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Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Everything posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hi Steve, If you haven't yet tapped SETUP -> Clear Options -> Clear Fixture Files, the "legacy" versions will still be available in Add Fixtures on your console. There will be no compatibility issues. Legacy fixture files can continue to be used as they were previously. The only thing to be aware of, is if you were to perform a fixture swap-out, the fixture should be converted to the library version first, prior to changing to a different fixture type. Many fixtures in the ZerOS Library format still have a Lamp On macro. It just so happens a handful of Martin fixtures no longer have a Lamp On macro, and instead Lamp On can just be accessed from the fixture's Control parameter. We may look to bring these back in a future library update. If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  2. Hi Steve, Apologies - I thought you were creating this fixture macro using the Fixture Editor. If you create a custom macro which recalls a Beam palette, this will not automatically stagger the lamp strike. Fixture macros cannot be created manually on the console. If you would like access to the "legacy" version of these fixtures with the Lamp On macro, individual Martin fixtures can be downloaded from the link below... https://zero88.com/fixtures/legacy-library/Legacy library (gft41.0)/MARTIN/ If you have any questions, please let me know. Edward
  3. Hi Steve, Lamp On macros will automatically strike each fixture one after the other, if the macro is named "Lamp On". If the macro has a slightly different name, the macro will run across all fixtures at the same time, and will not be offset. I hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know. Edward
  4. Hello, It is possible to record a macro of the fixture being selected, the custom beam palette being applied, and then the fixture being sent back to defaults again. You can then use this macro which will select and Lamp On your fixture. The fixture macro for Lamp On for these particular fixtures is no longer included in the recent ZerOS Libraries. If you have any questions let us know. Edward
  5. Hello, Welcome to the Zero 88 forum. Really glad to hear you are enjoying FLX S48. Do you have a copy of the show file (.zos) that you saved in ZerOS 7.9.8, and are unable to load into ZerOS 7.9.9? If so, please email this to support@zero88.com, and we will be able to advise. If you have any questions let us know. Edward
  6. Hello, As @DALX mentions, by default the 5 pin DMX port will have RDM enabled, and the 3 pin port won't. In recent software versions, RDM settings can be found in SETUP -> Universes. Hope this helps, Edward
  7. Hi Rob, Yes that’s correct, both the 5 pin and 3 pin XLR connectors output DMX. If you have a 1 universe FLX S48, both ports will output universe 1. If you have a 2 universe FLX S48, the 3 pin will by default output universe 2. This can however be configured in SETUP -> Universes. Hope this helps, Edward
  8. Hello, Really sorry to hear this, many thanks for the description of the issue. Please email your show file to support@zero88.com, and we’ll be able to take a look to see if there’s an indication of the cause. If you have any questions let us know. Edward
  9. Edward Z88

    Fader Calibration

    Hi Paul, If there are faders that don't seem to be registering correctly, I'd recommend booting the console into Test Mode. You can access Test Mode by booting the console with the SETUP key held down. This will show you an on-screen representation of the console on the internal touchscreen. You will then be able to work through all of the console's faders and buttons, and ensure that the physical position of faders matches the on-screen representation. For more information on Test Mode see the link below... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/trouble-shooting/test-mode If some of the faders are not synchronised with the on-screen representation, and are registering incorrectly, as @kgallen suggests, I'd recommend using a can of compressed air spray, to clear out any dirt from the fader tracks. Do not use an oil-based lubricant. If you have any questions let us know. Edward
  10. Hello, ZerOS Library files (.zlbr) contain fixtures in the new library format, which cannot be edited. These fixtures are created as per the fixture's official manual in our format. If you wish to customise fixtures, individual .ift files can be downloaded from the link below... https://zero88.com/fixtures/legacy-library/Legacy library (gft41.0)/ I hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know. Edward
  11. Thanks very much. Will take a look at those this afternoon. Edward
  12. Hi Jean, Thanks for confirming. Any known errors can be displayed by pressing Z -> System Information -> System Text. I don't believe this issue will be reported there. Many thanks for your time spent investigating this. Thank you for detailing the steps and taking images. Again, I have followed these steps, with your show file, and cannot reproduce the fault. This therefore indicates a specific issue with the handling of these fixtures. Many thanks for the video. I have downloaded this, and then deleted it from your post, to save your forum storage space. Upon discovering a fixture, RigSync will look at the fixture's ID, to see if that fixture is in the library. If it is, it will patch the fixture from the library. If there are multiple fixtures in the library with the same ID, it will create a personality for the fixture automatically, and give the option to convert the fixture to the correct library variant. I will take a look at why with these fixtures ZerOS is not automatically patching the library version. This is logged as reference number ZOS-10753 on our system. Would you be willing to try a beta version of ZerOS software, to see if this clears the issue? The beta software does not contain a specific fix for the Reset Desk crash, however does include further RigSync improvements. If you'd like to try the beta version, please send me an email, and I will be able to share this with you. Again many thanks for your time investigating this. We will do our best to replicate this with your detailed information. This issue is logged as reference number ZOS-10754 on our system. If you have any questions, please let me know. Edward
