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Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Everything posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hi Hendrik, Unfortunately we still haven't received an email from you. Please try forwarding the email to me directly (EdwardSmith@Eaton.com), and I'll take a look. Since we last spoke, we released ZerOS 7.9.6 software. Have you installed this on your console? Edward
  2. Dear All, Zero 88 Fixture Library version 39 has now been released. For full information, including a list of included fixtures, please visit: http://zero88.com/library This release contains 11,461 fixtures from 379 different manufacturers. The library is released in 2 formats: Full version for desks running ZerOS software (FLX, FLX S, Solution range, ORB range and Leap Frog 48 & 96). Filtered version for other Zero 88 desks. This removes data that is not used by these other desks, so that the file is smaller. When using a floppy disk (original Frog series, Illusion 500) it is recommended that the floppy disk be freshly formatted before using it. Download & Installation The correct format of the library for your desk can be downloaded by clicking the product name below. Please ensure your console is running the latest software before attempting to update. The library (.ift file) should be placed in the root directory of the floppy disk or USB stick. ZerOS desks (FLX, FLX S, Solution range, ORB range and Leap Frog 48 & 96) To load this file into your console extract it to the root of a USB stick and plug into your console. Then tap SETUP, tap "Load", then select the GFT.ift file. JesterML & JesterTL To load this file into your console extract it to the root of a USB stick and plug into your console. Then tap Setup -> Update Fixture Lib -> Update Library. If the update fails, click here for more information. Frog Series and Illusion 500 Use 'Common Fixture Manager' (included in the Fixture Tools download) to select the fixtures you wish to use, and save this as a file to a floppy disk. Diablo The fixture library is used with the Diablo Fixture Manager PC software. Sirius 250/500 Use the Fixture Type Editor to import fixture types from the fixture library, and then use the ‘Export Sirius UFT’ function (under the ‘File’ menu) to generate data in the correct format for the Sirius 250/500. Further details of assigning fixtures on the desk to fixture types in the fixture library can be found in each desk’s operating manual. Additional Fixtures If you need a fixture type which is not in the library, please click here.
  3. Hi Rolf, No problem. Merry Christmas to you too! Edward
  4. Hi Rolf, As previous versions of ZerOS allowed ArtNet to be broadcast, this prevents the need for devices to subscribe to a universe first. ZerOS 7.9.5 introduced full ArtNet 4 support to ZerOS. I have tested a Transcension N4 Ethernet gateway with FLX running ZerOS 7.9.5, and a laptop running Wireshark on the same network. Wireshark showed that the ArtPollReply packet from the N4 was malformed, which was solved in later firmware versions of the N4. I am therefore not sure what the compatibility issue would have been with the ENTTEC Datagate. If you were interested I'd recommend contacting ENTTEC, and ask how the updated firmware solves the issue. Edward
  5. Hi Sven, If you want to have a fader that inhibits a pair of fixtures, set them to the maximum level you wish them to be able to go to, then tap RECORD, then choose an empty playback to store to. Then in the Playback Settings, change the Intensity Mixing to be Inhibit. Now the intensity of these fixtures will be scaled by this inhibitor. More information on Playback Settings can be found here... http://support.zero88.com/1077997011 Edward
  6. Hi Rolf, Thanks for the information. That is good to know. As a general rule, if a device is compliant with ArtNet 3, it will be compatible with ArtNet 4. If a device works with ArtNet 3 but is not necessarily compliant, there's no guarantee it will be compatible with ArtNet 4. For more information, the ArtNet 4 specification can be found on Artistic Licence's website below... https://artisticlicence.com/WebSiteMaster/User Guides/art-net.pdf If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  7. Hi Martin, For ArtNet to be output from the Ethernet port of a PC running PhantomZerOS an unlock dongle is required. Edward
