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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Everything posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hi Alex, Thanks for all your information on this. We have found an issue that is affecting the encoder displays on some ORB series consoles. We will look to release a bug fix for this as soon as possible. In the meantime if you wish to roll back to ZerOS 7.9.7, please see the link below... https://zero88.com/zeros#legacy If you have any questions please let us know. Edward
  2. Hi Alex, After recording a cue with intensity information stored, please tap on the "Fade Up" or "Fade Down" fields in the Cue list window. Do the encoders display fade and delay times correctly? Edward
  3. Hi Pritch, Thanks for the comments. We had quite a few conversations about which key should be Thru. The > symbol makes the most sense as being Thru, and has been the shortcut for Thru on ZerOS for many years. We therefore decided to leave Thru as > as this is what users will be used to, despite the fact you need to use Shift. Forward slash (/) is used on FLX to allow you to define a Playback/Cue number, and so we couldn’t use / for Thru. If you have any questions let us know. Edward
  4. I'm going to guess, in Setup -> Triggers, MIDI Notes is set to playbacks, and the Channel is left at 0 (to receive Notes commands from all channels), or set to the channel number set on the Novation. Your octaves will likely be set to "Separate", to give you access to playbacks 0 to 127. Edward
  5. ^Yep exactly right, tap Z -> System Information -> Event Monitor to see incoming MIDI Notes or MIDI Show Control commands. Incoming MIDI Timecode clock can be found in the status bar along the bottom of the Cues window on the external monitor. Edward
  6. Hi Alexander, Thank you for confirming. On ORB XF, if you select a fixture, and encoders 2 and 3 remain blank, please view the "Wheels" desktop on the external monitor. Are the parameters displayed on encoders 2 and 3 here? If you use the physical encoders, do the values change on the external monitor? Edward
  7. Hi Joe, Yes don't worry nothing you have done - thanks very much for helping us find the issue! Edward
  8. Hi Joe, Thanks for the further information. I have been able to recreate the issue. There is an issue in some scenarios where the effect parameters for intensity effects are not getting recorded into cues, for multi-parameter fixtures. I have logged this on our software tracking system as ZOS-10476. Currently no release date yet, but we may do a minor release to fix this, and also include an update to ZerOS Library. If you have any questions please let me know. Edward
  9. Hi Steve, Are you controlling any other fixtures on that DMX line? Are they also showing a "flicker" when the starcloths do? You say the display in the controller box flickers - this almost sounds like a power issue, where they are momentarily loosing power and booting back up? Are both starcloth controller boxes connected to the same power supply? If you disconnect the controller boxes from the DMX line, and leave and watch them, do the displays continue to flicker? If you have RigSync disabled and this hasn't had an effect, then this rules out an out of spec fixture being the issue. You've tried all the usual troubleshooting of new cabling and terminators to rule these factors out too. The console will be outputting DMX at a continuous 30Hz, so there is nothing obvious that could be causing this. If you'd like to give me a call when you're in the venue troubleshooting it, drop me an email and I'll send you my number. Edward
  10. Hi Chris, I have taken a quick look at the YouTube link. If I wanted to run my show like this on FLX, I would simply use some intensity playback masters, and then a touchscreen with all my palettes programmed, which I can then just tap and fade between using Programmer Time. To achieve this via MIDI, you can then just instead record your different looks onto individual playbacks which can be triggered by Notes, and fade between them using the cue fades. Edward
  11. Hi Alex, I have patched a BriteQ BT-575S into Phantom ORB XF running ZerOS 7.9.8. Selecting the fixture and tapping COLOUR, shows me "Colour Wheel" and "Colour Wheel Mode" parameters on encoders 1 and 2. Tap BEAM, and gobo controls are shown on encoders 2 and 3, tap BEAM again and I can page through. What are you seeing when doing this? Are the encoders remaining blank (blue)? Is the "Intensity" display visible above the intensity wheel? Have you held SETUP and adjusted the LCD contrast? The Fixture Editor software still allows you to create fixtures in the .ift file format, which can be loaded into ZerOS 7.9.8. These custom fixture files will therefore be displayed in red in Add Fixtures and the Fixture Schedule, to indicate the fixtures are not from the library. If you would like fixtures adding to the library which are missing, please email the fixture's manual to us at fixturesupport@zero88.com, and we'll be able to get this added to the library for the next release. I hope this helps, if you have any questions let us know. Edward
  12. Hi Joe, Great, thanks very much for attaching your show file. I will take a look at this tomorrow and investigate what may be going on. Edward
  13. Hi Joe, "Don't Move Effect" will be chosen by default. This is to ensure that if a fixture goes dark, it does not start running an effect that is coming up the next time the fixture is used. This is to avoid your fixtures unnecessarily moving in the rig. I am a little unsure of what your initial issue may have been. I have been unable to recreate the issue you have described, however, glad to hear you have solved it! Edward
