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Edward Z88

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Posts posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hi Simon,

    9 minutes ago, SimonH said:

    If I create a default show file from this and then a company change the addresses and modes can I then load this show and press recover rig and it should reset the RDM fixtures back to that show file?

    Yes - that is correct.

    Currently, that show file I sent only includes RDM information for the modes the fixtures were discovered in. It does not know about the fixture's other modes. This means you will not be able to remotely change the fixture's modes to something else.

    For optimum results, ZerOS needs to have each of the fixture's modes in the library with RDM information. If you contact Chauvet support, they may be able to list the "RDM Personality IDs" for each mode of these fixtures. This information can then be added to fixture files and sent to you for you to load in.


  2. Hi David,

    1 hour ago, Davidmk said:

    My biggest problem with it is getting the desk to control the live view. Even though I've had it working when I shut down both desk and laptop overnight I have a Dickens of a job getting it going next day. there must be a right order to start Capture and the desk but whichever way I do it I seem to have to restart both of them a couple of times to get the link going.

    Capture is pretty good at detecting incoming DMX data. There is not a certain order you need to start Capture and the console in. If you're having difficulty, there are a few things to try:

    • Firstly, ensure Capture PLUS Capture Presentations have the necessary permissions to communicate through the Windows Firewall. You should have received this option upon running Capture for the first time.
    • Secondly, you can force Capture to listen to a particular network interface. To do this go to Window -> Universes -> More -> Connectivity Options. In here, you can double click on the IP Address field for the protocol you are using, and force Capture to listen to a network interface, such as your Ethernet or Wi-Fi, rather than automatically detecting.
    • Thirdly, if you have anti-virus software installed, either temporarily disable it, or try to stop the anti-virus software from analysing Capture communications. I have personally never had a problem with Windows Security anti-virus preventing communication with Capture.

    If this still isn't helping, please let me know, and we can investigate further.


  3. 2 minutes ago, kgallen said:

    I can't afford another one! Anyway Capture integrates properly with FLX (i.e. it's 'your' fault I bought it in the first place 🤣 )

    OK fair enough, I'll take the blame for your frustrations 😆

    The Capture team are great, so if you have any specific "how-to" questions, I'm sure they'll be more than happy to help.


  4. Hi Kevin,

    30 minutes ago, kgallen said:

    Aside from using Dockhouse have you actually built your own stage and rigs in Capture (application possibly outside of Z88)?

    Yes - for our recent Trade Shows, I have created a "Trailer Stage" visualisation project from scratch, which uses a fully VL rig...



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  5. Hi Kevin,

    5 minutes ago, kgallen said:

    I must confess to struggling with using Capture a bit - not the FLX interface, just the software itself. I find it rather awkward and clunky to use when others seem to sing its praises. I need to persevere more. It would probably be more convenient to use it coupled to Phantom which I've not ever done, but of course this is the setup you use fir the training.

    As you may know, personally I get on really well with Capture. In case you haven't come across it, a playlist of Capture 2019 tutorials is available here...


    6 minutes ago, kgallen said:

    Thanks as ever for the prompt and comprehensive feedback, much appreciated. There will however be more daft questions in due course!

    No problem at all!


  6. Hi Kevin,

    1 hour ago, kgallen said:

    One follow on question, once the effect based on horiz line is running, would I then be able to layer on top, a little bit of (say) circle in order to get the fixtures swinging downstage a little so the movement is "2D" rather than "1D"? I'm pretty sure I can do this and the Effect button will cycle me around the "overall" then separate e.g. speed parameters for horiz and circle. Instead of circle, maybe a little vertical line, because it's operating on top of horiz line will be a little easier to contain? What do you think?

    Good question. It is not possible to have multiple movement effects running on the same fixture at once. This is because movement effects cannot be layered - you will find if you choose a new movement effect, it stops the previous movement effect. However, the behaviour you describe is correct when layering a movement effect with a colour effect for example.

    However, if you want your Horizontal Line, but with a bit of depth, you could have a play with the Effect "Rotation" parameter. A Horizontal Line effect with a 90 degree rotation, would give you a Vertical Line effect. Therefore, if you run a Horizontal Line effect, with say 20 degrees of rotation, this would give you a touch of tilt movement too.

    1 hour ago, kgallen said:

    I'm hoping that in the next week or so I will be able to set up a few movers (at home) and have a play with this and see how incapable I can be! (7.13 is on my FLX...)

