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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Everything posted by Edward Z88

  1. Salut Delfine, Veuillez trouver les fichiers joints... GHILLIES DANSEURS AUTONOMIE VILLIERS14.csv GHILLIES DANSEURS AUTONOMIE GIEVRES.csv Edward
  2. Hi @AndyJM Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. What mode are you operating these fixtures in? Have any settings been changed on the fixture itself, such as Dimmer Curve? If you try addressing your fixture to something completely out the way of other fixtures (such as DMX address 401 if free), does the fixture continue to glow at a low level? Edward
  3. Hi Eric, To clarify, ZerOS 7.10 is available for Solution consoles. If you email fixturesupport@zero88.com and share a copy of your fixture's manual, we are still able to create and provide fixture files like we used to. We aim for same-day turnaround for simple fixtures. Edward
  4. Hi @Paul Bennett 211 As @kgallen mentions, it may be easiest to just delete these playbacks and re-record them, as it sounds like they are currently both fighting over the same fixtures. Do feel free to forward your original support email thread along with the latest copy of your show file to support@zero88.com, and we will take a look. Edward
  5. Hi @van den abbeele Eric There are no known stability issues running ZerOS 7.10 software on FLX consoles. Edward
  6. Salut @delfine, Merci d'avoir effectué ces tests. Veuillez envoyer une photo du numéro de série de votre console par e-mail à support@zero88.com, et nous serons en mesure de vous conseiller. Hi @delfine, Thank you for carrying out these tests. Please email a picture of your console's serial number to support@zero88.com, and we will be able to advise. Edward
  7. Salut @delfine, Désolé pour mon retard de réponse, j'étais en vacances. Je vous ai envoyé ces fichiers le jour même où vous les avez demandés, mais j'ai remarqué que les e-mails ont rebondi. Ceux-ci ont été envoyés à l'adresse e-mail enregistrée sur votre compte de forum. Veuillez envoyer un e-mail à support@zero88.com, avec la meilleure adresse e-mail à utiliser pour vous contacter, et je transmettrai ces fichiers. Hi @delfine, Apologies for my delay in replying, I have been on holiday. I sent these files to you the same day you requested them, however I have noticed the emails bounced. These were sent to the email address registered to your forum account. Please email support@zero88.com, with the best email address to use to contact you, and I will forward these files. Edward
  8. Hi @van den abbeele Eric I have just replied to your email regarding your questions. Edward
  9. Hi @Jouper Vectorworks Vision can be controlled using either the Art-Net or sACN control protocols… https://www.vectorworks.net/en-GB/vision FLX can output either of these protocols, so FLX can be used to control Vectorworks Vision. (Phantom ZerOS could also be used to control Vectorworks Vision when unlocked). Hope this helps. Edward
  10. Hi Steve, I’m on holiday at the moment, however my colleague Keith will be able to help you out. If he hasn’t got to your email yet, you can give him a nudge on +44 (0)1633 833101 Edward
  11. Hi @CestM0i64 That’s great, really pleased to hear it. Move On Dark won’t be able to look ahead into playbacks that are set to be triggered. If fixtures need to be prepped ready for when they are used in triggered playbacks, I would recommend recording a cue “0.5” in each of your triggered playbacks. This cue could prepare your fixtures ready for when they are used, and the first cue of the playback could then follow on afterwards automatically. Hope this helps, Edward
  12. Hi @aussieh We often reply to fixture requests the same day, including throughout the pandemic. If you haven’t received a reply, it is likely your email went into our mailbox quarantine. Apologies for this. Please forward your original email to fixturesupport@zero88.com, and include your console type (“FLX S48”) in the email subject. That way we will be able to find it. If you have any questions, please let us know. Edward
  13. Hi Alex, For information on naming cues, please see the link below… https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/cues-playbacks/naming Across all consoles, you can press and hold SETUP, and tap a group, palette or playback to be able to name it. On FLX, you also have the option to tap NAME, and then tap an item. Hope this helps, Edward
  14. Hi @Paul Bennett 211 Really pleased to hear you got to the bottom of this. @Davidmk - thanks very much for your support 🙂 Edward
  15. Hi Alex, Please see the link below... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/shortcuts I believe this should have all the shortcuts listed in it. If there are any you can think of that are missing, let us know and we will add them! Edward
  16. Hi @Paul Bennett 211 The first thing I would do, is readdress the "faulty" LED batten, to match the start address of a batten that is working. It should then behave identically to the batten that is working correctly. Please try this, and let us know how you get on. Edward
  17. Hi @Techie_v2 This would be absolutely fine. Providing that you are using suitably rated cabling, the cables and sockets will be rated up to 15 amps. The combined load on the pair of 15 amp sockets per channel, must not exceed 10 amps. You could therefore theoretically have 5 amps connected to both sockets simultaneously, or 10 amps connected to one of the sockets. You could therefore plug in a pair of 1kw PAR 64s into a single socket of the dimmers by using a grelco/squelly. Hope this helps, Edward
  18. Hi Paul, This is the method that used to be used to control LED battens, where each "cell" was patched as a separate fixture. This is no longer required in the latest software for FLX consoles, as each batten can be patched as a single fixture. If you would like to look at updating your console's software, and re-patching the individual cells as battens, please send us an email to support@zero88.com, and we can advise. When you save your show file to a USB drive, absolutely all settings, patching and programming will be saved. See the link below for more information... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/setup/save In one very unhelpful word: "potentially". If your battens have RDM, and RDM that is implemented well, then it'll work absolutely fine. If they don't, it won't, so I'd suggest sticking with manual patching for now. Please see the link below for more information on RigSync... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/setup/universes/remote-device-management Thank you for sharing a spreadsheet. This confirms that your battens should be in 36-channel mode, to work correctly with your console. They will need to have the following start addresses: Batten 1 - 144 Batten 2 - 180 Batten 3 - 216 Batten 4 - 252 Batten 5 - 288 Batten 6 - 324 Batten 7 - 360 Please check the battens are configured correctly, to match the patch on the console. Hope this helps, Edward
  19. Edward Z88


