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Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Everything posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hi @pb_blue Please click the link below to download the fixture file for the Magic FX SmokeJet... https://zero88.com/fixtures/legacy-library/Legacy library (gft41.0)/MAGIC FX/SmokeJet.ift I hope this helps. If you have any questions, please let us know. Edward
  2. Hi @droiddk Thanks for the update - as you found, with the SHIFT key held down you won’t be able to make changes to settings effectively (this is also the case in Phantom ZerOS). Edward
  3. Hi @naes The speed of effects programmed into playbacks can be adjusted using the "Speed Override" control. The Speed Override control will affect the playback that is currently being viewed. Which playback are you currently viewing in the Cues window on the console? The playback number will be displayed at the top of the Cues window. To view a playback, press and hold MEMORIES and tap the button below the playback fader you wish to view. Please ensure the Speed Override pot is at 12 o'clock, meaning there will be no Override, and cues will play back at their recorded speed. Hope this helps, Edward
  4. Hi @naes As @thierry mentions, as long as you have saved your current show file to a USB drive, you will be able to proceed with the software update. You will then be able to load your show file back into the console after the update. Edward
  5. Il serait bon d'essayer de connecter un autre périphérique réseau à votre FLX S, au lieu de votre routeur SwisSonic. Si vous ne disposez pas d'un "commutateur Ethernet" auquel vous connecter, essayez de connecter un PC Windows directement à votre FLX S via Ethernet. Vous pourrez alors exécuter l'application ZerOS Monitor sur PC. Il vaudrait la peine de vérifier que votre console fonctionne normalement lorsqu'elle est connectée à votre PC. Si vous ne disposez pas de certaines adresses IP statiques que vous souhaitez utiliser, veuillez utiliser les suivantes : Ordinateur Windows IP -, sous-réseau - Information - https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/networking/windows-ip-configuration Connexion à distance ZeroOS IP -, sous-réseau - Information - https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/setup/devices/remote-apps Veuillez essayer ceci et faites-moi savoir si votre console fonctionne correctement. Si c'est le cas, cela confirme que le routeur est la cause des blocages, et nous pouvons alors explorer pourquoi cela peut être. Si vous avez des questions, veuillez nous en informer ou n'hésitez pas à envoyer un e-mail à support@zero88.com It would be good to try connecting a different network device to your FLX S, instead of your SwisSonic router. If you do not have an "Ethernet Switch" to connect to, please try connecting a Windows PC directly to your FLX S over Ethernet. You will then be able to run the ZerOS Monitor app on PC. It would be worth troubleshooting to check your console operates normally when connected to your PC. If you do not have certain static IP addresses you wish to use, please use the following: Windows PC IP -, Subnet - Information - https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/networking/windows-ip-configuration ZerOS Remote Connection IP -, Subnet - Information - https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/setup/devices/remote-apps Please try this, and let me know whether your console runs smoothly. If it does, this confirms the router is the cause of the freezes, and we can then explore why that may be. If you have any questions, please let us know, or feel free to email support@zero88.com Edward
  6. Toutes mes excuses pour la confusion. Si possible, je recommanderais de connecter votre FLX S à un "commutateur Ethernet" (commutateur réseau) et votre routeur au même "commutateur Ethernet". Cela signifie que votre console n'est pas directement connectée au routeur. D'après votre description, le routeur lui-même semble provoquer le gel de la console, et il serait donc utile de vérifier si le passage via un commutateur Ethernet a un effet. Apologies for the confusion. If possible, I would recommend connecting your FLX S to an "Ethernet Switch" (Network Switch), and your router to the same "Ethernet Switch". This will mean your console is not directly connected to the router. From your description, the router itself seems to be causing the console to freeze, and so it would be helpful to check whether going via an Ethernet switch has an affect. Edward
