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Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Everything posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hi Thierry, The fixtures in the library cannot be edited. For information on editing fixture defaults, please see the link below... https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/controlling-fixtures/defaults Hope this helps. Edward
  2. Hi @phosphene Short answer: No. When you use groups to select fixtures and record cues, ZerOS does not remember which group was used to create the cue. Instead ZerOS stores the fixtures themselves. As a side note, if you double tap a group, you recall the intensity information that was present when recording the group. If you then record a cue, the cue will not store raw intensity levels for these lights. Instead, it will record a reference to the intensity values stored in the group. If you update the intensities in the group, all cues that used that group will be updated with the new intensity levels. With your fixtures selected, tap the "Colour" tab at the top of the touchscreen again. Each tap of colour will page you through the selected fixture's various colour parameters, until you cycle back to the beginning. Hope this helps.
  3. OSC is a basic protocol, so any networking device could send it - it would just be a case of finding a suitable software package that can output OSC for your preferred platform.
  4. Hi @Finn Tegeler Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. This is indeed an interesting use case. As @Davidmk mentions, this behaviour isn't possible. You could record all 8 fixtures into Faders 1-3, and then just the last 4 fixtures into Faders 4-6, but this wouldn't quite achieve what you're after. This is a great workaround - thanks @Davidmk!
  5. Do you see the same behaviour if you use a browser to connect to the device's webpage? On FLX, there is a "Primary" and a "Secondary" IP, that are "randomly" generated. These are 2. and 10. IP addresses respectively, both with a subnet mask of The idea of these is to get you up and running with the majority of Art-Net devices quickly. If you need to customise the IP address and/or subnet, this is where you can choose to use a Static IP address, instead of the Primary/Secondary. More information here... https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/setup/universes/art-net Hope this helps.
  6. If you renamed the device from the FLX, did the custom name then revert a few seconds later? If so this device prevents its name being changed remotely.
  7. You should be able to configure which universes are output from the device's ports from Setup > Devices. You won't need RDM enabled to allow this. Most devices also allow you to change its name - if you had two, you could label one "Stage Left" and the other "Stage Right" for example.
  8. Hi Kevin, If you use Art-Net, you should be able to remotely configure the Showtec NET-2/5 Pocket from the console. See the link below for more information... https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/setup/devices/art-net-devices
  9. Hi Peter, Really pleased to hear you are upgrading to a FLX S48. Yes - Solution show files can be loaded into FLX S48. FLX S48 consoles have a maximum of 96 fixtures, 96 playbacks (plus master), 96 groups, and 96 of each palette. Therefore, if you load in a show file that contains these items higher than 96, those items will not be loaded. You therefore might need to rearrange items on the Solution first, prior to saving the show file. No - there are no Remote Switches on FLX S48 consoles. Remote Switches are only available on the standard FLX. FLX S48 consoles do not support MIDI. However, in the next software update for FLX S48, OSC triggers will be supported, which can be sent over the network from QLab. If you have any questions please let us know. Edward
  10. Hi David, Very nice thank you! Thanks for the information. Will look out for the show file. Edward
  11. For information on removing fixtures from cues, please see the link below... https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/cues-playbacks/updating-cues/update-options#remove Edward
  12. Good question. This is what I see when creating this macro... If you click OK, and then click "Advanced" again, do you still see these erroneous values? Would you be able to share a copy of your show file? I'll then investigate further. Edward
  13. Edward Z88


    To trigger cues in a single cue stack from QLab, the most common protocol to use would be MIDI Show Control (MSC). This allows for point cues to be triggered. Please see the link below for more information... https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/setup/triggers/midi-show-control Let me know if you have any questions.
  14. Hi @Pascal Thank you for your description of the issue. This is an issue we are aware of, and is logged as reference number ZOS-8363 on our system. This issue will be fixed in the next software update. If you have any questions, please let us know. Edward
  15. Hi @alg Thank you for the update following your further tests. It is very strange that the console is not receiving a DHCP address, but the laptop is. To troubleshoot further, I think it may be easiest if we jump on an MS Teams call. Please email support@zero88.com with some dates/times that work for you, and we can arrange a call.
