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Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Posts posted by Edward Z88

  1. On 12/5/2023 at 2:44 AM, discover said:

    a) What is the easiest way to get a complete blackout in such a situation?

    b) Is there a better way to perform manual changes during a show using preset?

    If you have made edits to intensities manually, they will be displayed in red in the Output window. These values will need to be cleared to allow your cues to output as recorded. You could enable "Programmer Time", so that double tapping CLEAR fades the fixtures to their cue values, instead of snapping them. See here for more information...


    Hope this helps.

    • Thanks 1
  2. On 12/3/2023 at 4:19 AM, Roodie said:

    wanted to ask if it is possible to change the colours indicating current cue (dark green atm) and next cue (yellow atm)?

    For me it's kind of confusing, and I end up thinking the yellow one must be the current one because it is brighter. I'm aware that I will get used to it when I work with it for a long time, but we always have different (and new) groups performing in our theatre, so I think all new people will be confused by these colours. So I'd rather change them to something more intuitive. Is that possible?

    It is not currently possible to change the colours of the current and next cue. ZOS-8774 is logged on our system, to improve the clarity of the current versus next cue in the Cues window. I have raised the priority of this following your request.

    On 12/3/2023 at 4:19 AM, Roodie said:

    I also have some other questions: can I just post them in this thread (and change the title to something more general), or should I rather open a new thread for each question? (there will be several, as the desk doesn't seem to work properly in some cases, and also the manual isn't up to date anymore)

    Please feel free to post your questions all in this thread.

    Although there is not a dedicated up to date Solution manual, I would recommend using the ZerOS manual for FLX series consoles here...


    Hope this helps.

  3. On 12/3/2023 at 5:18 AM, kgallen said:

    I don't know what tracking is like on Solution

    Tracking behaviour on Solution is identical to FLX.

    On 12/3/2023 at 7:28 AM, Roodie said:

    Yes, if HTP/LTP also refers to things like position etc. I can see that I'd run into problems then.

    The HTP/LTP option on the Solution Special MFKs is only related to the channel faders. As these control intensity, it is not related to Colour, Beam, or Position.

    More information on Tracking here...


  4. 4 hours ago, Stan Vigurs said:

    I have attached the show cue file in case this can provide any clues.

    Thank you for sharing your show file. The first observation is that this show file is from ZerOS 7.9.7, which is serval versions out of date. I would therefore recommend updating your console's software.

    ZerOS 7.14.1 is the latest software, and can be downloaded from the link below...


    Release notes including installation instructions are available here...


    4 hours ago, Stan Vigurs said:

    unless I have an explanation for this then I no longer have confidence in the console.

    Please update your console's software.

    4 hours ago, Stan Vigurs said:

    I still the issue of when #14 fader is raised #26 shows a response albeit at a level below that showing on #14 fader.

    As discussed, this sounds like a hardware issue. Start by cleaning the faders. If this doesn't clear the issue, the faders will need replacing.

    • Like 1
  5. 3 hours ago, discover said:

    Thanks, I have successfully tested that and it works fine for me in this case 🙂

    Great - thanks for letting me know.

    3 hours ago, discover said:

    would it work with a Cue-List or not?

    Yes it would. However, if you have a Cue Stack on a playback, the playback's button will already be a Go button by default.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.

    • Thanks 1
  6. On 11/25/2023 at 4:45 PM, Stan Vigurs said:

    all faders register as they should with the exception of fader #14! When I slide this fader up and down the virtual front panel responds as it should but channel 26 also displays a value. when channel 14 is 100% channel 26 flickers between 42 & 44%!

    On 11/26/2023 at 9:11 AM, iank99 said:

    I'd be tempted to swap fader 26 first then test again before putting a soldering iron on to fader 14. You might be lucky and some lubricant in the fader might solve the problem.

    As @iank99 mentions, it sounds like fader 26 on your console is faulty. Please send us an email to support@zero88.com for detailed troubleshooting information.

