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Edward Z88

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Posts posted by Edward Z88

  1. 15 hours ago, Techie_v2 said:

    If I keep having the same issue I'll grab a copy of the show file if you don't mind taking a look to see if you can figure out what I'm doing wrong!

    Yes of course - if there is a particular cue you'd like me to look at in a show file, just email it to me and I can take a look.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 16 hours ago, Techie_v2 said:

    Say I had a cue where some movers were on in a set position, and I canged my mind and didnt want them on, would going into that cue, turning them off and updating the cue be good enough or is it better to use the remove function. What are the differences?

    Great question. This is a complex subject, so apologies if my explanations don't help!

    If you update a cue by simply changing values, you have to think about how the fixtures are going to get to those values, and how the fixtures are going to get from those values to the values in the next cue.

    However this is where SmartTag is your friend - if you set a fixture to 0 and update a cue, but the fixture was already at 0 in the previous cue, this operation essentially IS an Update > Remove. This is because SmartTag does not include an instruction for a light, if the light is already doing that thing in the previous cue. So if it was @ 0 already, there's no need to tell it to be @ 0 again. Intensity data is therefore removed - tick. SmartTag also strips out attribute data for the fixture if it is @ 0, hence this operation means all data is removed for the fixture in this cue. However, this then becomes a question of tracking. If you did this update as Cue Only, the next cue will now have data added in, to tell the fixtures to be in the same values, as if the previous cue had never been updated. So in this scenario, an UPDATE > SmartTag > Track Forwards would have been required.

    If you use UPDATE > Remove, your cue will have absolutely no instructions for the tagged parameters. The parameters can therefore continue doing what they were already doing, OR Move On Dark can grab that fixture in order to prepare it. This therefore could be a good option if the fixtures were on in the previous cue, and you want them to remain on in this cue with no change.

    So the choice as to whether to simply update the values stored in a cue, or remove them completely, really needs to be made on a case by case basis, thinking about how this could effect cue transitions. 

    When programming quickly during plotting or even technical rehearsal, it may make sense to do a "quick and dirty" update, to just change the values rather than remove the values. Then, run through your cues prior to the dress. If there are any weird transitions, or Move On Dark isn't working as expected, you can then go into the troublesome cue, select fixtures > HOME > UPDATE > Track Forwards > Remove > ENTER if necessary to tidy things up.

    I hope this makes sense. Let me know if you have any questions.


    • Thanks 1
  3. On 4/20/2024 at 9:35 AM, Rob McDonald said:

    Hi, I am sending this fixture profile request here, as when I click on the other link to request it, it does not seem to work ? I am hoping you still offer this service. I have the latest software version on my Flx24.

    Please find the fixture file attached for the BeamZ Ignite 740 in 45-channel mode...

    BeamZ Ignite 740 45Ch.zfix

  4. 5 hours ago, UMB said:

    Do you really mean the error is caused by the old ZerOS version?

    That is correct. 

    5 hours ago, UMB said:

    Later versions changed the edit-fixtures menu. I had already installed ZerOS 7.14.3 but it was to difficult to find out how to programm all the patchings and playbacks so I switched back to 7.9.2.

    These changes are covered by the “ZerOS” manual which is available here…


    When on this page, change the language drop-down at the top to “English”. You can then click and view the “ZerOS” manual. 

    Hope this helps.

  5. 3 hours ago, Worcester RGSTech said:

    On first power up the desk seems to freeze with the blue screens on the desk illuminated ( and sometimes with the solution logo in them) but the monitor remaining blank

    8 minutes ago, kgallen said:

    Is there a battery in Solution? That would be my first check if so. CR2032 or similar is typical in Z88 products (at least those from this century!).

    Solution consoles do have a CR2032 coin cell battery. However, when this was starting to go flat you should have received NVR errors upon booting the console, rather than the console just failing to boot.

    It would be worth checking the Compact Flash card in the console is seated correctly. At which point, you might as well replace the battery too whilst the console is open. Please let us know if you'd like instructions on opening the console.

  6. Hi @UMB

    Thank you very much for the debug file from your console. Sorry to see you encountered this error.

    Your console is running ZerOS 7.9.2 software, which is several versions out of date. I would therefore recommend updating your console's software.

    ZerOS 7.14.3 is the latest software, and can be downloaded from the link below...


    Please read through the release notes on this webpage from ZerOS 7.9.2 through to ZerOS 7.14.3, to ensure you're up to speed with the various improvements and new features.

    Please let us know if you have any questions.

  7. 33 minutes ago, Davidmk said:

    (Incidentally, when @Edward Z88 checks the forum he'll likely move your post to the FLX S thread.)

    On this occasion I think I’ll be lazy and leave it where it is. This conversation is useful for FLX S and FLX users alike. 

    • Haha 1
  8. 12 minutes ago, Techie_v2 said:

    In my example, once I have triggered playback 1, fir that particular song, do I also need to raise its playback to run through the cues on it

    Yes - when you press a GO button, you will go into that cue, and the cue's intensities will be inhibited by the playback fader's current level. So you will need to raise playback 1's fader to full, to achieve the intensity values you recorded.

