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Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Everything posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hi @Holger Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. There are a couple of ways to do this. The first thing to be aware of is that cues cannot reference cues. Therefore when you record, or even copy and paste a cue, the new cue does not reference any other existing cue. Cues can however reference palettes. I would therefore recommend creating a "Snapshot Palette" for each of your different scenes that are used regularly. To do this, create your first lighting scene using the various fixture controls. Then hold SHIFT and tap RECORD, and then tap any empty palette. I tend to use "Beam" palettes for my Snapshot palettes, however any palette type can be used. You will then end up with a palette with "ICBSPE" written top left of the palette tile. This indicates this is a Snapshot palette. You can give your scene a name by holding SETUP and tapping on the palette. You can then repeat this for your other scenes, until you end up with a Snapshot palette for each of your scenes. Then, you can start recording these Snapshot palettes into cues. To do this, select the required lights, and then tap your required snapshot palette to recall your scene. Then tap RECORD, and record this as a cue to the Master Playback. Because you used the palette, the cue simply holds a reference to the palette. You can then record this snapshot palette into all the other required cues. You can then repeat this process for the scenes in the other Snapshot palettes. Now, if you need to update one of your scenes, you can select the lights, and apply the relevant Snapshot palette. You can then make your changes, hold SHIFT and tap RECORD, and then tap on the relevant Snapshot palette from the touchscreen. You can then choose to "Merge" your changes in. Any cues that were recorded with that palette, will still reference that palette, and therefore now output your updated scene. For more information on recording palettes, please see the link below... https://zero88.com/manuals/print?manual=zeros&type=section&content=recording-palettes The other approach to this, is to record a separate playback fader for each of your scenes that you use regularly. You can then record "empty" cues in the Master Playback. In the settings of an empty cue, you can then add a trigger macro, to trigger your required scene playback. You can then repeat this process, triggering and releasing the required scenes throughout your cues on the master playback. Then, if you need to make a change to one of the scenes that is used regularly, you can simply update the required scene playback. As all your cues in the master playback already reference your scene playbacks, they will therefore recall the required scene that's been updated. See the link below for more information on triggering and releasing playbacks from cues... https://zero88.com/manuals/print?manual=zeros&type=section&content=cue-macros I hope this helps. If you have any questions, please let us know. Edward
  2. Hi Rob, CAT5e cabling will be ample for use with FLX S consoles. You can of course use a higher category, but this will provide little benefit when used on very small networks, such as simply connecting FLX S to a laptop. If you have any questions, please let us know. Edward
  3. Hi Daryl, Happy Easter. Any fixture that is not from the installed ZerOS Library, will be displayed in red in the Fixture Schedule. This includes .zfix fixtures that may have been exported, renamed, loaded, and then patched. See the link below for more information… https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/patching/fixture-schedule/change-fixture Hope this helps. Edward
  4. Hi @delicolor Thank you for sharing a picture of the console. If you have attempted to convert your fixtures, and there is no fixture model/mode listed, this usually means your fixtures are not yet included in the ZerOS Library. Tapping "Show All" will show you the full Add Fixtures list with your fixture selected, and parameter list shown. Hope this helps. Edward
