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Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Everything posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hi Adam, To provide a custom offset across your fixtures, you will be able to hold Z/Shift, and dial the offset encoder. Your fixtures will start to offset. For more information, please see the link below... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/effects/effect-parameters#offset Each time you apply a random offset to an effect, the console will come up with a random order. With chases, random will automatically choose a random next cue each time. If you have any questions, please let me know. Edward
  2. Hi @delicolor The encoders give the best results when the Front Panel window is full screen. Dragging horizontally gives "normal" control, and vertically gives more "fine" control. If you still find the control is too course, try reducing the encoder sensitivity on Phantom ZerOS to 40% ish. Hope this helps, Edward
  3. Bonjour, Pour ce faire, vous pouvez avoir un effet "Slow" sur une lecture, et un effet "rapide" sur une autre. Vous pouvez ensuite activer l'effet des commandes de fader pour les deux lectures. Cela vous permettrait d'effectuer un « fondu enchaîné » entre les différentes vitesses d'effet en augmentant une lecture pour atteindre une vitesse, puis en augmentant l'autre lecture pour passer à l'autre vitesse. J'espère que cela t'aides, Hello, To do this, you could have a "Slow" effect on one playback, and a "fast" effect on another. You could then enable Fader Controls Effect for both playbacks. This would allow you to "crossfade" between the different effect speeds by raising one playback to achieve one speed, and then raise the other playback to crossfade to the other speed. Hope this helps, Edward
  4. Bonjour, Speed Override, peut être utilisé pour accélérer ou ralentir tous les effets exécutés sur la lecture actuellement visualisée. "Fader Controls Effect", peut être activé sur une lecture. Cela signifie que le fader de lecture mettra à l'échelle les paramètres de vitesse et de taille de l'effet. Vous pourrez donc monter le fader, et augmenter la vitesse et la taille, jusqu'à ce que vous obteniez votre effet enregistré. Baisser le fader réduira la vitesse et la taille. J'espère que cela t'aides. Hello, Speed Override, can be used to speed up, or slow down, any effects running on the currently viewed playback. "Fader Controls Effect", can be enabled on a playback. This means that the playback fader will scale the effect's speed and size parameters. You will therefore be able to raise the fader, and increase the Speed and Size, until you get to your recorded effect. Lowering the fader will reduce the Speed and Size. Hope this helps. Edward
  5. Hi @lugamil I can confirm we have received this, and we will get back to you. Edward
  6. Hi Philip, Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. This is very odd behaviour. To confirm, you have found your console is not booting, unless it has a USB drive plugged in? Can you use any USB drive to allow the console to then boot? I would recommend performing a fresh install of your console's software, using the ZerOS Start-Up Tool. Please see the link below, for information and instructions... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/trouble-shooting/zeros-startup-tool The Start-Up Tool will allow you to load the ZerOS 7.10 application (.exe file) directly into the console. I hope this procedure helps, please let me know how you get on. (Thank you for attaching a picture of your console's details. I have now removed the image from your post). Edward
  7. That is correct - if you can email us a copy of the fixture's manual, we will be able to create a fixture in the ZerOS multicell format. Edward
  8. Hi @lugamil You have always been able to create personalities for multicell fixtures in the Fixture Editor. Typically these are created with multiple cell intensities being scaled by a Dimmer, and each cell of colour mixing labelled Red 1, Green 1, Blue 1, Red 2 and so on. Fixtures in the .ift format can be loaded into the console and can be controlled as a standard fixture, and will not be treated as a multicell fixture. Edward
  9. Hi Mil, Hope you're well. The Fixture Editor software has not been updated, and so allows you to create fixtures in the standard .ift format. Please send a copy of your fixture's manual to fixturesupport@zero88.com, and we'll be able to provide you with a fixture file. If you have any questions, please let us know. Edward
  10. Bonjour, L'option Enregistrer dans le programme d'installation est la principale méthode d'enregistrement des fichiers d'émission sur une clé USB. Le bouton Enregistrer dans la fenêtre Z est également accessible en dehors de la fenêtre Z en utilisant l'icône Enregistrer en haut à gauche de l'écran tactile. Cela peut être utilisé pour enregistrer votre fichier show sur une clé USB, avec un numéro de révision automatiquement ajouté au nom du fichier show. J'espère que ça aide, Hello, The Save option within Setup, is the primary method of saving show files to a USB drive. The Save button in the Z window, can also be accessed outside of the Z window by using the Save icon top left of the touchscreen. This can be used to save your show file to USB drive, with a revision number automatically added to the show file name. For information on saving shows in Setup, see the link below... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/setup/save For information on quick save, see the link below... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/z-key/save-show I hope this helps, Edward
