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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Everything posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hi Eric, Yes, USB keyboards can be used to enter names, and type numerical values for patching. There are also some shortcuts available. See the article below for a list of these... http://support.zero88.com/998481801 Hope this helps, Edward
  2. Hi Mac, I will take a look into this. Does the same lag appear when changing channel pages and playback pages, or is it just playback pages? Edward
  3. Hi Mac, Have replied to your email with the fixture file with parameter details added in. When the fixture file was first made presumably the Laserworld manual didn't include details of what each parameter level did. Please try the updated fixture file and let me know how you get on. Edward
  4. Hi Mac, Taking a look at this fixture profile, this fixture doesn't have an intensity control. The MFF channel fader on FLX will therefore not do anything. I am not familiar with this laser, however you may find if you change the Pattern parameter to choose a pattern, the laser outputs the pattern, rather than being off. The fixture file in the fixture library has no details implemented for what different levels of each parameter does. If you have a version of the manual with details listed for what each parameter does, we will be able to add these in to the fixture file. To do this please send a copy of the manual to FixtureSupport@zero88.com. Hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know. Edward
  5. Hi Carsten, Turning the console into global Cue Only mode, forces SmartTag and Cue Only on, and hides most of the settings in the record options window. This therefore will give you the same effect as turning SmartTag back on from the record options window, when the console has tracking enabled. The downside of putting the console in global Cue Only mode is you can’t access the more advanced settings in the record options window. Edward
  6. Hi Carsten, If fade times aren’t displayed, it means there isn’t data recorded in the cue for that attribute. Therefore if no fades are present, nothing has been recorded in the cue. How did you record the cue? Was the cue created from using other playbacks, or using programmer data? If recording other playbacks into a new playback, you’ll need to make sure SmartTag is enabled. Press and hold RECORD to open the Record Options window to access the SmartTag option. Hope this helps, Edward
  7. Hi Mark, That's great, thanks for sharing. If anyone else has any colour picker images like this they find useful, feel free to add them as a reply to share them. Edward
  8. Hello, Don’t worry - we check the forum regularly and have been keeping an eye on this thread. Really good to see everyone’s thoughts and comments on ZerOS. We have been working hard developing ZerOS 7.9.7 (which there are images of on the forum for people with beta software access), which will include the updated fixture library. This library is required to allow for most of the suggestions and requests in this thread, so we are excited to get this released. If you have any questions let us know. Edward
  9. Salut, Aucune date n'est actuellement prévue pour prendre en charge des cellules individuelles dans un appareil. Malheureusement, ce ne sera pas dans la prochaine version du logiciel, mais nous sommes conscients qu'il s'agit d'une priorité élevée pour de nombreux utilisateurs. Comme nous recommandons de raccorder chaque pixel / lampe d'un appareil séparément à la console, en raison du nombre limité d'appareils sur les consoles FLX S, nous recommandons actuellement le format FLX complet pour ces applications. Si vous avez des questions, laissez-nous savoir. Edward Hello, There is no date currently planned for supporting individual cells within a fixture. Unfortunately this will not be in the next software version, however we are aware this is a high priority for many users. As we recommend patching each pixel/lamp of a fixture as a seperate fixture on the console, due to the fixture limits on FLX S consoles we currently recommend the full size FLX for these applications. If you have any questions let us know. Edward
  10. Hi Chris, Does your effect playback also include position information? If so when you raise the fader, position will still use the cue's fade times whereas effect will be scaled by the fader position. To avoid the jarring position, you therefore may want to increase the position fade. To do this hold VIEW and press the playback button. You can then edit the position fade time. You may find that enabling fader controls position as well as fader controls effect on the same playback also solves the issue. Hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know. Edward
  11. Hi Mac, We currently don’t have a fixture file for Resolume, but this is something we can create if you send a request to FixtureSupport@zero88.com. We will need the DMX channel map to do this, which should be available from the Resolume website, which will detail what each DMX control channel does - this will also give you an indication of how complex and how many parameters this includes. This will be as simple as recording a playback on FLX with a Start and Stop cue - both of which will be accessed via one of the Resolume fixture’s control parameters. I may be wrong, but I believe browser forum notifications are triggered when you are quoted in a post, not just when there is a reply. If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  12. Hello, That’s correct; > on an external keyboard can be used as the Thru command in the Copy From field. Yes - as you have described, programming 3 cues is a common way of doing this. Cue 1 is base state, cue 2 is sweep up, cue 3 is fade off. Depending on the effect you are trying to achieve, you could only use 2 cues, and have the fixtures fade off as they sweep up. To do this you would need to record cue 2 with the fixtures in their swept up position, however with no intensity. To do this you would need to record the cue with SmartTag disabled. To disable SmartTag, press and hold RECORD, and tap SmartTag, so that it has a blue rather than red button stripe. If SmartTag is enabled, the console will not store fixtures with 0% intensity - very useful for Move On Dark. In cue 2 you could even then set the intensity down delay to be the same duration as the position fade, so that the move happens, then the fixture fades/snaps off, all in the same cue. If you wanted to use this effect throughout the show, I would probably record the 2 cues onto their own playback, not as a chase, but with cue 2 as an auto follow, which you can then trigger and release from any cue in any playback. Hope this helps and makes sense, if you have any questions let me know. Edward
