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Edward Z88

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Posts posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hi Alex,

    Click and hold on an encoder. Entirely horizontal dragging then provides coarse control. If you drag diagonally left/right, this will provide finer control.

    If you hold SHIFT, and then click on a parameter's name on the internal touchscreen, you can then type @ followed by a percentage, followed by ENTER, to take the parameter to that percentage.

    Hope this helps.

  2. Hi @DALX

    18 hours ago, DALX said:

    Is it possible to use Rigsync (RDM) on a FLXS48 to view the dmx channels of a fixture to see what they are ?

    Yes - if RigSync is enabled, and ZerOS discovers a fixture, it will first see if there is a fixture in the library with a matching ID. If there is, it will patch this. In the Fixture Schedule, you can then tap on the discovered fixture in the Change All Fixtures column, to view the fixture's DMX map. If there is not a fixture in the library with a matching ID, ZerOS will then ask the fixture what parameters it has, and automatically create a fixture file based on this data. Again, you can then view the fixture's DMX map in the Fixture Schedule. Note - many fixtures that support RDM, do not report their parameter information. In these cases, you will just see "Channel 1", "Channel 2", etc listed, as the console is not being told what parameter does what.

    When RigSync discovers a fixture, it will always add it into the patch. ZerOS will never "link" a fixture it discovers, to one that is already patched. 

    18 hours ago, DALX said:

    Is it feasible to patch multiple dmx channels under one fader ?

    Yes - a single fixture on the console can have multiple DMX start addresses, so that you can control multiple identical fixtures that are on different DMX addresses simultaneously. Please see the link below for more information...


    Hope this helps,

  3. 12 hours ago, Lena said:

    using Cameo „Movo Z Beam“ Moving Heads with my FLX S24 console. Most parameters work totally fine, but when it comes to controlling the LED ring (should be ondmx channels 22 upwards), I just can’t tweak anything. 

    The 36-channel mode of this fixture is a multicell mode. Please watch the tutorial below for information on controlling multicell fixtures on FLX S...

    Hope this helps.

  4. On 6/12/2023 at 1:32 PM, Edward Z88 said:

    I'm currently programming & operating

    In case its of interest, here's the latest revision of the show file...

    Grease End Of Dress.zos

    My random tip for the day, which you may already know:

    Let's say you're currently in cue 9, and you need to make a cue 10, that is only slightly different. So, you make your tweaks, and are about to record cue 10. The director/lighting designer then asks you to quickly show the difference between this new state and cue 9, to check there's enough/not too make change. If you CLEAR CLEAR to reveal cue 9, you have obviously lost all your tweaks. For this, I like to use a "Clear Fixture" UDK. Select everything (1 THRU ENTER), and tap your Clear Fixture UDK. This clears all fixtures, allowing the current cues to play back, revealing cue 9. The nice thing is, that Clear Fixture can be backspaced. So backspace to undo, and you are then back in your proposed cue 10, ready to record/tweak.

    Apologies to @Uriahdemon for going off-topic!

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  5. 51 minutes ago, kgallen said:

    With Effect and particularly "No Effect", SmartTag does us a disservice here and makes the programming more clunky rather than easy, which is what SmartTag does in just about all other cases. The other "pain point" for SmartTag being Remove. I know this suggestion is horrible, but it feels like these few point cases could/should be an exception to SmartTag's usual rules... which I hate to suggest because I generally hate inconsistencies, but the behaviour is a hindrance rather than a help in these situations.

    I think this is all totally valid. These are cases where SmartTag is a nuisance, but, as you say, changing the SmartTag logic here means it is no longer consistent. This is something we are working through internally.

    Personally, I very rarely program with SmartTag enabled. The only time I'll enable it is if I want to update a cue to remove attribute values for fixtures @ 0%, for example, to allow Move On Dark to take affect. Which is easy: Go into the cue > UPDATE > SmartTag > ENTER.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 3 hours ago, Uriahdemon said:

    A. The intensity defaults to 50 as opposed to the desired 100

    Yep, Kevin's got the answer to this one...

    2 hours ago, kgallen said:

    this is because the effect swings around 50 as the midpoint. At "full size" the swing will be 0-100 (50 +/-50)


    3 hours ago, Uriahdemon said:

    B. Selection of the palette results in the effect immediately being applied

    By default when you apply a palette, it instantly snaps onto the fixtures. Effect palettes operate in exactly the same way. "Programmer Time" can be used to add a transition fade time upon applying effect palettes.

    2 hours ago, Uriahdemon said:

    I will have a play with the size on the Chase effects and see if I can get the intensity as needed.