    If you want to play with this without fixtures connected, fixtures 1 Thru 10 in the demo Capture file are rigged on an upstage bar from Stage Right to Stage Left. These may therefore be useful to play with...


    1 hour ago, kgallen said:

    Much appreciated you taking the time to reply as I believe you're busy at PLASA!

    I returned from PLASA yesterday evening, so back to business as usual!

    If you have any questions, just let me know.


  7. Hi @Ian_p

    11 hours ago, Ian_p said:

    just programmed a show into my new FLX, but hadn’t realised tracking is switched on. 

    On FLX consoles, there are actually two different Tracking Options. It is important to understand which tracking option you are referring to.

    One set of Tracking Options live in the Record Options. Within the Record Options, you will see "Track Forwards", "Track Backwards", "Track Both" & "Cue Only". To access the Record Options on the internal touchscreen, press and hold RECORD until the Record Options appear. These options can be changed whilst programming cues, to allow you to choose whether a new cue tracks into subsequent cues or not. 

    The other set of Tracking Options can be found in Setup -> Settings -> Record & Update. This allows you to Enable the Tracking Options, or force the console into global Cue Only mode. The default option is "Enabled". This allows you to use the Record Options window as described above, to choose your tracking option, such as Cue Only. As @kgallen warns, changing this option within Setup -> Settings -> Record & Update mid-show could change the behaviour of existing cues, and affect Move On Dark functionality.

    Therefore, the first question is, what Tracking Option are you asking about?

    11 hours ago, Ian_p said:

    what impact will there be if I turn tracking off?

    Existing cues will not be affected by changing the Record Options.

    Existing cues may be affected by changing the global Tracking mode in Setup.

    11 hours ago, Ian_p said:

    we had an issue at the dress where the face lights weren’t on in any scene, got to the end, programmed them back into the first cue, and now they are back in every cue they were missing from. 

    "Track Forwards" allows your changes to be sent down the cue stack, until a cue where your fixtures are given a new instruction. This means you can go into a cue, make changes, update it with tracking, and the changes will track down the cue stack. You can then work through your cues, and if necessary, go into a cue that is being tracked into, "undo" the changes so the cue looks how you had it, and update the cue with tracking again.

    5 hours ago, Ian_p said:

    Thinking about it - I suspect the operator had to go back a cue or two at some point and this messed up the lights. I really want to turn tracking off so if needed the op can do this without impact. 

    Tracking is a programming tool. It is not a playback tool. Therefore, the Tracking Option is used at the point of recording to choose the record behaviour. Changing the Tracking Option within the Record Options whilst running through cues, will make no changes whatsoever to the information included in the cues.

    If you want to go in-depth on tracking, please watch the dedicated Tracking video below...

    To find out more about the Record Options, please watch the video below...

    I hope this helps. If you have any questions, please let us know.


  8. Hi @kgallen

    13 hours ago, kgallen said:

    If I had say 5 movers in a line on a (backlight) bar, what would be the easiest way to implement a move sequence, where the movers look like they are "knocking" each other on in a swing. I'm thinking this may be to use the horizontal line effect with an offset?

    Yes - the easiest way to do this would be to use Effect 20 [Horiz. line].

    Firstly, position the fixtures where you want them. The Tilt value will not be affected by the Horizontal Line effect. The Pan value will be used as the midpoint for the Horizontal Line effect. If the fixtures have Zoom, you may want to get this set now, to help you work out how much offset you'll need to achieve the "knock on" effect.

    Then apply Effect 20. It will begin to run with its "automatic offset". Then, set the Size of the effect, to define how wide the fixtures swing. You can then set the Speed. Once set, you can then fine-tune the Offset. You will probably find that the "Forward Offset" and "Backward Offset" buttons give too much of an Offset for the effect you are after. If so, you can tap "No Offset", then hold SHIFT and dial Offset until you start to get the offset you're after. Once you have tweaked the Speed, Size and Offset, tap RECORD, and tap an empty effect palette. Don't forget - by default the effect palette will not include the fixture's positions.

    I hope this helps. Let us know how you get on.


  9. Hi Simon,

    On 9/4/2022 at 10:34 AM, SimonH said:

    Thanks Edward, Hope Plasa is going well. It's been many years since I attended.

    PLASA has been really good thank you.

    On 9/3/2022 at 3:41 PM, SimonH said:

    I have attached my test show file.

