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Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Everything posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hello, OK, when you are ready to install ZerOS 7.9.8, please download a fresh copy and perform the installation, and let me know how you get on. Edward
  2. Hello, Thank you for clarifying. I would recommend reinstalling your console's software. To do this, please download a fresh copy of ZerOS 7.9.8 from the website below... https://zero88.com/zeros#download Then extract the ZerOS 7.9.8.exe to the root of a USB stick, plug into the console, and tap Setup -> Load, and choose the software application to load in from USB. After installing the software, automatically creating effects should create 45 effects. Please try this and let me know how you get on. Edward
  3. Hello, Are you finding that if you select some fixtures, there is no "Effect" tab at the top of the internal touchscreen? If there is an "Effects" tab, are you able to press the "Automatically Create Effects Palettes" button in the effect window? Please don't apologise - your English is far better than my French! If you have any questions let us know. Edward
  4. Hi Rob, No, the console will not automatically overwrite the show file on the USB stick. This is to ensure that if you made a programming mistake, you can load the earlier version back in. However if you wish to make regular backups to USB, which is always a good idea, you can use the quick save function by tapping the green save icon top left of the internal touchscreen. Upon pressing this, the show file is saved internally, and your show is also saved as a new file to USB, with incrementing numbers on the end of your show name. Quick save can also be accessed by tapping "Save Show", found by pressing the Z/Shift key. If you tap Setup -> load, you will then see the multiple revisions on your USB, allowing you to load in an earlier version if required. Hope this helps, Edward
  5. Hi Paul, Thanks very much for the information, that is useful to know. We will continue our investigations. I would definitely recommend using the PSU supplied with the console, or a replacement from us. Edward
  6. Hi Paul, Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. Sorry to hear this. Many thanks for the information. Similar to what Stefan is seeing, do you also see this on your FLX S with nothing but power connected to the console? If there's any other information you may have on the issue please let us know, as it will help us get to the bottom of what may be going on. Many thanks, Edward
  7. Hi Paul, That’s great, glad to hear it. If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  8. Hello, I will ensure the Eurolite LED Theatre 36x3w CW/WW is included in a future library release. If you have any questions let us know. Edward
  9. Hi Daniel, Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. The SHIFT key on Leapfrog consoles can be found next to the Wheels. Please view the Event Monitor on the external monitor, and tap the SHIFT key a few times, to see if this unsticks it. If it doesn't, I would recommend air dusting around the button, and trying again. If SHIFT is held down, this will result in the console acting strangely, as you will only have access to shifted functions, and you will not be able to use drop down menus. To clear all programming leaving the patch, tap Setup -> Clear Options -> Clear All. To delete just some cues, tap DELETE, and then use the MFKs to type the cue numbers you wish to delete, such as 1 Thru 20. Then tap the flashing button of the playback these cues are stored in. This will be because SHIFT is held down. When shift is held and the go button is pressed, this will snap to the cue ignoring the fade times. Hope this helps, if you have any questions let us know. Edward
  10. Hello, Logged as reference number ZOS-10517 on our software tracking system. For more information on this, see below... http://support.zero88.com/1836040771 Hope this helps, Edward
  11. Edward Z88

    No fx palettes

    Hi Lehar, Sorry to hear this. The auto effects are contained in the ZerOS Library. It therefore seems this hasn't loaded correctly on your console. The show file you have attached to your post - was this saved on your FLX or on Phantom? This show file does contain 45 effect palettes. I feel it may be worth doing a fresh install of ZerOS 7.9.8, using the normal installation method, rather than the recovery method. Therefore please download a fresh copy of ZerOS 7.9.8 here... https://zero88.com/storage/downloads/80a0d826-cd2d-47c4-9b71-7e13e594a1f8/ZerOS-7.9.8.zip Then extract to the root of a USB stick, and plug the USB stick into FLX. Then tap Setup -> Load, and perform the installation. Please let me know how you get on. Edward
  12. Hi Paul, Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. Is this the CITP IP address of your FLX S24? Please make sure Phantom ZerOS is closed before trying to connect Capture to your FLX S, otherwise Capture may connect to Phantom ZerOS instead. Please try following the steps below, and let me know how you get on... http://support.zero88.com/1004254221 Edward
  13. Edward Z88

