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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Everything posted by Edward Z88

  1. Are you only using the tree navigation structure? I never use this - search seems to work fine. We are in the process of moving the product knowledge base articles over to the new website. General "Knowledge Base" articles will be transferred in time. For example see the Frog page below... https://zero88.com/control/frog These can be accessed here... https://zero88.com/control#legacyproducts Edward
  2. Sorry Kevin! Thanks for taking the time to reply. Edward
  3. Hi Franco, As each software update is independent from one another, you can install ZerOS 7.9.7 directly from ZerOS ZerOS 7.9.7 can be downloaded from our website below... https://zero88.com/zeros#download For instructions on how to perform the software update, see below... http://support.zero88.com/1518909581 Once you have ZerOS 7.9.7 installed, the Solution will operate very differently to how it does on ZerOS For information on the changes, see below... http://support.zero88.com/988876191 Hope this helps, if you have any questions let us know. Edward
  4. Hello, Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. You can find the Jester ML software, along with manuals and other information on the new Jester webpage below... https://zero88.com/control/jester Hope this helps, if you have any questions let us know. Edward
  5. Hi Martin, From a Factory Reset ZerOS, when ArtNet is enabled, it is routed 1:1, meaning desk universe 1 is routed to ArtNet universe 1 and so on. If you press SETUP -> Universes -> ArtNet 4 -> Reset to Defaults, you can choose to route desk universe 1 to ArtNet universe 1 and so on, or route desk universe 1 to ArtNet universe 0 and so on. We will never rename ArtNet universe 0 to be 1, which sounds like what Realizzer may have done. Edward
  6. Hello, Ah excellent. glad to hear you solved the problem. No worries, any questions just let me know. Edward
  7. Hello, All looks good in the show file - thanks for posting. I'm not familiar with Realizzer - is the connection to an ArtNet input automatic, or do you have to configure it? Is it looking to receive ArtNet starting at universe 0, or universe 1? Is this something you can configure within Realizzer? Is it also seeing FLX, however just not responding? FLX will not transmit ArtDMX, until a node subscribes to a universe. I know it sounds like a cliche, however have you rebooted the PC since configuring IP settings? I have known Windows 10 to disable a NIC without asking it to in the past! Edward
  8. Hello, Thanks very much for the screen shot. Hmm that's odd, can't remember seeing that before. What fixtures have you got patched on FLX? How many universes have you patched on? Would you be able to save your show file, and post it here so I can take a look? Edward
  9. Hello, I'm guessing the console and computer are configured to DHCP IP addresses? In the DMX Workshop node list, does the FLX have a green tick? If you are seeing a question mark, it means DMX Workshop can see FLX, however there is a network error. On FLX, if you press Z -> System Information -> Network Overview, at the top of the screen the DHCP address will be displayed. Can you confirm FLX is using this for ArtNet? If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  10. Hello, Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. What ArtNet device are you trying to control? Are these routed 1:1? Meaning is desk universe 1 router to ArtNet universe 1 and so on? What is the network setup? Are you going via an Ethernet switch; or directly from console to node? Edward
  11. Hi Peter, Even if RDM was enabled, this wouldn't unpatch a fixture. As a side note, the newer Chilli dimmers are RDM enabled. I don't see any reason why this fixture would unpatch itself. If it happens again, please save and send the show file again with the fixture still unpatched. Edward
  12. Hi Mil, The playback fader will scale the Speed and Size of the effect, from 0, at the bottom of the playback fader’s travel, to the programmed value at the top of the playback’s travel. For more information, see the article below... http://support.zero88.com/1011405471 Hope this helps, Edward
  13. Hi Mil, There are a few options to do this. The simplest, is recording an effect to a playback, and in the playback settings enabling Fader Controls Effect. With fader controls effect, the fader will scale the fixture’s intensity, and the speed and size of the effect. If you wished, you could have the intensity of the fixtures controlled with a separate fader, so this fader is just the speed and size. If you wish to adjust the speed of the effect separately, you can do this with speed override. Speed override can be found on the second encoder wheel when you press Z/Shift, and can be used to speed up/slow down effects running on the currently viewed playback. To view a playback, press and hold VIEW and tap the playback button. Hope this helps, Edward
  14. Hi Eric, Really sorry to hear this. I have replied to your email to Zero 88 Support. If you have any questions let us know. Edward
  15. Hi Peter, The only thing I could think happened, is that you patched fixture 35 in the Fixture Schedule, focused whilst still in the Fixture Schedule, and then switched the console off. Setup settings and patch will not be saved continuously whilst you're in Setup, hence why you see the save text when you exit Setup as all your changes are saved. Could this be what you did? Could you have edited another fixture's address to conflict with fixture 35? If so you will have received a warning, where if you had pressed "Patch Anyway", the console will have removed fixture 35's DMX address. I noticed fixture 36 is also unpatched, so perhaps the same happened to this fixture? Edward
  16. Hello, The Cue List can be viewed on the bottom half of the "Cues" external desktop. There is no way of configuring the cue list window to be full screen on the external monitor. Edward
  17. Hi Claire, Have you saved a new stick on the USB stick from the console? Have you been able to try a different USB stick? Sometimes Jesters didn't like larger USB sticks - see if you can try a 1GB - 8GB stick. Edward
  18. Hi both, No it isn't, we will have to look at this. @kgallen - Do you get notifications when I tag you like this? Or if I quote you like this?! Or is it seemingly just random? Edward
  19. Hello, Have you gone into the Notification Settings here... https://zero88.com/forum/notifications/options/ At the bottom of this page you can customise when you receive emails. Edward
  20. Hi Claire, Try saving again (try a different USB stick if needs be), give the show a new name so you don't overwrite the existing show on the USB stick, and then plug into a PC. You should see your new show on the USB stick. Edward
  21. Hi Claire, When you save a show and give it a name, you are saving the whole desk state. Therefore when you load a show, you are removing the whole current show and replacing it with the loaded show. Edward
  22. Hi Claire, Pressing <Load Show>, allows you to choose which show file to load from the USB stick. Once you have chosen the show, you can then click OK, and the current show will then be removed from the console. Edward
  23. Hi Oliver, Thanks for the information and for testing this. We have received your email to support. We will reply with the best steps to make next. If you have any question let us know. Edward
  24. Hi Oliver, I'd recommend getting a can of air duster, and squirting this in the problem fader, and running it up and down with normal pressure applied. If you then boot the console with SETUP held down, you will then be able to see the fader behaviour on screen. If this fader is still registering incorrect values as you move it, the console may need a replacement fader. Feel free to send us an email to support@zero88.com, and we can advise on replacement. If you have any questions let us know. Edward (I saw your personal message to me, but figured it would make sense to keep this all in one thread).
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