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Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Everything posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hi @Harvey John Welcome to the forum. This is not possible. The DMX output ports on Gateway 8 are outputs only, meaning Gateway 8 can only convert Ethernet DMX back to physical DMX. Physical DMX cannot be converted to Ethernet DMX using Gateway 8. Please let us know if you have any questions.
  2. Hallo Jens, Mein Kollege Keith hat auf Ihre E-Mail an support@zero88.com geantwortet. Bitte lassen Sie uns wissen, wenn wir Ihnen helfen können. Hi Jens, My colleague Keith has replied to your email to support@zero88.com. Please let us know if there's anything we can help with.
  3. Excellent - pleased to hear that's stopped the effect from running. Please let us know if there's anything else we can help with.
  4. Hi @Geoffc Welcome to the forum. Firstly, I'd recommend saving a copy of the console's current show file to a USB drive. That way, if you make any incorrect changes, you can then simply load in your previous show file from the USB drive. Please click the link below for information on saving show files... https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/setup/save The effect therefore needs to stop in cue 21. Please follow this process to stop the effect: Go into cue 21, so that it is live and outputting (green row in the Cues window) Double tap CLEAR Select the fixtures running the effect. For example by using the buttons below the fixture's channel faders. Tap the "Effect" tab at the top of the internal touchscreen, and choose [No Effect]. The effect should stop. Then press-and-hold UPDATE, and you should see the Update Options appear on the internal touchscreen. In the Update Options, ensure that the SmartTag button is disabled, indicated with a blue stripe. If it has a red stripe, tap it to disable. If you cannot see a SmartTag button in this window, please see this link for more information - https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/cues-playbacks/record-options Ensure that "Track Forwards" has a red stripe, rather than "Cue Only". With Track Forwards selected, you will send your "No Effect" instruction down through subsequent cues, therefore stopping the effect from running in those cues. Tap your Master Playback's GO button to complete the process. Then, press-and-hold RECORD, to open the Record Options on the internal touchscreen. Tap "SmartTag" and "Cue Only" again, to re-enable them (red stripe), and the console will then be back in the default programming behaviour. Tap RECORD again to save and close. I hope this helps. Please let us know if you have any questions.
  5. That is correct. By "prepare", I mean triggering all programmed parameters to go to their defined values, prior to raising the intensity with the playback's fader. So: Colour, Beam, Shape, Position, & Effect values will be activated. That is correct. If you open the settings of a playback, you will only be configuring the behaviour of this single playback. Please click the link below for more information... https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/cues-playbacks/playback-settings
  6. Enabling/disabling SmartTag will affect what gets included when recording/updating. It does not affect cues that have already been recorded. To be selective of what does and what doesn't get recorded, you will need to work with SmartTag disabled. Please click the link below for more information... https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/cues-playbacks/record-options/snapshot-smarttag#smarttag
  7. Fixture file for the Varytec Event Par IP65 4in1 14x8w... Varytec Event Par IP65 4in1 14x8w.ift (We had already made this fixture file).
  8. If no colour splash is shown on the colour palette tile, this suggests that not all of the fixtures recorded in that palette are exactly the same colour. For example, let's say you raise channel fader 1, change the fixture's colour, but then decide you don't want that fixture so lower its fader and then raise channel fader 2. If you then change fixture 2's colour, and record a colour palette, a colour splash won't show, because you will have also included fixture 1 in a different colour in the palette. In this example, CLEAR should have been pressed, prior to mixing fixture 2's colour. The colour splash will reappear if all fixtures in that colour palette are updated to be the same colour. When you record a palette, by default ZerOS doesn't care what fixtures are on, or which fixtures are selected. ZerOS just cares about the fixtures you have adjusted.
