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Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Everything posted by Edward Z88

  1. The ADJ Focus Spot 5Z has a "Basic" mode which uses 19-channels. This mode only features 8-bit Pan & Tilt. The "Standard" mode (22-channels) or "Extended" mode (26-channels) both feature 16-bit Pan & Tilt, so I'd recommend using either of these modes to achieve smoother movement control.
  2. Hi @SKLSKL Welcome to the forum. What fixtures are you using? If you are using fixtures with 8-bit Pan & Tilt, you may find that the movement is slightly jerky at very slow speeds. You shouldn't see this issue if your fixture has 16-bit Pan & Tilt. If you needed the movement to be slower than 1 BPM, I would revert the playback from a chase back to a cue stack. You could then configure both cues in the playback to follow automatically after the previous cue, so that they loop. You can view the cues in the playback by holding VIEW and tapping the playback's button. You can then set the position fade time of each cue to the amount of time you'd like the fixtures to spend transitioning from one point to another. Please see the link below for information on automatic cues... https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/cues-playbacks/cue-settings/cue-triggers Hope this helps.
  3. Edward Z88

    FLX repairs

    Hi @SimonH If you have an intermittent fader, the first step is to try cleaning it with some switch cleaner. Please let me know if you’d like in-depth instructions on how to do this. To get your console booked in for a service, and if necessary replace faders, @iank99 is an authorised independent service agent, who would be able to do this for you. Get in touch with Ian if you’d like to get your console booked in with him.
  4. Hi @Zebroid66 @kgallen has kindly linked to the Solution webpage, which includes the order code for spare Solution faders. You can purchase these faders using this order code from any of our dealers. If you’d like to source your own suitable fader, please drop us an email to support@zero88.com.
  5. Hi Simon, Thanks for your description of the issue. This definitely isn’t the expected behaviour, so might be worth troubleshooting further. The console might need a new Compact Flash card, but we’d need to troubleshoot further to confirm. To troubleshoot further, please send us an email to support@zero88.com. Please include your console’s serial number, and ideally a video of the console failing to boot. Let us know if you have any questions.
  6. If you're not running the latest version, I'd recommend updating your console's software. ZerOS 7.14.2 is currently the latest version, available from the webpage below... https://www.vari-lite.com/global/products/zeros-software
  7. No problem - let us know if there's anything else we can help with.
  8. The forum link used to go to the "Support" section of the ZerOS Library webpage. This no longer exists, so the link was just taking you to the ZerOS webpage. I've therefore updated the forum link, to direct straight to the ZerOS manual... https://www.zero88.com/forum/forum/149-fixture-support-profile-requests-⧉/
  9. Hi @AlexTec Eurolite LED TMH-S90 fixture file: Eurolite LED TMH-S90.ift As @Davidmk mentions, please follow this guide if you find that the fixture you are trying to control is missing from your console's library... https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/patching/add-fixtures/missing-fixtures Hope this helps.
  10. Sorry to hear that. Do you know what software version the Solution console was running at the time?
  11. If you search "Non Dim" in Add Fixtures, you should see this... If you are still seeing the "Video" fixture in Add Fixtures, this suggests the fixture is included in the show file that has been loaded, and so has been added to Add Fixtures. As mentioned, the generic "Video" fixture is not included in Add Fixtures in more recent fixture libraries.
  12. If the music is playing at a constant tempo, you would only need to tap a Chase's tap tempo button a few times, to allow the console to learn the tapped BPM. The chase would then run at this BPM until a new tempo is tapped.
  13. There are currently no plans to implement a dedicated way of triggering the console's Global Tap Tempo remotely via OSC. What you could do, is record your different lighting states into a playback. Then, rather than converting the playback into a Chase, leave it as a Cue Stack. Then, you could send the console a Playback x GO message over OSC each time there's a "beat", to advance through the lighting states on the playback in time with a beat. Please let us know if you have any questions.
  14. Hi Tobi, Apologies - I must have missed your original forum post. Glad to hear you have found that to page through the colour controls on the encoder wheels, you tap the "Colour" tab again. Please see this article for more information... https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/controlling-fixtures/parameters Please let us know if you have any questions.
  15. In ZerOS there is no information that logs the system time of the last boot up. Would you be able to explain why this information might be useful in your situation?
  16. The "Connected Load" parameter of the "Non Dim" fixtures can be set to any level between 0 and 255. It will default at either 0 or 255, depending on the "Non Dim" variant you patch. The "Video" fixture was an old "Generic" fixture from our legacy fixture library. This fixture is no longer included in the latest ZerOS Library. This fixture defaulted at a value of 127. This is problematic for controlling relays, as for some relays this is "on", but for others this value would be "off". The "Connected Load" parameter of the "Non Dim" fixtures will not be affected by intensity masters such as the Grand Master, but can be recorded into cues. Yep - no problem. The main reason I mentioned this, is on occasions I have encountered people making custom dimmers/relays featuring domestic 13A sockets, where the cleaner has then come along and plugged the hoover into what they think is a spare 13A socket. Theoretically if this was to happen with your box, this could damage the relay channel, and in an extreme case, dependent on the failure of the relay, could cause a fire. Of course, the likelihood of this happening depends on how accessible your relay panel is!
  17. When you save a show file, this will be saved with a timestamp of the console's date/time, and will also include the console's current software version information. Is this the information you are after?
  18. Hi @Simonkbike I would recommend patching the relay channels as "Non-Dim" fixtures, which can be found under the "Generic" manufacturer in Add Fixtures. The nice thing about this, is there are two variants of this fixture - Default On and Default Off. For example, if you want the relay channel to be powered as soon as the console is active, you could patch a Default On. This would still provide the ability to then switch it off if required. I would recommend patching the Non Dim fixtures to the Solution's MFKs, which are numbered as fixtures 101 thru 300. Once patched, you can then select the Non Dim fixtures on the MFKs, and under BEAM, you'll see the ability to switch the "Connected Load" using an encoder wheel. In the picture I can't see any fuses between each relay output and its respective socket. If you are plugging in devices with a 3-amp fuse in the plug this is fine, but it would be best practice to ensure there is protection, in the event of a load with a 13-amp fuse being plugged into a socket.
  19. Par défaut, les émetteurs UV SONT utilisés par les outils de mélange de couleurs ZerOS, ce qui signifie qu'ils seront contrôlés par les palettes automatiques, le sélecteur de couleurs, les tableaux d'ambiance, etc. En effet, dans de nombreux luminaires LED, les émetteurs UV ne sont en réalité que du violet, et donc il est logique de les traiter comme un émetteur visible. Cependant, dans le "Fixture Schedule", des paramètres seront disponibles pour vous permettre d'empêcher le paramètre UV d'un projecteur d'être contrôlé par le mélange de couleurs ZerOS. https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/patching/fixture-schedule/fixture-settings#uv J'espère que cela t'aides. By default, UV emitters ARE utilised by the ZerOS colour mixing tools, meaning they will be controlled by Automatic Palettes, Colour Picker, Mood Boards, etc. This is because in many LED fixtures, UV emitters are in reality just Violet, and so it makes sense to treat them as a visibile emitter. However, in the "Fixture Schedule", settings will be available to allow you to prevent a fixture's UV parameter from being controlled by the ZerOS colour mixing. https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/patching/fixture-schedule/fixture-settings#uv Hope this helps.
  20. As @iank99 says, this error is nothing to worry about. FLX uses FeRAM technology, as opposed to the more traditional RAM in the x86-based consoles (Solutions & Orbs). You may therefore get different test results depending on the hardware you're using. Ultimately, this test is designed for internal use, and only during very niche troubleshooting.
  21. Edward Z88

