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Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Everything posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hi Mike, To do this, select your Intimidator Hybrid 140SR fixtures, and tap the COLOUR key. Then tap on the button in the middle of the "Colour Wheel" encoder, to view the available slots of the colour wheel. Then tap the first colour, tap UPDATE, and then choose the relevant automatic colour on the touchscreen. This chosen colour slot will then be added to the chosen automatic colour palette. You can then repeat this for the remaining slots of the colour wheel. That's correct - the up-to-date Intimidator Hybrid 140SR fixture is already included in the automatic colour palettes. After updating the console's software, you will be able to load your show file back into the console from a USB drive. After doing this, you can then use the Fixture Schedule, to "upgrade" all of the fixtures in your show file, to the latest versions of the fixtures from the library. Please see the link below for more information... https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/patching/fixture-schedule/change-fixture#upgrade I hope this helps, if you have any questions, please let us know. Edward
  2. Hi Brett, If you have loaded a show file from an earlier software version into ZerOS 7.13, you may find you need to "upgrade" the fixtures, to enable them to work with the latest colour filters. To do this, tap the SETUP key, to take you to the Fixture Schedule. Along the bottom of the Fixture Schedule, you should see there is a tab to select all of the Slimpars. Is the tab red? If so, tap the "Change All Fixtures" tab at the top of the Fixture Schedule. Then from the window that opens, choose the latest version of the fixture from the library, shown in white text. You should see that the previously chosen fixture is highlighted in red, indicating the fixture file was from your show file, not the latest library. You can then click OK, and ZerOS will upgrade the selected fixtures to the latest version you chose from the library. This up-to-date version of the fixture will then be compatible with the latest filter information. If you have any questions, please let us know. Edward
  3. Hi Mike, Thanks for the update. Pleased to hear it. Had the Automatic Colour Palettes been manually updated, to add in the relevant Colour Wheel slots of the Intimidator Hybrid 140SR? If so, these manual edits will have been cleared upon choosing "Automatically Create Colour Palettes". You will therefore need to manually update the colour palettes, to add in the Intimidator Hybrid 140SR colour wheel. What other parameters are you having difficulty controlling? The latest fixture library is not fully backwards compatible with previous software. It is therefore not provided on our website as a separate download. ZerOS Library 3.3 comes preinstalled with ZerOS 7.13 software. If you have any questions, please let us know. Edward
  4. Hi Alex, Hope you're well. Sounds like a lot of fun! Firstly, how do you plan to patch this? Are you likely to want to regularly control the proscenium arch in groups of pixels? If so, it would be worth patching a generic "LED - RGB Multicell" fixture that works for the way you want to group the pixels. For example, you could just patch a pair of 150-cell fixtures, meaning you use just two fixtures on your console to control all 300 pixels. Or, you could patch 10, 30-cell fixtures. Doing this, means you can select the 10 fixtures, and run the effects across the fixtures rather than cells, to very easily run effects across groups of 30 pixels. Like usual, I am agreeing with Kevin on this one. For this, I think I'd be tempted to have a play with adding a Waveform to the pixel's intensity. Try adding a "Uni blink" Function, and give it a speed of 10 to keep things slow whilst you work it out. Set Size to 100, and then hold SHIFT, and keep dialling Offset, until you start to see what you're after. If you keep dialling Offset with SHIFT held, you will end up with the effect "wrapping", where you can see the effect begin again, before the previous pixels have finished. So it'll be a case of playing around to see what works. Even with a "Uni Blink" function, you will not be able to achieve individual pixels flashing on and off when running across this number of fixtures. Once you've got an effect you're happy with, record it as a custom effect palette. In all seriousness, it might be worth playing with creating yourself a macro, that turns off the current pixel, selects the next pixel, and records it as a cue in a chase. You could then run this macro multiple times, so the console builds your chase for you. So, record the following to a macro: "@ ., Next, @@, RECORD ENTER". Then to use it, type "1.1 @@ RECORD ENTER" to record your first step. From there run the macro to record the remaining 299 cues. As this example uses RECORD ENTER, you'll need to be viewing your chase playback you would like the cues to be recorded into. To keep the macro looping, record two empty cues to an empty playback, turn this playback into a chase, and add the macro to one of the cues. Run the chase at a speed the console can keep up with, and then make a cup of tea and let the console do the work! Edward
  5. Hi @TimC I have replied to your email. Edward