    You may find that a small drop of switch/contact cleaner will resolve the issue. If it doesn't, fader 26 will need to be replaced. As you are in the UK, I would recommend contacting @iank99 to get this repaired...

    On 11/26/2023 at 9:11 AM, iank99 said:

    If you can't find a local dealer willing to carry out the repair, you could send the desk to me but I'm in Coventry, UK.


    On 11/25/2023 at 4:45 PM, Stan Vigurs said:

    but then the next cue did not respond although the screen did show the correct operation. On pressing the Master Playback button a few times again, still the console did not respond and then after about 40 seconds or so it progressed through all of the cues. It then behaved correctly for the rest of the production.

    When rebooting the console after the production, it did exactly the same thing but when I re booted the following day it behaved impeccably.

    Without any further information, my first guess would be that this may be related to Speed Override. If you tap the Z/SHIFT key, you'll see Speed Override on the second encoder wheel. Please ensure this is reset to the midpoint position. If a yellow bar is shown, tap the button in the middle of the Speed Override encoder wheel, to reset. Upon running cues, the cue timings will then be used, and will not be temporarily overridden. To troubleshoot further, we would need to see a copy of the console's show file. If you can tap SETUP > Save, save the file to a USB drive, and email this to support@zero88.com, we'll take a look.

    Please let us know if you have any questions.

    • Like 1
  7. Hi @Harvey John

    Welcome to the forum.

    38 minutes ago, Harvey John said:

    We cannot see if it is possible to configure one of the Gateway8 ports to be input rather tha output

    This is not possible. The DMX output ports on Gateway 8 are outputs only, meaning Gateway 8 can only convert Ethernet DMX back to physical DMX. Physical DMX cannot be converted to Ethernet DMX using Gateway 8.

    Please let us know if you have any questions. 

  8. Hallo Jens,

    Mein Kollege Keith hat auf Ihre E-Mail an support@zero88.com geantwortet.

    Bitte lassen Sie uns wissen, wenn wir Ihnen helfen können.


    Hi Jens,

    My colleague Keith has replied to your email to support@zero88.com.

    Please let us know if there's anything we can help with.

  9. Hi @Geoffc

    Welcome to the forum.

    50 minutes ago, Geoffc said:

    I do not know enough about the console to play around and I am concerned with ruining the show set up even more.

    Firstly, I'd recommend saving a copy of the console's current show file to a USB drive. That way, if you make any incorrect changes, you can then simply load in your previous show file from the USB drive. Please click the link below for information on saving show files...


    42 minutes ago, Geoffc said:

    I added an effect into a cue ( cue 20 ) but after that all of the following cues have that effect 

    The effect therefore needs to stop in cue 21. Please follow this process to stop the effect:

    1. Go into cue 21, so that it is live and outputting (green row in the Cues window)
    2. Double tap CLEAR
    3. Select the fixtures running the effect. For example by using the buttons below the fixture's channel faders.
    4. Tap the "Effect" tab at the top of the internal touchscreen, and choose [No Effect]. The effect should stop.
    5. Then press-and-hold UPDATE, and you should see the Update Options appear on the internal touchscreen.
    6. In the Update Options, ensure that the SmartTag button is disabled, indicated with a blue stripe. If it has a red stripe, tap it to disable.
      1. If you cannot see a SmartTag button in this window, please see this link for more information - https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/cues-playbacks/record-options
    7. Ensure that "Track Forwards" has a red stripe, rather than "Cue Only".
      1. With Track Forwards selected, you will send your "No Effect" instruction down through subsequent cues, therefore stopping the effect from running in those cues.
    8. Tap your Master Playback's GO button to complete the process.
    9. Then, press-and-hold RECORD, to open the Record Options on the internal touchscreen. Tap "SmartTag" and "Cue Only" again, to re-enable them (red stripe), and the console will then be back in the default programming behaviour. Tap RECORD again to save and close.


    I hope this helps. Please let us know if you have any questions.

