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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Everything posted by Edward Z88

  1. This is the usual Zero 88 Library. V39 now contains over 11,000 fixtures. If you have any questions let us know. Edward
  2. Hi Tim, Great, glad to hear it. Edward
  3. Hello, No, the 96 faders both control 1-48. Sirius didn't have a "Wide" mode like you would find on the more recent 2-preset consoles. If you have any questions let us know. Edward
  4. Hi Tim, Firstly, I'd recommend updating your console's software to ZerOS 7.9.6, which is currently the latest software for Solution. ZerOS 7.9.6 can be downloaded from our website below... https://zero88.com/zeros#download Also available from the link are release notes, detailing the installation instructions. HTP/LTP options are Intensity Mixing options, and will therefore not affect the way colour is mixed. From your description, I would recommend enabling fader controls colour on the second playback, and leaving the first playback in its default settings. You will then be able to push your first playback up, and have all LEDs on and in your programmed colours. You can then raise your second playback, and the colour will be controlled by the fader from the current colour to the second playback's colour. If you then play another colour from the first playback, this will override the second playback, as this then becomes the latest command to be sent to the fixtures. You therefore may find it useful to have 2 playbacks of colour states, one for the arch LEDs and the other for the remaining LEDs. Hope this helps and achieves what you're after. If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  5. Hello, OK no problem, let us know how you get on. Edward
  6. Hi Tom, I’m not sure of any cases in particular. A quick search on Amazon brings up a few aluminium iPad stands that look like they would be a good height. If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  7. Hello, Yes we will look to revise this with the Record Options. Currently the logic is RECORD and tap a palette records just that attribute, without the need to define the attribute filters. RECORD -> attribute button and then filters tells the console what attribute you want to store this in, with your chosen filters. If you would like to have access to the beta forum, please send us an email requesting this to support@zero88.com, and we’ll add you to the group. If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  8. Hello, You should find you can tap RECORD EFFECT, apply green filters, and then tap an empty palette, and the filters will still be used. You just have to define the palette type before applying filters. The Record Options window is definitely an area we want to revise, and this process can also be revised. Hope this helps, Edward
  9. Hello, After your “press RECORD” step, you didn’t say you tapped the EFFECT button on the console. You should see RECORD EFFECT written in the command line. You can then choose your custom filters by giving attributes green stripes. If you give Intensity and Colour green stripes, and then store the palette, it will be stored as an ICE palette, not just E. If this isn’t working for you feel free to email us a video to support@zero88.com and we’ll take a look. Edward
  10. Hello, If you want to edit a lighting state, play it back on stage, make your edits, tap UPDATE, and tap the playback’s button to store the updates. Edward
  11. Hi Mina, Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. FLX S24 cannot transmit/receive API commands. The only way of remotely controlling FLX S consoles is using the ZerOS Remote applications for Windows, iOS and Android devices. If you have any questions please let us know. Edward
  12. Hello, To include other attributes into a palette, tap RECORD EFFECT, and then in the Record Options ensure SmartTag is disabled, and then double tap Intensity and Colour so they go green. Then type the effect palette number you wish to store to, followed by pressing ENTER. If you tap directly into the Effect window/MFKs, only the effect parameters will be stored, as this is that palette type’s filter. As Kevin says, to store everything into a palette, you can press SHIFT + RECORD and tap an empty palette. Hope this helps, Edward
  13. Hello, Not quite. With SmartTag enabled, changes in intensity data will always be stored when RECORD or UPDATE is pressed. However, if a fixture is at 0% with SmartTag enabled, no attributes will be stored. This is to allow Move On Dark to work with the fixture off. The other main benefit to SmartTag, is it will automatically tag and record any playbacks that might be active into your cue. With SmartTag disabled, only tagged information will be recorded. This allows you to have a lighting state up, control lights with the programmer, record the lighting state, and only the programmer information will be stored. When you play your cue you therefore won’t get the same lighting state you saw when you pressed RECORD, just your manual controls. For more information on tagging, see below... http://support.zero88.com/1014189311 Hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know. Edward
  14. Hello, Speed Override will control the speed of effects in the currently viewed playback. Therefore record your effect to a playback, and then hold MEMORIES and tap the playback button to view it. The Speed Override fader can then be used to speed up or slow down the effect. It will not adjust the speed of effects in the programmer. This can be done using the Speed encoder wheel. Fader Controls effect can be enabled on a playback with an effect recorded, so that the fader will scale the effect speed and size from the current state, to the programmed lighting state. Hope this helps, Edward
  15. Hello, This can already be done by using DMX In. If your fixtures are patched to the MFKs rather than the channel faders, you can use the Channel faders for DMX In. To do this, tap SETUP to take you to the fixture schedule, and select all channel faders you wish to use for DMX In. Then change the universe of these faders to an empty one, and set the to start at DMX address 1. Then tap Universes, and ensure this desk universe is routed from one of the DMX Out ports. Then tap Triggers, and add DMX In to trigger a playback for each of the channel faders. The DMX In address is the DMX address of the channel fader configured in the Fixture Schedule. They can be assigned to control whatever playbacks you wish across other playback pages. Then all you need is a short DMX cable linking the DMX Out port your channel faders are assigned to to the DMX In port. Hope this helps, it you have any questions let me know. Edward