  13. Hello, Would you be able to email us the show files that are failing to load into ZerOS 7.9.9? Please email support@zero88.com, and we will take a look. If you have any questions let us know. Edward
  14. Hi Jean, We are currently still unable to replicate this with our RDM test fixtures and your show file. This may indicate the issue is related to how ZerOS is handling the specific RDM fixtures connected to your console. Sorry to hear this. If there are any debug files or error messages shown upon rebooting the console, please do send these to me, as these will help indicate the cause of the issue. If you would be interested in trying our beta software, to see if this solves the issue, please drop me an email. If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  15. That's great, glad to hear it. If you have any questions just let us know. Edward
  16. Hello, Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. Jester consoles have a VGA output on the rear panel for an external monitor output. Any monitor with a VGA input should work with the Jester. If you have any questions let us know. Edward
  17. Hello, To Lamp On the Mac 550, select the fixture, and tap "Beam" to go to the Beam controls. Then dial the "Shutter, Strobe, Control" parameter until you reach "Lamp On". If you are on a FLX range console, you can tap the middle encoder button of the "Shutter, Strobe, Control" parameter, and then choose "Lamp On" from the touchscreen. If you wish you can then record a Beam palette, to give you a shortcut to the Lamp On command. Hope this helps, Edward
  18. Hello, Yes it is. To do this, when you update the cue, you can disable the “SmartTag” option in the Update options. When SmartTag is disabled, only manual control values will get included, not values form another playback. For information on the SmartTag feature, see here… https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/cues-playbacks/record-options/snapshot-smarttag#smarttag Hope this helps, Edward
  19. OSC triggers are on the list, as an addition to the Triggers tab of Setup. Edward
  20. Hi Roan, As Kevin says, FLX can receive MIDI, but not output MIDI triggers. The MIDI output is for connecting other devices on the MIDI daisy chain so they can all receive the same signal. For more information on MIDI see the link below… https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/setup/triggers Hope this helps, Edward
  21. Hi Jean, No problem, and many thanks for the feedback. Edward
  22. Hi Jean, Let's see if others have any suggestions. It may also be worth a post on the Blueroom technical forum for a wider reach of product suggestions... https://www.blue-room.org.uk/index.php?showforum=2 No problem at all - just let me know if you have any questions. Edward
  23. Hi Jean, Our Splitter 8 is RDM compliant... https://zero88.com/data/splitter8 This also has the added benefit of the Fix Switch. More information here... https://zero88.com/manuals/splitter8/fix-switch Edward
  24. Hi Jean, I have checked, and "0181" is the ID of the S4 Lustr. Therefore RigSync has found one of these fixtures. Interestingly, RigSync seems to be detecting that the fixture is in "Mode 0", which obviously doesn't exist. This is why the fixture is appearing with its ID name, not the true text name. Were you going via your splitters at the time? If so it sounds like RigSync has managed to get some data over RDM, but not the full picture. That is correct. RDM devices will report a UID, which in theory is not shared by any other fixture - a bit like a MAC address in the world of Ethernet and Wi-Fi. If you patch fixtures manually, that are then discovered by RigSync, the console has no information to tell it that you chose to patch those fixtures manually, and therefore it sees them as new fixtures. This will likely result in the DMX address of your fixtures being changed by RigSync. This is because it will see they conflict with "other" fixtures in the console - the ones you patched manually - and so readdress them over RDM. This is where segregating your DMX network, and choosing to use or not use RDM for whole DMX lines is beneficial. This also helps with ensuring non-compliant fixtures won't be affected. When in the Fixture Schedule, it is best to change the mode of a single type of fixture at a time. For more information see the link below... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/patching/fixture-schedule/change-fixture If the console discovers your RDM fixtures, and you decide for those particular fixtures you wish to patch them manually, you could delete the discovered fixtures in the Fixture Schedule. Doing this, will mean despite the console knowing they are still there on the DMX line, it will ignore them, and know you don't wish to use them. Resetting the console, would allow RigSync to patch those fixtures again. For more information see the link below... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/setup/universes/remote-device-management We do have an internal version of ZerOS software, which has a dedicated "RDM" tab within Setup for this log. Currently the information is very "raw", and not something we'd want to baffle a user with. Adding a nice RDM sniffer is definitely something we wish to add. This feature is logged as reference number ZOS-9042 on our system. If you have any questions let me know. Edward
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