  9. No - you don't have to include intensity information in a cue, you could just record position information. However, if you just want to record position data without the fixture being on, you'll need to ensure SmartTag is disabled in the Record Options window. So, this would be the workflow: Double tap CLEAR Select your fixtures, and only adjust their position, leaving their intensity off Press-and-hold RECORD to open the Record Options window, and ensure that "SmartTag" has a blue stripe, meaning disabled. If it is red, tap it to disable. Then, tap the button below the playback you wish to record to Double tap CLEAR If you have recorded a lighting state on a playback fader, and you want the lights to prepare before raising the playback's fader, you could change the playback's flash button to be a Go button. This means you could then press the playback's button to prepare the fixtures, prior to then raising the playback's fader. To change the playback's button, hold SETUP and tap the playback's button, and from the options at the bottom choose either Go (Fade) or Go (Snap). Hope this helps.
  10. Excellent - let us know if there’s anything we can help with.
  11. Hi @Ed75 This is a nice idea. To do this, you would need to record a macro of pressing the Speed Override encoder's button. However this encoder is in the Z window. Therefore, if you usually live outside of the Z window, you will need to include going into the Z window as part of the Macro. So: RECORD MACRO x ENTER > Keys > Z > tap encoder button 2 (Speed Override reset) > Z > MACRO. Now, go into the settings of that Macro (hold SETUP and tap your Macro onscreen, or use the syntax MACRO x SETUP), and set the playback speed to slow. Now, when this macro is triggered whilst outside of Z, Speed Override will be reset. Macros on ZerOS are not conditional, so there would be no way of running a different macro dependent on whether or not you're currently in the Z key. I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions.
  12. Ah yes the Advent Calendar. This was a lot of fun to make, and is still all very relevant! Although we're not posting a new one this year, do work through the Advent Calendar again, which is available here!...
  13. Upon loading a show file, ZerOS will compare the fixtures in the show file with the latest versions of the fixtures in the installed ZerOS Library. If the fixture personalities are identical in absolutely everyway, ZerOS will patch these fixtures from the library, rather than the show file. If there are any differences in the fixtures, ZerOS will load the fixtures from the show file, leaving you with two slightly different versions of the same fixture in Add Fixtures.
  14. Hi @Shane Considine Welcome to the forum. Please ensure the USB drive is not in the exFAT format, as this format is not supported by FLX S24 consoles. If your USB drive is a large capacity drive in the exFAT format, you should be able to reformat it to the NTFS format on a Windows PC, which will then be compatible with FLX S24. Please let us know if you have any questions.
  15. Out of interest, do you have any "ChilliNet" button panels around your venue that are used to recall scenes on the dimmer when the Jester's disconnected?
  16. Oh yes I remember this. I’m glad you were able to get a replacement, and hope the insurance company was easy to deal with. FLX is still a bit too new for there to be much of a spares market for it. If someone at your venue is pretty handy with swapping out boards/touchscreens, I think I’d be tempted to keep hold of it as spares for your good FLX. Or, you could even source replacements for damaged components, and give yourself a second console (as a spare, or Tracking Backup). However, if you don’t ever think you’d make use of it, and aren’t in a hurry to get rid of it, it might be worth sticking it on an online auction site for a buy it now price, as spares/repairs.
  17. Makes perfect sense. No problem. If the Betapack channels are patched manually, and RigSync cannot see them, upon discovering a new fixture RigSync should not patch the discovered fixture to an address which is already in use on the same universe. If the console has done exactly that, please email me a copy of your console's show file. So when you originally allowed RigSync to discover and configure the fixtures, you were not connected via the Splitter? Now that the fixtures are connected via the Splitter, do you receive "Device not responding" errors at the top of the Output window? If so, this means that the console is not getting an RDM response from the fixtures via the splitter, even if they can still receive DMX. No problem - let us know how you get on.
