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Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Posts posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hi Harry,


    To make sure your parameters are kept separate you need to make sure only the parameters you want recorded into your palettes are "Tagged".

    Parameters are tagged automatically when you adjust the encoders. To "Untag" parameters hold CLEAR + Jog the parameters' encoder wheel. You will notice it will go from having a White background to a blue background in the LCD above the encoder.


    Therefore you will need to record your Gobo position palette, and then untag the Gobo encoder, and then record your prism encoder. These will now be separated, and you can then make a separate palette for both of these with the Gobo/ Prism parameters back to default.


    This would mean you have a palette for Gobo In, one for Gobo Out, one for Prism In, one for Prism Out.


    Hope that helps


  2. Hello,


    There are 2 different types of CAT5e cable, a patch cable/ straight through and a cross over cable, however it doesn't matter which you use directly between FLX and your PC as the PC will automatically work out what cable is used and adjust to suit the setup (auto-mdix). However for the console and PC to "talk" to each other they will need to be on the same IP range for the Capture CITP protocol to function. For example with a subnet set to they will both need to have an IP address of 192.168.1.xxx. I suggest the "xxx" to be 100 on the PC, and 101 on the console.


    Hope that helps,


  3. Pressing PAUSE once will pause the cue list progression, and then again will go back a cue. To resume after pressing PAUSE, press GO.


    As for the GO button not progressing through the stack, check your settings by pressing and holding SETUP + press the GO button. Have you got the button function changed to only be Flash for example?

    If not feel free to attach your showfile and I'll take a look for you.



  4. Hello,


    In the latest Software version (ZerOS 7.9.2) under SETUP -> System Settings -> External Display Settings this gives you the options to either Enable or Disable the output monitor, but by default it will Auto-detect whether it is present or not. FLX should then automatically detect the resolution.

    That is strange that your monitor cannot sync with FLX, is there an option within your monitor settings menu to change the input timing manually?



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