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Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Posts posted by Edward Z88

  1. On 5/20/2023 at 1:58 PM, kgallen said:

    I'll note here for the Zero88 folk that trying to find spare parts and similar hardware support on the Vari-lite pages is fruitless if you are outside of North America (US/Canada/Mexico). There is no selection for Europe/UK/Asia and the "old" links on the Zero88 website don't work for spare parts or European/UK distributors etc (or at least those I found on the Blue Room [e.g. https://www.blue-room.org.uk/topic/61134-zero-88-fat-frog-psu/?do=findComment&comment=497542] or this forum).

    Searching the Zero88 site for "PSU" or "spare" comes up with nothing or takes you to the Vari-lite page for distributors which suffers the geographical limitations stated above.

    I'm guessing you are referring to this page here...


    This page used to be map-based, but was not functioning how we wanted it to. This was actually changed last week to be in the table database format, and the website team are transitioning our distributor data to it. You therefore came across this page at the worst possible time!

    On 5/20/2023 at 1:58 PM, kgallen said:

    Finally google found me a page (no idea how I'd get there otherwise, and going back "out" to the Vari-lite main webpage, I can't see how I'd get back here): https://www.vari-lite.com/global/products/frog-series#_spareparts

    On the Vari-Lite site, if you need a spare part, you MUST go to the relevant product page first:

    This is exactly how the "old" Zero 88 website worked too, having discontinued the less-than-ideal knowledgebase site several years ago.

    On 5/20/2023 at 1:58 PM, kgallen said:

    For the OP - the official part number is thus: 5537500

    On 5/21/2023 at 8:33 AM, iank99 said:

    As far as  I can see, it's still available as a spare part so your local dealer might have one on the shelf or might be able to order one from Signify.

    Yes - a 42w 4 pin XLR PSU is still part number 5537500


  2. Hi @dramatechws

    On 5/20/2023 at 7:11 PM, dramatechws said:

    Whenever I tried to use them again, just white light would fade up. Not very useful for a gig! Had to busk the whole thing live. Any ideas what's going on? I tried adjusting every setting in the playbacks with no joy.

    Sounds like settings have been changed in your show file. By default, raising a playback will change the recorded fixtures to the recorded colour, as expected.

    As @kgallen mentions, there could be various factors contributing to this behaviour, so a show file would be helpful.

    Based on your description, the most likely candidate could be that "Release On Lower" has been disabled for the playbacks. This means the playbacks never release after having been used for the first time, meaning it is impossible to "re-trigger" them, because they've already been triggered.

  3. On 5/19/2023 at 7:25 PM, scottydog75 said:

    No response from the desk, I try and tap on the first calibration point (and areas around it) and it doesnt detect any touch. I have previously confirmed the monitor is functional when connecting it to my Win 10 PC.

    With the external touchscreen connected, please go to the calibration screen. Then tap the first point. If there's no response, tap the UPDATE key, wait 3 seconds, and then try again.

    If there's still no response, please could you remind me of your touchscreen model?

  4. 48 minutes ago, scottydog75 said:

    I assume it is detecting it, as "0408:3008" disappears when I unplug the USB connection to the monitor.

    Yep that’s the one. What happens if you attempt to calibrate the monitor?

  5. Hi Alex,

    2 minutes ago, scottydog75 said:

    Hi Edward,

    Is this a known issue on FLX as well? My current touch screen wasn't working, then it was, and now it is not again! (Running ZerOS 7.13)



    No - this is a FLX S48 hardware-specific issue. 

    If you go to Z -> System Information-> System Info, can you see the touchscreen listed as a USB device at the bottom?

  6. Hi Dave,

    14 hours ago, Zulu said:

    Ed, I tried this…. Perfect! Exactly what I was looking for.


    Brilliant - pleased to hear it.

    It is possible to configure playback buttons, so that they solo when pressed, rather than flash. This means you don't have to hold the Z/SHIFT key to access solo.

    To set a playback's button to solo, hold SETUP and tap the playback button you wish to configure. Then from the Button Function options at the bottom, choose Solo.

    Hope this helps,

  7. Hi @Petera

    3 hours ago, Petera said:

    Our flxs48 touch screen has stopped working, display still working ok.

    14 minutes ago, Petera said:

    external monitor with hdmi and usb connections.

    Internal touch screen working ok.

    Tried the calibration procedure but touch screen not working to allow completion of the procedure.

    We are aware of a compatibility issue in ZerOS 7.13 software, that can prevent certain models of external touchscreens from calibrating on FLX S48 consoles. It sounds like your touchscreen is one of the affected models.

    This compatibility issue will be solved in ZerOS 7.14 software once released. If you would like to try an early-access beta version that includes a fix for this issue, please let me know.

    This compatibility issue is not present in ZerOS 7.11 software. Therefore, if you would like to roll back your console's software, please let me know, and I can share installation instructions. Please note that there is no guarantee show files saved in ZerOS 7.13 can be imported into ZerOS 7.11 software correctly.

    3 hours ago, Petera said:

    a mouse or memory stick work in top usb socket but not in rear

    Sorry to hear the rear USB port on your console doesn't seem to be working. Do you have a low power USB LED desk light you can try connecting to the rear USB port?

  8. 2 hours ago, Malvern said:

    I needed to update a cue which I had done several times successfully before, then I was trying to get rid of a light we didn’t want. I tried several times to eliminate it from the cue.

    Do you have a copy of your show file, prior to removing the light? If so, please email this to support@zero88.com, along with step-by-step instructions of the process you attempted. We can then investigate why this wasn't giving expected results.

    Please let us know if you have any questions.

