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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Everything posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hi Thierry, If the fixture originated from the ZerOS Library, there shouldn't have been any change in fixture macro functionality. Please feel free to send us a copy of your show file where the macros didn't seem to be working correctly, and we will take a look. Please email it to support@zero88.com Edward
  2. Hi Thierry, To clarify, the fixture macros will only be different in ZerOS 7.10, if the personality for the Robe fixture you were using previously, was NOT from the ZerOS Library. If it was a custom fixture file, or a fixture from a legacy show file, this will be a different version of the Robe fixture personality, which will have slightly different macros. Edward
  3. Hi Thierry, Thank you for the update, glad to hear the macros are now working. When the macros were not working, had you patched this fixture from the library, or had you been using this fixture loaded from an earlier show file? If you were using the fixture from a legacy show file, the fixture may have been using a different format, and so the macros may have been different. Edward
  4. Hi @naes I would recommend updating your console's software, to ensure you are learning an up-to-date version. Please click the link below, to download up-to-date software for Solution consoles... https://zero88.com/storage/downloads/607844fa-0fdf-401a-9e42-29c8fac4e7bf/ZerOS- Once downloaded, extract/unzip the files, and then copy the ZerOS .exe file (NOT Phantom ZerOS) onto a USB drive. Before updating your software, please save a copy of your console's show file to a USB drive first. To do this, please tap the SETUP button, and choose Save File. You can then save the show to a connected USB drive. Click the link below for installation instructions... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/setup/load/zeros-software Once installed, you will be able to load your show file back into the console from your USB drive if required. For more information, please see the link below... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/setup/load/zeros-show-files Our live-streamed training videos are available here, which may be useful to help get you started... https://zero88.com/live I hope this helps. If you have any questions, please let us know. Edward
  5. Hi Steve, No problem - makes sense. Thank you - I can confirm we have received your email. If you have touchscreens that support multitouch connected to your Orb console, you will be able to use these to spread colours across your lights, by using multitouch in the colour picker. You will also be able to use multitouch in the colour picker, with the ZerOS Remote or ZerOS Monitor apps. "Capacitive" touchscreens will support multitouch. For more information, please see the link below... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/desktops-windows/external-display/external-touchscreen Edward
  6. Hi @droiddk Thank you for adding your request. In case it is useful, you can use the Speed Override control, to control just the speed of active effects. See the link below for more information… https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/cues-playbacks/special-playback-functions Edward
  7. Hi @droiddk Really pleased to hear you have found them useful. Edward
  8. Hi @naes Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. I have moved this topic into the Solution & Solution XL forum. The first thing I would recommend doing, is checking the software version running on your console. It is important to ensure you are running up-to-date software if you are learning the console. To confirm the current software version running on your console, please click the “Other Windows” button, found top left of the Output Window. By default, this is the window shown at the top of the external monitor. From the drop-down choose System Info. In the window that opens will be a line of text displaying the “Software Version”. Feel free to take a picture of this window and post it, and we can advise the best software version. If you haven't already, I'd recommend watching the video below... This discusses how Solution consoles operate, running ZerOS 7.9.x software and later. I hope this helps. If you have any questions, please let us know. Edward
  9. Hi Thierry, I have looked at the Robe Robin 600e Spot in Mode 1. If you patch this fixture, and Automatically Create Macros, you will see a [Lamp On, Fixture Non Position Reset] macro. If you select your Robin 600e Spots and tap this, this will send a Lamp On command. According to the fixture's DMX map, you will need to set the "Shutter, Strobe, Control" parameter to 0, prior to activating the fixture macros... https://www.robe.cz/res/downloads/dmx_charts/Robin_600E_Spot_DMX_charts.pdf If you have any questions, please let us know. Edward
  10. Hi Thierry, Hope you're well. Would you be able to let me know the model and mode of your Robe fixtures? I will then be able to take a look. Edward
  11. Hi Steve, Apologies for not replying to this thread. This feature suggestion is logged as reference number ZOS-10915 on our system. Faders is certainly one option, but it may also be worth adding + and - buttons per parameter. Edward
