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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Everything posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hi @Paul Bennett 211 Thank you for attaching an image of your console's System Information window (I have removed this from your post to hide your console's serial number). As @Davidmk mentions, the "Software Version" is the key information in the System Information window. As you are running ZerOS 7.9.6, please see the link below for information on how you can update your console's software to ZerOS 7.10... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/setup/load/zeros-software For information on naming fixtures, please see the link below... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/patching/fixture-schedule/fixture-names For information on renumbering fixtures, please see the link below... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/patching/fixture-schedule/fixture-channel-number Fixtures can be renumbered without any problem. Cues will not be broken upon renumbering fixtures, and cues will continue to use the same fixtures, even if they now have a new number (behind the scenes, ZerOS has an ID for each fixture that is patched that cannot be changed, meaning your cues know which light is which, despite fixture numbers being changed). I hope this helps. If you have any questions, please let us know. Edward
  2. Hi Andy, Hold SETUP and tap your Master Playback's button. This will open the Playback's Settings. Hold the Z/Shift key, and then choose "Pause" from the button function options at the bottom. Then release the Z/Shift key, and you should see the option returns to "Go (Fade)". You can then click OK. Now when you hold Z/Shift and tap the Master Playback's go button, you will pause it. Please see the link below for more information... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/cues-playbacks/playback-settings/general#button Hope this helps, Edward
  3. Hi Cliff, To set default cue timings, and default playback settings, tap SETUP -> Defaults. For more information, please see the link below... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/setup/defaults-2 Once SmartTag has been disabled in the Record Options, it will then stay disabled until you manually enable it again. This means there is no need to press and hold RECORD each time you want to record a cue. I hope this helps. If you have any questions, please let us know. Edward
  4. Hi @phosphene Hope you're well. I would recommend taking a look at the tutorial below, which looks specifically at colour mixing on faders... If you are still unable to achieve what you're after, please let us know. Edward
  5. Hi @AndyJM When you go into the last cue of a playback, the "Next" cue will be cue 1, as playbacks will wrap around automatically. The Cues window is always "focussed" on the Next cue, and so you scroll to the top. As per @kgallen's comment, we would like to review this behaviour. This is logged as reference number ZOS-8694 on our software tracking system. I have raised the priority of this issue following your request. On FLX consoles, a few taps of the Up arrow gets you back to the bottom of the Cue list. On FLX S consoles, you could use the Pause functionality as described by @delfine. Configuring the Master Playback's button's shifted function to pause, would allow you to hold Z/Shift and double tap Go, to get back to the bottom of the cue list. If you have any questions, please let us know. Edward
  6. Hi David, Thanks for the information. Edward
  7. Dear All, Our April, May & June online training sessions have been scheduled. These consist of various 1-hour sessions covering different topics related to FLX S24, FLX S48 and FLX consoles. For a list of sessions, dates & times, and also to register, head to the training page below… https://zero88.com/training#eventdates If you have any questions, as always just let us know. Edward
  8. Hi David, Yep, fully understand that. If you do change your mind and would like access, just drop me an email. Edward
  9. Hi David, To confirm, have you experienced your FLX being unresponsive whilst running ZerOS 7.10? I've just noticed that you are not a member or our Software Testing area of the forum. Let me know if you would like to join! Edward
  10. Hi All, I think there are three different things going on here: @delfine has experienced an issue with their FLX S front panel freezing, with ZerOS continuing to run, when their router is connected. This will not affect FLX hardware. Delfine and I will investigate further in our meeting. @kgallen is mentioning crashes that to my knowledge have all been fixed in later versions of ZerOS. @Davidmk sorry to hear you have experienced freezes with your FLX. As you almost always use the console when connected to a network, it is almost impossible to say that the network is the cause. If you noticed they only occurred when connected to your network, this would of course be a different story. If the issue does occur again, please take a picture of the console in its frozen state, and email this along with your current show file to support@zero88.com. If you have any questions, please let me know. Edward