  9. 10 minutes ago, kgallen said:

    As you've explained they are different, so I'm not sure you should be using "percentage" in a comparable context in each section. I think the first one needs to change, something like (but better than) "decrease by the same [absolute] number of points from its original value" (I know you won't want to use [absolute]).

    I've removed the bracketed text completely from the "Intensity Wheel" section, because the example which then follows is more helpful.

    10 minutes ago, kgallen said:

    The use of percentage in the syntax page is also slightly corrupt since in this context you mean "mathematical scaling" rather than percentage in the way we use for intensity 0% to 100% (which unfortunately is exactly what you do mean in the wheel context! :ph34r:).

    I think I disagree - when you say "@ - 50 ENTER", you are saying "take these lights to 50% of their current level".

    • Haha 1
  10. 20 minutes ago, kgallen said:

    Ohhhh.... so FLX S users can't do "scaling" then, only "relative"?

    That is correct.


    27 minutes ago, kgallen said:

    But given the relationship, a cross link to "the related feature" would be handy

    Added - https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/selection-and-intensity/intensity-wheel

    23 minutes ago, kgallen said:

    Slightly confusingly for me the wheel is actually taking the values down by the same *absolute* amount (both by 50 points in your example), I'm not sure there is anything relative in it!

    In ZerOS you have "Absolute" and "Relative" encoder control. When you adjust an "Absolute" encoder, the parameter of all the selected fixtures snaps to the level of the first fixture. The encoder then dials all parameter levels up/down together @ the same value. "Relative" encoder control means if you spin an encoder 50 values clockwise, you are "adding" 50 values to whatever the parameters are currently doing, keeping the different parameters "relative" to one another.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 20 minutes ago, kgallen said:

    On this page: https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/z-key/z-encoders

    It talks about using the Intensity Wheel to do a relative adjustment. The terminology used is: "This intensity adjustment is relative"

    This section should link to the syntax that provides the same function, on this page: https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/selection-and-intensity/commands#scaling The terminology used is: "SCALING SYNTAX"

    The terminology needs aligning. With the wheel the terminology uses "relative" (which was the search term I used). For syntax the terminology uses "scaling". Hence I didn't find the manpage with the syntax I was looking for since the term "scaling" was used instead of "relative".

    The Intensity Wheel and Scaling Syntax do not work in the same way. The intensity wheel adjusts values relative to one another. Scaling syntax scales.

    For example:

    • Set fixture 1 to 100%, and fixture 2 to 50%. Dial the intensity encoder down to 50%. Fixture 1 is @ 50%, and fixture 2 is @ 0%. The intensity wheel has taken the value of the fixtures down by the same amount.
    • Set fixture 1 to 100%, and fixture 2 to 50%. @ - 50 ENTER. Fixture 1 is @ 50%, and fixture 2 is @ 25%. The syntax has taken the intensities down 50%.
  12. 14 minutes ago, kgallen said:

    This page: https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/z-key/z-encoders

    This link: Click here for more information on using the Intensity Wheel

    This result: 404 Page Not Found (URL is: https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/intensity/encoder-wheel)

    Good spot! Fixed.

    14 minutes ago, kgallen said:

    Probably due to the Vari-Lite move.

    This actually got broken back in November 2021, when the "Intensity" chapter of the manual was merged with "Selection", to become "Selection & Intensity"...


    • Thanks 1
  13. Hi Kevin,

    16 minutes ago, kgallen said:

    Pretty Please can we have "Previous" and "Next" page buttons on the Online Manual?

    For now, we'll have to say no. The online manuals platform was created by an external web developer, so we would need a business case to reopen this. As mentioned when we initially created the platform, the "Next", "Previous", and "Up" buttons we first implemented were not working how we wanted, so we had to remove them.

    If we receive further requests for this, we will of course investigate.

    • Thanks 1
  14. Hi @Jouper

    2 hours ago, Jouper said:

    So for example i want my cue level from 0 to 100 to have the intensity of my fixture be 30 to 90

    If when you lower a playback fader, you want your fixtures to stay on @ 30%, you could program another playback with your fixtures recorded @ 30%. Then, you can raise this playback fader to full, and leave it. With this playback up, the lowest value that these fixtures can then be taken to by your cues is 30%.

    I hope this achieves what you're after.

  15. Hi @emilie

    Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum.

    30 minutes ago, emilie said:

    Is it possible to support the Lumenradio CRM Nova TX on an FLX S48?

    The LumenRadio CRMX Nova TX is a single universe wireless DMX transmitter, with no Ethernet functionality...


    You can therefore plug the DMX output from the console into the CRMX Nova TX's DMX input, to transmit the universe wirelessly.

    If your device has an Ethernet port, please could you link to the product's webpage, so we know exactly which unit you have?

    32 minutes ago, emilie said:
    I also have a problem with ethernet
    I would like to change the IP adress, but i can't

    What network protocol are you trying to use?

  16. 5 hours ago, DALX said:

    Is it possible to find out what version ZerOS was used when recoding a show file on a FLX S desk please ?

    After loading in a show file, tap Z/Shift -> System Information -> System Text. In here will be a line of text, that states the show file version the loaded show was saved in.

  17. Hi @alg

    Can you confirm your FLX S48 is running up to date software?

    If there are no address conflicts, RigSync should leave start addresses as they are. 

    As @kgallen mentions, you can remotely readdress your dimmer channels from the console using the Fixture Schedule, in exactly the same way you would readdress a “normal” fixture. Once you have addressed them how you need, the patch information will be stored in the show file on the FLX S, meaning that FLX S will remember “the address of channel 5 of dimmer 2 is x” for example. 

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