  8. Hello, Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. You would do this by positioning your fixtures all towards the middle of the audience. You could then apply a movement effect, such as a circle, and the fixtures would then move in a circle around their position. You can then adjust this using the Speed and Size controls that will be on the encoder wheels. You can then apply an offset, so the pair of fixtures aren’t doing exactly the same thing, but one is following after the other. If you wanted to be very specific you could program this as a chase, with each fixture in a location per step. You could then configure these positions to fade one after the other, rather than snap. Your correct in that to remove the obvious locations for each step, you’d have to make lots of steps to smooth out the movement. I’d definitely suggest using an effect first and modifying it to suit, and if you need something very specific then record a position chase. Hope this helps, Edward
  9. Hi Zulu, Great, if you have any questions just let me know. Edward
  10. Hi Zulu, If cue 10.5 is recorded cue only, it means cue 11 on-wards will look exactly how you programmed them. Therefore in the background, when you have recorded cue 10.5 cue only, the console has then edited cue 11, to tell any changes from 10.5 to go back to how they had been before, with any tracked information still using the values they had from cue 10, and the tracking can then continue. Changing the tracking mode will not affect any existing cues. However once cue only has been enabled, it will stay enabled for any future recording/updating until you change the Record Options back to Track Forwards. You can do this at any point by pressing and holding RECORD, changing the option, and then pressing RECORD again to save and close. Hope this helps, Edward
  11. Hi Zulu, Tracking works best if you are programming in order, and make edits that you wish to apply to multiple cues. It definitely could affect other cues if you are adding or updating with tracking enabled. If you don't want your additions or updates to effect other cues, press and hold RECORD, and make sure Cue Only is selected in the Record Options window. This turns tracking off, and your cues and updates then won't effect other cues. Hope this helps, Edward
  12. Hi Martin, The ArtNet specification can be found on Artistic Licence’s website below... https://artisticlicence.com/WebSiteMaster/User Guides/art-net.pdf Page 29 of the PDF discusses the ArtPollReply packet type, which is the packet a device replies to a console telling it universe information. If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  13. Hi Rolf, Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. ArtNet 4 is fully backwards compatible. Hence nodes and gateways that support ArtNet 3 should still work with ArtNet 4. It is only if there is a firmware issue, like there was with the early firmware on the Transcension N4 gateway that Simon had issues with further up this thread, that will cause problems. We will therefore not be introducing an option to broadcast a universe, as this is forbidden in ArtNet 4 if there are no subscribers to the universe. Are there any nodes in particular you have come across that are not compatible with ArtNet 4? If so it would be great to know what these are. If you have any questions let us know. Edward
  14. Hi Hans, Glad to hear it! Any questions let us know. Edward
  15. Hello, No problem. Any issues let me know. Edward
  16. Hi Niklas, Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. We will take a look into this fixture, and make sure it is fixed for Fixture Library v39. If you have any questions let us know. Edward
  17. Hi Myles, This is on Page 24 of the manual. https://zero88.com/storage/downloads/7f906b85-80f1-4646-bd18-d2327d94fc60/FLX-Range-&-ZerOS-Accessories-User-Manual-v7.9.6.pdf More information can be found here... http://support.zero88.com/1011411491 Hope this helps, Edward
  18. Just checked on Twitter and YouTube and it’s working for me. Edward
  19. Hello, For more information on MIDI implementation, see below... http://support.zero88.com/990063141 If you have any questions let us know. Edward
  20. Hi Hans, The way FLX handles cue fade times is the same way that Jesters work, with the down time effecting any fixtures fading out when go is pressed, not the speed of the previous lighting state to “fade out”. As far as I’m aware this is how all lighting console cue fades work. Edward
  21. Hi Neil, Oh dear sorry to hear this. ASCII Show files are show file formats that some lighting consoles from different manufacturers can export, which ZerOS can then load in. For example you could export a show from an ETC Ion and load it in to ZerOS. Edward
  22. Hi Hans, That is correct. Don’t think of it as cues fading in/ fading out, think about what the fixtures do when you press GO. For example when you go into cue 2, any lights that have to fade down, use the down time of the cue 2. It therefore doesn’t matter if you run the cue list out of order. The fade down time of cue 1 would only be used if you went from a cue back to cue 1, and fixtures had to lower in intensity. Hope this helps, Edward
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