    Spare Parts

    Hi Marcus, Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. I don't believe these are still available. Is there a particular fault you are trying to solve? If so please drop us an email to support@zero88.com, and we'll be able to advise. If you have any questions let us know. Edward
  14. Hello, Not at all! It is great to hear how you’re getting more out of FLX. Currently, you could enable both MIDI Notes and MIDI Show Control, and use both MIDI protocols. You could therefore in theory enable both Notes and CC if required. Yes, every cue on every playback can trigger a macro, or multiple macros. Therefore you can already trigger macros from MIDI notes, by triggering multiple cues in a playback that have macro triggers, and configuring Notes to trigger cues. Or alternatively record a single cue onto various playbacks, and configure Notes to trigger playbacks. Edward
  15. Hi David, I’ve got a couple of day’s off, however when I’m back in the (home) office, I will log this suggestion on the system and give you a reference. Edward
  16. Hi David & Chris, Currently this is envisioned that CC is simply a fourth MIDI option within Triggers. This could then be set to Playbacks, Channels, or disabled. Currently you have Cues, Playbacks and Channels for Notes control. In theory we could add a fourth MIDI Notes option to this for Macros. Which as you could say, could then trigger almost anything you wanted. Edward
  17. Hello, I am well thank you hope you are too. As Jon says, if these channels are patched as relays rather than dimmers, they will not be affected by the Grand Master. To patch relays in ZerOS 7.9.8, tap Setup -> Add Fixtures -> Generic -> Non Dim, and then choose "Default On", so the relays are on whenever the console is. An easy way to then switch the relays off, is to select your "Non Dim" patch group in the Fixture Schedule, tap "Change" and swap them to "Default Off". Hope this helps, Edward
  18. Hi David, If you just paste a link to another thread in the reply box, it should automatically pull in like this... Edward
  19. Hi David, A Velocity of 0 will not trigger the playback. A velocity of 1 will give a 5 second fade time to full, and as the velocity is increased, this will shorten the fade time, until you reach a velocity of 127 which will Snap. Edward
  20. Hi Chris, Currently, the draft specification for this would be similar to how MIDI Notes is now, in terms of it is simply mapped 1:1. There wouldn't be any means of mapping MIDI CC to individual faders - CC 20 would be channel 20, or playback 20, depending on whether CC is set to Channels or Playbacks control in Setup -> Triggers. You would therefore still be able to achieve controlling playbacks with Notes and CC, and in your MIDI package you can just control a playback with whichever method works for you. These CC levels would mix with the playbacks, in exactly the same way FLX with a Wing does, when FLX and Wing are both on the same page. As I said, this is initial draft specifications. No plans yet. OSC implementation may come first. Hope this helps, Edward
  21. Very nice! That’s a good looking set up. Edward
  22. Edward Z88

    No fx palettes

    Hi Lehar, Great, glad to hear you have recovered the console. Whoops! Sorry to hear that. OK - let me know how you get on. Edward
  23. Hello, For more information on the ZerOS Remote iPhone app, see below... http://support.zero88.com/996119181 Hope this helps, Edward
  24. Edward Z88

    No fx palettes

    Hi Lehar, At what point did the console fail to boot? Was this after the library update, or after performing the software update again? Was power lost, or the USB drive removed during one of these updates? To recover your FLX console, please download a fresh copy of ZerOS 7.9.8, and run the ZerOS 7.9.8.exe on a Windows PC. This will allow you to create a bootable USB drive to recover the console. For more information, see below... http://support.zero88.com/1518909581 If you have any questions, please do let me know. Edward
  25. Hi David, I reckon a lot of users have started to do this - it makes FLX even more portable! I guess this also allows you to use a Bluetooth keyboard with the Windows tablet too, to give you access to the new keyboard shortcuts? Edward
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