  5. Hi @delicolor Please see page 5 of the ZerOS 7.11 release notes... https://zero88.com/storage/downloads/24b9c2e0-2dd1-41d9-9ff6-bb1eadfd6fbf/ZerOS-7.11-(Release-notes).pdf#page=5 There has been an update to the Change Profiles column for clarity. In ZerOS 7.11, ANY fixture that is not from the current ZerOS Library installed on the console, will be shown in red. This then provides the ability to change fixtures from earlier show files to their latest library version, or convert custom .ift files to their library equivalent if available. See the link below for more information... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/patching/fixture-schedule/change-fixture Any fixtures displayed in red, simply mean the fixtures are not from the ZerOS Library, and may not be able to take advantage of all the latest features. They can be controlled and played back in the same way as earlier software. Fixtures are always included in show files, so upon loading a show ZerOS will have everything it needs to import the fixtures, without the need for the original .ift file. When you say the fixtures don't show the channel attributes, do you mean no tabs are available along the top of the touchscreen when you try to control them? Please feel free to email us a copy of your show file that shows the issue, and we will investigate further. This is logged as reference number ZOS-10745 on our system. I have raised the priority of this functionality. If you have any questions, please let us know. Edward
  6. Hi Eric, Thank you for replying to this thread. This thread started over 5 months ago, when ZerOS only dealt with Red, Green, Blue and White emitters. All other emitters were not used by the colour mixing, and could simply be adjusted manually using the encoder wheels. ZerOS 7.11 introduces colour mixing support for Amber and UV parameters too. In fact, ZerOS 7.11 allows over 20 additive colour emitters to be applied to the ZerOS Colour Mixing. These parameters will then be used by the Automatic Colour Palettes, Colour Picker, Images Picker, Colour Faders and Colour Filters. Please see the link below for more information... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/controlling-fixtures/colour If your fixture has UV, you will be able to decide whether UV is included in the ZerOS Colour Mixing. Please see the link below for more information... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/patching/fixture-schedule/fixture-settings#uv I hope this helps. If you have any questions, please let us know. Edward
  7. Hi Eric, So far we have received excellent feedback from customers updating their consoles to ZerOS 7.11. Edward
  8. Hi Karl, No problem at all. Let us know if you need anything else. Edward
  9. Hi @Karl A. Loessl ZerOS uses the date format DD/MM/YYYY. Therefore ZerOS Library 3.1 was created 7 days ago (at time of writing). I can confirm ZerOS Library 3.1 is currently the latest library version. ZerOS Library 3.0 was released at the end of January. Hope this helps, Edward
  10. Hi David, Thanks very much for your thoughts. From a support point of view, adding the ability to disable the channel faders sounds like a potential headache. When in Playbacks, the LEDs under the recorded playback faders will be lit. If the MFFs have been changed to Channels, the LEDs under the faders will be off, unless the fixtures are selected. Something that we have discussed in the past, is making the function of the faders much more obvious in the Faders window - potentially different colours. However for this to be beneficial in your example, you would of course need to be viewing the Faders window. Edward
  11. To add to this, I have logged the "Portrait External Monitor Mode" feature as reference number ZOS-10942 on our software tracking system. Edward
  12. Hi @Techie_v2 It is not possible to change the orientation of the external monitor output from the console. However, FLX consoles auto-detect the best resolution for the connected monitor. Therefore if a monitor reported itself as 1080x1920, rather than the standard 1920x1080, FLX should natively output a portrait image. This is not something we have tested. Edward