    Hope this helps.

  9. 11 hours ago, Holger said:

    Hm, I tried, but I cannot see my dimmer effect...

    If an effect is running on a fixture, effect parameters will be shown on the encoder wheels upon selecting the fixture and tapping the Effect tab.

    1 hour ago, Holger said:

    By chance I found a way: When saving the show as csv, there it can be seen....

    That's correct, however this data cannot be viewed on the console.

  10. 3 hours ago, Techie_v2 said:

    My question is, if I set playback 1 to latest takes preference, as obviously I want any fixtures to follow programming in this playback for that sing, but my master playback is still set to highest takes preference, which does take preference.

    Let me try and explain a little better.... if fixture 1 is set to 80% in my master playback, and set to 20% in playback 1, what will happen when playback 1 is triggered as that is set to lastest but the master is set to highest?

    Latest beats highest. If a playback is set to "latest" takes precedence, and the last thing you did was trigger that playback, that playback will output as programmed (it won't take control of parameters that it doesn't have programmed data for). So in your example, fixture 1 is @ 20% right now.

    Hope this helps.

  11. Hi @Holger

    10 hours ago, Holger said:

    Now, how can I see that a fixture is associated with  an effect? And with which effect? (I have FLX S24.)

    There's no clear way of seeing this on FLX S consoles. You would need to select a fixture (or group of fixtures), and then tap the Effects tab at the top. This would then give you the effect palette reference on the encoder wheels.

  12. 1 hour ago, kgallen said:

    Recent example. The respondent has replied to my post quoting a Vari-lite page but still hasn't recognised in respect of the OP being suggested an "FLX-24" that FLX-S range is NOT discontinued as he continues to assert ambiguouisly. What's worse is kitlane is a UK operator and posts on Blue Room too.

    Thanks Kevin - your reply is really clear, so not much more I can add really. Your time is much appreciated on this.

    1 hour ago, kgallen said:

    To be frank this is partly down to Zero88 continuing to use unclear/subtly similar product names for quite different products. (I won't mention "Leap Frog"!).


    This is a fair comment - customers will occasionally say they have a "FLX", when they mean "FLX S24", so we just have to be mindful to not then tell them how to do something via syntax strings!

    • Thanks 1
  13. Hi @Zulu

    36 minutes ago, Zulu said:

    Last night, during a tech rehearsal for our up coming show, I experienced several “console freezes”, where the lighting on stage would remain at the current state, but the desk is completely unresponsive. Advance the cue, adjust the slider levels, switch between page 1 and page 2 etc . . . Nothing.

    Really sorry to hear you have encountered this.

    33 minutes ago, Zulu said:

    i rebooted, and the problem was fixed, but returned soon after. Occasionally, after a few minutes of “freeze”, the desk would come back to life after a flash of lights across the desk sliders (similar to during boot up).

    If you see the LEDs below the faders flashing, this means the front panel has lost connection to the processor. This could suggest the console has encountered a power issue.

    If you have USB devices connected, try unplugging these, and see if this behaviour continues. If this seems to solve the issue, this could suggest one of the USB devices was causing the issue. Please ensure you are also using a genuine FLX S PSU. Please send us an email to support@zero88.com, and we can continue to troubleshoot this.

  14. 1 hour ago, kgallen said:

    Note to Z88 folks ( @Edward Z88, @Jon Hole ) and other active members:

    It seems on other forums, misinformation is being spread that suggests or states (incorrectly) that all FLX - including FLX S- production has been stopped. Prospective buyers are being dissuaded from FLX S series consoles because they are "discontinued".

    I'm rebuffing this where I can, including a link to Jon's original statement at the top of this thread. Please be aware of this misinformation being propagated and do your bit to correct the statements where required.

    Kevin - thanks very much for letting us know. It seems no matter how clear you try to make something, people will still get the wrong end of the stick!

    If there is a particular thread you have found that you think it would be helpful for me to jump in, please let me know. Otherwise, I'll just keep a watchful eye out.

    Thanks again.

  15. I'm very well thank you.

    1 hour ago, O Thompson said:

    Please see an older show file attached.

    Thank you for the show file. This show file was saved in ZerOS 7.13, so the version jump is not of particular note.

    1 hour ago, O Thompson said:

    I have disabled all of the protocols except dmx, with no change. We have no other consoles (digital or otherwise) connected...

    Very strange. Not sure what's causing this behaviour on your system. I am unable to replicate the issue with your show file.

    It may be easiest to troubleshoot further over the phone/MS Teams. Please send us an email to support@zero88.com, and we can then arrange a time to investigate further.

    • Like 1
  16. Hi @O Thompson

    Hope you're well.

    Based on your description of the odd behaviour, it sounds like there are two consoles active, both trying to control the same lights, resulting in a data conflict.

