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Edward Z88

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Everything posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hello, Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. Thank you for attaching the images. Please could you email us a copy of your show file saved in ZerOS, and we will take a look. Please email it to support@zero88.com. Edward
  2. Hi Kevin, In your screenshot, as long as ArtNet is enabled and your network settings are correct, WYSIWYG should be receiving desk universe 1 on ArtNet 1, and desk universe 2 on ArtNet 2 respectively. There shouldn’t be any other settings required on the console, other than to ensure your patch is correct. DMX Workshop will not receive data from Solution, as DMX Workshop is seen as a DMX “transmitter”, not a “receiver”. If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  3. Hi Kevin, Firstly, I would recommend updating your console's software to ZerOS 7.9.7. So you are outputting console universe 1 on Art-Net universe 0, and WYSIWYG is set to receive Art-Net universe 0 and patch it to the first universe? This should work absolutely fine, however if you are having difficulties, start at Art-Net universe 1, rather than universe 0, to avoid confusion. On Solution, you can do this by tapping SETUP -> Universes -> Art-Net 4 -> Reset to Defaults -> Start at Universe 1. Then in WYSIWYG, ensure universe A and B are receiving 1 and 2, rather than 0 and 1. Hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know. Edward
  4. Hola, OK gracias por la información. Ese es un gran salto en las versiones de software. Por favor, ¿podría enviarme por correo electrónico una copia de su archivo de presentación original de ZerOS 7.8.5 y le echaré un vistazo? support@zero88.com Hello, OK thank you for the information. That is quite a big jump in software versions. Please could you email me a copy of your original ZerOS 7.8.5 show file, and I will take a look: support@zero88.com Edward
  5. Hola, Bienvenido al Foro Zero 88. Según su descripción, parece que sus canales de atenuación pierden DMX cuando apaga el canal 26. ¿El canal 26 también es un canal de atenuación? ¿Qué está conectado al canal 26? ¿Qué versión de software está ejecutando ahora y qué versión estaba ejecutando anteriormente? ¿Ha cargado su archivo de show desde el software antiguo en el nuevo software? Es posible que deba desarrollar un poco más para explicar su problema. Hello, Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. From your description, it sounds like your dimmer channels are loosing DMX when you turn off channel 26? Is channel 26 also a dimmer channel? What is plugged into channel 26? What software version are you running now and what version were you running previously? Have you loaded your show file from the old software into the new software? You may need to elaborate a little further to explain your issue. Edward
  6. Hi Rob, As Kevin says, choosing which playback you see in the Cues window, is a manual process of pressing and holding VIEW, and tapping the button of the playback you wish to view. This is to allow you to run cues on a playback, and temporarily overlay other lighting states from other playbacks without the cues window changing. Hope this helps, if you have any questions let us know. Edward
  7. Hi Per, Really glad to hear you’ve got this working. Thanks very much for letting us know the cause of the issue. I will bear this in mind for if anyone else has similar sounding issues in future. If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  8. Hi Per, Thanks for the information and screen shots. Thanks for confirming, yes looks like the iPhone is correctly on the network then. The main reasons you may encounter this "Desk connection failed" error are conflicting IP address, poor network bandwidth, or almost out of range from your access point. However from your description, it sounds like these issues aren't present in your set up, and something else may be going on. To confirm the network status on your console, tap Z/Shift -> System Information -> Network Overview. Are you able to connect a PC to the network, and run ZerOS Remote Monitor to see if you can connect to the console? ZerOS Remote Monitor is available from the website below... https://zero88.com/zeros#download Thanks David for your suggestions here too. The thread David is mentioning can be found below... It is worth mentioning, most routers won't default to such a low DHCP lease time, so this shouldn't be an issue. And even if they do, most routers will build up a DHCP table, with a list of which IP address has been allocated to which discovered MAC address, and as a general rule will try and keep to this allocation even after leases expire, and devices drop in and out. This would be known as a MAC address reservation, where the DHCP server sees a MAC address and always assigns it a given IP address. If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  9. Hi Per, Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. From your screen shot, the WiFi symbol is not displaying top right of your iPhone. Are you sure you are correctly connected to the WiFi network? If you are using a router/access point with DHCP capabilities, I would recommend setting your console and phone to DHCP. Your phone will use DHCP by default. Please ensure there are no other devices with static IPs on the network, that may have a conflicting IP address. Hope this helps, let me know how you get on. Edward
  10. Hi Peter, I have deleted your post in the General Discussion, to keep all information in one place: Have you followed Keith's advice above? Cheers, Edward
  11. Hi DALX, No, FLX S24 does not have this functionality currently. Fixtures can be viewed in the Output window, or the Faders window, in order of fixture number. If you have any questions let us know. Edward
  12. Hi Peter, Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. Can you confirm the replacement battery was a fresh new one? Did you ensure you observed polarity and inserted the battery the correct way round? After replacing the battery, and then resetting the desk, the error message should clear on the next reboot. Edward
  13. Hello, Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. So rather than mixing the two lighting states together, you’d like to add one and it replace the other? There are a few ways of doing this. I think if it was me, rather than having your separate lighting states on faders, if you never want to mix them together, instead record them as separate cues in a single playback. That way once you have recorded the lighting states you need onto a playback, hold MEMORIES and tap the playback’s button, and you can then tap on the cue you want in the Cues window, and tap the playback’s button to go to it. I hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know. Edward
  14. Hi Franco, Thanks very much for sending the file across. I have passed this onto the software team for them to investigate (ZOS-10269). If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  15. Edward Z88

