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Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Everything posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hi Steven, Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. By not recorded, do you mean it always seems to be at 0%, or does it always seem to be up doing its own thing? If it is up, and each time you record or update your cue it reverts to a previous level, it sounds like there is another programmed playback running on the console. To make sure only the Master Playback is running, you can press and hold CLEAR, and press the fader function button - the button that you use to toggle the faders between channels and playbacks. Hope this helps, Edward
  2. Hello, Please could you send a copy of your show file to support@zero88.com, and we'll be able to take a look to see what may be causing this. If you have any questions let us know. Edward
  3. Hello, The latest iOS and Android apps are not compatible with FROG2 consoles. This is because there are no longer software updates for FROG2. The Windows Remote Monitor will continue to work. If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  4. Excellent if you have an RGB fixture without an intensity 😉 Edward
  5. Hi Myles, Yes definitely. Before we can, we need to implement a new fixture library into ZerOS consoles. Our software team have been working on this, and the new library will be released in ZerOS 7.9.7. If you have any questions let us know. Edward
  6. Hi David, That's great, thanks for sharing. I have moved your post into this thread, so we can keep all the colour picker images together. You won't damage the console by loading in an image file. If the file is corrupt, the console simply won't load it in. I have tested one of these images on a FLX and it loads in correctly. Edward
  7. Currently, ZerOS doesn’t support multi-cell fixtures, and so an individual fixture is required for each set of intensities/RGB/P&T. A single fixture can be patched, but doing this means all of the cells are grouped into Colour, Beam and Position, and cells are not applied to the colour picker. Edward
  8. Haha it hasn't been declined, it has been noted! It won't be in the next software update, but is something we will prioritise dependent on the number of requests. If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  9. Hello, Sorry to see this. We will take a look into this. Would I be able to give you a call to get more details on this? If so please drop me an email with your number, and a convenient time to give you a call. If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  10. Hi Kevin, ZOS-8569 is to do with the quick offset buttons along the top of the effect window appearing to work in reverse. ZOS-8967 is specific to the fixture order in the P/T grid. The colour picker fans colours in order of fixture selection. If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  11. This is not a bug I’m aware of? Just tested this and it seems to be working correctly. How recently did you come across this? Was the order an exact reverse of your selection order? Edward
  12. Hi Neil, Thanks for your comments, that’s great to hear. You should find if you pinch your thumb and finger you can get a small variation. If you are spreading across the colour picker (X axis), you are changing the hue, which will give you quite a range of colours without moving your fingers very much. However if you go down the colour picker (Y axis), you are spreading the saturation, which gives you a little bit finer control. Remember the order of the spread is the order of selection, so for a random spread select the fixtures in a random order - groups will record the order, so these can be useful to then spread colours across. Hope this helps, Edward
  13. Hi Shakes, The external desktops on the external monitor cannot be customised. The benefit of having 2 colour windows on the Groups/ Colour desktop, is that one window can be viewing one colour mixing method, for example the colour picker, and the other can be viewing filters or palettes. The other benefit is you can access all colour palettes simultaneously, by having each window scrolled to different positions. The only other window on FLX S consoles that can’t be accessed on the external monitor is the macros window, however this can only be used when relevant fixtures are selected, and so appears internally when needed. Hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know. Edward
  14. Hi Chris, If you hold VIEW and press a playback button, this will open the playback in the cue list window. You can then edit fade times by tapping on the fade time value, and use the encoder wheels to set the time. Hope this helps, Edward
  15. H Myles, A fixture can only have a single intensity control. Therefore if you have multiple intensity channels, you can either configure them all to be scaled by a virtual "master" intensity parameter, or you could go down the route of patching each fixture part as a separate fixture on the console. If you have any questions let us know. Edward
  16. Glad you found them useful! I'd probably recommend booking onto a full day's FLX series training. You'll be able to ask any questions you might have, and the afternoon will cover the more complex parts of the console. We will soon be released our training dates and locations for 2020 on the website. The alternative would be to go down the route of paid on-site training. If this is something that may be interest to you, please email training@zero88.com. If you have any questions let us know. Edward
  17. Hi Myles, Ah I see. Yes there's no effective way of applying this fixture to the channel faders. The easiest way of controlling the Shutter is going to Beam, and finding the shutter parameter. On FLX series you can then press the middle encoder button for Shutter to access each parameter function. If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  18. Hello, Page 15 of the manual states: "FLX S consoles do not include this feature (referring to self healing USB ports), and therefore it is not recommended to use the USB ports for devices such as lights or fans on FLX S consoles." https://zero88.com/storage/downloads/7f906b85-80f1-4646-bd18-d2327d94fc60/FLX-Range-&-ZerOS-Accessories-User-Manual-v7.9.6.pdf Page 82 of the manual states that USB ports are for keyboard & mouse, external touchscreen (S48), and external storage devices. If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  19. Hi Myles, No plans for this currently. What fixture are you using? Many fixtures with Shutters have Closed at the bottom end, and then have an Open section before strobes etc. There you may find you can raise the channel fader slightly just to go from the Closed to Open area. You could then always store this as a max value for the Shutter if you didn't need to access the other shutter controls. Hope this helps, Edward
  20. Hi both, Thanks for letting us know. I can't seem to find power information on these, but from the looks of them there are 8 LEDs on each lamp. One of the reviews says this gets quite hot, so sounds like they are being run pretty hard. We do not have a quoted max USB current for FLX S consoles, however recommend using a powered USB hub for any peripherals other than usual keyboard, USB stick etc. Edward
  21. Hi Myles, Channel faders will only control a fixture's intensity, and cannot be set to switch. When an intensity channel is set to virtual, and is scaling another parameter, it will still scale the level of this parameter, not switch it. For switching/toggling functionality, I would recommend programming the shutter onto a playback. Edward
  22. Hi Myles, Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. If you are using a FLX series console, press and hold VIEW and tap the attribute playback you have programmed. This will open the playback in the cue list window. You will see that there is a default fade time for colour and position of 3 seconds, and the other attributes have a 0 second fade. As Colour, Beam and Position are LTP attributes, this means that as soon as the playback fader is raised, the lighting state fades in using the fade time. Therefore if there is no fade, the lighting state will snap the LTP attributes to their recorded values as soon as the fader is raised. Hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know. Edward
  23. Hello, I would recommend disconnecting the LED desk lamps immediately. It sounds like they are trying to draw too much current from the console, and is trying to pull the power rail voltage down. The USB ports on FLX S consoles are not designed for higher power peripherals. I’d suggest only a single low power desk lamp should be connected. The full size FLX console has self healing USB ports, meaning if too much power is drawn, the USB ports are cut off until the console is power cycled, protecting the console. FLX S consoles do not contain this technology. If you have any questions let us know. Edward
  24. Hi Thymen, The latest manual for Solution consoles is correct as per ZerOS 7.9.2, available here... https://zero88.com/control/solution#downloads The FLX series manual available here is correct as per ZerOS 7.9.6... https://zero88.com/control/flx#downloads As FLX runs the same software as Solution, you will find the majority of the functionality described in the manual can be applied for Solution. Hope this helps, if you have any questions let us know. Edward
  25. Hi Eric, The main thing to ensure is that it is a powered USB hub, not simply a USB splitter. There is not any particular brand we recommend. I personally have had good experience with Anker PC accessories in the past. If you have any questions let me know. Edward
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