    1 hour ago, O Thompson said:

    The non dims are also now "off" despite showing as on, and oddly they will trigger on then off at random DMX value when using the control wheel for the load of each non dim channel (CH 2371-2376).

    Thank you for attaching your show file. I have checked the DMX output from your show file, and can confirm that in ZerOS 7.14.3, DMX channels 1 thru 6 are constantly outputting at full as expected.

    I noticed in your show file that DMX, sACN, Art-Net, and CITP are all enabled. Are you using all four protocols simultaneously? If you are only using sACN for example, please ensure Art-Net and CITP are disabled.

    1 hour ago, O Thompson said:

    I've recently updated the firmware on my FLX console. It was a pretty significant jump, having not updated for the past 2 years...

    Would you happen to know which version you were previously running? If you have a show file that was saved on your console prior to the update, please send this to me, as this will include information on the software version it was saved in.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.


  17. On 3/31/2024 at 11:37 PM, Ian_p said:

    Run 1 into 2, colour and intensity fades then changes colour then goes up, and then down as the blackout completes. 

    Would you be able to email me a copy of your show file, and let me know what fixture numbers we are looking at? I can then investigate what may be going on.

    On 3/31/2024 at 11:37 PM, Ian_p said:

    I think I may have build the fixture incorrectly as I had to make new ones to split 4 lights into 2 groups of two. But I can’t see how to view the channel settings without deleting and rebuilding again. 

    If you have created the fixture in the ZerOS Fixture Creator, tap Setup > Add Fixtures > find and choose your fixture > Next > Edit & Export. You can then edit your fixture, and save it with a new name if required.

    13 hours ago, Ian_p said:

    I've not switched off Smarttag - which was suggested as a solution to another issue I was having - am I best to permanently switch off Smarttag in defaults - as it seems to introduce more problems than it solves (I admit I don't really understand Smarttag)

    If you'd like to learn more about the Record Options including SmartTag, please watch this video here...


  18. I would like to add to this, that Ian's industry experience, and incredible depth of knowledge on Zero 88 products, have been such an invaluable help to me. He has been a very active member of this forum, and the Zero 88 Users Group on Facebook, tirelessly supporting customers with their Zero 88 products. As our Service Agent, Ian has always given a faultless, friendly experience to our customers, and he will be greatly missed.

    Sincere condolences to his family at this time.

  19. Hi @Ian_p

    23 minutes ago, Ian_p said:

    Outputting scene - raise a channel to increase face light for example.

    Press 'Update' and 'Go'

    Console is still in scene

    This is the correct procedure to update a cue. In the Output window, you will notice that the intensity percentage of the fixture you had adjusted, has changed colour from red to blue, meaning this fixture is now saved in the cue. You will not have seen any changes/flashes to the levels of fixtures upon updating the cue.

    23 minutes ago, Ian_p said:

    lower the channel - but the light fades down....

    This is because upon moving the channel fader, you have now regained control of the fixture manually, and it is no longer being controlled by the cue. Therefore a CLEAR CLEAR is required, to clear your manual adjustments to allow the fixture to be controlled by the cue again. 

    In this situation, the simplest option is to just leave the channel fader where it is - it doesn't matter that it is raised at this point, because the fixture is currently being controlled by the cue, not the channel fader.

    Alternatively, you could change Fader Function, and then lower the fader. You can then toggle back to Channels function.

    I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any questions.

  20. 1 hour ago, Muller Light said:

    Will the final version of software for the Solution enable any extra features, like you are on the FLX desks?  Maybe more universes (over ethernet), more fixtures, use of faders 1-48 for fixtures, etc?  

    The Solution processing power is at capacity, so no new features will be added in ZerOS 7.15.

    Fixtures can already be patched onto the channel faders, in the same way they can be patched to the MFKs. 

    • Like 1
  21. 6 hours ago, Flabbe said:

    The PSU is the original one.
    The desk never leave the control room, it has never fall or something.

    It has been returned to the dealer of course, we are on good terms.
    But has a said, the brand has disappeared from Axente's, which was the main distributor in France... that’s what I’m worried about.
    Normally they are the ones who take care of the repairs.

    Please send us an email to support@zero88.com, with a photo of the console's serial number, and we will be able to help.

    • Like 1
  22. 17 hours ago, Ian_p said:

    however the moment I start to try to use it again - it has flipped back to strobe value of 255. This is frustrating as I believe I am following the process to set the default - but it just won’t stick. 

    To store values for a fixture that is currently @ 0% intensity, you must make sure that the "SmartTag" funciton is off in the Record Options. Therefore:

    1. Select your fixtures
    2. Adjust the Strobe parameter to the required value, and adjust no other parameters
    3. Press and hold Record to open the Record Options
    4. Ensure that "SmartTag" is disabled. If the button has a red stripe, tap it so it goes blue
    5. Double tap RECORD
    6. Tap the Home icon
    7. Choose to store as "Default"

    Hope this helps.

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