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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Everything posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hello, If you find effects are continuing to move when your fixtures are off, go into the cue, select the fixtures, hold EFFECT and tap HOME, then tap UPDATE, and ensure SmartTag is disabled. You can then tap your playback’s button. Hope this helps, Edward
  2. Hello, Yes change profiles allows to to repatch a fixture to a different type, or different mode. All existing programming is then applied to the new fixture. Hope this helps, Edward
  3. Hello, When you switch the console on, the Grand Master defaults at full. Otherwise, if a fader on page 2 for example was a grand master, after booting the console there would be no light output until you found the correct fader, and pushed it up. Hope this helps, Edward
  4. Hello, This behaviour isn’t documented, however is the correct behaviour. When it flashes slowly, it means the fader isn’t at full. Hope this helps, Edward
  5. Hello, That is correct, "Change All Names" allows you to change the names of all the currently selected fixtures. "Change All Profiles" allows you to change this all the currently selected fixture's personalities to another fixture personality. Hope this helps, Edward
  6. Hi Eric, There will not be a manual for ZerOS 7.9.7, as ZerOS 7.9.7 is only a minor revision of ZerOS 7.9.6. Feature requests are something we are always keen to listen to. Most feature requests are logged on our system. Unfortunately I wouldn't be able to put a date, or a version, when these will be included in ZerOS. Hope this helps, Edward
  7. Hi Eric, Thanks for sending this across, I can confirm we have received this. We will get back to you as soon as possible. Edward
  8. Hi Eric, All custom fixture files can be removed from the console, by tapping SETUP -> Clear Options -> Clear Fixture Files. Fixtures contained in the library cannot be removed. It is a good idea to name custom fixture files in a way to avoid duplicates, such as adding "v2" to the end. Hope this helps, Edward
  9. Hi Eric, They're much nicer to use as you don't have to press as hard, plus as I mentioned also allow for multitouch so you can fan using the colour picker externally. Edward
  10. Hi Bruce, An effect (chase) cannot be placed directly onto a manual master (submaster). However, an effect in the memory stack can be transferred to a manual master (as per page 22 of the manual). See page 11 for information on how to transfer a memory to a manual master. Hope this helps, Edward
  11. Hello, Glad to hear you solved the issue. If you have any questions let us know. Edward
  12. Hi Bruce, Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. Factory Reset on Sirius 24 is called "Clear All". For more information, see page 24 of the manual below... https://zero88.com/storage/downloads/81245b69-38c9-4e25-a9ab-167df2de756d/Sirius-24_48-Manual-Issue-3.pdf Hope this helps, Edward
  13. Hi Martin, Interesting, thanks very much for posting back and letting us know the cause of the issue. Glad to hear you now have this working. Edward
  14. Hi Eric, The big difference is that the Prolite T2236MSC-B2 are wide screen, and support capacitive touch. Capacitive touch screen technology allows for multitouch, like on the FLX internal touchscreen, or on an iPad for example. The older Prolite T1731SR touchscreens used resistive technology, only allowing for single touch. Edward
  15. Hi Martin, Hope you’re well. I haven’t personally looked into coding an ArtNet receiver, so am unsure what may be causing your device to stop responding temporarily. Just a thought - do you have RDM enabled on the FLX? If so does your python script also emulate this? If not potentially this is where the issues lies? If you haven’t already, it may be worth posting on other forums more generally aimed at DMX and ArtNet coding. It may also be worth a post on the Blueroom forum. If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  16. Hi Alex, Currently there is no way of customising cue setting defaults. This is logged as a future software enhancement. You should find using the arrow keys along with the enter button will help you to get into a rhythm and speed up setting many cues. Yes I’d still keep the lighting states between tracks on the master playback and trigger with MSC if it was me, and just keep tracks on playbacks with MTC. Hope this helps, Edward
  17. Hi Alex, All sounds good. If SCS can output MIDI Timecode (MTC), I think I'd be tempted to use this for the songs instead of MSC. That way in SCS you could play your track, and simultaneously start the Time Code output to the FLX. On FLX, for each song you could have a separate playback, containing all the lighting states required for that song. In each cue's settings, you can then put the MTC time stamp this cue needs to run at. That way a single press of the spae bar in SCS, runs the song and all lighting states. The best way to do this, is start each song at a new hour. Therefore track one outputs timecode at 1:00:00:00, song two at 2:00:00:00 and so on. For the rest of the production, as you say I would use MSC, as you can then tap your space bar on your laptop to trigger sound and lighting cues. Hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know. Edward
  18. Hi Rob, Great, glad to hear it. That's correct. To remotely control FLX S using a tablet or phone, you will need a wireless router connected to the console. Any standard wireless router or wireless access point should be fine. For demonstrations and training, we use NetGear routers. More information can be found below... http://support.zero88.com/996119181 Hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know. Edward
  19. Hi Rob, You cannot have both devices with the same IP address. In the world of Ethernet, devices must have unique addresses, or else there will be conflicts. Therefore please set: FLX S24 - Laptop - Both with subnets of Please try this and let me know how you get on. Edward
  20. Hi Rob, In the ZerOS Remote Monitor software for Windows, the FLX S24 should appear automatically, if the IP address of the console and the IP address of the laptop are configured correctly. An example of IP addresses you could use, are for the FLX S24, and for the laptop, both with subnets of Please follow the following steps for information on how to change your laptop's IP address - the option is hidden away in Windows 10 - ... - The easiest way to change the IP address on a Windows 10 laptop, is open Control Panel. Tap the Windows Key, and type Control Panel to find it. - Then top right view by icons rather than category, and choose Network and Sharing Centre. - From the left hand side, choose Change Adapter Settings. Then double click on "Ethernet", and then double click on "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IP)". - Then choose "Use the following IP address", and type an IP in range with the console, such as as suggested. Hit tab, and the subnet should auto populate as - You can then click OK. Then open ZerOS Remote Monitor for Windows, and the FLX S24 should appear. If after using the laptop connected to your FLX S, you then want to plug your laptop into a network connected to the Internet, you will need to repeat the above steps, and then rather than choosing "Use the following IP Address", choose "Obtain an IP address automatically". The name the desk shows can be configured on the FLX S24, by tapping SETUP -> Settings -> Desk Name. Hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know. Edward
  21. Hi Chris, No problem. Any questions let me know. Edward
  22. Hi Chris, That is correct, MIDI Notes will trigger playbacks 1-128, with no way of applying an offset. Hope this helps, Edward
  23. Hi Chris, Yes thank you - hope you are too. ZerOS can only be set to receive a single MIDI Notes channel number. There are 16 channels in total (0-15). 128 playbacks can therefore be triggered from a single MIDI Notes channel (MIDI Note Pitch 0-127). A fade time can be applied using the velocity. For more information see below... http://support.zero88.com/990063141 Hope this helps, Edward
  24. Hi David, Thanks very much for posting, and for those links. I'll add to this thread too - if anyone wants to refresh some lighting key terms, see below... https://zero88.com/jargon For questions on how to do the above, just let me know. For a 20 minute chat with myself or one of the others in the Zero 88 support team, see below... https://zero88.com/news/zero-88-to-provide-free-remote-training-and-support Edward
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