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Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Everything posted by Edward Z88

  1. Thanks @kgallen, you've hit the nail on the head with this... @delfine if you have any questions let us know. Edward
  2. Hello, On Monday we previewed ZerOS 7.10 to our beta testers. If you would like early access to the software, please let me know, and I can email you a beta version. We currently do not have a release date confirmed. If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  3. Salut Roamin, Tous les écrans tactiles qui fonctionnent "plug and play" avec Windows 10, sans avoir besoin de pilote, devraient fonctionner avec les consoles FLX. Selon le manuel de cet écran tactile, "Aucun pilote logiciel supplémentaire n'est requis.". Cet écran tactile devrait donc fonctionner avec FLX. https://www.hannspree.eu/uploadfiles/202106/download/ht225hpb_um_fr.pdf Si vous avez des questions dites le moi. Edward Hi Roamin, Any touchscreens that work "plug and play" with Windows 10, without needing a driver, should work with FLX consoles. According to the manual of this touchscreen, "No additional software driver is required.". This touchscreen therefore should work with FLX. https://www.hannspree.eu/uploadfiles/202106/download/ht225hpb_um_en.pdf If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  4. Les paramètres d'intensité "Tagged", sont indiqués en rouge dans la fenêtre de sortie. Les paramètres LTP balisés (couleur, faisceau, forme, position) ont un fond bleu clair sur l'écran de l'encodeur, plutôt qu'un fond sombre. "Tagged" intensity parameters, are indicated in red in the Output Window. Tagged LTP parameters (Colour, Beam, Shape, Position), have a light blue background on the encoder display, rather than a dark background. Non - vous n'avez pas besoin de sélectionner les appareils pour les inclure dans les cues. Ceci n'est requis que si vous avez choisi l'option "Sélectionnées d'appareils" dans la fenêtre Options d'enregistrement. No - you do not have to select fixtures to include them in cues. This is only required if you have chosen the "Selected Fixtures" option in the Record Options window. Je recommanderais de programmer avec SmartTag activé. L'option SmartTag est disponible dans la fenêtre Options d'enregistrement. Si le bouton a une bande rouge, cela signifie qu'il est activé. Lorsque SmartTag est activé, vous n'avez pas besoin de penser au marquage, car la console le fera pour vous, pour s'assurer que les paramètres corrects sont enregistrés dans la mémoire. Si vous avez des questions, laissez-nous savoir. I would recommend programming with SmartTag enabled. The SmartTag option is available in the Record Options window. If the button has a red stripe, this means it is enabled. When SmartTag is enabled, you do not need to think about tagging, as the console will do it for you, to ensure the correct parameters are recorded into the cue. If you have any questions let us know. Edward
  5. Hi Delphine, A "tagged" parameter, will get recorded into a cue. An "untagged" parameter will not. If you have SmartTag enabled in the Record Options, you will not need to worry about tagging, as the console will automatically tag and untag the required parameters at the point of recording a cue. With SmartTag disabled, you must ensure that the parameters you wish to record are tagged. Parameters you adjust will be tagged automatically, but you can also manually tag and untag parameters. The relevant section of the English online manual can be found here... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/controlling-fixtures/tagging The "Selected Fixtures" option in the Record Options, allows you to record the tagged parameters of only the selected fixtures, rather than the tagged parameters of all fixtures. The relevant section of the English online manual can be found here... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/cues-playbacks/record-options/record-filters The SmartTag and Tracking options, will not automatically change. Therefore once you have chosen SmartTag/Tracking options, these will stay set until you change them. The Snapshot and Record Filters options will revert to default after each record. The relevant section of the English online manual can be found here... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/cues-playbacks/record-options I hope this helps, if you have any questions let us know. Edward
  6. Hi Martyn, After pressing VIEW, the "Screen" syntax key will toggle the selected window between the desktops currently being shown on the physical VGA outputs. Therefore the Screen key may need two presses, to toggle the window to the correct monitor. Hope this helps, Edward
  7. Hi Ethan, We are aware of an issue on Solution consoles, where you cannot choose an MFK when recording a Macro. You can however record a Macro directly into the Macros window on the external monitor. To open the Macros window, hold SHIFT and tap MACROS. You can then tap RECORD, and click an empty Macro tile in the Macros window. After typing your button sequence, you can then tap the MACROS button to finish recording. I hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know. Edward