    Thanks very much for attaching your show file. This show file confirms that the Chauvet fixtures are not reporting parameter descriptions over RDM. ZerOS therefore has no way of knowing what each channel does. Each channel is therefore listed under the "Beam" attribute, simply as "Channel 1" "Channel 2" etc.

    On 9/4/2022 at 10:34 AM, SimonH said:

    Shouldn't the fixtures work with this basic personality? 

    You will be able to control the fixtures using the "Channel" parameters under Beam, but this will not tell you which parameter does what!

    Please find the updated show file attached...

    RDM Test Z88Edit.zos

    I have taken the RDM information from the detected fixtures in your show file, and added this information to the latest versions of these fixtures from the library. I have then converted the fixtures in your show file to use the updated versions.

    Please try this, and let me know how you get on.

    If you have any questions, please let me know.


  10. Hi Simon,

    Thank you for attaching your show file. 

    What I suspect has happened here, is ZerOS has looked at the RDM information of the detected fixtures, but hasn’t been able to find a fixture in the library with matching information. It has then built a basic fixture personality based on the information it can obtain over RDM. This is most likely because the fixture manufacturers haven’t included the RDM information in their manuals, and so we haven’t included this in the library. 

    I am at PLASA Show for the next few days, but will take a look at your show file when I’m next in front of my laptop, which should allow me to view the RDM data of the detected fixtures. I’ll then be able to add this to the fixtures in the library, allowing ZerOS to patch the fixtures from the library, rather than creating a simple fixture personality. 

    If you have any questions, please let me know. 


  11. Hi Simon,

    46 minutes ago, SimonH said:

    we have just bought some new wall mount Swisson dmx splitters that allow RDM transmission and have put the first one in direct from the dmx port on the back of the desk. 

    the RDM light on the side of the Swisson is doing the same thing as the Artnet device which makes me think that the desk isn’t outputting RDM all the time. 

    When RigSync is enabled, it will continuously scan for new fixtures. Please ensure that RigSync is enabled globally, and also ensure that it is enabled on the DMX Output you are using. To do this, tap SETUP -> Universes, and scroll down to the Desk Universe that your DMX Output is sending. Within that Desk Universe, you can ensure that RigSync is enabled for the DMX Output.

    If RDM is enabled on the Transcension gateway, try plugging the Swisson splitter into one of the Transcenion's outputs. What does the Swisson indicator LED display?


  12. Hi @drscoop

    Hope you’re well.

    27 minutes ago, drscoop said:

    Am I right that the FLX S desks don't support MIDI in, for example to trigger playbacks via a Launchpad or similar?  I wondered if there was any alternate way to create a more "buskable" surface for mini festivals etc.?

    FLX S consoles are currently limited to four trigger methods:

    The standard FLX console would be required for MIDI functionality.

    We have received a lot of requests recently for the OSC protocol, so this is high on our priority list.

    If you have any questions please let me know.


  13. Hi @SimonH

    50 minutes ago, SimonH said:

    The Swisson unit only says compatible with Artnet 1,2&3 but I think flx works with 4 is that correct?

    FLX uses the Art-Net 4 protocol. However, an Art-Net 4 controller can be used with Art-Net 3 devices, as the Art-Net 4 protocol is backwards compatible. As the Swisson unit says it supports Art-Net 3, you should therefore be able to control it with FLX without any issues.


  14. Hi @james_

    9 hours ago, james_ said:

    I've been trying to patch an isolutions imove 7s

    The iSolutions iMove 7S is included in the latest ZerOS software for FLX S24 consoles...


    If you cannot find this fixture in Add Fixtures, I'd recommend updating your console's software.

    As this fixture doesn't have "modes", it should be as simple as adding the iMove 7S to your daisy chain, and assigning it a DMX address that matches the address patched in the console.

    Keith has replied to your email to fixturesupport@zero88.com this morning.

    If you have any questions, please let us know.


  15. Hi @SimonH

    On 8/15/2022 at 1:37 PM, SimonH said:

    The manual says that it should allow RDM transmission but I can't seem to get it to do so.

    Based on the information in the manual, it looks like it should be as simply as configuring each DMX Port Mode to RDM. If both RigSync and Art-Net are enabled on your console, ZerOS will automatically start to poll the N4, to ask whether any RDM devices are connected to it.