    Alarm input

    Hello, Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. Great, thanks very much for sharing that. Cheers, Edward
  16. Hi Gabriel, Great, glad to hear you are now running the latest software. Future software updates will now be much easier, as you will be able to simply load the application directly into the console as if it were a show file. Now you're up to date, you may find the video below worth a watch, which is the video you sent a screen shot of in an earlier post... Once you have fixtures patched into the console, you will be able to select them using the channel fader buttons, and by tapping FIXTURES and using the MFKs. To access Groups, you should find you can tap the GROUPS button, and the MFKs will show you your groups, along with a button to Automatically Create Groups. You can also access the Groups window on the external monitor. Hold SHIFT and tap GROUPS to open the window, and use the desktop buttons bottom left to find where it has opened. To record your own groups, select some lights, tap RECORD GROUPS and tap an empty MFK to store to. Hope this helps, Edward
  17. Hi Gabriel, If you are having difficulty getting the console to boot from the USB stick, have you tried inserting the formatted USB stick into the USB port next to the Ethernet port? If you are still experiencing difficulty, I would recommend trying a different USB stick. Before formatting the USB stick using the ZerOS OS Creator application on Windows, first in Windows File Explorer do a quick format of the USB stick. If this also doesn't help, please see the guide below... http://support.zero88.com/998317101 Hope this helps, let me know how you get on. Edward
  18. Hi David, In the latest version of the library, you will simply see "3ch (RGB)". This does include a virtual intensity, and I would recommend using this for each pixel. The fixture without virtual intensity has been removed from the library, to always encourage people to take advantage of the virtual intensity. The benefit of using RGB with a virtual intensity, is you will have access to colour effect, and intensity effects. Yes, I reckon patch every single pixel individually (2x 170 RGB), and then create groups to give you the most flexibility, and also ease of control. You could then create your own groups to achieve your description above. Auto groups, will give you a group for all pixels, odds, evens, first half, second half. You should find using these groups in conjunction with effects and colours is going to give you lots of flexibility. For more information on groups see below... http://support.zero88.com/1011579831 Hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know. Edward
  19. Hi David, I haven’t used this pixel tape driver myself with FLX, but you should be able to get some nice effects from it. A configuration example, is you could have universes 1 and 2 from the ports on the back of the console, and then send universes 3 and 4 over ArtNet. When patching, your best bet is to patch two lots of 170 RGB pixels, first onto universe 3 then onto universe 4, for example. Give them fixture numbers out the way, I’d be tempted to say even 1001 upwards, as it is unlikely you’ll want to control them individually, and instead just grab control of them with groups. You can then simply tap a group, tap an effect, and you’ll be able to run effects across the pixels. Apologies if this was similar to your plan already, but hopefully this gives some pointers for you or anyone else using pixel tape with FLX. If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  20. Hello, Really glad to hear your FLX S24 has arrived. Yes, worth connecting the fixtures, and see if they give FLX S enough information for FLX S to create a fixture personality for you. If not, as Kevin says send us an email to fixturesupport@zero88.com, with a link to the manuals of the fixtures you need, and we’ll be able to create and send them to you. If you come across any questions whilst you’re practicing, just let us know. Edward
  21. Hello, Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. Great, glad FLX S24 will work for you. If you have any other questions regarding the console please let us know. Thanks @kgallen for your support. Edward
  22. Hi Gabriel, No problem at all, glad I could help. If you have any questions once you get back to Uni or need a hand updating the software just let me know. Edward
  23. Hi Nick, Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. There have been no resolution improvements to Phantom ZerOS Front Panel window since this topic. If you are unsure of a front panel button, hover over it with your cursor, and the button name will be displayed in the Front Panel header bar. The virtual internal touchscreen will not be improved, as this can be opened as a separate Phantom window, by ticking "Show LCD" in the Phantom ZerOS launcher. For a list of keyboard shortcuts to make your life easier, see below... http://support.zero88.com/998481801 Hope this helps, if you have any questions let us know. Edward
  24. Hi Fred, Hope you’re well. That’s great, glad to hear you have decided on FLX S48. Rather than me explain this on the forum, you may find watching the video below helpful... The first half of this video goes in depth on how to program a chase, and all the options available. The second half of the video then goes in-depth on effects. Give this a watch and let me know how you get on. If you would like any particular pointers, please do let me know. Edward
  25. Edward Z88

    Smart tag

    Hi Gabriel, No problem, thanks for the information. Just so you are aware, those training sessions are primarily for our FLX consoles, but as Solution XL runs the same software as FLX, most will be applicable to Solution XL too. Some of the buttons you see will be different though. If you have any other questions whilst you learn the console do let me know. Edward
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