  11. Hi @Gul Glad that solved the issue. Fader Controls Colour should be disabled by default. For more information, please see the link below... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/cues-playbacks/playback-settings/general#fadercontrols Hope this helps, Edward
  12. Hi Adam, Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. Rather than using a chase, have you tried using some of the intensity effects available? If not, you may find one of these gives the result you're after. To watch a webinar on Chases and Effects on ZerOS consoles, see below... Hope this helps, Edward
  13. Hi @Lozo Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. Hope you're well. The most common way to do this, is to ensure that SmartTag is disabled whilst programming with the house light playback up. When SmartTag is disabled and you record a cue, the console will only store the manual value changes. It will therefore not store values that are currently coming from another playback on the console. To disable SmartTag, tap the RECORD button, to open the Record Options window. Ensure that the SmartTag button top left of the window has a blue strip, meaning disabled. If it has a red stripe, tap the button. You can then tap RECORD to save and close. Now, any future cues you program, will not include your house light playback or any other playbacks that may be active. For more information on SmartTag, see the link below... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/cues-playbacks/record-options/snapshot-smarttag#smarttag The other option, is you can "Park" your house lights on whilst programming, rather than using a playback to bring them on. The "INSERT" key on Leapfrog consoles can be configured to be a Park/Unpark key. If a fixture has been parked, and you record a cue, the parked value will not be stored in the cue. For more information on Parking, and how you can configure your Insert key (known as a UDK in the manual), please see the link below... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/user-definable-keys/advanced-udks/parking If you have any questions, please let me know. Edward
  14. Hi @Gul Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. Can you confirm that "Fader Controls Colour" is disabled for this playback? To ensure it is, hold SETUP and tap your playback's button. From the settings ensure the "Colour" button has a blue stripe under "Fader Controls..." and click OK. If this option is enabled, fade times will not be used for colour transitions. This would not explain why your Martin fixtures were fading correctly, but worth checking this setting anyway. As @kgallen says, please attach a copy of your show file, and describe which fixtures and cues you are seeing the issue with. We'll then be able to investigate. Edward
  15. Hi @Gabriel070 As @kgallen has helpfully found, the Martin Mac Allure is already included in Fixture Library v41, which is the latest library for Jester ML consoles. I would therefore recommend updating your Jester's fixture library. Fixture Library v41 can be downloaded from the Jester page, along with fixture library update instructions... https://zero88.com/control/jester#downloads If you have any questions, please let us know. Edward
  16. Hi Lawrence, No problem at all, glad to hear it. Edward
  17. Hi @LLuk This message is nothing to worry about. The end of this line of System Text states "NVR retention check OK.", meaning your console is operating normally. If you have any questions, please let us know. Edward
  18. Bonjour, Sur FLX S, vous avez la possibilité de « Fusionner » ou « Supprimer » lors de la mise à jour des repères. La fusion est l'option de mise à jour par défaut et la plus courante. Cela vous permet d'entrer dans un repère, d'apporter des modifications à l'état d'éclairage, puis de mettre à jour le repère pour enregistrer les modifications. Si vous souhaitez supprimer des appareils d'une mémoire, appuyez deux fois sur CLEAR pour effacer les modifications manuelles, puis accédez à la mémoire dont vous souhaitez supprimer des appareils. Ensuite, sélectionnez les appareils que vous souhaitez supprimer à l'aide des boutons de canal, puis installez-les à l'aide de l'icône d'accueil. Maintenant, maintenez enfoncée la touche UPDATE pour ouvrir les options de mise à jour sur l'écran tactile. Tout d'abord, assurez-vous que SmartTag est désactivé, indiqué par une bande bleue sur le bouton SmartTag. Si vous avez déjà enregistré des couleurs séparément en intensité, ce sera probablement le cas. Ensuite, appuyez sur Supprimer dans les options de mise à jour. Appuyez ensuite sur le bouton de lecture pour supprimer tous les paramètres actuellement marqués de la cue actuelle. Pour supprimer les données de plusieurs repères à la fois, vous pouvez utiliser ce même processus, mais utilisez le suivi. Cela supprimera alors les appareils étiquetés de cette cue, et signifiera que s'ils sont suivis dans les cues suivantes, ils ne seront plus allumés. J'espère que cela vous aidera, si vous avez des questions, s'il vous plaît laissez-moi savoir. Hello, On FLX S you have the option to "Merge" or "Remove" when updating cues. Merge is the default update option, and is the most common. This allows you to go into a cue, make changes to the lighting state, and then update the cue to save the changes. If