    On 8/15/2022 at 5:06 PM, SimonH said:

    I’ve got it to transmit RDM I think, but the led is alternating between yellow (dmx) and green (RDM and dmx) so not sure if it’s 100%ok. 

    Page 14 of the manual suggests that the DMX Output indicator LEDs will be green if the unit is in "DMX Split 1-3" mode...


    Apologies this isn't much help!


  16. Hi @TimC

    20 hours ago, TimC said:

    Edward I would like to view this article but the link dpesnt work for me. When I go to zero88 support the address is https://zero88.com/support

    As @Davidmk mentions, all of the ZerOS articles on the knowledge base site have been migrated to their relevant section of the ZerOS online manual. The MIDI Notes section is available here…


    Hope this helps. 


  17. Hi Max,

    30 minutes ago, mxinkmusic said:

    I mean, the Button on the speed encoder has no use at the moment, right? 
    Maybe it would be an idea to use it for a simple shortcut button to turn speed 17 into speed -17.

    Just an Idea, tell me what you think about that.

    I think this is a great idea. I have logged this suggestion on our system as reference number ZOS-11028. We will review this feature further.

    Thanks very much for the suggestion. If you have any questions, please let us know.


  18. Hi David,

    17 hours ago, Davidmk said:

    I've done some more thorough testing full results have been emailed but what I've found is that it is probably my Pixel phone causing the issue. A Galaxy tab seems to connect OK


    Although it connects and although the desk is unpaired, when I switch the lights on with the app they go off after a couple of seconds. I had to disconnect the desk from the network to get control through the app.

    I have replied to your email.


  19. Hi David,

    7 minutes ago, Davidmk said:

    I'll re-check this. I found that, even though I thought I had unpaired the desk, the app just hangs and will not connect.

    You can have multiple "control devices" paired to the Hue Bridge at once. However, if ZerOS is active, it will override all other controls.

    When your Hue Bridge is not connected to the Internet, what is your network setup? Are you still using DHCP IP assignment?


  20. Hi David,

    1 hour ago, Davidmk said:

    OK I can see how the Internet connection is useful but it isn't as smooth as the rest of the implementation. It's a shame that it is the hub that needs to access the net because a phone or tablet can usually do that while connecting a wired device could be problematic out on site. Especially in the middle of a field.

    Don't forget, that the primary purpose of the Hue Bridge is a consumer, domestic product, which is designed to be sat on a home network the whole of its life. The Philips Hue support in ZerOS is aimed at venues that may wish to use Hue as house lights or theatrical practicals onstage. Such venues probably have a building Internet network that they can plug the Hue Bridge into to get the lamps paired. Then it is just a case of plugging the Hue Bridge into the lighting network for control.

    1 hour ago, Davidmk said:

    What it means in practice is that all the Hue devices you have need to be known to the hub before you go out and that in turn means you will allocate all those channels whether you are using them or not. Is there a chance that the desk could allow you to select which devices to patch from those known to the hub?

    No - ZerOS will always patch all paired Hue devices. Once patched, their fixture numbers can of course be customised.

    1 hour ago, Davidmk said:

    I'm guessing that the hub doesn't need Internet access to remove devices, does it need access to add more of devices it already knows about? Is there any way that the app could connect to the hub even if some functions (like add an unknown device) would be unavailable?

    Yes - the Hue Bridge will always need Internet access to pair new devices.

    You should be able to connect the Hue app to a Hue Bridge, even if the network doesn't have Internet access. However, if ZerOS is controlling the Hue Bridge, this wouldn't be beneficial, because when ZerOS is paired it will act as the master controller, and override any other control devices, such as Hue apps.


  21. Hi @Roland The Roadie

    Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum.

    7 minutes ago, Roland The Roadie said:

    The user manual states that the audio input in not activated in the software, this is the original manual and there have been several software updates, is this now activated and if so what does it do?

    The Audio Input and Audio Output jacks on Orb/OrbXF consoles are still not used in ZerOS. There are currently no plans to implement them.

    7 minutes ago, Roland The Roadie said:

    What I would like to do is use an audio feed to activate a light with voice, is this possible? I know the sound to light input is primarily for triggering cues and really needs a bass signal. I would appreciate any suggestions here.

    The dedicated Sound-to-Light jack can be used to synchronise chases with an audio feed. Although this is designed for use with a bass input, you should still be able to use Sound-to-Light with a mid-range signal input if it is strong enough.

    If you have any questions, please let us know.


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