  6. Hi @penlec Features that are specific to Orb series and Solution series are not included in the ZerOS online manual. These features should be detailed in the original product manuals. In this instance the "Show Fixture Section" option was omitted from the Solution manual. Edward
  7. Hi @TimC There are currently two methods of triggering cues over the network: ZerOS Remote Apps, and Vision.Net commands. Vision.Net is an architectural lighting control protocol, based on simple UDP broadcast commands. I don't believe SCS has the ability to send native Vision.Net commands. However, it may allow you to send raw UDP messages. This is something you'd need to investigate. If it does, please send us an email to support@zero88.com, and I can provide more information on how you could write your own Vision.Net commands. These commands could then be fired from an SCS cue, and received by your console. If you have any questions, please let us know. Edward
  8. Hi @penlec Hope you're well. The "Show Fixture Section" option, is a legacy option that used to allow you to hide the parameter table at the bottom of the Output window. This option no longer functions. It is still present to indicate the setting in legacy show files. The "Output Window Setup" option is only available on Solution and Orb consoles. This information is therefore not included in the ZerOS online manual. As @penlec has a Solution console, I have moved this topic into the Solution forum to avoid confusion. If you have any questions, please let me know. Edward
  9. Hi Mike, If you record or update an effect palette on an MFK, it will by default only include effect information. You would need to hold SHIFT and tap RECORD, to record all, and overwrite the effect palette on the MFK, should you wish to include attributes as well as effects. Let me know if you have any questions. Edward
  10. Hi Mike, You mention you recorded to an MFK - would you be able to confirm whether you were recording to an MFK, to store an Effect Palette, or recording to a playback, to store a cue? Edward
  11. Hi @simzee47 As @kgallen says, you can configure the console so that both outputs send Universe 1. To do this, in SETUP -> Universes -> Desk Universe 1, click Add under DMX, and then add port 2. More information here… https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/setup/universes/desk-universes Hope this helps. Edward
  12. Hi @Stu McKay Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. I believe Keith has replied to your email. If you have any questions, please let us know. Edward
  13. Hi Tom, When patching fixtures into the Jester, the number of channels used by a fixture is usually displayed at the end of the fixture's name. For example "12Ch". Edward
  14. Hi @Tom1234 Yes there is - your best option is to email a link to your fixture's English manual to fixturesupport@zero88.com. We will then be able to provide you with a fixture file for you to load into your Jester ML24. It is worth noting that if your fixture has a simple mode such as 3-channel RGB, you will be able to use the simple LED fixtures that are included in the Jester ML24. These can be found in Assign Fixtures -> Add Fixtures -> Fixture Library -> Standard Fixtures -> Conventionals If you have any questions, please let us know. Edward
  15. Hi @MikeF Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. The first thing to do is to regenerate the automatically created colour palettes. To do this, tap the COLOUR key to access the Colour window. In the palettes tab, scroll down, and then click Automatically Create Colour Palettes. Please then try the automatic palettes with your fixtures. If the palettes are still not working, it could well be due to the fact the fixtures are from an early fixture library version, or are custom fixture files with limited information. The ColorSource Spots are definitely in the latest ZerOS Library. In Setup -> Fixture Schedule, ZerOS will provide you with the ability to "convert" the fixtures in red text, to the latest versions of the fixtures from the console's library. Please see the link below for more information... https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/patching/fixture-schedule/change-fixture If you are still having difficulty with your fixtures, please email your show file to support@zero88.com, and we can make sure you are using the most up to date versions of your fixtures. Yes it is - fixtures can be edited or created directly on the console. This functionality was introduced in the latest software. To find the software version currently running on the console, tap the Z button, and from the touchscreen choose "System Information". In the window that opens, will be a line of text displaying the "Software Version". The latest software version for FLX consoles is ZerOS 7.13. If you're not running ZerOS 7.13, I'd recommend updating your console's software. ZerOS 7.13 can be downloaded from the link below... https://zero88.com/zeros#download For more information on the ZerOS Fixture Creator, see the link below... https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/patching/add-fixtures/fixture-creator I hope this helps. If you have any questions, please let me know. Edward