    Hi Simon, That is correct - by "start a new show file", make sure you perform a Reset Desk. Edward
  20. Hi @Paul Bennett 211 Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum Firstly, can you confirm whether you are using a standard FLX console, and not a FLX S24 or FLX S48 console? As @Davidmk has suggested, the first thing I would recommend doing is ensure that the modes and DMX addresses of the fixtures patched in your console, match those set on the lights. To find out the mode and address set on each fixture, you will need to navigate the menu of each fixture. To confirm DMX addresses on the console, tap SETUP, to take you to the Fixture Schedule. Along the bottom of the Fixture Schedule you will be able to tap a button to filter and show all your battens. The addresses will be displayed in the right-hand column. To confirm the mode of the fixture, tap one of the fixtures in the Fixture Schedule under the "Change All Profiles" button. You should be taken to a window with three columns. The right-hand column is the mode column, where the current mode will be highlighted. I'd recommend watching the in-depth video below, to find out more about the patching process... I hope this helps. Please let us know how you get on. @Davidmk - thanks very much for your support. Edward
  21. Edward Z88


    Hi Simon, For this, you could use the "Revert Rig Back" button. Pressing this button, will revert your fixtures back to the settings they were discovered in. Therefore one you have set your fixtures the required addresses and modes, you could reset your console, and then let your console discover all your fixtures. You can then save this show file, as your base RDM configuration. After the visiting company has come in, you can then reload your base RDM show file, and press Revert Rig Back. For more information, please see the link below... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/setup/universes/remote-device-management Hope this helps. Edward
  22. Hi @keredyelesob It is not currently possible to trigger Fixture Macros from cues. It is only possible to trigger User Macros. For more information, please see the link below... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/cues-playbacks/cue-settings/cue-macros The ability to trigger Fixture Macros from cues is something we would like to implement. This is logged as reference number ZOS-6741 on our system. I have raised the priority of this following your request. Currently, you could manually record a Lamp Off command into a cue, by setting the relevant Beam parameter to the required level in the cue, rather than using the Fixture Macros. If you have any questions, please let us know. Edward
  23. Edward Z88


    Bonjour, Une fois que vous avez connecté vos passerelles Art-Net à votre console, et que leurs paramètres réseau sont corrects, les univers Art-Net pour chaque port peuvent être configurés dans SETUP -> Devices. Veuillez consulter le lien ci-dessous pour plus d'informations... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/setup/devices/art-net-devices Veuillez regarder la vidéo de formation ci-dessous pour plus d'informations... J'espère que cela t'aides. Hello, Once you have connected your Art-Net gateways to your console, and their network settings are correct, the Art-Net universes for each port can be configured in SETUP -> Devices. Please see the link below for more information... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/setup/devices/art-net-devices Please watch the training video below for more information... https://youtu.be/j4NCv33wP-8 Hope this helps.
  24. Edward Z88


    Hi Simon, ZerOS will apply your rig configuration to your show file. It will not apply your show file configuration to your rig. Therefore, if you load in a show file, ZerOS will look at the RDM IDs of the fixtures in the show file, to see whether they match fixtures that are currently connected. If there is a match, ZerOS will change the modes and addresses in the show file, to match the fixtures in the rig. In this situation it will not automatically change the addresses and modes of your fixtures. If you have any questions, please let us know. Edward
  25. Hi @pb_blue2 Please could you confirm the software version running on your Jester console? Please see page 50 of the Jester manual for more information on loading fixture files... https://zero88.com/storage/downloads/c58ddc73-7739-464e-99e1-1e4170d4b9b6/jesterml-manual-3.0.pdf#page=50 If you have any questions, please let us know. Edward
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