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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Everything posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hello, Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. JesterOS 4.1 can be downloaded here... https://zero88.com/storage/downloads/248ce535-0aef-40ac-89a6-88e34e4f2cf1/Jester41.zip Once downloaded, extract the file to the root of a USB stick, and plug into the Jester. Then boot the Jester with the left and right arrow keys held down. If the Jester cannot detect the USB stick, turn the Jester off, and remove the USB stick. Then turn the Jester on, and go into Super User (SHIFT + MODE). Then arrow down to <USB Host>. Hold SHIFT and press ENTER, and you should see the option to choose <Upgrade>. Press this, and run the upgrade. If you have any questions please let us know. Edward
  2. Hello, What software version is your Solution console currently running? To find out, choose the "Other Windows" button found top left of the Output Window. From the drop down menu choose "System Information". In the window that opens will be a line of text displaying the Software Version. If you are running ZerOS 7.9.x, you will be able to install the latest ZerOS software following the instructions below... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/setup/load#zeros If you are running ZerOS 7.8.x, please see the instructions below... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/software-updates/zeros-usb-creator If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  3. Hello, Pause also acts as a Back button. A single press of Pause pauses the cue stack, and a second press of Pause will then go back to the previous cue. Hope this helps, Edward
  4. Bonjour, Oui, ça l'est. Tout ce que vous avez à faire est d'enregistrer une macro de la touche «Page précédente» enfoncée, et vous pouvez alors déclencher cette macro à partir de n'importe quel repère. Voir la section Macros du manuel pour plus d'informations ... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/macros Si vous avez des questions dites le moi. Hello, Yes it is. All you would need to do is record a macro of the "Page Up" key being pressed, and you can then trigger that macro from any cue. See the Macros section of the manual for more information... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/macros If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  5. Dear All, Zero 88 are pleased to announce the launch of the new ZerOS Online Manual, available here... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros Now that the manual is in the new online format, this will be updated regularly. The whole online manual is available as a PDF here... https://zero88.com/storage/downloads/manuals/zeros-en.pdf This joins the five other online manuals available here... https://zero88.com/manuals The ZerOS Online Manual, has now replaced support.zero88.com, and all articles that used to live there. The articles can now be found in their relevant chapter and section of the ZerOS manual, which can also be searched. support.zero88.com has now been retired, and will soon be offline. If you have any questions at all, feel free to email me, or support@zero88.com. Edward
  6. Hi Dave, These fixture files are available from the link below... https://zero88.com/fixtures/legacy-consoles/Current library (v1.0)/AMER DJ/QSPro32.ift Please download the fixtures you require, and then copy them to the floppy disk of your Fat Frog. You will then be able to load and patch the required fixtures. Hope this helps, Edward
  7. Hi Dave, Please email us a copy of the manual for each of these fixtures to fixturesupport@zero88.com We will then be able to send you a fixture that you will be able to load into your Fat Frog, that you will then be able to patch to control the fixtures. If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  8. Hi Dave, It is true, that you can control over 400 channels from the channel faders. However this is because each channel fader can control a maximum of 10 DMX channels each simultaneously (if duplicate addresses are added), meaning you still have a maximum of 48 different channel faders. Haha there are pros and cons to laptop based control - our current offering is Phantom ZerOS with an unlock dongle. Personally, you wouldn't catch me running a show without proper console hardware! If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  9. Hi Dave, Please keep your query in one topic - it helps keep all the information in one place. Also, please post in the relevant forum for your console. The "General Discussion" forum is designed for posts that don't fit into any of the other forums. When you program Memories or Submasters, they contain channel data, not raw DMX data. Therefore if you readdress your channels (or fixtures), your memories and submasters will then simply use the newly assigned DMX addresses. On Fat Frog, you are limited to 48 individual channels (which could each control multiple addresses), plus 12 fixtures (which could also each control multiple addresses). If you have any questions let us know. Edward
  10. Hi Jason, “LEDJ”, and “Equinox”, and both product ranges from “Prolight”, rather than manufacturers themselves. Therefore in the new library, LEDJ fixtures can be found under Prolight. ZerOS 7.9.9 is currently scheduled for release by the end of the year. This will include another big update to the library. Individual fixtures from the library (.zlbr format), can’t be imported into the Fixture Editor. However, the Fixture Editor can still be used to create custom fixture files (.ift format), which can be loaded into the console. There are currently no plans for a new Fixture Editor. I hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know. Edward
  11. Hi Mac, Hope you’re well. Currently ZerOS doesn’t support MIDI triggers over USB, however this is something we may look to implement. This would then allow Phantom to be triggered too. OSC is another trigger method that’s on the roadmap, and as that is over IP that could natively trigger consoles as well as Phantom. You will be able to preconfigure MIDI settings on Phantom, ready to transfer the show over to your console. If you need to use Timecode on Phantom, you can use Real time triggers, by configuring your laptop’s clock. The main justification of the cost is the fact that when unlocked, Phantom can output 8192 channels of DMX over 64 Ethernet universes. Edward