  12. Hi Steve, Well spotted. This scroll bar has been removed to save space on smaller screens. You can click and drag, or swipe on a touchscreen, to scroll through the Patch Groups. We are aware of an issue on Orb consoles running ZerOS 7.10, related to opening the Fixture Levels window, which can cause a crash. Therefore if you use the Fixture Levels window, and don't have multicell fixtures, then you may wish to stick with ZerOS If you use the Fixture Levels window, and do have multicell fixtures you wish to control, I would be happy to share the latest beta software with you, that fixes the Fixture Levels issue. Please drop me an email if you would like access to the beta. I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions. Edward
  13. No problem at all. If you'd like to go in depth, please see the "Controlling & Programming Fixtures" webinar below... Edward
  14. Hi @droiddk That is correct - in this situation you would want to ensure your effect playback also includes position information, to allow you to see more than 50% of the effect. Hope this helps, Edward
  15. Hi @droiddk Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. Thank you for your description. I have just had a play with our demo Capture file, and this seems to be working as expected. Effects are waveforms, that "run around" the current parameter value, which is used as a midpoint. Therefore when running an effect over a parameter that is at full (or at 0), half of the effect is not visible, and you will only see the half of the effect which is below full (or above 0). In my show file, I find I need to raise the playback to 30%, to show the effect slowly start. Whereas with the fixtures defaulting with 50% Pan and Tilt, I can see the effect start to run when my playback is at 15%. I hope this makes sense. If you have any questions, please let me know. Edward
  16. Hi @pb_blue Thanks very much for the update. Pleased to hear it. Edward
  17. Dear All, ZerOS Library 3.0 has now been released. This is available for ZerOS consoles running ZerOS 7.10 software and later. This release contains 27,914 fixtures. ZerOS Library 3.0, along with further information, can be downloaded from the Library page below... https://zero88.com/library For installation instructions, see the link below... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/patching/zeros-library Legacy Consoles If your console cannot run ZerOS 7.10 software or later, individual fixture files that you require can be downloaded from the link below... https://zero88.com/fixtures/legacy-library/Legacy library (gft41.0)/ Additional Fixtures If the fixture you wish to control is missing from the latest library, see the link below... https://zero88.com/library#support If you have any questions, please let us know. Edward
  18. Hi Sven, I have replied to your email. ZerOS is working correctly in this scenario, as it ensures the most recent MIDI cue in a playback is triggered, upon receiving timecode. I have provided details in my email, on how you can use this as a way for playbacks to release themselves when not required. (In case it is useful, on OrbXF you can hold SHIFT and tap RELEASE, to release all playbacks). If you have any questions, please let me know. Edward
  19. Hi Sven, Sorry to hear you have had difficulty using MIDI with your OrbXF. Thank you for emailing support@zero88.com, and providing your show file. I will download Timelord and take a look. If you have any questions, please let me know. Edward
  20. Hi @Dodoooh Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. I am not familiar with Mix16Pro, however it looks like this app can only output a single universe of Art-Net. It doesn’t look like it can receive Art-Net to control it. Theoretically, you would be able to see MixPro16 over your Art-Net network from your FLX S24, in the Devices tab of Setup. You won’t however be able to control it. If you have any questions, please let us know. Edward
  21. Hi Dan, Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. As @kgallen states, there’s no shut down procedure on FLX consoles, just flick the power switch when you’re done. Only thing to mention is that changes made in Setup are not automatically saved until you exit Setup. So if you make changes in Setup and then switch off the console, the changes will not have been saved. Hope this helps, Edward
  22. Hi @Jouper The Solution SMPTE/MIDI/Remote/CAN PCB upgrade card is no longer available. If you have any questions, please let us know. Edward
  23. Hi Jouper, It is possible to output sACN from Solution. It is not possible to use the Solution as an sACN to DMX gateway, as Solution cannot receive and then convert the sACN data back to DMX. May I ask what you would like to achieve with the PC processing? It would certainly be possible to send sACN data to a dedicated sACN to DMX gateway, and a PC, simultaneously over a network. If you have any questions, please let us know. Edward
  24. Hi Jouper, This blanking plate was fitted on Solution consoles in place of an XLR desk light port. Edward
  25. Hi All, As mentioned, Zero 88 is 50 this year. We have published our refreshed History page, including some key landmark dates and interesting facts... https://zero88.com/history Edward
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