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Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Posts posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hi Nigel,

    Thanks very much for giving information on your troubleshooting so far. 

    Firstly, you have both sACN and CITP enabled. Only use one protocol to communicate with Capture, otherwise Capture won’t know which stream to connect to. Either protocol can be used to send DMX data to Capture, however CITP allows for selection information and 2 way communication. If you wish to use CITP, disable sACN. This is why you also see the connection status in the System Text. 

    After doing this, restart Capture - does Capture respond to the console? If not tap SETUP -> Universes -> CITP -> Reset to Defaults, and start from universe 0.

    Hope this helps, let me know how you get on.


  2. Hello,

    To only store the intensity effect, turn the fixtures on, and then apply the effect. And ensure all other parameters are still in their defaults and not adjusted. Doing this will only tag intensity and effects. Then disable SmartTag from the Record Options window, and store your cue. 

    Hope this helps,


  3. Hello,

    If you program your chaser effects as separate cues in a cue stack, enabling fader controls effect will adjust the speed, and the size of the intensity effect, as well as the intensity. You may want to set the intensity mixing to Latest Takes Precedence when using intensity effects, otherwise if the fixtures are up already from another playback, raising the chaser effect playback will have no affect.

    Hope this helps,


  4. Hi all,

    13 hours ago, Davidmk said:

    I expect someone from Z88 will give you a better explanation but, in the meantime, give the above a go.

    Thanks David and Kevin for helping, explanations are all good thank you! Key thing to remember when you want to program specific parameters, is to turn SmartTag off. That way the console will only store what is tagged. If you have seen this article already apologies, but may be useful to others reading the thread...


    Hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know.


  5. Hi Tom,

    2 hours ago, TomJosephSmith said:

    come to think of it I could use cuestacks to create groups of looks that incorporate effects that I could 'go' through during songs, selecting cues on the touchscreen. As long as I name things properly I could cram quite a lot in.

    The key thing to remember, is if you have 2 lighting states you know you would never need to mix together, these could instead be 2 cues on a playback, rather than 2 individual playbacks.

    2 hours ago, TomJosephSmith said:

    So if I understand correctly, I can set a state using any fixtures on the console, use SHIFT - RECORD and store that state in an available palette regardless of wether the palette is colour / beamshape etc? What if I have lights in my state that don't have that attribute, for instance if I have generics in the state, do their intensities still get recorded if I store the look to a colour palette?

    That’s correct, the process of holding SHIFT + tapping RECORD, is called a Record All. If you then choose to tap an empty palette, as the name suggests, all fixtures are included in the palette, with all attributes stored (including intensity), irrespective of the type of palette you chose to tap. It’s what we call a “Look” palette. You will notice when stored it is annotated with “ICBPE”, for Intensity, Colour, Beam, Position and Effect, rather than a single letter for that specific attribute. 

    As always if you have any questions just let me know. 


  6. Hi Nick,

    When you press “Automatically Create Macros”, the console creates fixture macros based on the information in the fixture library. 

    As well as these, on Solution consoles you can program custom macros. These can either store a sequence of button presses, or store whatever is written in the command line. To store a macro, tap RECORD -> MACRO, and choose an empty macro to store to. You can then choose to store “Keys” or “Commands”. When you have chosen this, anything you press will be recorded. You will see bottom right of the external monitor the console is now storing your macro. 

    A common example for a macro, is a macro that stores a blackout cue. To do this, you could type:


    Then press your Macro MFK, to stop recording the macro. You will then be able to press this macro at any point, to record your blackout.

    As you can see there’s a huge range of possibilities of macros you could program, depending on how you want to speed up using the console. 

    If you have any questions let me know. 


  7. Hi Tom,

    Thanks very much for your detailed post.

    1 hour ago, TomJosephSmith said:

    1. Houselights

    You mention you have 6 DMX channels of house lights. Which of these do you need separate control of? If for example you control channels 1,2,3 together, and 4,5,6 together, you could patch 2 fixtures on the console with one of these addresses, and then add the remaining couple of addresses to that fixture. Then if the house lights aren’t stored in any other playbacks, you can simply control these 2 fixtures on the console using the channel faders, giving you access to the 3 house lights channels per channel fader. 

