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Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Posts posted by Edward Z88

  1. 11 hours ago, HenryYandell said:

    Hi there! I have 6 Martin Rush 2 RGBW zoom fixtures arranged in a 2x3 grid and assigned to MFKs. What’s the best way to set up a twinkling/flickering effect (kind of like what happens to the Eiffel Tower at midnight I suppose?), Would I use a chase or is there a different better way?

    You could also select the fixtures, and try the Candle effect (Effect 9). If this doesn't give what you're after, try Effect 4 (Chaser 1/8), but reduce the effect "Size" down using the encoders, and increase the "Speed".

    Hope this helps.

    • Thanks 1
  2. Hi @mxinkmusic

    11 hours ago, mxinkmusic said:

    Me and many others may have noticed, that you guys belong to Vari-lite aka Philips now. 

    We are indeed part of Vari-Lite. Not Philips though - Vari-Lite are owned by "Signify". See the link below...


    12 hours ago, mxinkmusic said:

    I was wondering if there will be any new update in the future since the last one was in August last Year.

    Just want to make sure, since there were some cool ideas to implement into the ZerOs Software.

    A preview of ZerOS 7.14 software was shown at ProLight + Sound trade show last week, and is currently being tested by our beta testers. Check out the link in @scottydog75's post for more information.

    Hope this helps.

  3. 1 hour ago, kgallen said:

    I’m getting cant edit then forbidden access messages again. They persist after a browser restart. 

    Whenever you receive these Access Errors, please could you email me / forum-message me the reference number?

    Many thanks, and apologies for the inconvenience once again. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Ed75 said:

    I tried to figure out making an macro which changes playback views, but didn't succeed. Is there a way of doing this? (it doesn't record the holded "view"key when recording the macro)

    If this would be possible it would be very nice. And easy.

    In ZerOS 7.14 software, Macros will capture "press and hold" messages of keys. This would allow you to record a macro of "press and hold VIEW and tap GO", for example.

    Hope this helps.

    • Like 1
  5. On 4/30/2023 at 4:50 PM, Davidmk said:

    I'm mildly (but pleasantly) surprised by this - using a fader means sending - and therefore processing - a lot of messages in quick succession and I would not have been surprised if the desk was overwhelmed by it. Good news in deed.

    There are indeed a lot of messages when sending fader movements over OSC. However, this is very similar to how ZerOS processes "real" fader movements - each level change is reported as an individual message. This can be seen in Event Monitor.

  6. On 4/29/2023 at 8:11 PM, Uriahdemon said:

    Would you recommend any of them above the others to home in on please.  As a back up and spare I would make do with 2U output....???

    If you are looking for a small "spare" console, with a maximum of 96 fixtures & 1024 DMX channels, I'd suggest looking at FLX S48...


    You will feel much more at home using this having come from FLX, compared to a legacy ZerOS console.

  7. Hi @lacapella

    On 4/27/2023 at 12:16 PM, lacapella said:

    Can you help for this bugs. 

    Thank you for attaching the debug files from your console. Sorry to see you encountered this error.

    The debug files are reporting very little information. Unfortunately there is not enough data to understand what may have occurred. Are you able to send us an email, with step-by-step instructions of what you did on the console when these errors occurred? For example, did these occur during patching, or upon pressing a particular button? We will then be able to troubleshoot further. 

  8. Hallo,

    Ich denke, die einfachste Lösung besteht darin, die Farbzeit Ihres Cues zu ändern. Halten Sie dazu VIEW gedrückt und drücken Sie die Taste unter dem Wiedergabe-Fader, den Sie aufgenommen haben. Dies öffnet die Wiedergabe im Cues-Fenster. Tippen Sie auf die Color-Fade-Zeit und stellen Sie diese mit den Encoder-Rädern auf 0 herunter. Wenn Sie nun die Wiedergabe erhöhen, werden die Fixtures sofort in ihrer aufgezeichneten Farbe sein.

    Bitte sehen Sie sich das Tutorial unten an, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten ...

    Hoffe das hilft.



    I think the easiest solution will be to change your cue's colour time. To do this, hold VIEW, and press the button below the playback fader you have recorded. This will open the playback in the Cues window. Tap on the colour fade time, and use the encoder wheels to dial this down to 0. Now, when you raise the playback, the fixtures will instantly be in their recorded colour.

    Please watch the tutorial below for more information...


    Hope this helps. 

  9. Hi @showguy

    13 hours ago, showguy said:

    I've created a small video.

    The issue shown in your video has been fixed internally, and the fix will be included in the next software update: ZerOS 7.14. This issue was logged as reference number ZOS-8363 on our system. 

    On 3/31/2023 at 10:14 AM, showguy said:

    I want them to first move to position B, with 0% intensity, and then fade up with the fader.

    13 hours ago, showguy said:

    As you know, I want the beams to move on dark, and then be able to slowly crank up the intensity. I've created a small video.

    To achieve this, I would recommend configuring the playback's button as a GO button, to prepare the fixtures, as per @Davidmk's suggestion:

    On 3/31/2023 at 2:22 PM, Davidmk said:
    • You could just record position & intensity onto a playback and set the button to Go/snap then press the button before raising the fader

    To do this, I would recommend recording a fresh playback, that contains just a single cue of your lighting state with intensity. Then, hold SETUP and tap the playback's button. From the bottom, change the button function from "Flash" to "Go". There are two Go options, to decide whether the playback's button goes to the cue using or ignoring the cue's fade times. If you also want flash functionality, you could configure "Go" as the button's shifted function. Once configured, leave the remaining settings as they are, and click OK.

