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Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Everything posted by Edward Z88

  1. D'après votre description, je pense que vous aimeriez que les couleurs se mélangent toujours de manière additive. Si vous souhaitez contrôler les couleurs de manière additive, au lieu d'utiliser les outils de mélange de couleurs tels que les palettes, le sélecteur de couleurs et les Mood Boards, il serait probablement préférable de faire fonctionner vos appareils dans leur mode le plus simple, puis de patcher des gradateurs individuels pour contrôler les LED individuelles. des luminaires. Cela signifie que la console mélangera nativement les émetteurs en utilisant « la priorité la plus élevée », car elle traitera chaque canal de couleur comme une intensité pour cette couleur particulière. Based on your description, I believe you would like colour to always mix additively. If you wish to control colour additively, instead of using the colour mixing tools such as palettes, colour picker, and Mood Boards, you would probably be best to operate your fixtures in their simplest mode, and then patch individual dimmers to control the individual LEDs of the fixtures. This means the console will natively mix the emitters using "Highest Takes Precedence", as it will treat each colour channel as an intensity for that particular colour.
  2. Veuillez nous envoyer une copie de votre fichier d'émission à support@zero88.com et fournir des instructions étape par étape sur les lectures que vous essayez d'enregistrer. Nous pourrons alors y jeter un œil. Please email us a copy of your show file to support@zero88.com, and provide step-by-step instructions on the playbacks you are trying to record. We can then take a look.
  3. Hi @jmd I would recommend watching the tutorial below if you haven't already... This is available here... https://www.zero88.com/storage/downloads/2f885eff-adc0-4525-8859-1803970c6fb5/ZerOS-Français-7.9.9-V-3.51a.pdf
  4. Gateway 4 will only consume 2W. So roughly 222mA @ 9v, 42mA @ 48v.
  5. Hi @showguy To control the intensities of individual fixtures with the ZerOS Remote app, you can use syntax commands. The default screen of the app is a number-pad where you can type these commands. Please see the link below for information on syntax commands… https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/selection-and-intensity/commands Alternatively, if you wanted to use onscreen faders to control intensities, you could use the ZerOS Monitor app instead, and view the Faders desktop. The Faders window can then be put into Fader Level mode. See the link below for more information… https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/setup/settings/operational#mff I hope this helps.
  6. That is correct. You would need to source a suitable PSU from a third party should you wish to troubleshoot this. Although a Solution PSU also uses a 4-pin XLR, it is NOT compatible with Gateway 4. More information here… https://www.zero88.com/manuals/gateway4/power-3
  7. Hi Des, Hope you’re well. I’ll take a proper look at this when I’m back in the New Year. As mentioned, this is not something we have seen before. I can’t remember what he had previously discussed regarding powering the unit - it might be worth attempting to use an external PSU rather than PoE, to see if you achieve better results. Edward
  8. Hi @simzee47 This functionality was removed several versions ago. Chases will ignore all cue fade, delay, and auto timings set in a playback. To use the cue timings rather than BPM, you will need to revert the playback from a chase, and then add "Auto After" triggers to each cue in the playback. Please see the link below for more information... https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/cues-playbacks/cue-settings/cue-triggers The playback will then run through the cue timings and loop automatically. Please let me know if you have any questions.
  9. Ah yep, a dedicated Inhibit is the way to go then 👍🏼
  10. There have been occasions where I've needed to do this. In these situations, I raise my special playback, and simultaneously lower my Master Playback's fader, until I've got the balance how I want it. Is there a particular reason you don't want to touch the Master Playback in this situation? As @Davidmk mentions, Inhibit is essentially a Grand Master for certain fixtures. You cannot "release" the Grand Master - it always governs the overall intensity output from the console. This is therefore the same behaviour of an inhibit playback - the Trigger On Raise & Release On Lower options are irrelevant, so are greyed out.
  11. Really pleased to hear you were able to recover the console using the ZerOS Start-up Tool. Please drop us an email to support@zero88.com if you have any questions. It is extremely unlikely for the OS to have corrupted. My guess is that the show file that was on the console had corrupted. As a side note, FLX S consoles cannot be recovered using a bootable USB drive. FLX S consoles must use the start-up tool for recovery.
  12. The ZerOS Online Manual has been updated to reflect the changes and new features introduced in ZerOS 7.14.1... https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros A full list of revisions is available here... https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/introduction-58/revisions-50 Let us know if you have any questions.