    1 hour ago, TomJosephSmith said:

    2. Auditorium uplighting / architectural stuff

    If you have a single playback free for this, you could program various predefined architectural looks into this playback as multiple cues, and use the button underneath to choose which state to output. You can then raise the fader when you’re happy to output the lighting state.

    1 hour ago, TomJosephSmith said:

    3. Hazer

    In the same way as above, could you use a single playback fader with multiple cues stored, which you could then use to choose a cue to output to choose your level of haze?


    1 hour ago, TomJosephSmith said:

    Also if I could sneakily request someone at Z88 has a think about a soft button playback window as part of the OS..... I understand why the limitations are what they are for the S24 and S48 and I'm fully aware that the majority of this comes down to the fact that bluntly speaking, I should've bought a larger model... but I think everyone would benefit from some non fader controlled playbacks to fall back on for basic / less important control aspects of their rig. 

    You mentioned you use programmer time with a mixture of palettes to control fixtures live. I’d recommend having a play with Record All and palettes. To do this, create your lighting state. Then hold SHIFT  and tap RECORD, and then tap any empty palette. Your lighting state is then stored to the palette. Therefore selecting the fixtures, enabling programmer time, and tapping the palette will fade this lighting state in. 


  8. Bonjour,

    Vous devriez trouver que la personnalité de la Robe MiniMe est déjà incluse dans la bibliothèque de luminaires. La dernière version de la bibliothèque de fixtures est la v39.

    Les paramètres 16 bits apparaîtront sous la forme d'une valeur comprise entre 0 et 65 535 sur les roues. C'est parce que c'est la valeur brute de 16 bits qui est envoyée via les canaux DMX grossiers et fins au luminaire, plutôt que le 0-255 habituel d'un paramètre 8 bits.

    Cela vous donne donc un contrôle beaucoup plus fin des paramètres.

    J'espère que cela t'aides,



    You should find the personality for the Robe MiniMe is already included in the fixture library. The latest version of the fixture library is v39.

    16bit parameters will appear as a value between 0-65535 on the wheels. This is because this is the raw 16bit value that is being sent via the coarse and fine DMX channels to the fixture, rather than the usual 0-255 of an 8bit parameter.

    This therefore gives you much finer control of the parameters.

    Hope this helps,


  9. Hello,

    15 minutes ago, jb07 said:

    my old console is able to flash lights depending on the sound while the FLX does not even have an audio input.

    Just to clarify for others reading this thread, the FLX does have an audio input for sound to light, FLX S consoles do not.

    The simplest solution if you wish to use 2 lighting consoles to control the same rig at different times, is simply plug in whichever console you wish to use. This could be as simple as physically unplugging a DMX cable from one console and plugging into another, or using a patch bay.

    Alternatively as Kevin suggests, you could use a merge, but ensure only one console is on at a time. This means the merge doesn't need to gives priorities to incoming DMX signals, it simply passes on the stream that is active.


  10. Bonjour,

    Pourquoi voulez-vous que 2 consoles d'éclairage contrôlent les mêmes lumières?

    Quelle est la deuxième console dans laquelle vous essayez d'envoyer du DMX depuis le FLX S?

    Je ne comprends pas ce que l'on entend par "le cadre DMX ne serait pas complet". Par défaut, FLX S produira 512 canaux DMX, 29 fois par seconde.

    Si vous pouviez créer un lien vers une copie en anglais du manuel de votre fusion, je vais y jeter un œil.




    Why do you want 2 lighting consoles to control the same lights?

    What is the second console you were trying to send DMX into from the FLX S?

    I do not understand what is meant by "the DMX frame would not be complete". By default, FLX S will output a full 512 channels of DMX, 29 times a second.

    If you could link to an English copy of your merge's manual, I will take a look.


  11. Hello,

    Just now, O Thompson said:

    Desk has returned... but with a faulty touch screen now...

    Yes have just seen your email. Will reply to your email to keep this conversation in one place.


  12. Hello,

    Thanks for the information.

