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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Everything posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hi @Ed75, Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. Thanks very much for the introduction and for your feedback. That is very useful to hear. Thanks for voting! Edward
  2. Hi @Takuya Chinen Sorry to hear you have experienced this issue with your console. If you cannot access the ZerOS Start-Up Tool, please email support@zero88.com, confirming this console's serial number, and we will be able to advise. You may find it easiest to email a picture of the console's serial number, to save typing it out manually. Bootable USB sticks CANNOT be used on FLX S consoles. If the ZerOS Start-Up Tool cannot be used, please drop us an email with the serial number. Rather than searching the forum, please search the ZerOS manual for up-to-date ZerOS resources... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros You can use the filter to only show content relevant to certain desk types... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/introduction-58 Hope this helps, Edward
  3. Bonjour, Les numéros de luminaire ne seront pas modifiés automatiquement. Les numéros d'appareils ne peuvent être modifiés qu'en appuyant sur une cellule de numéro d'appareil dans le programme d'appareils, ou en sélectionnant une plage d'appareils et en appuyant sur « Ch # » en haut du programme d'appareils. Si vous renumérotez les projecteurs, cela n'affectera pas la programmation déjà effectuée avec ces projecteurs. Sur FLX S, le changement du numéro de l'appareil change purement et simplement le fader physique que vous utilisez pour contrôler l'appareil. Comme les appareils AFX Lighting PARLED 1820IR utilisent plus de canaux DMX que les appareils RGBW, lors du changement de profil dans le calendrier des appareils, vous constaterez que certains appareils PARLED1820IR n'ont pas d'adresse DMX, pour éviter tout conflit. Hello, Fixture Numbers will not be changed automatically. Fixture Numbers can only be edited by tapping on a Fixture Number cell in the Fixture Schedule, or by selecting a range of fixtures, and tapping "Ch #" at the top of the Fixture Schedule. If you renumber fixtures, this will not affect any programming that has already been done with those fixtures. On FLX S, the changing the fixture number purely changes which physical fader you use to control the fixture. As the AFX Lighting PARLED 1820IR fixtures use more DMX channels than the RGBW fixtures, upon changing profiles in the Fixture Schedule, you will find some of the PARLED1820IR fixtures do not have a DMX address, to avoid any conflicts. It is certainly more common to change from a non-library fixture to a library fixture, but you should be able to swap this process round without issue. That's correct - in fact every fixture in ZerOS has a hidden ID which cannot be edited, which is why you can change a fixture's address and channel number without issue. Edward
  4. Bonjour, Lorsque vous modifiez un appareil dans le calendrier des appareils, l'appareil de remplacement sera étiqueté avec le nom de l'appareil. Les appareils ne seront pas supprimés lors de leur changement. Cependant, si vous remplacez un appareil par un appareil qui utilise plus de canaux DMX que l'original, vous constaterez peut-être qu'il n'est pas automatiquement corrigé. Cela permet de s'assurer que les appareils de remplacement ne chevauchent pas les appareils existants, ce qui vous permet d'attribuer de nouvelles adresses aux appareils de remplacement. J'espère que cela t'aides. Hello, When you change a fixture in the Fixture Schedule, the repacement fixture will be labelled with the fixture's name. Fixtures will not be removed when changing them. However, if you change a fixture, to a fixture that uses more DMX channels than the original, you may find it is automatically unpatched. This is to ensure the replacement fixtures do not overlap with existing fixtures, allowing you to give the replacement fixtures new addresses. Hope this helps. Edward