  13. I definitely understand this request. On the other hand, personally I would not want SmartTag to turn back on if I'd turned it off. More thought required...
  14. If you have SmartTag disabled, and you record a cue, you will immediately snap into the cue you just recorded, and the manually adjusted programmer values will be cleared automatically. As you have essentially done a GO Snap without running the cue's fade times, the Pause button will flash. Hope this helps.
  15. Hi @SanCarlino Welcome to the forum. Jester consoles were discontinued back in 2017, and stocks of spare PCBs have now run out. So we can support from the user/software side, but cannot guarantee that the console can be repaired if something goes wrong. I would recommend working through the Jester ML Training Playlist here... Yes - the latest fixture library for Jester ML consoles is v41, and is available to download from the Jester webpage... https://www.vari-lite.com/global/products/jester-series If you need to control a fixture that is missing from the library, you can create a fixture file to load into the console using "Zero 88 Fixture Tools". This application can be downloaded here... https://vari-lite.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/software-firmware/Zero-88-Fixture-Tools-2.6.zip JesterOS 4.1 is the final version for Jester ML consoles, and is very stable. "Phantom Jester" is a Windows software package, that allows you to program and edit Jester show files on your PC. These show files can then be transferred to the console via USB. This can be downloaded from the link below... https://www.vari-lite.com/b-dam/vari-lite/discontinued-products/jester/english/phantom-jester-4-1.zip Hope this helps.
  16. Intensity transitions between the steps of a chase can also be configured in ZerOS. See here for more information… https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/cues-playbacks/chases/chase-settings#intensity
  17. Try using the kaleidoscope colour effect, but reduce the size to reduce the saturation. If that’s too subtle try adding the candle effect too.
  18. If you have made edits to intensities manually, they will be displayed in red in the Output window. These values will need to be cleared to allow your cues to output as recorded. You could enable "Programmer Time", so that double tapping CLEAR fades the fixtures to their cue values, instead of snapping them. See here for more information... https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/z-key/z-encoders Hope this helps.
  19. It is not currently possible to change the colours of the current and next cue. ZOS-8774 is logged on our system, to improve the clarity of the current versus next cue in the Cues window. I have raised the priority of this following your request. Please feel free to post your questions all in this thread. Although there is not a dedicated up to date Solution manual, I would recommend using the ZerOS manual for FLX series consoles here... https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros Hope this helps.
  20. Tracking behaviour on Solution is identical to FLX. The HTP/LTP option on the Solution Special MFKs is only related to the channel faders. As these control intensity, it is not related to Colour, Beam, or Position. More information on Tracking here... https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/cues-playbacks/record-options/tracking
  21. Thank you for sharing your show file. The first observation is that this show file is from ZerOS 7.9.7, which is serval versions out of date. I would therefore recommend updating your console's software. ZerOS 7.14.1 is the latest software, and can be downloaded from the link below... https://vari-lite.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/software-firmware/ZerOS-7.14.1.exe Release notes including installation instructions are available here... https://vari-lite.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/graphics/technical/documents/ZerOS-7.14.1-release-notes.pdf Please update your console's software. As discussed, this sounds like a hardware issue. Start by cleaning the faders. If this doesn't clear the issue, the faders will need replacing.
  22. Great - thanks for letting me know. Yes it would. However, if you have a Cue Stack on a playback, the playback's button will already be a Go button by default. Please let me know if you have any questions.
  23. This is similar to Windows File Explorer - upon renaming a file, the file name will be selected. Tapping into the text/using the arrow keys, will allow you to edit/add to the existing file name, rather than replace it.
  24. As @iank99 mentions, it sounds like fader 26 on your console is faulty. Please send us an email to support@zero88.com for detailed troubleshooting information. You may find that a small drop of switch/contact cleaner will resolve the issue. If it doesn't, fader 26 will need to be replaced. As you are in the UK, I would recommend contacting @iank99 to get this repaired... Without any further information, my first guess would be that this may be related to Speed Override. If you tap the Z/SHIFT key, you'll see Speed Override on the second encoder wheel. Please ensure this is reset to the midpoint position. If a yellow bar is shown, tap the button in the middle of the Speed Override encoder wheel, to reset. Upon running cues, the cue timings will then be used, and will not be temporarily overridden. To troubleshoot further, we would need to see a copy of the console's show file. If you can tap SETUP > Save, save the file to a USB drive, and email this to support@zero88.com, we'll take a look. Please let us know if you have any questions.
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