  12. Hi Gabriel, Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. Thanks for the description. If you dial all the fixture’s parameters to 0, does the fixture go out? If so which parameter causes the fixture to go out? Edward
  13. Hello, No, you can only have a single version of Phantom ZerOS installed at a time. May I ask, what is the benefit of having access to ZerOS 7.9.7 and ZerOS 7.9.8 at the same time? Edward
  14. Hi Dave, I have moved your post to the Frog range forum. I am guessing from your previous posts this is a Fat Frog. The 48 channel faders on Fat Frog, can be manually patched to any DMX channel, and duplicates can be added. To do this, see page 57 and 58 of the manual below... https://zero88.com/storage/downloads/24230203-252a-4a5a-b578-43c498bd6721/Frog-Range-Manual.pdf If you aren't using all 12 fixtures, you can assign dimmer channels to these too, to give you extra dimmer channel control. Once you have access to the DMX channels you need, you will then be able to program them onto a chase on a Submaster. If you have any questions let us know. Edward
  15. OK thanks for confirming. To check that it isn’t being continuously pressed, you can tap Z/Shift -> System Information -> Event Monitor. This will display information when buttons are pressed, faders are moved, or the monitors are touched. If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  16. Hello, After releasing your white strobe, the console won’t simply resume the previous manual values, as white has become the latest colour instruction for the light. You could do this by mixing between playbacks, rather than playbacks and manual values. For example, you could have playback 1 as intensity, playback 2 as white strobe, and then playback 3 could contain several cues of different colours. This would allow you to choose a colour using the cues in playback 3 (fader nor required), and then raise the intensity with playback fader 1. You could then strobe the fixtures in white using playback 2, and when you release playback 2, the current colour in playback 3 would resume. Thanks for attaching the picture. It looks like the fader is in its pressed state - if you tap it does it “release”. No problem - let me know how you get on. If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  17. Hi Dave, Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. Please drop us an email to support@zero88.com, and we’ll be able to let you know the availability. (I have deleted your duplicate post in the FLX S Forum). If you have any questions let us know. Edward
  18. Hi Mil, Colour will mix LTP between playbacks and manual values. This stands for Latest Takes Precedence, and as your White Strobe playback is the latest colour instruction for that light, it is then white until it is sent a new instruction. For example manually choosing a colour on the touchscreen would make it red again. That is correct - if the strobe has no colour information, it will strobe the fixture in whatever colour it is currently in. Sorry to hear this - does this playback have its fader function configured to “Manual Fade”, rather than HTP Master? If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  19. Hello, Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. There is no remote application available for Jester consoles - they do not have networking or Bluetooth capabilities. If you simply wanted to power the Jester console remotely from a phone/tablet, there are multiple devices that can be used to switch power from phones/tablets, such as various products supporting Apple Homekit. If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  20. Hi Michel, That's great. If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  21. Hi Michel, Thank you very much for your investigations. We have found that ZerOS Library v1.0 has auto effects missing, whereas they are included in Library 0.35, which is part of the ZerOS 7.9.8 download. Therefore when you are ready to, please download a fresh copy of ZerOS 7.9.8 from the website, and do not update the Library separately. We have removed the Library file from the website until we release a new version. Thanks very much, if you have any questions let me know. Edward
  22. Hello, Using the save icon top left of the internal touchscreen, or using the Z/Shift -> Save Show button, will save a new copy of the show file to USB with the next sequential number on the end of the show file name automatically. Therefore as your show file name ends with a number, it will simply increment the number. To avoid this with your show file, I would recommend adding a number to the end of the show name. If it was me, I would do this following an "r" for revision number, such as "morley dance sept 2020 r1". The last number will then be incremented by the quick save option, allowing you keep track of revisions throughout making changes to the show file. Hope this helps, Edward
  23. Hi Paul, That's great, glad to hear you have not come across this issue recently. Keep me posted and if it does happen again we'll get this resolved. Edward
  24. Hi Michel, I have loaded your show file into Phantom ZerOS 7.9.8 running as FLX S48, and it loads with a single effect palette. Pressing Automatically Create Effect Palettes, then creates all 45 auto effects. I am therefore unsure why for you Phantom is only creating a single effect palette. On your FLX S48, please power cycle it, and then after rebooting please email me a picture of the Desk Info screen. This can be opened by pressing Z/Shift -> System Information. Then please choose "System Text" from the top, and please email me a picture of this screen too. Hopefully this will indicate why auto effects are not present on your console. If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  25. Hi Michel, No problem. If you saved a show on your console that only had a single effect palette, and load it into Phantom ZerOS, Phantom will just load the single effect palette. However, pressing Automatically Create Effects in Phantom will create the 45 auto effects. If it doesn't, please could you send me a copy of your show file saved in Phantom ZerOS that is not creating auto effects? Many thanks, Edward
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