  13. ZerOS 7.11 software has now been released, which supports HSI/HSV colour mixing...
  14. Hi Eric, Please see the link below, for more information on filtering Add Fixtures... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/patching/add-fixtures/searching-filtering Hope this helps, Edward
  15. Hi @kgallen & @ProfDrJones MIDI Show Control output is logged on our system as reference number ZOS-5421. I have logged both of your requests and raised the priority. Edward
  16. Hi @ProfDrJones Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. FLX consoles can only output lighting data. They cannot send out MIDI commands. This is because when using MIDI, it is standard practice to use the audio source device as the MIDI source device too. This means you can fire an audio cue (using software such as QLab if using a Mac), and simultaneously send a MIDI command. This can then be received by FLX to trigger a lighting cue. For detailed information on using MIDI Show Control with FLX, please see the link below... https://zero88.com/manuals/print?manual=zeros&type=section&content=midi-show-control I hope this helps. If you have any questions, please let me know. Edward
  17. Dear All, The ZerOS manual is up-to-date with all the new features and changes introduced by ZerOS 7.11. Please see the link below for a list of revisions... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/introduction-58/revisions-50 Please watch the video below, for an introduction to the changes... Edward
  18. Hi @phosphene If you wish to use playback faders to control levels of RGB, you will need to manually record the required fixtures into your playback faders, as per the tutorial. There is no way of creating a set of RGB faders and then assigning different fixtures to them on the fly. For this, you would need the standard FLX, so that you could access the onscreen faders window. If you have any questions, please let us know. Edward
  19. Hi Gray, Hope you're well. If the Record Options window is opening as soon as you press RECORD, this means the window settings have been changed. To access the Record window settings, tap SETUP -> Settings, and scroll down to the bottom. It sounds like your console is set to "Internal Display", meaning the window opens as soon as Record is tapped. By default, "External Display" will be selected. This means the window will always appear on an external remote display, but can be opened internally if you press and hold RECORD. I hope this helps. If you have any questions, please let us know. Edward
  20. Hi Ian, Hope you're well. As you have discovered, when ZerOS Wings are used with FLX S24, they will always boot up in Channels Page 2. The function and page recalled on boot cannot currently be configured. I have logged this feature request as reference number ZOS-10940 on our software system. This feature is logged as reference number ZOS-10864. I have logged your request for this feature. If you have any questions, please let us know. Edward
  21. Dear All, We’re excited to announce the availability of ZerOS 7.11, a new update to the award-winning software available on Zero 88 consoles as well as the Strand FLX S series in the Americas market. New Features include: Colour mixing support for multiple emitters Updates to “Home” functionality on FLX Colour Filter References Filter Library updates Fixture Filtering Fixture Export Colour Temperature fader and palettes Parameter List display in Add Fixtures Generic Multicell fixtures added ZerOS Library 3.1 Various enhancements and bug fixes Please see the release notes for details on all updates and bug fixes in the software. ZerOS 7.11, Phantom ZerOS 7.11 (offline editor) and the Release Notes can be found at zero88.com/zeros If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at support@zero88.com Kind regards, Edward
  22. Hi Paul, To record these two cues, I would do the following: 140 THRU 212 . @ 15 ENTER EFFECT 25 ENTER RECORD, tap an empty playback's button. There is no need to alter any Record Options. CLEAR CLEAR 111 THRU 113 . ENTER EFFECT 13 ENTER RECORD tap an empty playback's button. There is no need to alter any Record Options. CLEAR CLEAR Neither playback should then interfere with one another, and will only include information for their respective fixtures. For detailed information on the Record Options, please see the link below... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/cues-playbacks/record-options The Record Filters are explained here... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/cues-playbacks/record-options/record-filters Hope this helps. Edward
  23. Hi Eric, Thank you very much for your explanation. This functionality would be covered by "Discrete timings on FLX (apply specific timings to specific parameters)". This will allow you to set custom timings per parameter for a cue, rather than all parameters of an attribute adhering to the cue time. Hope this helps. Edward
  24. Hi Paul, Thanks very much for sharing your show file. I can confirm that playback 26 does indeed include RGB @ Full for fixtures 140 thru 212. Therefore upon raising playback 26, it will set these fixtures to white. Playback 26 does not include intensity information for fixtures 140 thru 212, however the intensity is already up from playback 25, hence you see the colour change. To remove this unwanted colour information from playback 26, double tap CLEAR, and raise playback 26, with nothing else active on stage. Then tap UPDATE, and from the Update Options, enable SmartTag, so it has a red stripe. Then tap Playback 26's button. This will remove any parameter information that may have been present in playback 26, for fixtures currently @ 0% intensity. I hope this helps. If you have any questions, please let us know. Edward
  25. Hi Paul, Thank you for your description of the issue, and for providing a video. The wall battens are also included with the floor battens in your floor batten cue. The reason behind this will depend on how you recorded the cue, and the Record Options that were set. I would recommend re-recording these playbacks, and ensure that after recording each cue, you double tap CLEAR, to allow you to then create the next lighting state from scratch. If you still come across the issue, please email a copy of your show file to support@zero88.com, and we will take a look. If you have any questions, please let us know. Edward
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