    Now, before using the playback, tap its button, the fixtures will "prep", and you can then raise the intensity over the top using the fader. By default, lowering the playback will release its control over the fixtures, meaning there is no need to manually hold CLEAR and tap the playback's button.

    I hope this helps. Let us know if you have any questions.

  10. Hi @Lex

    On 4/14/2023 at 2:39 PM, Lex said:

    I am working on a FLX S48 and I am trying to record snapshot pallets.

    If you hold SHIFT and tap RECORD, you can then tap an empty palette within any attribute (Colour, Beam, Shape, Position, Effect). This will then store a snapshot of all parameters of all fixtures into the palette. Tapping the palette will then apply the values to the selected fixtures.

    If there are fixtures patched with Intensity, Colour, Beam, Shape, and Position parameters, the palette will be annotated ICBSPE. If you only have fixtures with intensity and colour parameters patched for example, the snapshot palette will be annotated ICE.

    Please feel free to send us your show file if this doesn't seem to be working, and we can take a look.

  11. When @Tim Meinecke posted this topic, we were encountering server issues. As a result, we were unable to post a reply.

    For the benefit of others, this is the reply I emailed to Tim in response...

    1. Yes, it is possible to record the automatic effects onto playbacks. Once recorded, playbacks can then be mixed with either manual colour and gobo control, or other playbacks controlling colours and gobos. If you wish to have some playbacks controlling movement effects, and some controlling colour for example, you must make sure you only record the relevant information into each playback, so that they mix as expected.


    1. If you have recorded a chase of positions, you will probably want to add an Attribute Fade. To do this, hold SETUP and tap your chase's button. Then under Attribute Fade Percentages, tap Position, and type in a fade percentage of 100%, and click OK. Now, when you run the chase, your fixtures will fade from one position to the next.
  12. Hi Mac,

    Thank you for the show file. This is a bit of a headscratcher. I am unable to replicate this issue with your show file.

    The following playbacks are set to Solo: 7 thru 16, 19 thru 24, 26, 32, 40, 42. All of these playbacks are soloing correctly, taking excluded fixtures to 0, when the playback's button is pressed.

    If you see this behaviour happening again, please take a video of what you are seeing. Then, power cycle the console. On reboot, does the issue still occur?

    If you have any questions, please let me know.


  13. To answer the title of this thread - no, it certainly hasn’t. 

    However, we are currently experiencing significant supply issues on components required for FLX and ZerOS Server hardware, resulting in exceptionally increased lead times. We’re working hard to reduce these lead times as soon as possible. 

    Let us know if you have any questions. 

    • Like 1
  14. Hi @DRP

    4 hours ago, DRP said:

    I'd appreciate it very much if you would confirm the steps for adding a new fixture, with intensity, to an existing Group!

    To update a group, first ensure no cues are running, and the CLEAR button is off. Then, you can double tap the group to see it outputting, make your changes such as adding in a new light, and then ensure all the fixtures you wish to include in the group are selected. Then tap UPDATE, and tap the group.

    This is similar logic to updating a cue - output it first so you can see it, make your changes, and then update it.

    If you add a new light in to a group, this will not automatically add the new light into cues that were programmed using the group. 

    Let us know if you have any questions. 

  15. Hi Mac,

    Which playback is configured as your “Solo” playback? Are there certain playbacks that are not being set to 0% when a playback is soloed, or do none of them go to 0%?

    To troubleshoot further, we’d need to see this show file, along with detailed instructions of which playbacks are set as solo, and which playbacks are not going to 0%. 

    5 hours ago, Uriahdemon said:

    The only thing that has changed since using it successfully on my whole live rig is I am now controlling it via Artnet as opposed to the two DMX desk outputs.  I checked this via the DMX outputs before the last event and everything was fine.

    If you are using Art-Net, please ensure the “Light Converse Integration” option is disabled, unless you are controlling a Light Converse visualiser. 

  16. Hi @MaltingsTech

    8 hours ago, MaltingsTech said:

    We are in the middle of a show run and on two occasions it has taken several attempts to boot - it seems to get stuck halfway through the process. The LEDs keep cycling as usual but it doesn’t get anywhere. 

    Please send us a picture of your console’s serial number to support@zero88.com. We can then send you instructions on how to re-flash the console’s storage card, which should then allow the console to boot normally. 

  17. Hi @alg

    These error messages suggest that at some stage RigSync has been enabled on the console. The console has then seen your Betapacks, and stored information about them to the show file.

    The error messages all have the same code, which ends with ":0" through to ":6". This suggests that the console cannot see one of the Betapacks (error ending ":0"), and cannot see any of its channels (":1" thru ":6").

    Please check whether RDM has been enabled on your console, from Setup -> Universes -> Remote Device Management. If you do not wish to use RigSync, ensure it is disabled.

  18. Hi @Ian_p

    I have checked our MS Teams registration, and I can only see that you registered this afternoon for today's session - I cannot see a previous registration.

    You should have received an automated registration link shortly after registering. It may have gone to your junk/spam.

    Today's training session covered "Chases & Effects". This session is available on YouTube here...

    Hope this helps,

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