  16. Hi Simon, Currently, ZerOS uses RGB, and W if present, for colour mixing. We’re planning to look into adding other chips in future, however there is currently no date on this. Hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know. Edward
  17. Hi both, When you boot the console, by default the selected window is the Output Window, meaning the cursor keys control this. To select the cue list window, press VIEW and then SHIFT + VIEW to go back into the Cues desktop. The cursor keys will navigate the cue list window. With a Mouse/Touchscreen connected simply tap on the window you want to use. Hope this helps, Edward
  18. Hi Tom, Yes that’s correct. If you page locked playback 1 for example, this would be on top of playback 25 on page 2. The total number of each palette is 48, and the same goes for effects. You therefore have 3 empty effects you can record on top of the 45 auto effects. However, unless you have fixtures with iris, focus or zoom, you could delete the beam effects freeing up another 5 effects. If you need more you can then delete any other effects you don’t think you’ll use, and then program onto the free effect palette. There is no external monitor output on FLX S24, however you can remotely connect to the console using the apps for iOS/Android, to give you an external desktop. You can also run the ZerOS Remote Monitor software on a PC and connect to the console, to give yourself an external monitor, keyboard and mouse. When remotely connecting a desktop, you have 4 preset desktops to view. The first is your cues, which has the Output window on the top half, and your currently viewed cue list on the bottom half. The next desktop is faders, again with the output on the top half, and then your faders window on the bottom half - this window shows you exactly what your faders are currently doing. The next desktop is your palettes in quarters - Colour, Beam, Position and Effect. The last desktop is your Groups on the top half, and then 2 colour windows on the bottom. This allows you to view both palettes and the picker simultaneously. Hope this helps, Edward
  19. Hi Tom, Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. Thanks for the detailed post - really glad to hear you’re looking at FLX S. Firstly regarding the LeapFrog 48, it does actually run the same core software as the LeapFrog - ZerOS, so you’ll pick the FLX S up very quickly. FLX S consoles make use of RGB and White (if present) LEDs for colour mixing. These chips are therefore used for Auto Palettes, Colour Picking, Mood Boards and Effects. All other chips can be accessed via the encoders, and recorded/updated into colour palettes. Therefore if you want to create a colour using the colour picker for example, choose the colour you want, and then add in Amber or UV with the encoders. Now there is a reason for this. Red, Green and Blue have pretty defined points on the colour spectrum. This is because of the frequency responses of the cones in our eyes. White is then the saturation of these colours. Amber on the other hand, is a little harder to place - Amber LEDs vary in colour across manufacturers, and so including it in the colour mixing would be pretty inaccurate, and make quite a few assumptions. As for UV, technically speaking this would be invisible. So in reality we would actually be talking about deep purple/violet, again, where this sits on the spectrum is not set in stone. If you have any questions on the colour mixing, please let me know. FLX S can automatically generate 45 auto effects for your fixtures. The first is No Effect, to stop any effects from running. Effects 2-10 are intensity effects, such as different chases. 11-20 are position effects, such as circles and different movements. 21 through 40 are colour effects, with different rainbows and more complex colour effects - again, using RGBW colours. 41 through 45 are beam effects, available for fixtures with Zoom, Focus and Iris. All effects can be applied, and then the speed and size of the effect can be adjusted on the wheels. The effects can also be offset across the fixtures, so that each fixture can lag behind the previous fixture to allow for chasing. The offsetting can be done individually, or across pre-defined groups of fixtures. When you’re happy, you can then store the modified effect as your own palette. If you want to create your own effect, applying different waveforms to specific parameters, such as amber, this is something the full-size FLX console can do. If you aren’t using a main cue stack on the master playback, many people turn this into the Grand Master. The playback button then becomes your blackout button. If you are using Tap Tempo, Grand Master, or Speed Override (ZerOS’s name for effect speed), you can page lock it, so if you’re on either playback page this fader is still your chosen function. Any playback can be set up top be an Inhibitive playback. Just record your group of lights to a playback, and then configure the playback to be an inhibitor for those fixtures. No problem at all - hope this gives you some things to think about, if you have any more questions do let me know. I noticed from your location you’re just over an hour a way from our HQ in Cwmbran. If you were interested, you’d be welcome to pop in to have a play with a FLX S, or get yourself booked onto a training course in the new year to try it out. Hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know. Edward
  20. Hi Nick, No problem, glad to hear it. Any questions just let us know. Edward
  21. Hi Nick, The console simply requires the ZerOS OS USB Creator application file, with the .exe file extension. Click the .exe file, and the console will then begin the upgrade. As Kevin says, make sure the install file is on the roof of the USB stick, not inside any folders. Hope this helps, Edward
  22. Hi Demi, Do you want to be able to remotely control the console using the Remote apps? If so, please take a look at our guide below... http://support.zero88.com/996119181 Hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know. Edward
  23. Hi Nick, The article on our website you linked to is for consoles running ZerOS software or earlier. To update the console, follow the steps in the release notes, or the ones in the article below... http://support.zero88.com/1518910761 Hope this helps, Edward
  24. Hendriks first saw this in July, before the DMX Transmission option was introduced. For clarity, Continuous streams DMX at 29Hz, and Delta sends DMX packets every time there is a change, and if there aren't any level changes, one update per second, as per the DMX512 spec. If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  25. Hi Dirk, We have received this and are looking into it. If you have any questions let us know. Edward
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