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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Everything posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hi @Petera We are aware of a compatibility issue in ZerOS 7.13 software, that can prevent certain models of external touchscreens from calibrating on FLX S48 consoles. It sounds like your touchscreen is one of the affected models. This compatibility issue will be solved in ZerOS 7.14 software once released. If you would like to try an early-access beta version that includes a fix for this issue, please let me know. This compatibility issue is not present in ZerOS 7.11 software. Therefore, if you would like to roll back your console's software, please let me know, and I can share installation instructions. Please note that there is no guarantee show files saved in ZerOS 7.13 can be imported into ZerOS 7.11 software correctly. Sorry to hear the rear USB port on your console doesn't seem to be working. Do you have a low power USB LED desk light you can try connecting to the rear USB port?
  2. Do you have a copy of your show file, prior to removing the light? If so, please email this to support@zero88.com, along with step-by-step instructions of the process you attempted. We can then investigate why this wasn't giving expected results. Please let us know if you have any questions.
  3. I've removed the bracketed text completely from the "Intensity Wheel" section, because the example which then follows is more helpful. I think I disagree - when you say "@ - 50 ENTER", you are saying "take these lights to 50% of their current level".
  4. That is correct. Added - https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/selection-and-intensity/intensity-wheel In ZerOS you have "Absolute" and "Relative" encoder control. When you adjust an "Absolute" encoder, the parameter of all the selected fixtures snaps to the level of the first fixture. The encoder then dials all parameter levels up/down together @ the same value. "Relative" encoder control means if you spin an encoder 50 values clockwise, you are "adding" 50 values to whatever the parameters are currently doing, keeping the different parameters "relative" to one another.
  5. The Intensity Wheel and Scaling Syntax do not work in the same way. The intensity wheel adjusts values relative to one another. Scaling syntax scales. For example: Set fixture 1 to 100%, and fixture 2 to 50%. Dial the intensity encoder down to 50%. Fixture 1 is @ 50%, and fixture 2 is @ 0%. The intensity wheel has taken the value of the fixtures down by the same amount. Set fixture 1 to 100%, and fixture 2 to 50%. @ - 50 ENTER. Fixture 1 is @ 50%, and fixture 2 is @ 25%. The syntax has taken the intensities down 50%.
  6. Good spot! Fixed. This actually got broken back in November 2021, when the "Intensity" chapter of the manual was merged with "Selection", to become "Selection & Intensity"... https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/selection-and-intensity
  7. Hi @discover Please search for the apps on the Google Play store, and attempt to download them again. You should now be able to download and install them. Please let us know how you get on.
  8. Hi Kevin, For now, we'll have to say no. The online manuals platform was created by an external web developer, so we would need a business case to reopen this. As mentioned when we initially created the platform, the "Next", "Previous", and "Up" buttons we first implemented were not working how we wanted, so we had to remove them. If we receive further requests for this, we will of course investigate.
  9. Hi Dave, If you hold Z/SHIFT, and tap a playback’s button, this will “Solo” the playback (if the playback only contains a single cue). Does this achieve what you’re after?
  10. Hi @Jouper There is not a key equivalent to the FLX Z key on Solution consoles. What would you like to achieve/what function would you like to access?
  11. There is no way of setting a playback "minimum" level. The playback fader will take the intensity level of the current cue down to 0%.
  12. Hi @Jouper If when you lower a playback fader, you want your fixtures to stay on @ 30%, you could program another playback with your fixtures recorded @ 30%. Then, you can raise this playback fader to full, and leave it. With this playback up, the lowest value that these fixtures can then be taken to by your cues is 30%. I hope this achieves what you're after.
  13. Hi @emilie Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. The LumenRadio CRMX Nova TX is a single universe wireless DMX transmitter, with no Ethernet functionality... https://lumenradio.com/products/crmx-nova-tx/ You can therefore plug the DMX output from the console into the CRMX Nova TX's DMX input, to transmit the universe wirelessly. If your device has an Ethernet port, please could you link to the product's webpage, so we know exactly which unit you have? What network protocol are you trying to use?
  14. Haha that would have been a much more interesting way of doing it! I did it the boring way and looked in our brand guidelines 😆
  15. After loading in a show file, tap Z/Shift -> System Information -> System Text. In here will be a line of text, that states the show file version the loaded show was saved in.
  16. Done. Let me know your thoughts on the changes.
  17. Hi @alg Can you confirm your FLX S48 is running up to date software? If there are no address conflicts, RigSync should leave start addresses as they are. As @kgallen mentions, you can remotely readdress your dimmer channels from the console using the Fixture Schedule, in exactly the same way you would readdress a “normal” fixture. Once you have addressed them how you need, the patch information will be stored in the show file on the FLX S, meaning that FLX S will remember “the address of channel 5 of dimmer 2 is x” for example.
  18. You could also select the fixtures, and try the Candle effect (Effect 9). If this doesn't give what you're after, try Effect 4 (Chaser 1/8), but reduce the effect "Size" down using the encoders, and increase the "Speed". Hope this helps.
  19. Hi @mxinkmusic We are indeed part of Vari-Lite. Not Philips though - Vari-Lite are owned by "Signify". See the link below... https://www.vari-lite.com/global/about/signify A preview of ZerOS 7.14 software was shown at ProLight + Sound trade show last week, and is currently being tested by our beta testers. Check out the link in @scottydog75's post for more information. Hope this helps.
  20. Whenever you receive these Access Errors, please could you email me / forum-message me the reference number? Many thanks, and apologies for the inconvenience once again.
  21. In ZerOS 7.14 software, Macros will capture "press and hold" messages of keys. This would allow you to record a macro of "press and hold VIEW and tap GO", for example. Hope this helps.
  22. Hi @van den abbeele Eric There are no specific USB hub brands that we recommend. However, try to stick with USB hubs from a reputable brand, rather than "unbranded" devices.
  23. Hi @Renato Thank you for emailing support@zero88.com regarding this. We have replied. Please let us know if you have any questions.
  24. There are indeed a lot of messages when sending fader movements over OSC. However, this is very similar to how ZerOS processes "real" fader movements - each level change is reported as an individual message. This can be seen in Event Monitor.
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