    I have had a look through the effects attributes and cannot see anything right away that allows me to adjust the effect intensity.  

    2 hours ago, Uriahdemon said:

    PS.... just tried the Chase 1/2 effect and adjusted the size and achieved 100%.  Unfortunately on recording it is showing 50% in yellow in the Output Window.

    I'm currently programming & operating for Grease at my local theatre (250 cues plotted so far over 3 universes). 

    I've found it really helpful to play with the balance between the base intensity, and the Size of intensity effects.

    For example, let's say I want to use a Smooth effect, and I want the fixtures to fade from 0% to 50%.

    If I apply the Smooth effect palette, my fixtures by default go from 0 to 100%, due to the Smooth effect palette's default midpoint of 50%.

    So, the first step is to reduce the intensity.

    If I set my fixture's intensity to 0%, keeping the size @ 100, this will result in my fixtures going from +50% to -50%. If you were to record this into a cue, you would be actually recording the fixtures @ 0%, which is why you see yellow intensity percentages in the Output window for this special case. But, you might not want your fixtures to be off for half the duration of the effect.

    So, I could set my fixtures to 12%, and then reduce size to 75. So now, my fixtures are fading from "-25%" to +50%. Of course, in terms of output, the fixtures are @ 0 from 0% thru -25% thru 0%, but it means you can decide the duration you want the fixtures to be off. This example would therefore still give a smooth intensity output from 0% to 50%, but with a different appearance to simply setting my fixture's intensity to 0%, and keeping Size @ 100. You can then tweak the base intensity level and size further to get what you want.


    • Like 1
  7. Hi @Ian_p

    4 hours ago, Ian_p said:

    when I touch the DMX field in the add a fixture the desk immediately reboots,

    In Add Fixtures, we are aware of an issue where if you tap into the DMX address field, and then click "Back" to go back to the library, this can result in a crash. This will be fixed in ZerOS 7.14.

  8. 1 hour ago, Ian_p said:

    Using the delete key for me is fraught with worry - as I 'think' it is context sensitive - i.e. which screen is on the lcd determines 'what' one is deleting?

    However, is this right?

    When it comes to deleting, it is always best practice to err on the side of caution!

    When outside of Setup, it doesn't matter which window is shown on the internal touchscreen when you tap DELETE. After tapping delete, you then choose what you want to get rid of.

    To get rid of a group/palette/macro, tap DELETE, and then tap the item on the touchscreen. To delete a playback or UDK, tap DELETE, and tap the playback or UDK's button. To delete a cue, tap DELETE, type the cue number, and then tap the button of the playback you wish to remove the cue from.

    1 hour ago, Ian_p said:

    The manual, both printed and online does not say which screen one has to be in to delete a fixture, and I suspect it is a vital detail. 

    When in Setup > Fixture Schedule, the DELETE behaviour is reversed - you first select the fixtures you wish to remove, then tap DELETE, then confirm. Any fixtures with LEDs lit below their channel faders, will be deleted if you confirm the delete operation. 


    35 minutes ago, kgallen said:

    I have asked for some time for the messaging to be improved - to be more specific about what is going to be deleted, otherwise the confirmation screen is pointless in providing a usable "are you sure" check. This is relevant in a number of DELETE scenarios. As yet this hasn't been forthcoming.

    The next software update (ZerOS 7.14) should help improve this (the next beta version will include these enhancements, reference number ZOS-8853).

    Hope this helps,

    • Thanks 1
  9. 13 hours ago, Uriahdemon said:

    I was just looking at the quickest way to replace them with the minimum of re-programming.

    To "replace" your existing fixtures with your new fixtures, you can use "Change Fixtures" in the Fixture Schedule...


    To "add" the new fixtures into your programming, you'll need to manually add them into your cues.

    • Thanks 1
  10. Hi @Uriahdemon

    When you record a cue, the console does not know what groups were used to select the fixtures. Groups can therefore be updated, without worrying about changing recorded cues.

    57 minutes ago, Uriahdemon said:

    I would like to add some additional fixtures to the cues

    Are these new fixtures, that need to behave identically to an existing fixture of the same type? If so, your easiest option is to simply add an additional DMX address in the Fixture Schedule to the fixture that has already been patched. Then, the new fixture will be sent the same data as the original fixture.

    If the additional fixtures are patched with their own fixture numbers, then they will need to manually be added into the required cues. If the additional fixtures are the same type as existing fixtures, this may help you...


    Hope this helps.