  8. Hi Ethan, To be able to customise fixture Defaults, you will need to ensure that your console has tracking options enabled, and is not in global Cue Only mode. For more information on Global Tracking Options, see the link below... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/cues-playbacks/record-options/tracking#GlobalOptions You will also need to ensure the SmartTag button in the Record Options is disabled. For more information see the link below... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/cues-playbacks/record-options/snapshot-smarttag#smarttag I hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know. Edward
  9. Hi Martyn, To open a window onto Desktop 3, firstly view Desktop 3, as pictured in your image. Then open a window, which in most cases is done by holding SHIFT, and then tapping the relevant key. For example SHIFT + COLOUR to open the Colour Window. Then tap the VIEW button, to bring your View controls onto the syntax keys. Then tap the syntax key that says "Screen", until you bring the window into view. You can then use the "Size" buttons to resize the window. As a side note, the latest software for OrbXF consoles is ZerOS 7.9.9, which is available from the link below... https://zero88.com/zeros#download I hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know. Edward
  10. No problem - if there’s anything else you need let us know. Edward
  11. Hi David, Lease time configuration is based on how often new devices are joining and leaving a network. For example, if you are regularly having new devices connecting and disconnecting (such as on a public Wi-Fi network), you'd want the lease time to be less. When a device joins a network, it is given an IP for the duration of the lease. If the device then promptly leaves, you wouldn't want that IP reserved unnecessarily, when it could then be given to another device that joins the network. If you have a network which basically always has the same devices on it, such as a typical lighting network, the lease time could be as long as you wanted. Edward
  12. Hi DRP, If you would like the Master Playback fader to control the total intensity output of the console, it can be configured as a Grand Master. For more information see the link below... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/cues-playbacks/special-playback-functions As @Davidmk mentions, you could create an Inhibit Master, to allow you to scale the intensities of particular fixtures. This can be done by setting all the fixtures that you wish to scale with the Master Playback fader to full. You can then tap RECORD, and tap the Master Playback's button to record the cue. Then, you can go into the playback settings. To do this press and hold SETUP and tap the Master Playback's button. Under the Intensity Mixing option, choose Inhibit and click OK. Now, to be able to output the fixtures you recorded onto the Master Playback, you will need the Master Playback to be raised. It can then be lowered to inhibit the levels. For more information on Inhibit please see the link below... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/cues-playbacks/playback-settings/general#intensitymixing I hope this helps, if you have any questions let us know. Edward
  13. Hi Just, Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. To confirm, is this a fresh install of ZerOS 7.9.9 you are using, or have you loaded your show file back into the console following the update? To confirm the patch of the channel faders, tap SETUP to view the Fixture Schedule. You will see the fixture numbers listed in the first column, which correspond to the channel fader numbers. You'll see the DMX address those channels are controlling on the right-hand side. Can you confirm your dimmers are receiving DMX, and you are plugged into the correct DMX output on the rear of the console? If you have any questions let us know. Edward
  14. Hi Ian, Thanks very much for the update. Theoretically, this shouldn't have an effect - if a device is online continuously, as soon as the lease is expired it should be automatically leased the same IP address again. I think this is what I'd be leaning towards - perhaps the router is struggling with continuously starting new leases. Would you be able to let me know the make and model of the router? Really glad to hear you solved the problem and can now use the apps correctly. If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  15. Hi alg, I agree with Ian's comments above - it would be worth monitoring the issue, especially this week now it is cooler, to see if you encounter it again. If you do, drop us an email to support@zero88.com, and we'll be able to advise. If this is a hardware fault, the Jester would likely need to be sent in for service for a decent amount of time, to allow for replicating and then fixing the issue. Many thanks @iank99 for your thoughts on potential heat or earthing issues. Edward
  16. Thank you for confirming. Let me know how you get on. Edward
  17. Hello, Thanks very much for confirming. Let me know how you get on. Edward