    2 hours ago, PingstOsby said:

    If it continus after the weekend ill talk to the seller. 

    Yes if the problems persist contact the Zero 88 Distributor the console was purchased from. Feel free to copy us (support@zero88.com) in on your email to them.


  13. Hi Mac,

    11 minutes ago, Uriahdemon said:

    the desk I have is capable of outputting 4 universes to physical output 1 or 2. 

    You can route any desk universe (any universe between universe 1-64) to either of the DMX outputs. To do this, tap SETUP -> Universes -> scroll down to the desk universe you wish to route from the console. Then open the panel for that universe, and you can then route the universe over Ethernet, or from either/both of the DMX outputs. To do this click Add under DMX, type the port number (either 1 or 2), and click OK. If that output is currently transmitting a different desk universe, you will get a popup to warn you of this, which you can then click OK. You will then have a RigSync option appear for that output.

    Hope this helps,


  14. Hi Mac,

    1 hour ago, Uriahdemon said:

    it states 'each of the outputs can be mapped to any of the DMX universes'.

    Correct, as Kevin says, you can patch your fixtures across 64 universes. Then under Universes in Setup, you can choose how these universes are routed from the console, whether they be over Ethernet or DMX outputs.

    If you have a 4 universe FLX, you therefore have 4 universes of channels (2048) to patch across 64 universes.

    An example of where you might do this is if you need 10 lines of DMX, where each line has fixtures starting at DMX address 1. You therefore patch these fixtures across 10 universes, and you can output a pair of universes out the back of the console, and then 8 to an Ethernet to DMX Gateway. As long as the total amount of channels consumed doesn't exceed 2048 channels, you can do this on a 4 universe FLX.

    Our new 8 port Ethernet to DMX gateway "Gateway 8", is being released later this year...


    Hope this helps,


  15. Hi Nick,

    Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum.

    By default, channel faders are in LTP Mix Mode, meaning they control the fixtures in the programmer with the highest priority control. These values are indicated in red in the Output Window, and require the CLEAR button to remove them. However instead you can set the channel faders to HTP mix mode, so when raised they won't have the highest priority of the light, and can instead mix.

    To change this setting, tap SPECIAL, and change the channel mix mode to be HTP. Doing this displays the channel fader values in yellow in the output window, and does not control the lights in the programmer, meaning the CLEAR button will not remove them.

    Hope this helps, 


  16. Hi Franco,

    5 minutes ago, francocampo said:

    Thank you so much for your quick responses. Very Best Regards and excuse me for my English.

    No problem. And your English is far far better that my Italian so no problem at all!

    If you have any questions let us know.


  17. Hi Peter,

    3 hours ago, Peter Wright said:

    would it be possible to have at least the Lee Filter swatch book included, as in the FLX and Solution?

    Unfortunately this feature will not be coming to FLX S. Full filter libraries will only be available on FLX, Solution and ORB consoles.


  18. Hello,

    Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum.

    14 hours ago, PingstOsby said:

    However we have encountered a problem, all of a sudden the desk freezes up.

    Really sorry to hear this. How regularly does the console seem to freeze? After booting, how long does the console seem to run smoothly until the freeze happens. Unfortunately it sounds like a faulty console, especially if the only connections in use were power in and DMX out. I would recommend contacting the Zero 88 distributor the console was purchased from, who will be able to assess the console and repair/replace. Feel free to send us an email to support@zero88.com, and we can advise further.

    12 hours ago, kgallen said:

    No idea really but might be worth disabling RDM (in Setup) just in case there is something coming back from the merger that is confusing the desk. 

    This won't make a difference unfortunately, if the console receives out of spec RDM information, it will be ignored. 

    If you have any questions let us know.


  19. 11 minutes ago, kgallen said:

    I failed to find that KB on the radical changes which I wanted to link

    Are you only using the tree navigation structure? I never use this - search seems to work fine.

    11 minutes ago, kgallen said:

    how is the "reorg" going?

    We are in the process of moving the product knowledge base articles over to the new website. General "Knowledge Base" articles will be transferred in time. For example see the Frog page below...


    These can be accessed here...



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