  10. 27 minutes ago, discover said:

    a) Do y understand you right: "prepare" means in this case:
    moving them to the new postion without/before lighting up?

    That is correct. By "prepare", I mean triggering all programmed parameters to go to their defined values, prior to raising the intensity with the playback's fader. So: Colour, Beam, Shape, Position, & Effect values will be activated.

    28 minutes ago, discover said:

    b) If I "change the playback's flash button to be a Go button"
    will it just afect this single flash button?

    That is correct. If you open the settings of a playback, you will only be configuring the behaviour of this single playback. Please click the link below for more information...


  11. 1 minute ago, discover said:

    As  Kevin stated above, to leave SmartTag enabled: will this disabling refer to:
    - all Playbacks/Cues or 
    - just this Playback/Cue?

    Enabling/disabling SmartTag will affect what gets included when recording/updating. It does not affect cues that have already been recorded.

    To be selective of what does and what doesn't get recorded, you will need to work with SmartTag disabled. Please click the link below for more information...


  12. 10 hours ago, DALX said:

    My question is why does the swatch colour appear on 21C L601 Silver but not 22C L332 Special Rose Pink or 22C, 23C, 24C, 25C. I tried shortening the colour name to one line but that did not make the colour swatch appear.

    If no colour splash is shown on the colour palette tile, this suggests that not all of the fixtures recorded in that palette are exactly the same colour. For example, let's say you raise channel fader 1, change the fixture's colour, but then decide you don't want that fixture so lower its fader and then raise channel fader 2. If you then change fixture 2's colour, and record a colour palette, a colour splash won't show, because you will have also included fixture 1 in a different colour in the palette. In this example, CLEAR should have been pressed, prior to mixing fixture 2's colour.

    The colour splash will reappear if all fixtures in that colour palette are updated to be the same colour.

    When you record a palette, by default ZerOS doesn't care what fixtures are on, or which fixtures are selected. ZerOS just cares about the fixtures you have adjusted.

  13. On 11/17/2023 at 7:25 PM, discover said:

    Has it to be stored necessarly with a intensity/light on (raised fader)?

    No - you don't have to include intensity information in a cue, you could just record position information. However, if you just want to record position data without the fixture being on, you'll need to ensure SmartTag is disabled in the Record Options window. So, this would be the workflow:

    1. Double tap CLEAR
    2. Select your fixtures, and only adjust their position, leaving their intensity off
    3. Press-and-hold RECORD to open the Record Options window, and ensure that "SmartTag" has a blue stripe, meaning disabled. If it is red, tap it to disable.
    4. Then, tap the button below the playback you wish to record to
    5. Double tap CLEAR
    On 11/17/2023 at 7:25 PM, discover said:

    In a theatre show I might fade the lights of a current scene and
    with a next Cue/Playback, I want to move the moving heads "in the dark" ("blind") to their next position.

    - The audiance shall not see the movement of the moving lights at all.

    If you have recorded a lighting state on a playback fader, and you want the lights to prepare before raising the playback's fader, you could change the playback's flash button to be a Go button. This means you could then press the playback's button to prepare the fixtures, prior to then raising the playback's fader. To change the playback's button, hold SETUP and tap the playback's button, and from the options at the bottom choose either Go (Fade) or Go (Snap).

    Hope this helps.

  14. Hi @Ed75

    17 minutes ago, Ed75 said:

    On my FLX I'm trying to make a macro which stops the 'speed override' from working. I find it very easy to use speed override when checking cues, and therefore I put it under a playback fader also. But to avoid accidents I would like to record a macro which stops the override. Like pushing the override wheel in the Z screen . Then I would program the macro in one of the first cues of a show, and voila, no speed accidents . The way of recording a macro by recording the button strokes doesn't seem to work. (on the wheels?)