  13. Hi Mac, If you want to control Resolume from FLX, you would need to use Resolume Arena. Resolume Avenue cannot be controlled by DMX. https://resolume.com/software/specs In terms of controlling Resolume Arena, it would be a case of patching Resolume as a fixture on FLX (or multiple fixtures, depending on how Resolume handles layers), and then assigning that patched universe to the chosen ArtNet universe Resolume is set to receive on. Resolume itself will then be able to output video data to fixtures via ArtNet, or out of the PC’s video output. If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  14. Hi NJ, Due to the way Alphapack dimmers work, they will always buzz when they are dimming the load - and therefore make a sound between around 20% and 90%. They are usually at their loudest, depending on the load, at around 70%. It is obviously hard to tell what you mean by quite loud buzz. If all channels are dimming at full load (for example 1KW on each channel), the noise would roughly be about as loud as a fan in a projector for example. If it seems to be excessively louder than this, there potentially could be a fault. If you are still concerned I’d recommend dropping us an email to support@zero88.com, along with the Alphapack’s serial number. If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  15. Hi Kevin, If you enter into a cue number in the cue number column, type a cue number and press ENTER, this moves the next cue to the chosen cue. This then allows the next GO button press to go into the chosen cue. Go to cue enhancements are logged on our software tracking system as ZOS-7627. Edward
  16. Hi Thierry, That's great, really glad to hear it. If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  17. Hi Thierry, This will only be an issue if ZerOS 7.9.5 was installed using the old installation method, by creating a bootable USB drive, rather than simply loading the application into the console. I would recommend updating to ZerOS 7.9.6. Hope this helps, let me know how you get on. Edward
  18. Hi Thierry, If you tap SETUP -> Clear Options -> Clear Effect palettes, and then try auto creating effects, are they generated? If the "Automatically Create Effect Palettes" button still doesn't seem to work, please try reinstalling ZerOS 7.9.6. ZerOS 7.9.6 can be downloaded from the website below... https://zero88.com/zeros#download Installation instructions are included in the release notes. Please ensure you install by loading the software application into the console, not by installing using a bootable USB drive. If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  19. Hi Carsten, If you record an effect into a cue, each time the cue is triggered the fixtures will start from the same point in the effect. If you wish the effect to continue running, and the cue simply fade up intensity, you can enable Effect to be moved on dark for a playback. To do this hold SETUP and tap the playback's button, and from the Settings choose Move on Dark. Then ensure Effect is not selected under the Don't Move options. Hope this helps, Edward
  20. Hi Michael, After installing ZerOS 7.9.6, you will be prompted to also perform a firmware update. Please go ahead and confirm this. The console will take about 10 seconds to install the firmware, and will then ask you to switch the console off and on. You will then be able to switch the console off, and the next time you boot the console ZerOS 7.9.6 will be installed. Most software versions don’t include a firmware update, however ZerOS 7.9.6 does. If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  21. Hi Kevin, From your description, I would use a Horizontal Line effect on the 4 fixtures, and then try forward, backward and random offsets, to see if any of these work for you. Alternatively, you can fan offset values across the fixtures, by holding SHIFT and dialling the offset wheel. To get more specific, you could you select the first fixture, apply an offset of 0, then hold SHIFT + tap the right arrow to select the next fixture, and then set a custom offset value on the encoders. Then repeat for the remaining fixtures. To occasionally have them swinging in unison, you could also fan speed values across the fixtures, so each fixture is running at a slightly different speed. Hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know. Edward
  22. Hello, All of the options you mention are possible, and so it’s a case of what you feel works best for you and the show. Regarding Effects in cues, the speed of these can be altered live using the Speed Override control. Speed Override will control the currently viewed playback, and is found on the second encoder in the Z window. Don't forget with Global BPM, the button in the middle of the Global BPM encoder in the Z window is a tap tempo, so you can use this to set the tempo live for all chases using Global BPM. The busking approach with groups and palettes is ideal when you don’t know what you want for particular songs/dances. If you do, it makes sense to program effects and chases that you can then recall and mix on the fly. Hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know. Edward
  23. Hello, Great, glad to hear it. If you choose the Record and Update window to be “External”, it will also open internally when held. If you have any questions let us know. Edward
  24. Hello, Tap an empty Macro number on the internal touchscreen. Edward
  25. Hello, For this, you can program a macro of the Go button being pressed. The Remote switch can then trigger this macro, which will simply emulate a go button press. To so this, tap RECORD -> MACRO, and choose an empty macro. Then choose Keys. Tap GO, and then tap MACRO to stop recording. Now tap SETUP -> Triggers, and configure your chosen remote switch to trigger this macro, rather than a go to cue. Just so you’re aware, the latest software for FLX is ZerOS 7.9.6, which can be downloaded here... https://zero88.com/zeros Hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know. Edward
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