    OSC commands

    Amazing! Thanks very much for the feedback.
  22. You would need to re-patch the fixture manually, to be able to access the "Add As Additional" and "Unpatch" buttons. The "RDM" version of the fixture stays patched so that it can be used again if RigSync is re-enabled.
  23. Setup > Fixture Schedule > tap on a fixture's DMX address to open "Edit DMX Address". If the "DMX Universe", "Unpatch", and "Add As Additional" buttons are hidden, this indicates that the selected fixture is an RDM device that has been discovered by RigSync. It is not possible to unpatch a fixture discovered by RigSync, or give it multiple start addresses. Sorry to hear that RigSync changed the settings of RDM fixtures when you didn't want it to. If you go to Setup > Universes > Remote Device Management, there is a "Revert Rig Back" button, which will tell the fixtures to go back to the settings they had when the console found them. This is something we are actively discussing internally. I have made a note of your request for this. This is logged as reference number ZOS-11927 on our system. Very sorry to hear RigSync caused various headaches and struggles for you. Please do let us know if there's anything we can help with.
  24. Bonjour, Oui - par défaut, lorsque vous enregistrez un fichier de show sur une clé USB depuis Configuration > Enregistrer, tous les paramètres, patchs et programmations seront inclus. Hello, Yes - by default when you save a show file to a USB drive from Setup > Save, all settings, patching, and programming will be included.
  25. Yep - exactly right. RDM can be enabled/disabled on the Gateway 4 for each of its ports... https://www.zero88.com/manuals/gateway4/configuration-2/g4web-server
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