  11. Hi All, @delfine and I have a meeting scheduled for next week, to explore why their router is causing instability. Edward
  12. Salut @delfine Fichier CSV en pièce jointe... CONDUITE 1 13032022 EMPREINTES LOUDUN final Percent.csv Edward
  13. Salut @delfine Fichier CSV en pièce jointe... CONDUITE 1 13032022 EMPREINTES LOUDUN final.csv Edward
  14. Hi @Joshdd The Equinox Fusion 140 is already included in the latest software for FLX S consoles, under the "Prolight" manufacturer. If you cannot find this fixture under "Prolight", I would recommend updating your FLX S console's software. If you would like more information regarding software updates, please let us know. Edward
  15. Dear All, We have recently updated our Capture demo files to Capture 2022. Please click the link below to find out more about Capture 2022... https://www.capture.se/Products/Capture Please click the link below to access the updated Capture files, updated ZerOS show file, and instructions... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/networking/connecting-to-capture There is still time to register for tomorrow's ZerOS Online training session, that discusses using and configuring ZerOS & Capture... Click here to register. If you have any questions, please do let us know. Edward
  16. Hi @droiddk Pleased to hear you are regularly using FLX S24. There are currently no plans to change the "Fader Controls" functionality for Effect. Currently Fader Controls Effect allows you to crossfade to the recorded effect, by fading both speed and size. Without both parameters being controlled, you would not be able to crossfade to it. We would like to add separate Effect Rate playbacks, to control just the speed or just the size of a recorded effect. This would mean you had a playback for the effect's intensity as you do now, and then another playback for speed or size. This would behave very similar to how the Speed Override control does now for adjusting effect speed, but could be assigned to a specific effect. Edward
  17. Hi @WOGLES Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. I have just replied to your email... Hi Wogles, Please click the link below to download the fixture file for the Lightmaxx Vega Spot 60… https://zero88.com/fixtures/legacy-library/Legacy%20library%20(gft41.0)/LIGHTMAXX/Vega%20Spot%2060.ift Please click the link below to download the fixture file for the Lightmaxx Vega Spot 90… https://zero88.com/fixtures/legacy-library/Legacy%20library%20(gft41.0)/LIGHTMAXX/Vega%20Spot%2090.ift Once downloaded, please save these files to the root of a USB drive and plug into your console. You will then be able to assign these fixtures from your USB drive. I hope this helps. If you have any questions, please let us know. Edward
  18. Salut @delfine Aucun problème du tout 🙂 Edward
  19. Hi Andy, Would you be able to confirm which mode you are using them in? Edward
  20. Salut Delfine, Veuillez trouver les fichiers joints... GHILLIES DANSEURS AUTONOMIE VILLIERS14.csv GHILLIES DANSEURS AUTONOMIE GIEVRES.csv Edward
  21. Hi @AndyJM Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. What mode are you operating these fixtures in? Have any settings been changed on the fixture itself, such as Dimmer Curve? If you try addressing your fixture to something completely out the way of other fixtures (such as DMX address 401 if free), does the fixture continue to glow at a low level? Edward
  22. Hi Eric, To clarify, ZerOS 7.10 is available for Solution consoles. If you email fixturesupport@zero88.com and share a copy of your fixture's manual, we are still able to create and provide fixture files like we used to. We aim for same-day turnaround for simple fixtures. Edward
  23. Hi @Paul Bennett 211 As @kgallen mentions, it may be easiest to just delete these playbacks and re-record them, as it sounds like they are currently both fighting over the same fixtures. Do feel free to forward your original support email thread along with the latest copy of your show file to support@zero88.com, and we will take a look. Edward
  24. Hi @van den abbeele Eric There are no known stability issues running ZerOS 7.10 software on FLX consoles. Edward
  25. Salut @delfine, Merci d'avoir effectué ces tests. Veuillez envoyer une photo du numéro de série de votre console par e-mail à support@zero88.com, et nous serons en mesure de vous conseiller. Hi @delfine, Thank you for carrying out these tests. Please email a picture of your console's serial number to support@zero88.com, and we will be able to advise. Edward
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