  16. Hi Steve, Hope you're well. The issue was actually with ZerOS 7.10 software. ZerOS 7.10 was sometimes not correctly inverting parameters. In our library data, the specific parameters you mention of these fixtures are inverted. When it comes to P/T Speed, this is because ZerOS uses the logic that a higher value on the encoders results in a higher movement speed. Upon loading the ZerOS 7.10 show file into ZerOS 7.13, ZerOS should have continued to use the show file fixtures, rather than using the latest library fixtures. This means that the fixtures will have operated how they did in ZerOS 7.10. The Fixture Schedule then allows show file fixtures to be converted to the latest version of the fixtures from the console's library, with the caveat that the newer versions of the fixtures may be different. I hope this helps. If you have any questions, please let me know. Edward
  17. Hi @droiddk Would you be able to take a screenshot of your ZerOS Monitor window, and email this to support@zero88.com? We’ll then take a look. Edward
  18. Hi @Davidmk Please see the link below for more information… https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/palettes/recording-palettes Currently in ZerOS, this is known as a “Snapshot” palette. Hope this helps. Edward
  19. Hi @Davidmk Yep - these are referred to as "Looks" palettes in the list. These are sometimes known as "Preset" palettes. Currently, if you wish to record a "look" palette, you can hold SHIFT and tap RECORD, and then tap any empty palette in any attribute. Edward
  20. Salut @delfine, J'espère que vous allez bien. Il est extrêmement difficile de rétrograder les versions iOS/iPadOS. Ce n'est pas quelque chose que nous recommandons de faire. iOS 16 est compatible avec les applications ZerOS. Nous pensons donc que l'iPadOS 16 sera compatible, mais nous ne pouvons pas encore le garantir. Si vous avez besoin d'un "écran" bon marché pour exécuter l'application Z Monitor, un vieil iPad ou tablette Android d'occasion ferait l'affaire. L'application Z Monitor est compatible avec iOS 9, qui était la version finale du logiciel pour les iPad tels que l'iPad 2. Si vous souhaitez pouvoir contrôler la console via l'application, un ordinateur portable Windows d'occasion vous permettrait également d'exécuter l'application Z Monitor, en plus d'offrir la possibilité d'utiliser des raccourcis clavier. Si vous avez des questions, veuillez nous en informer. Hi Delfine, I hope you're well. It is extremely difficult to downgrade iOS/iPadOS versions. This is not something we would recommend doing. iOS 16 is compatible with the ZerOS apps. We therefore believe iPadOS 16 will be compatible, however cannot yet guarantee this. If you need a cheap "screen" to run the Z Monitor app, an old second-hand iPad or Android tablet would do the job. The Z Monitor app is compatible with iOS 9, which was the final software release for iPads such as iPad 2. If you want to be able to control the console through the app, a second-hand Windows laptop would also allow you to run the Z Monitor app, plus provide the ability to use keyboard shortcuts. If you have any questions, please let us know. Edward
  21. Hi Kevin, If you "Tag" an attribute (CLEAR + COLOUR), this simply means the attribute's parameters will get recorded in their current values. To apply the first selected fixture's parameter values to the rest of the selected fixtures, you then need to nudge the encoders. This process automatically tags the colour parameters. Edward
  22. Hi Kevin, To tag all colour parameters, you can press and hold CLEAR and tap COLOUR. However, this simply tags the parameters. It will not change their current values. The ability to use a recorded palette for other fixture types not included in the palette, is logged on our system as reference number ZOS-3718. I have logged the thoughts from this thread. Let us know if you have any questions. Edward
  23. Hi @kgallen If a palette has been recorded with one fixture type, and you need it to work for another fixture type, it is a case of tagging the new fixture type, and updating the palette, so that the palette now has information for the new fixture type too. This process makes sense if you want to apply one fixture's colour values to another fixture type, and then update the palette. The order of selection is important. You must select type A first. That way, when you nudge the Red encoder for example, the Red parameter of all selected fixtures will snap to the absolute value of the first selected fixture. You can then nudge Green, Blue and White too, so that if the type B fixtures have these parameters too, they will snap to match the first selected fixture's values. Once all the required fixtures have tagged colour parameters, you can then update the palette. To do this tap UPDATE, and tap the palette onscreen, or use the syntax UPDATE COLOUR x ENTER. There's no need to add intensity to the fixtures when doing this, but if you have them connected you'll probably want to so you can see what you're doing! Hope this helps, Edward
  24. Hi @Kauz No problem at all! Have a good day 🙂 Edward
  25. Hi Kevin, We could certainly look at adding more automatic effects. For this one, I would also use "Red Sparkle", but maybe go to colour, and dial down the "base level" of red slightly. You can then play with the random auto-offset button, to get a random order you're happy with. You could also apply a "Candle" effect over the top for a bit of intensity variation. As you know, a "new" effects engine is something we're keen to implement, which you've already voted for in the "wish-list" thread. The waveforms window is currently the only area of ZerOS that is still best to use with a mouse on the external monitor. Edward
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