  18. Hi Rene van Hove, Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. Sorry to hear you're having trouble with the DMX output. We haven't heard of this issue before. To reset the DMX outputs, please tap SETUP -> Universes, and under the DMX option please choose reset to defaults. This will then reset the DMX, mapping Desk Universe 1 to Output 1. If this is a 1 universe FLX S24, resetting the DMX will assign both DMX Outputs to output Desk Universe 1 - do either of these ports output data? Can you confirm there are definitely fixtures patched and addressed on the Desk Universe mapped to the DMX output you are using? Can you confirm you have tried different DMX cabling and adapters, to ensure there isn't a cable fault? You will still be able to use your old show file from an earlier software version. Would you be able to email us a copy of your show file, for us to take a look to see what may be going on? If so please email it to support@zero88.com I hope this helps, if you have any questions, please let me know. Edward
  19. Hi Jouper, Solution consoles do feature a DMX input. DMX input channels can either be assigned to remotely control the intensities of patched fixtures, or to control the levels of programmed playbacks. The DMX input cannot be used as a merge between the console outputs and the incoming data. Configuring the DMX input to control fixture intensities, is done using the DMX Input column of the Fixture Schedule. Configuring the DMX input to control playbacks is done by tapping SETUP -> Triggers, and adding playbacks under the DMX In option. I hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know. Edward
  20. Hi Ian, If you brought the Android device and iPad close to the wireless router, could you connect more successfully? If you receive a "Desk Connection Failed" when you click on a console that has appeared, in most cases this means you don't have a strong enough connection for the UI to be streamed, however just enough for the desk pings to come through. Is there anything else connected to your lighting network, or is it simply the router connected to the console, and then a handful of wireless devices? For the majority of domestic routers, you shouldn't need to tweak any settings to get the console remote network up and running. If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  21. Hi Jouper, I'd recommend formatting the USB stick you are using in Windows, and then run the ZerOS OS Creator software again to create the bootable drive. If you are still having difficulty, please see the link below... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/software-updates/zeros-usb-creator/mbr-2 If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  22. Hi Petera, Thank you for confirming. Keith will get back to you shortly. If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  23. Hi Petera, Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. What are you using to activate the switches? Remote Switches can be emulated on Solution consoles, and also in Phantom ZerOS running as Solution, using the buttons in the "Panel" desktop on the external monitor. If you view the Panel desktop, you will see six horizontal buttons below the playback flash buttons on the virtual front panel. These are mapped to remote switches 1 to 6. If you use these, does the console trigger your macros/cues correctly? If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  24. Hi Jouper, After installing the software, do you have any USB storage devices plugged in whilst booting the console? If so this will cause a boot error. To perform a fresh install of the software, please see the software update instructions below... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/software-updates/zeros-usb-creator If you have any questions please let me know. Edward
  25. Hello, I have just replied to your email to support@zero88.com. For the benefit of others reading this thread, my reply as follows: When a fixture is at 0% intensity, and you record it into a cue, by default the only value that will get stored is the intensity value, with remaining parameters continuing to do what they are currently doing. This is to aid in behaviour such as Move On Dark. However, in cases where you need to tell fixtures to turn off, and stop running an effect, you can record the cue by holding SHIFT and tapping the RECORD button. This will then also store the "No Effect" instruction into the cue. To repair the existing cue, go into the cue, and apply the No Effect palette. Then hold SHIFT and tap RECORD, followed by tapping the Z button, and typing in the cue number. You can then tap the flashing master playback's button, and confirm you wish to overwrite the cue. You will now find the movers are stopped and in blackout when you go into the cue. The main reason for this behaviour, is a Record option called "SmartTag". If you'd like to learn more about the Record Options, please see the link below... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/cues-playbacks/record-options I hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know. Edward
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