  5. Thanks Kevin, also available here...
  6. Hi @Davidmk Upon double tapping CLEAR, if you would like your fixtures to fade to their defaults or cue values, you can enable Programmer Time. Programmer Time can be accessed from the fourth encoder wheel in the Z window, or from a fader. For more information, please see the link below... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/z-key/z-encoders#programmertime To remove certain fixtures from the programmer, you can use a "Clear Fixture" UDK on FLX. For more information see the link below... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/user-definable-keys/advanced-udks You may find this session below has some other handy pointers... Hope this helps, Edward
  7. Bonjour Delfine Utilisez-vous le calendrier des appareils pour remplacer vos appareils existants par de nouveaux appareils ? Si tel est le cas, toute programmation effectuée avec les appareils d'origine sera appliquée aux appareils de remplacement. Après avoir fait cela, c'est une bonne idée de sélectionner les appareils et de vérifier chacune de vos palettes, pour vous assurer que le nouvel appareil correspond à ce que vous avez programmé. Si ce n'est pas le cas, vous pouvez mettre à jour la palette, et tous les indices qui ont utilisé cette palette seront également mis à jour. N'hésitez pas à envoyer par e-mail une copie de votre fichier de spectacle à support@zero88.com, avec des informations sur les appareils à partir desquels et vers lesquels vous changez, et nous pourrons y jeter un coup d'œil. Si vous avez des questions, s'il vous plaît laissez-nous savoir. Hello Delfine Are you using the Fixture Schedule, to change your existing fixtures to new fixtures? If so, any programming done with the original fixtures, will be applied to the replacement fixtures. After you have done this, it is a good idea to select the fixtures, and check each of your palettes, to ensure the new fixture matches what you'd programmed. If it doesn't, you can update the palette, and any cues which used that palette will be updated too. Feel free to email a copy of your show file to support@zero88.com, with information on which fixtures you are changing from and to, and we can take a look. If you have any questions, please let us know. Edward
  8. Hi Derek, To remove Amber from cue 3, go into cue 3. You can then release the chase by holding CLEAR and tapping FADER FUNCT. Then select the fixture, dial out Amber, tap UPDATE, and tap the Master Playback's button. To remove Amber from the first cue of the chase, trigger the chase, and hold SHIFT and tap the chase's button until you get to cue 1. Then select the fixture, dial out amber, tap UPDATE, choose Track Forwards, to remove amber from the chase. Hope this helps, Edward
  9. Hi Kevin, Orb access information is available on the Orb page... https://zero88.com/control/orb We have literature and videos detailing battery replacement information, which we are more than happy to provide when emailed. Edward
  10. Hi @phannington Please send us an email to support@zero88.com, and we'll be able to provide you with the information. Edward
  11. Hi Derek, To clarify for others reading this thread, and to avoid any confusion: Users CAN write or modify profiles to suit their own unique needs in the .ift format. Fixtures can be downloaded in the .ift format, to allow them to be edited, from the link below... https://zero88.com/fixtures/legacy-library/Legacy library (gft41.0)/ When requesting fixture files from Zero 88, an official English operating manual is required. If you do not have this information, you can create the fixture file yourself. We'd rather get this implemented correctly, rather than doing an interim "bodge". From your description it sounds like SmartTag is disabled. If SmartTag is enabled, ZerOS will ensure that required parameters are at the levels you had them in at the point of recording, without the need to worry about tagging. The Fixture Editor can continue to be used to create any fixtures in the same format as previously. Edward
  12. As discussed in a previous thread, the Fixture Editor can still be used, to create and edit fixtures in the .ift format. It cannot be used to create fixtures in the ZerOS Library format, or edit ZerOS Library fixtures. Edward
  13. Hi Derek, Apologies - I think I am misunderstanding your view point. What specifically are you finding is a floor with the ZerOS Library fixture format? This issue here, is that ZerOS is not applying Amber, or any other emitters on top of RGBW, to the colour tools. This is something that we will be implementing, and have regular meetings discussing the subject. Simply telling ZerOS to take any other emitters to 0 when using the colour tools is definitely not the solution - especially for Auto Colour Palettes such as Orange, which definitely should use Amber. Whenever you manually adjust a colour parameter, all other colour parameters will be tagged. They will therefore be stored in their current values when you record a cue. This therefore shouldn't cause you an issue whilst programming cue stacks, especially if SmartTag is enabled. Edward