  7. Hi @Klaas Thank you very much for attaching your show file. There are a couple of aspects which are resulting in the behaviour you are seeing. Firstly, your console is in global Cue Only mode. This means that the console is snapshotting the required fixtures automatically into your cues. In cue 41, which triggers your chase on playback 41, fixtures 2, 129 & 130 are snapshotted at 0%. As the Master Playback is configured to have an Intensity Mixing option of Latest Takes Precedence, the latest instruction is 0%, and therefore the Master Playback and your chase on playback 41 are not mixing effectively. These fixtures are then stuck at 0%, and cannot be controlled by the chase. I would therefore recommend changing your Master Playback's Intensity Mixing option to Highest Takes Precedence. Upon triggering a chase from a playback, you should not need to manually raise the chase's playback fader. The show file is also reporting that your console is running ZerOS 7.9.4 software. When you are able to, I would recommend updating your console's software to ensure you are taking advantage of all the latest features and enhancements. ZerOS 7.9.9 can be downloaded from the link below... https://zero88.com/storage/downloads/607844fa-0fdf-401a-9e42-29c8fac4e7bf/ZerOS- Installation information can be found here... https://zero88.com/manuals/print?manual=zeros&type=section&content=zeros-software As ZerOS 7.9.4 is several versions behind, I would not recommending updating your console during the run of a production, as there will be many software changes. I hope this helps. If you have any questions, please let us know. Edward
  8. Bonjour, Merci pour vos réponses à mes questions. Merci d'avoir confirmé que vous utilisez le logiciel ZerOS 7.10 et merci de fournir un lien vers votre routeur. Avez-vous un commutateur Ethernet disponible ? Si oui, êtes-vous en mesure de connecter votre console et le routeur sans fil au commutateur, de sorte qu'il se trouve entre la console et le routeur sans fil ? S'il y a des fichiers de spectacle que vous devez exporter au format CSV, veuillez me les envoyer par e-mail et je pourrai vous envoyer l'exportation CSV. Ce problème sera résolu dans ZerOS 7.11. Si vous avez des questions, n'hésitez pas à m'en faire part. Hello, Thank you for your responses to my questions. Thank you for confirming you are running ZerOS 7.10 software, and thank you for providing a link to your router. Do you have an Ethernet switch available? If so, are you able to connect your console and the wireless router to the switch, so that it sits between the console and the wireless router? If there are any show files you need to export to CSV, please email them to me, and I will be able to send you the CSV export. This issue will be fixed in ZerOS 7.11. If you have any questions, please let me know. Edward
  9. Hi @RichardNR3 Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. If you wish to crossfade from a colour on one playback, to a colour on another playback, you can enable "Fader Controls Colour" in your playback settings. For more information, please see the link below... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/cues-playbacks/playback-settings/general If you wish to be able to mix your red and blue playbacks together, please see the link below... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/cues-playbacks/playing-back-cues/rgb-colour-mixing-on-playbacks I hope this helps, if you have any questions, please let us know. Edward
  10. Salut Delfine, Merci pour l'information. Nous sommes désolés d'apprendre que vous rencontrez des difficultés lors de la connexion d'un routeur à votre console. Quelques questions pour aider à comprendre ce qui peut se passer : Pourriez-vous confirmer la version du logiciel actuellement en cours d'exécution sur votre console ? Pourriez-vous fournir un lien vers le modèle exact de votre routeur sans fil ? Vous mentionnez que votre console se fige - est-ce seulement les boutons du panneau avant qui se figent, ou l'écran tactile se fige-t-il également ? La console récupère-t-elle si vous déconnectez le routeur ou devez-vous redémarrer la console ? Recevez-vous des messages d'erreur lors du redémarrage de votre console ? Si vous avez des questions, veuillez nous en informer. Hi Delfine, Thank you for the information. Sorry to hear you have been having difficulty when connecting a router to your console. A few questions to help understand what may be happening: Please could you confirm the software version currently running on your console? Please could you provide a link to the exact model of your wireless router? You mention your console freezes - is it just the front panel buttons that freeze, or does the touchscreen freeze as well? Does the console recover if you disconnect the router, or do you have to reboot the console? Do you receive any error messages upon rebooting your console? If you have any questions, please let us know. Edward
  11. That's exactly right - upon pasting the cue, both the base position for the effect, and the effect itself, will be a copy of the original cue. Edward
  12. Hi @Klaas From your description, it sounds like one of the cues in your chase has a macro to Release the Master Playback. Therefore when the chase is triggered, the master playback is releasing. If you can attach a copy of your show file, and let me know which playbacks and cues are triggering/releasing, I will take a look. Edward
  13. Hi @Techie_v2 Either method is fine. If you think you might forget to enable SmartTag again afterwards, then you will be able to use the Snapshot method (SHIFT + RECORD). As @droiddk mentions, if you wish to use Tracking, be aware that recording a cue with Snapshot, will "block" tracking, as every value for every light is given an instruction. You may find the video below helpful, if you'd like to learn more about Snapshot and SmartTag... Hope this helps, Edward