  11. Good evening Mac,

    29 minutes ago, Uriahdemon said:

    Unfortunately the intensity playback cancels all the other attributes (well the way I have it configured) and I have to set them all again once raised.

    Can anyone please suggest anyway of recording an intensity MFF which is entirely neutral and allow the attributes selected from palettes to remain...??

    If your intensity playbacks are sending your fixture’s attributes to defaults, this suggests the fixture’s defaults have been included in the cue. It is probably easiest to remake your intensity playbacks and overwrite them. 

    First, make sure you double tap CLEAR. Then, select your fixtures, and tap @@. You definitely don’t want to press HOME - this will tag everything. Once the fixtures are on, tap RECORD, and best practice would be to ensure SmartTag is disabled in the Record Options. Then tap your playback’s button to store it. 

    Double tap CLEAR, and then give your playback a try. 

    Hope this helps. 

  12. Hi Lewis,

    What version of ZerOS software are you running on your Orb console? To confirm the current software version running on your console, please click the “Other Windows” button, found top left of the Output Window. From the drop-down choose System Info. In the window that opens will be a line of text displaying the “Software Version”.

    The ZerOS Remote and ZerOS Monitor apps require the console to be running ZerOS 7.9.4 software or later.

    Let us know if you have any questions.

  13. Hi @Zulu

    25 minutes ago, Zulu said:

    Can RDM or Rig Sync help me for these dimmers?

    I've never used rig sync.

    17 minutes ago, kgallen said:

    Looking at the datasheet I don't think Spice supports RDM:

    @kgallen is correct - Spice dimmers do not have RDM functionality. I would therefore recommend ensuring RigSync is disabled on your console, prior to connecting DMX.

  14. 9 minutes ago, discover said:

    And yes, this is the 2nd part of my question
    (1. mix and save and
     2. use/play back the "static" mix for shows with fixed scenes) 

    If you raise playback faders, you can simply tap RECORD, and then tap the button below the playback you wish to store your scene onto. You can then lower your playback faders, and recall your scene using the playback you just recorded onto.

    As @kgallen mentioned, you will need to ensure SmartTag is enabled in the Record Options to capture other playbacks into cues, however SmartTag should be on by default.

    • Thanks 1
  15. Hi @discover

    1 hour ago, discover said:

    CUE 1: moving light position A
    CUE 2: moving light position B
    CUE 3: moving light position C
    CUE 4. color mix A
    CUE 5. color mix B
    CUE 6: Gobo mix A
    CUE 7: Gobo mix B
    CUE 8: moving light animation A
    CUE 9: moving light animation B
    Running the show:
    Scene 1 = CUE 1 + CUE 4
    Scene 2 = CUE 1 + CUE 6
    Scene 3 = CUE 2 + CUE 5 + CUE 9

    Firstly, apologies if I have misunderstood your query.

    Would you like to operate your show, by mixing different combinations of cues together on the fly?

    If so, each of your cues will need to be programmed onto separate playback faders. In your example above, you would therefore end up with 9 playbacks - one for each cue.

    You could then raise the combination of playback faders you need to create your scene.

    If you wanted to, you could then record the combination of playbacks into a cue on the master playback. 

    Hope this helps. Let us know if you have any questions.

    • Like 1
  16. 25 minutes ago, scottydog75 said:

    I have since dismantled the monitor, and given the optical sensors and reflectors a good clean, and currently (fingers crossed) the monitor is now working correctly both on PC and FLX!

    Excellent! Pleased to hear your touchscreen is up and running again.

  17. 1 hour ago, scottydog75 said:

    I've re-plugged my touch screen into my PC and this is also now unresponsive - so I unfortunately assume the touchscreen element of the monitor is on the way out :( 

    Apologies if you've already tried this - have you tried a different USB-A to USB-B cable?

  18. 29 minutes ago, scottydog75 said:

    Hi Edward, 

    Unfortunately still no response. Iiyama ProLite T2252MTS.

    As suggested by DALX, I tried downgrading to 7.12 & 7.11 - still both with no reponse, so maybe I'm wondering if it could be my monitor again after all? 

    I'm not really sure what to suggest - there aren't any touchscreen compatibility issues affecting FLX between ZerOS 7.11 - 7.13.

    Could it be as simple as an intermittent USB cable connecting the touchscreen?

    When the touchscreen stops responding, is this always after having used the touchscreen with another device for example, or does it "randomly" stop responding?

    On 5/19/2023 at 5:36 PM, scottydog75 said:

    My current touch screen wasn't working, then it was, and now it is not again! (Running ZerOS 7.13)

    Has it worked at all with ZerOS 7.13?

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