you wish to remove fixtures from a cue, double tap CLEAR to clear any manual changes, and then go into the cue you wish to remove fixtures from. Then, select the fixtures you wish to remove using the channel buttons, and then home them using the home icon. Now, press and hold UPDATE, to open the Update Options on the touchscreen. Firstly, ensure that SmartTag is disabled, indicated with a blue stripe on the SmartTag button. If you have already been recording colours separately to intensity, it probably will be. Then, tap Remove in the update options. Then tap the playback's button, to remove all currently tagged parameters from the current cue. To remove data from multiple cues at once, you can use this same process, however use Tracking. This will then remove the tagged fixtures from this cue, and mean that if they tracked into subsequent cues, they will no longer be on. For information on Remove, see the link below... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/cues-playbacks/updating-cues/update-options#remove For information on tracking, see the link below... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/cues-playbacks/record-options/tracking I hope this helps, if you have any questions, please let me know. Edward
  19. Hi Pete, Manual Fade 1-way and Manual Fade 2-way options disable the Go button. If you would like to be able to lower a playback's fader, and remain in the current cue, you can use the default "HTP Master" Fader Function, but disable the "Release on Lower" option. To do this, hold SETUP and tap the playback's button to access the Playback Settings. From the top choose Raise & Lower, and then disable Release On Lower, and click OK. For more information please see the link below... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/cues-playbacks/playback-settings/raise-and-lower Sorry to hear that. Would you be able to confirm the software version currently running on your console? You can find the current software version by tapping the Z/Shift key, and choosing System Information from the touchscreen. In the window that opens will be a line of text displaying the "Software Version". Currently the latest software for FLX S consoles is ZerOS, which is available to download from the link below... https://zero88.com/zeros#download Thanks very much! Edward
  20. Hi @The Vault Arts Centre Thank you for attaching the images. After plugging in a USB drive, please wait a few seconds, and then tap the "Refresh" button, shown top right of the SETUP -> Load screen. You should then see the files stored on the USB drive, including the ZerOS Library file (.zlbr). Software installation instructions can be found in the release notes, also available from the ZerOS page. However, ZerOS 7.9.9 is the latest release software, so you shouldn't need to be updating the console's software. You will only need to update the console's library, to access the Chauvet Colorado Batten Q15. You have pretty new fixtures. There is therefore no guarantee, no matter what lighting controller you have, that these fixtures will be in the console's library. Unless you have very basic fixtures, you will always need a fixture "personality" or fixture "profile" in the console's library, to be able to control the light. It should be as simple as updating the console's library file, and then being able to patch the fixtures. Edward
  21. Hi @Lawrence Newbery Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. Yes it can. To make your life easier, you may wish to use a USB keyboard for this. You will then be able to use this same syntax... For more information on copying, see the link below... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/cues-playbacks/copying Hope this helps, Edward
  22. Hi Peter, When a playback's fader function is set the Manual Fade, rather than HTP Master, this means the playback's fader can be used to advance through your cues, rather than your go button. For more information, please see the link below... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/cues-playbacks/playback-settings/general#faderfunction In a future update, the Go button will also be available in the Manual Fade functions. This feature is logged as reference number ZOS-5803 on our software tracking system. If you have any questions, please let me know. Edward
  23. Hi Sven, Thank you for letting me know. After unzipping/extracting the files, you should be able to run one of the downloads as an app. Please let me know how you get on. Edward
  24. No problem at all, and thank you for the feedback. The manual for the Chauvet fixture should describe configuring the fixture for DMX control, to allow you to use a lighting console such as FLX S24. Let us know how you get on. I have suggested operating the fixture in 10 channel mode. If you cannot see this fixture in the library, I would recommend updating your console's library to ZerOS Library v2.1. For more information see the link below... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/setup/load/zeros-library-2 Edward
  25. Hi Sven, Thank you for the update. I would recommend using our latest versions of the Capture visualisation files, along with the latest versions of the ZerOS show files. These are available to download along with instructions, from the link below... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/networking/connecting-to-capture I hope this helps, please let me know how you get on. Edward
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