    This is a nice idea. To do this, you would need to record a macro of pressing the Speed Override encoder's button. However this encoder is in the Z window. Therefore, if you usually live outside of the Z window, you will need to include going into the Z window as part of the Macro. So:

    RECORD MACRO x ENTER > Keys > Z > tap encoder button 2 (Speed Override reset) > Z > MACRO.

    Now, go into the settings of that Macro (hold SETUP and tap your Macro onscreen, or use the syntax MACRO x SETUP), and set the playback speed to slow.

    Now, when this macro is triggered whilst outside of Z, Speed Override will be reset.

    Macros on ZerOS are not conditional, so there would be no way of running a different macro dependent on whether or not you're currently in the Z key.

    I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions.

  15. 1 hour ago, kgallen said:

    Look, I know you boys have now got Neo and probably lots of other secret stuff to work on as well as ZerOS, but Christmas just isn't the same without an Advent Calendar 😉

    1 hour ago, kgallen said:

    For those who don't know, we used to be treated to beauties like this (and yes I did just re-watch it instead of testing Edward's latest ZerOS beta 😆 ). I'll note we're still waiting for the feature with the drop down menu that drops the scenery!!!

    Ah yes the Advent Calendar. This was a lot of fun to make, and is still all very relevant! Although we're not posting a new one this year, do work through the Advent Calendar again, which is available here!...

  16. 1 hour ago, iank99 said:

    It's also possible that if you have fixtures connected to your desk i.e. LED's or moving heads that there might have been changes in the fixture definitions since your early version - I can't remember how ZerOS handles that situation I'm afraid but I would expect it to make a decent go at leaving you with useable fixtures.

    Upon loading a show file, ZerOS will compare the fixtures in the show file with the latest versions of the fixtures in the installed ZerOS Library. If the fixture personalities are identical in absolutely everyway, ZerOS will patch these fixtures from the library, rather than the show file. If there are any differences in the fixtures, ZerOS will load the fixtures from the show file, leaving you with two slightly different versions of the same fixture in Add Fixtures.

    • Like 1
  17. 14 hours ago, tiffayo123 said:

    our main problem is that when the console is not plugged into the wall dmx port the lights start going wild at like stupid times

    Out of interest, do you have any "ChilliNet" button panels around your venue that are used to recall scenes on the dimmer when the Jester's disconnected?

  18. 34 minutes ago, Techie_v2 said:

    So a year or two ago we had a leak over a weekend which drenched our FLX.


    Oh yes I remember this. I’m glad you were able to get a replacement, and hope the insurance company was easy to deal with. 

    35 minutes ago, Techie_v2 said:

    So my question is, where do we stand and is there a market, if we wanted to try and raise some capital by selling it as spares on a generic auction type website?

    FLX is still a bit too new for there to be much of a spares market for it.

    If someone at your venue is pretty handy with swapping out boards/touchscreens, I think I’d be tempted to keep hold of it as spares for your good FLX. Or, you could even source replacements for damaged components, and give yourself a second console (as a spare, or Tracking Backup).

    However, if you don’t ever think you’d make use of it, and aren’t in a hurry to get rid of it, it might be worth sticking it on an online auction site for a buy it now price, as spares/repairs. 

  19. 14 minutes ago, alg said:

    Re the saving of the port allocation, I guess in the short term I can simply swop round my use of the ports to take account of the fact the port 1 will always default to RigSync enabled and use that for my LED fixtures and use Port 2 with RigSync disabled for the Betapacks. So for now I will pass on your Beta S/W offer, thanks.

    Makes perfect sense. No problem.

    15 minutes ago, alg said:

    Re the DMX addressing, the Betapacks are not RDM enabled. I did try running with it on but found RigSync would insist on changing the DMX start address on each of the 5 packs making a nonsense of the labelling on the packs for patch purposes. What was happening was whilst the desk had reallocated DMX channels to the new Coloursource fixture i.e. 1-5 the Betapack was still seeing the DMX output and so I had the Betapack and Coloursource all running off the same channels on the desk.