  14. Hello, Thanks for the information. Yes please take a look when you next get a chance - when DMX In is controlling a playback, the physical fader level and fader level from the DMX Input should mix with LTP catch behaviour. 24 channels of DMX In can be sent to Phantom, by opening the "DMX In Panel" window from the Phantom ZerOS launcher, and then using the virtual faders to emulate your DMX input. Well spotted - the parameter table is not updating the tag/untag state straight away when parameters with no Special defined and no details are manually tagged/untagged. The encoder displays are updating correctly, and tapping into the Output window updates the parameter table correctly. I have logged this on our software tracking system as reference number ZOS-10473. I hope this helps, if you have any questions let us know. Edward
  15. Hi Mac, Currently ZerOS does not support MIDI over USB, and so you will not be able to trigger Phantom ZerOS with MIDI. You will however be able to do all of your MIDI configuration in Phantom, save the show and load in into your FLX, and your FLX will then be preconfigured ready to accept MIDI triggers. Edward
  16. Hi Joe, OK thanks for the information. Yes please update to ZerOS 7.9.8, and if you are still having difficulties, please email me a copy of the show file that is showing the issue, and I'll take a look. Edward
  17. Edward Z88

    Move on dark

    Hi Simon, Hope you're well. To change the Move On Dark timings for a playback, go into the Playback Settings by pressing and holding SETUP, and tapping the playback's button. Then choose the Move On Dark tab, and adjust the delay and fade time. Press OK on the Settings window, and you will see the new times displayed along the bottom of the playback status bar in the Cues window on the external monitor. As @kgallen mentioned, Move On Dark timings are available for the whole playback, not individual cues. For individual cues, Don't Move flags are available in the Cue Settings. Editing defaults within Setup -> Defaults, will never affect existing cues. These defaults will be used by any future cues recorded. Hope this helps, Edward
  18. Hi David & Chris, Most MIDI fader banks, send their fader levels over the MIDI Control Change (CC) protocol. ZerOS currently doesn't support this protocol, however it is on our software tracker as a potential future enhancement (software tracker reference number ZOS-10271). The three MIDI protocols currently supported in ZerOS are Timecode, Show Control and Notes. I am not aware of such a device, but it could be possible that when a MIDI fader hits a certain level, it fires a MIDI Note, allowing you take advantage of MIDI fader handles purely to trigger ZerOS. If you have any questions let us know. Edward
  19. Dear All, Zero 88 are pleased to announce the launch of ZerOS version 7.9.8 software - a new software release for the following consoles: FLX FLX S24 FLX S48 ZerOS Server Solution Solution XL ORB ORB XF SCD Server Leapfrog 48 & 96 The ZerOS 7.9.8 download for your console, Phantom ZerOS 7.9.8 offline editor download, and the release notes, can be found at zero88.com/zeros Also available from the link is the new ZerOS Monitor 2.0 for Windows, supporting new keyboard shortcuts to allow you to remotely control your console. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at support@zero88.com Kind regards Edward
  20. Hello, This is the one we use for training, testing, and demonstrations... https://motu.com/products/midi/fastlane_usb Edward
  21. Hello, Yes, exactly right. Rather than wasting a whole output for just a few channels used to trigger your playbacks, you could use a DMX splitter plugged into a DMX output, route one of the outputs back into the console, and then use the other outputs to control fixtures. Edward
  22. Hi Mac, Yes, take a look at @stowedout’s quick overview of his set up below... This is the thread David mentioned, which explains this... I’m sure you have seen this article already, but for the ZerOS side on how this is configured, see below... http://support.zero88.com/990063141 If you have any questions let us know. Edward
  23. Hello, ZerOS does not use the customised wheel groups defined in the Fixture Editor. These are used by legacy consoles. The order ZerOS consoles will display the parameters on the encoder wheels, is the order the parameters are listed in the Fixture Editor. To move a parameter to the end of an attribute, change the parameter to a different attribute, and then back again. If you wish to have your “White” parameter on the third encoder wheel, you would need to create a pair of dummy parameters, that would sit on encoders 1 and 2 of the second encoder page. When creating fixture files, we tend to only ever list parameters in the order of DMX address, unless there are odd cases where two related parameters are not next to each other, such as a function, and the function’s speed, or a function, and the function’s rotation. If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  24. Hi Adam, Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. What console are you using? Edward
  25. Hi Joe, So to confirm, cue 1 has your fixtures at full. Then select the fixtures, and apply Chaser 1/2. As part of this effect, the fixtures are automatically taken to 50%. You then record this as cue 2. On playing this back, when going into cue 2 from cue 1, your fixtures will fade down, with the intensity chase fading up. You should then end up with chasing intensity percentages displayed in green in the Output Window. Are you finding in cue 2 your fixture intensities stay at 50%, displayed in green in the Output window? If so it sounds as though the Size of the effect is recorded at 0? Edward
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