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Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Everything posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hi @Zulu If you output a cue from a playback, and then record this as a new cue in a different playback, the newly recorded cue does not reference the original cue. Therefore, if you want to update one of the cues in the Master Playback, you can update it in the same way as any cue. To do this, output the cue you wish to edit, with no other playbacks active. Then use the channel faders/fixture controls to make your changes, tap UPDATE, and then tap your Master Playback's GO button. The cue will then be updated, and will therefore be different to the cue you originally used to create the lighting state. The original cue is left unaffected. Hope this helps. Edward
  2. Hi @Uriahdemon Pleased to hear the switch cleaner seemed to do the trick. Let us know if there's anything else we can help with. Edward
  3. Hi @drscoop Ah I see, thanks for clarifying. Yes - the connectivity options allow you to force Capture to listen for a protocol on a particular network interface of your PC. Great, pleased to hear it. Let us know if there’s anything else we can help with. Edward
  4. Hi @drscoop Apologies - I'm not quite sure what you mean by this. What do you mean by the "Capture "listen" IP"? Feel free to attach a screen shot if that's easiest. Yes - you can use sACN or Art-Net, instead of using CITP to control Capture. If you use sACN or Art-Net, you will just be sending DMX data over the network. This means there will not be 2-way communication between ZerOS and Capture with these protocols, whereas when using CITP, ZerOS can receive feedback from Capture. Please see the video below for more information... It is worth mentioning that to output sACN or Art-Net from Phantom ZerOS, you will need an unlock dongle. An unlock dongle is not however required to output CITP from Phantom ZerOS to control Capture. Edward
  5. Hi Brett, I found this on another website... https://d1aeri3ty3izns.cloudfront.net/media/14/143194/download_143194_1.pdf Edward
  6. Hi @drscoop Hope you're well. The guide below provides useful information with regards to potential IP addresses you may use... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/networking/connecting-to-capture To confirm, devices on a network cannot share the same IP address. Devices need to be on different IP addresses, but on the same subnet. See the link below for more information... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/networking/ip-addressing Capture defaults to starting at CITP universe 0. Therefore please ensure your Desk Universes are routed on CITP universe 0 upwards. If you are still not getting any response in Capture, in Capture click the "Windows" drop-down at the top, and choose "Universes..". Then click the "More" button, and from the drop-down click "Connectivity Options". In the window that opens, double click on the IP address field below CITP. You can then force Capture to "listen" on a specific network interface, by choosing the IP address of the network interface your console is connected to. You will then need to restart Capture. I hope this helps. Let us know how you get on. Edward
  7. Hi @penlec A quick Google provides the following product page... https://prolight.co.uk/product/firecracker-1500w-dmx-strobe There is a manual available to download from the "Resources" tab. The Zero 88 fixture file for this strobe can be downloaded from the link below... https://zero88.com/fixtures/legacy-library/Legacy library (gft41.0)/EQUINOX/Firecracker 1500w Strobe.ift Edward
  8. Hi Simon, Hope you're well. As per @kgallen's comments, this is not something that we can support. The only channel protection options for Betapack 4s are MCBs. You would need to look at Chilli Pro Bypass cabinets for RCBO protection per dimmed/hot channel. Edward
  9. Hi @Uriahdemon I am very well thank you, hope you are too. Apologies for the delayed reply - as @Davidmk mentions, I was at ProLight + Sound last week. Please boot the console into Test Mode as you did the last time you encountered issues with your faders. Please work each fader up and down, and make a note of any faders that don't respond correctly, or affect other faders. Once you have determined the faulty faders, the next step would be to squirt a small amount of Servisol Super 10 switch contact cleaner into the fader tracks and work them up and down. If there is any dirt or grime in the fader, this should clear it, to allow the fader to register correctly. Please go sparingly with the switch cleaner – too much can cause irreparable damage to the fader. After doing this, you can then boot the console again, to see if this has improved the faders. If cleaning the faders hasn’t helped, the faders will need to be replaced. Spare faders are available to purchase if you wish to carry out the repair yourself, or the faders can be replaced by one of our service centres. I hope this information is useful. If you have any questions, please let us know. Edward
  10. Hi Holger, Thank you for sharing your show file. Effect palettes 41 thru 48, do not include effect information. These snapshot palettes are static looks, with no effects running. As no effects are running, the Effect encoder wheels will remain blank. To check whether a fixture's intensity is referencing a palette, select your fixtures, and then tap the "Z/Shift" key. The first encoder wheel will be the Intensity wheel. If the selected fixture's intensity is referencing a palette, you will see the palette code displayed above the encoder, with the percentage displayed in brackets. For example, go into cue 79, and select fixture 1. "E43 (49)" is displayed, telling you this fixture is using the intensity information from effect palette 43. The intensity wheel can be locked on the first encoder wheel if required, to save you having to tap the Z/Shift key to access it. To do this, tap SETUP -> Settings, and under Attributes enable "Always display intensity encoder". Hope this helps. Edward