  18. Hi @alg As @kgallen mentions, this may be easiest to troubleshoot over the phone. Thank you for checking this. It sounds like you have encountered an issue we are aware of in ZerOS 7.14, where the RigSync settings per DMX port may not be saved. This issue has been fixed in the latest stable beta. If you would like access to the stable beta software that solves this issue, please let me know, and I can share this with you. If RigSync is enabled on the DMX port the Betapack 3s are connected to, RigSync may have readdressed the Betapack 3s, leaving the ETC fixture at its current address. Based on your description my understanding is that RigSync DOES work via the Chauvet DMX Splitter with the ColorSource Fresnels? If so, the splitter is RDM enabled, and RigSync should be able to discover any RDM-compliant devices connected to the Splitter's DMX ports. I am not sure why the ColorSource JNR Spot is not being discovered, whereas other fixtures are. If you unplug the ColorSource Fresnels from the splitter, and connect the ColorSource JNR Spot instead, does RigSync then discover the fixture? Some DMX splitters have the ability to switch off RDM on the output ports, so this would be worth checking. In Setup > Universes > DMX, confirm the DMX ports are indeed enabled. In Setup > Fixture Schedule, doublecheck which universes fixtures are patched onto. In Setup > Universes, scroll down to the Desk Universe the fixtures are patched on, and confirm the DMX ports have been added to that Desk Universe. Z/Shift > System Information > DMX Outputs will show you the levels of the DMX universes the console is outputting. Please let us know if you have any questions.
  19. Hi @scottydog75 This is indeed strange behaviour, and is most likely down to the venue’s dimmers. What dimmers are they? Sounds like they could be doing some form of load limiting (either intentionally or incorrectly!). The DMX Outputs window on the console shows the raw outputs of the console, and won’t lie. Copy your playback to an empty playback, hold SETUP and tap the button of the playback you pasted, Advanced > Renumber. The “last cue” field now shows the total cues in that playback. Hope this helps.
  20. No problem at all - really pleased to hear that solved the issue. Let us know if there's anything else we can help with.
  21. In Setup > Universes > DMX, can you doublecheck that RigSync is definitely disabled on port 1, and enabled on port 2... https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/setup/universes/dmx-2 The RDM information for this fixture is included in the latest library, so ZerOS should automatically patch the fixture from the library when it is discovered.
  22. Fixtures must have default values. It is therefore not possible to remove parameters, because they must have a default value assigned. You are therefore essentially always "updating" when recording to the Home key. DELETE HOME is a special operation, that reverts the values to the library defaults (but of course does not remove parameter data). Hope this makes sense.
  23. Effect data (Speed, Size, etc) cannot be stored as a fixture's default values. However, if a fixture's parameters were referencing the values stored in an effect palette, these values would get stored in the fixtures Defaults, as per any other parameter referencing a palette. So if you apply a [Rainbow - Warm] effect, and then RECORD > HOME > Default, RGB will store a reference to E23 (effect palette 23). Yep, that is the best solution: select the fixtures, set the desired colour values, such as applying colour palette 1 [White], and then RECORD > HOME > Default.
  24. Hi @Les Green Welcome to the forum. I believe my colleague Keith has replied to your email regarding this. I think @thierry has hit the nail on the head - you'll need to make sure your channel faders are in "LTP" mode, rather than "HTP" mode. When in LTP mode, the channel faders can be used to reduce the levels of intensities active in cues. When in HTP mode, the channel faders mix with the active cues, rather than override them. The Channel Mix Mode can be set from the SPECIAL MFKs. As a side note, we would recommend using the UPDATE key when adding/removing lights from an existing cue. To do this, go into a cue, make your changes, tap UPDATE, and then tap the playback's GO button. Hope this helps.
  25. The issue here is that you are unblocking cue only. Let's say cue 11 is blocked, and cue 12 tracks from cue 11. If you unblock cue 11 (UPDATE > SmartTag > GO), you are removing data from the cue. If you are doing this as a "Cue Only" update, this means the console will remove blocked data from cue 11, and add that removed data back into cue 12, to make sure that cue 12 looks exactly how it was programmed. This is exactly the same as if you were to turn a light off in a cue, and do this as a Cue Only update - the console would need to add the light into the next cue, so the next cue looks how you originally programmed it. In your example, cue 12 then may become partially blocked, as it is now telling fixtures to go to values they were at in the previous cue. So, in this example you could update cue 11 with SmartTag and Track Forwards enabled, and this would unblock the current cue, and would not add/remove data to/from the next cue. I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any questions.
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