  16. Hi Fred, No problem at all. If there's anything else we can help with, please let us know.
  17. Hi @frEd Koniec Yes - the patch in ZerOS must match the patch in Capture, just as if you were patching your show in a real venue.
  18. Hi @frEd Koniec Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. This suggests that Capture and Phantom ZerOS are talking to one another. By default, if you patch on universe 1 in ZerOS, this will be controlling the first universe in Capture. To check this configuration hasn't been changed in ZerOS, go to Setup -> Universes, and in the CITP section choose Reset To Defaults -> Start at CITP Universe 0. In Capture, fixtures can be given a "Channel" number and a "Patch" number. The "Channel" number is the same as the ZerOS "Fixture" number. The "Patch" number is the same as the ZerOS "Address" number. If you select fixture 1 in ZerOS, this should select "channel" 1 in Capture. Do you see the fixture highlight in Capture when you select it in ZerOS? I hope this helps.
  19. Hi @alg Thanks for the further information. What mode are you using the router in? I would guess this will need to be in Access Point mode. If you receive a Socket Error, this usually means there have been several network changes detected. Please leave the router on, reboot the console, and see if the console then receives a DHCP IP address once booted. If it doesn't receive a DHCP address, this confirms this router only seems to allocate DHCP addresses to devices connected over Wi-Fi. You shouldn't need to worry about adding a router address, as you only need to talk to devices on this subnet. However, these network settings should allow your phone to reach the console. This router doesn't seem to be letting traffic pass from the Wi-Fi to Ethernet. Does your network analyser app allow you to ping the console? I am confident this is not a console issue.
  20. Hi @alg Thanks for the information. Does your iPhone receive a DHCP IP address from the router? To confirm, go to the Settings app -> Wi-Fi -> click on the network, and scroll down to IPV4 Address. If you see a 169.254.x.x address, this confirms the router is not allocating DHCP addresses. You will therefore need to set a manual IP address on your phone, and a manual IP address on the console. If the iPhone has been allocated an IP address as expected, such as 192.168.x.x, but the console still hasn't been given an IP address, you will need to configure a static IP address on the console, that is on the same subnet as the IP address your iPhone has been allocated. The console should then appear in the ZerOS Remote app on the iPhone. I hope this helps, Edward
  21. Hi @van den abbeele Eric What was the outcome of your tests with this fixture?
  22. Hi @alg Is this your TP Link device... https://www.tp-link.com/uk/home-networking/range-extender/re200/ If so, this appears to be a range extender, not a router. If the AC750 has an "Access Point" mode, this may work, but all of the devices on the network will need to be configured with unique static IP addresses. Please see the link below, for information on using the remote apps... https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/networking/using-the-remote-apps I hope this helps. If you have any questions, please let me know. Edward
  23. Hi Ian, That’s great- really pleased to hear it.
  24. Hi Ian, For an intensity flicker, I'd first recommend trying an automatic effect, rather than programming a chase. If you want to add an intensity flicker to a cue, go into the cue, so that it is live onstage. Then select your LED fixture, scroll the tabs along the top, and choose the "Effects" tab. Tap "Automatically Create Effect Palettes" if you haven't already. Then tap Effect 9, which is a candle effect. You can then adjust the speed and size of the effect using the encoder wheels, until you achieve the flicker you are after. To add colour to the fixture, try adding Effect 39 too, which is the fire effect. Once you are happy with the scene on stage, tap UPDATE, and tap your playback's GO button, to add your changes to the current cue. If you do wish to add a chase to a cue in the master playback, please see the link below for more information... https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/cues-playbacks/chases I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions. Edward
  25. Hi Ian, Thanks for letting me know, pleased to hear this solved the issue. If there's anything else we can help with, please let us know. Edward
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