console buttons, not next to them. Phantom ZerOS currently doesn’t display front panel markings. This is something we may look to add in a future software update. If you have any questions let us know. Edward
  21. Hello, Phantom ZerOS will mimic the physical console. Therefore if there aren't button labels on the physical console, they won't be shown on Phantom. You can however hover over a button, and in the Window header next to "Front Panel", the button name will be shown. Hope this helps, Edward
  22. Hi Joe, Automatically updating Next cues after renumbering cues in a playback is something we are looking to implement in a future software version. This is logged on our software enhancement system as reference number ZOS-8373. If you have any questions let us know. Edward
  23. Hi Phil, Has the console booted since performing the software update, or does the LCD continually spin whilst the console is powered? If the console is failing to boot, please download a fresh copy of ZerOS 7.9.6 from the website here... Please follow the instructions available below, which detail how to perform the software update from a bootable USB stick... http://support.zero88.com/1518909581 If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  24. Hi Raffa, Please send a copy of the fixture's manual to fixturesupport@zero88.com, and we'll be able to make the fixture file for you. Edward
  25. Hi Mac, Yes, that's an 8 port Ethernet to DMX gateway. It doesn't however support the sACN protocol, so you would have to use the ArtNet protocol on FLX. to breakout to fixtures on the stage. Many venue installs will use Ethernet cabling from a patch room up to ports on the rig bars. This can be cheaper than using dedicated RS-485 cabling, and can double up of either being DMX or an Ethernet signal. If you were sending DMX, you could then use the Stairville unit to get to standard XLR DMX connectors to plug into fixtures. ArtNet and sACN both have their pros and cons. Both have slightly different feature sets on top of the basic DMX over Ethernet functionality. If you wish to use the unit you linked to, as I mentioned you'll have to use ArtNet. If you were interested though, there are many books available discussing these and other lighting networking protocols. A quick search shows the popular ones... Google Books As a general rule, unless configuring specific universe routing, only use one protocol to stream DMX over Ethernet at a time. Hope this helps, Edward
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