    If the Betapack channels are patched manually, and RigSync cannot see them, upon discovering a new fixture RigSync should not patch the discovered fixture to an address which is already in use on the same universe. If the console has done exactly that, please email me a copy of your console's show file.

    17 minutes ago, alg said:

    Re the RigSync control of the Coloursource Fresnels via the splitter, since these fixtures were previously discovered and known to the desk I assume there was no RDM management going on and the DMX was simply taking the fixture up and down. So I cannot say RigSync was working only that it was possible to take the control the fixtures in terms of setting intensity etc.

    So when you originally allowed RigSync to discover and configure the fixtures, you were not connected via the Splitter?

    Now that the fixtures are connected via the Splitter, do you receive "Device not responding" errors at the top of the Output window? If so, this means that the console is not getting an RDM response from the fixtures via the splitter, even if they can still receive DMX.

    18 minutes ago, alg said:

    Re the issue with the lack of DMX output, I will need to check this in the theatre when I can next get across, possibly tomorrow or Friday afternoon. If I still have problems I will phone direct as you suggest.

    No problem - let us know how you get on.

  20. Hi @alg

    As @kgallen mentions, this may be easiest to troubleshoot over the phone.

    52 minutes ago, alg said:

    I have checked further this morning. It would appear that regardless of how I configure Universe 1 outputs the desk always reverts to Port 1 with Rig Sync enabled and the opposite for Port 2. Simply powering the desk off will reset to these settings. Why does the desk not retain the settings I input i.e Port 1 RigSync disabled and Port RigSync enabled?

    Thank you for checking this. It sounds like you have encountered an issue we are aware of in ZerOS 7.14, where the RigSync settings per DMX port may not be saved. This issue has been fixed in the latest stable beta. If you would like access to the stable beta software that solves this issue, please let me know, and I can share this with you.

    1 hour ago, alg said:

    However it simply allocates the fixture to DMX start address of 1 and takes the next 5 addresses. This means the first 5 DMX channels that should be driving the first Betapack only is now driving both dimmer and ETC fixture.

    If RigSync is enabled on the DMX port the Betapack 3s are connected to, RigSync may have readdressed the Betapack 3s, leaving the ETC fixture at its current address.

    On 11/14/2023 at 1:43 PM, alg said:

    Port 2 has RigSync enabled and feeds an 8 way Chauvet DMX splitter, this currentlysupports our existing four Coloursource fresnels. All appears good with this existing set up.

    56 minutes ago, alg said:

    The next problem is why is RigSync not working via the Chauvet DMX splitter, as  noted previously the device is RDM compliant. Does RigSync not work via other manufacturers products? This is well used  by our supplier in his installations an hires and is made by one of the large lighting companies, surely it should be compatible.

    Based on your description my understanding is that RigSync DOES work via the Chauvet DMX Splitter with the ColorSource Fresnels? If so, the splitter is RDM enabled, and RigSync should be able to discover any RDM-compliant devices connected to the Splitter's DMX ports. I am not sure why the ColorSource JNR Spot is not being discovered, whereas other fixtures are. If you unplug the ColorSource Fresnels from the splitter, and connect the ColorSource JNR Spot instead, does RigSync then discover the fixture?

    Some DMX splitters have the ability to switch off RDM on the output ports, so this would be worth checking.

    1 hour ago, alg said:

    More alarming whilst investigating the desk has taken umbridge and has now completly blocked all DMX ouput from the desk! All the Dimmers and previously installed fixtures will simply not respond to the desk. I have powered off and restarted but still no output. What can cause such a wholsale inhibit on the DMX outputs?

    In Setup > Universes > DMX, confirm the DMX ports are indeed enabled. In Setup > Fixture Schedule, doublecheck which universes fixtures are patched onto. In Setup > Universes, scroll down to the Desk Universe the fixtures are patched on, and confirm the DMX ports have been added to that Desk Universe. Z/Shift > System Information > DMX Outputs will show you the levels of the DMX universes the console is outputting.

    Please let us know if you have any questions.

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