  11. Hi Holger, If you're able to, please save a copy of your current show file to a USB drive, and then email this to us. I will then be able to take a closer look at your Effect palettes. Edward
  12. Hi Holger, Thank you for the screenshot. I can see that Effect palettes 41 thru 48 are your snapshot palettes. Can you confirm that these palettes do include effect data for fixtures 1 thru 6? If you record a snapshot palette, it will be annotated ICBSPE, to indicate all parameters are included. However if there was no effect running at the point of recording the snapshot palette, the "E" information of the palette will be "No Effect", meaning no effect information will be displayed on the encoders. Edward
  13. Hi Holger, That is correct. Intensities, Source, Live, Preview and Blind buttons are not available on FLX S consoles. To confirm whether there is an effect running, select your fixtures, and then tap the "Effect" tab at the top. If there is an effect running, you will see the Effect number displayed above the encoder wheels. Hope this helps. Edward
  14. Hi Holger, On FLX S, there is no graphical information to tell you which cues use effects. You could however add this information to a Cue's name (for example by adding "[E]"). On the standard FLX console you could use Blind mode to look at your cues without outputting them, to see which ones use effects. Blind is not available on FLX S. Edward
  15. Hi Holger, Please see the PDF attached... zeros-output-window.pdf Hope this helps. Edward
  16. Hi Holger, Please see the link below for information on the Output window, including the different colour codes... https://zero88.com/manuals/print?manual=zeros&type=section&content=output-window Edward
  17. Hi Holger, Apologies - due to your location, you were redirected to the German PDF. See the link below for the English article I linked to... https://zero88.com/manuals/print?manual=zeros&type=section&content=ip-addressing Edward
  18. Hi Holger, Pleased to hear ZerOS Monitor can now reach your console correctly. Let us know if you have any questions. Edward
  19. Hi Holger, It sounds like your laptop and console may be on different subnets. You should only need to manually add a console's IP address if there is some form of routing on your network. If you are using a simple network, the console should therefore automatically be detected by ZerOS Monitor. Please could you confirm the IP address, and Subnet Mask, of both your PC, and your console's Remote connection? Please see the link below for more information on IP addresses... https://zero88.com/manuals/zeros/networking/ip-addressing In almost all cases nowadays, you shouldn't need to worry about whether you're using a "straight" or "crossover" cable. Almost all modern equipment features Auto MDI-X, meaning the devices work out what cabling is being used. Edward
  20. Hi @Holger Thank you for sharing a screenshot. Can you confirm that the ZerOS Monitor app on your PC has full access through your Windows Firewall? Did the ZerOS Monitor app automatically detect your console, allowing you to click on the console to connect, or did you have to manually add the console's IP address into ZerOS Monitor? If you close the ZerOS Monitor app and restart it, do you still only receive a black screen upon connecting to your console? If so please restart your PC, and let me know how you get on. Edward
  21. Hi @Holger Great - pleased to hear it. The System Information window needs a bit of a general clean-up, and clarifying that the "OS" is not related to the ZerOS "Software version" is part of this. I have made a note. Edward
  22. Hi @Holger Thank you for providing an image of your console's System Information. I have removed this image to hide your serial number. As your console is currently running ZerOS 7.9.4, please follow the instructions in @Davidmk's post above, for "Consoles running ZerOS 7.8.3 or later"... See the link below for more information... https://zero88.com/manuals/print?manual=zeros&type=section&content=zeros-software Hope this helps. Edward
  23. Hi @Holger No problem at all. Just let us know if you have any questions. Edward
  24. Hi @Holger Thank you very much for sharing screenshots of Phantom ZerOS. If the Record Options window is opening as soon as you press RECORD, this means the window settings have been changed. To access the Record window settings, tap SETUP -> Settings, and scroll down to the bottom. It sounds like your console is set to "Internal Display", meaning the window opens as soon as Record is tapped. By default, "External Display" will be selected. This means the window will always appear on an external remote display, but can be opened internally if you press and hold RECORD. Please set this option back to "External Display", to allow you to record palettes. You can then tap SETUP to save and exit Setup. You will then be able to hold SHIFT and tap RECORD, and the Record Options window shouldn't open. If you only have dimmer channels selected, you will need to record your Snapshot palettes into Effect palettes, as you will not be able to access the other attribute tabs. I hope this helps. If you have any questions, please let us know. Edward
  25. Hi Daryl, The ZerOS Library on the console cannot be edited. Therefore even if you export fixtures from the library and load them in, ZerOS knows these fixtures are not from the core ZerOS Library, and so they are highlighted red once patched to let you know. If there is a fixture currently missing from the ZerOS Library that you would like added to a future library update, drop us an email to fixturesupport@zero88.com. Edward
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