  14. Hi @glitcher0 A "multicell" fixture, is a single fixture with multiple light outputs, that can each be controlled individually. For information on multicell fixtures, please watch the video below... For more information, please see the link below... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/controlling-fixtures/multicell-fixtures I hope this helps. If you have any questions, please let us know. Edward
  15. Hi All, @droiddk is exactly right - as ZerOS knows the "Circle" effect is already running, ZerOS won't restart it when going into the pasted cue. It would start the effect if the cue had been pasted after a cue with no effect data included. ZerOS would only snap the position of the lights in cue 2, if cue 2 had a 0 second position fade time. Otherwise the console would fade from the positions of the previous cue, into the positions of the new cue that the effect is running around. Hope this helps, Edward
  16. Hi @thierry To move your fixtures in dark, is a two-step process: turn the fixtures off and move them, and then turn them back on. This therefore couldn't be done in a single cue. You could potentially record your fixture's "Enable Blackout Whilst Pan/Tilt Moving" function, into the first cue. You could then record "Disable Blackout Whilst Pan/Tilt Moving" in the second cue, however add a Beam delay time to the second cue. This would mean that due to the delay time, upon going into the second cue the fixtures will be in blackout whilst your fixtures moved into position, but after the delay time, once your fixtures are over the audience, blackout can be disabled. Personally, I would rather insert an extra cue, and have the audience cue follow automatically, for ease of control. Edward
  17. Hi @glitcher0 If you wish to control multicell fixtures with your Leapfrog console, I'd recommend installing ZerOS 7.10, available from the link below... https://zero88.com/storage/downloads/0b68ecc6-9829-4000-b469-63b94a0c62c3/ZerOS-7.10.exe If you do not wish to control multicell fixtures, ZerOS software can be downloaded from the link below... https://zero88.com/storage/downloads/607844fa-0fdf-401a-9e42-29c8fac4e7bf/ZerOS- Installation instructions are available here... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/setup/load/zeros-software Hope this helps, Edward
  18. Hi @pierotec This feature request is logged on our system as reference number ZOS-9027. I have raised the priority of this following your request. Edward
  19. Hi Eric, We have received excellent feedback regarding the stability of ZerOS 7.10 software. We are aware of a potential crash in this software when running on legacy consoles. This issue is not present in the FLX range of consoles. We have a beta version available for legacy consoles that solves the issue. Edward
  20. Hi @thierry Thank you for the information, this makes sense. For this, I would certainly be looking at recording a cue between your stage wash cue and your audience cue. This could take your fixtures to black and move their position, with your audience cue automatically following on afterwards. Is there a particular reason you cannot do this? Edward
  21. Hi Lukas, Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. FLX S consoles feature our RigSync software, which uses RDM for automatic patching and synchronisation. Currently FLX S consoles do not display RDM status information of connected devices. This is something we would like to implement in a future ZerOS software update. If you have any questions, please let us know. Edward
  22. Hi @pierotec It is not possible to control a group of fixtures in the programmer (red values in the Output Window) from a fader. If there is a group of lights you wish to always control together, you could simply patch a single fixture into your console, and then add multiple DMX addresses to it in the Fixture Schedule. You can record an intensity playback for a group of fixtures as per @Ed75's suggestion above. (On the standard FLX console, you could configure a macro so that raising the playback fader automatically selects the fixtures) Hope this helps. Edward
  23. Hi @glitcher0 Thank you for the update, pleased to hear you can now access your macros. Let us know if there’s anything else we can help with. Edward
  24. Hi @glitcher0 Please could you confirm the current software version installed on your console? If you haven't created any custom macros, I would recommend clearing all fixture macros. To do this tap SETUP -> Clear Options -> Clear Macros. Then, exit SETUP, and hold SHIFT and tap MACRO, to open the Macros window. You should see a Automatically Create Macros button available if your fixtures have fixture macros available. If you save a copy of your show file to a USB drive and email this to us, we can investigate. If you have any questions, please let me know. Edward
  25. Hi @glitcher0 The VariLite VL2500 Wash fixture personality has 4 fixture macros available: [Fixture Display 100%] [Fixture Global Reset] [Lamp Off] [Lamp On] These will be created after patching the fixture and tapping Automatically Create Macros in the Macros window. If this doesn't appear to be working for you, please email us a copy of your show file to support@zero88.com, and we will take a look. Edward
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