  14. Hi Derek, ZerOS currently supports fixtures with RGB, RGBW, or CMY colour mixing. LED emitters outside of these, will not be included in the ZerOS Colour Tools. The ZerOS Colour Tools include Auto Colour Palettes, Colour/Image Picker, Filters, Faders and Colour Effects. Therefore, when using any of these colour tools, ZerOS will make no changes to other emitters. Other LED emitters will default to 0, however if they have manually been added, ZerOS won't automatically remove them when using the colour tools. Your easiest option, is to therefore create a colour palette which takes Amber and UV to 0. That way, you can tap this palette prior to using the colour tools such as automatic colour palettes. Alternatively, you can manually update the automatic colour palettes, to include your desired levels of Amber and UV. If you have any questions, please let us know. Edward
  15. Hi Kevin, Request sent to the marketing team to get this added to the Support page. If you have any questions let us know. Edward
  16. Hi Joshua, MSC Load commands must have a cue number. It therefore sounds like the cue numbers you are sending are invalid, and the command is not working. I've written this command out with the function of each byte: F0 7F - MSC Message 00 - Device ID 02 - MSC Message 01 - Lighting command format 01 - Go Command 06 - Cue 6 F7 - Sysex Closed (Please correct any you think are incorrect) Can you confirm you have a cue number 6, and the desk is set to MSC Device ID 0? It is a rather dry read, but the original MIDI Specification may give you some pointers... http://www.richmondsounddesign.com/docs/midi-show-control-specification.pdf Let us know how you get on. Edward
  17. No problem - we're proud of our history and have no plans to remove all the great content. There are some gems, especially the "Eclipse" console manual!... https://zero88.com/storage/downloads/cdaf1417-1dac-4a61-a588-71e98cfb3444/Eclipse-Operating-Manual.pdf https://zero88.com/control/eclipse Edward
  18. Hi @aaronh2 If there are individual fixture files you need for Frog consoles, these can be found and downloaded from the link below... https://zero88.com/fixtures/legacy-library/Legacy library (gft41.0)/ If you have any questions, please let us know. Edward
  19. Good spot!! There you go... https://zero88.com/control/alcora Time pot caps are correct, and it keeps @kgallen happy - win win!! Edward
  20. Hi Ian, You'll be pleased to hear no information has been lost. All non-ZerOS information, is now available as a download to each legacy product page... https://zero88.com/a-z https://zero88.com/control/jester https://zero88.com/control/frog https://zero88.com/control/alcora If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  21. Hi Mac, For information on configuring the Remote connection on FLX, please see the link below... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/setup/devices/remote-apps For information on using the Remote Apps with FLX, please see the link below... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/networking/using-the-remote-apps For information on configuring your PC's IP address, please see the link below... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/networking/windows-ip-configuration I hope this helps, please let me know how you get on. All information from the knowledge base articles, now fit into the relevant section of the ZerOS Online Manual... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros The support.zero88.com has now been retired. If you have any questions let me know. Edward
  22. Hi Joshua, Thanks very much for the update. Really glad to hear this works with the Jester. If there's anything else we can help with, just let us know. Edward
  23. Hi @drscoop Thanks for confirming - same watch as me 🙂 Edward
  24. Hi @drscoop Great news - thanks for confirming. Out of interest, could you confirm which model of Apple Watch you are using? Many thanks, Edward
  25. Hi @REDBEARD Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. Interesting question - I guess “disco lighting” could be subjective. On Jester 12/24 consoles, you can program any of your 24 control channels into “chases”, to allow you to flash and fade channels on and off one after the other. For more information on chases, please see page 16 of the Jester manual… https://zero88.com/storage/downloads/7d3249f0-bde3-471d-8830-d4253ff0dc06/Jester-Manual-3.4.pdf If you have any questions let us know. Edward
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