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Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Everything posted by Edward Z88

  1. There are currently no plans to support OSC output in the next version of ZerOS. MIDI Out is on the poll above, but has a fairly low number of votes, so sending trigger commands from the console is currently fairly low-down the priority list.
  2. Hi @Erics To view the English ZerOS Manual, please go to this link... https://www.zero88.com/manuals From the very top, open the language drop-down, and choose English. Then click "View Manual" under ZerOS. Hope this helps.
  3. Hi Eric, Yes - show files saved in ZerOS 7.13 can be loaded into ZerOS 7.14. Please see the "Compatibility" information in the ZerOS 7.14 release notes, regarding loading in show files that contain colour effects... https://vari-lite.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/graphics/technical/documents/ZerOS-7.14-release-notes.pdf If you have any questions, please let us know.
  4. Yep - that should work. Let me know how you get on.
  5. After performing the software update, do you plan to load your show file back in, or do you plan to start patching the console from scratch? If you are not going to load your show file in, make sure you disable RigSync before connecting your DMX line. That way, you can patch everything how you want it manually. If you wish to load in your existing show file, the easiest option is to delete the RDM version of the fixture from the show file, disable RigSync, and patch it in manually.
  6. Great, pleased to hear it. I was using Chrome too. Hmm - looks like MS Edge is being very fussy about this file. After downloading the file from MS Edge, you have to click on the file download top-right of MS Edge, click "..." and then click "Keep"... I have reported this file as safe to MS Edge, so hopefully this won't cause problems for others.
  7. If I click on the file to download it, and then go to my File Explorer Downloads folder, it takes about 30 seconds for the file to download and show "ZerOS-7.14.exe". The file should be 219,707 KB once downloaded. If the issue persists, please try a different browser. Before downloading the file, hold CTRL and press F5 to refresh the webpage, and try again.
  8. If you're seeing this the file hasn't finished downloading. Make a cup of tea, come back, and it should have finished downloading πŸ™‚
  9. Hi @alg ZerOS 7.14 software has been released today, which includes the ETC ColorSource Fresnel V... I would therefore recommend updating your console's software. ZerOS 7.14 can be downloaded along with release notes from the link below... https://www.vari-lite.com/global/products/zeros-software If you'd like detailed software installation instructions, please let me know.
  10. Dear All, We’re excited to announce the availability of ZerOS 7.14, a new update for consoles and servers running the ZerOS Operating System. New software features include: MIDI Show Control now supports multiple playbacks Unused channel & playback pages are "hidden" Updates to Macros OSC (Open Sound Control) Dynamic playback button LED flash rates DMX In now available on FLX & FLX S RS485 Vision.Net + 116 other enhancements and bug fixes Please see the ZerOS 7.14 Release Notes for full details. Click here to download ZerOS 7.14, Phantom ZerOS 7.14 (offline editor) and ZerOS 7.14 Release Notes. The ZerOS Online Manual has been updated to support all the new features. ZerOS 7.14 update overview video: If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at support@zero88.com
  11. Hi Mac, Ah - thank you for confirming you were using MIDI to trigger playbacks. I presume you were using MIDI Notes. MIDI Notes do not trigger a playback's button. MIDI Notes instead raise playback faders. As a result, the Solo action is not used, because the playback's button is not triggered. Let me know if you have any questions.
  12. Thank you for the update. Pleased to hear this is working. Please continue to monitor the calibration behaviour, and if you encounter any issues, please don't hesitate to let us know.
  13. Thanks for confirming πŸ‘
  14. The forum was updated yesterday, which required users to re-accept the Cookie Policy. I'm on Chrome, and the first time I logged in following the update I had to click Accept. I haven't received the Cookie pop-up again.
  15. Information added here... https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/cues-playbacks/cue-settings/cue-macros
  16. Hi @CestM0i64 The Master Playback in your show file only includes 3 cues. Is there an updated version of the show file you can share which contains cues 26 & 27? When you trigger a playback from a cue in the Master Playback, the triggered playback's colour will fade in over its own cue time. This colour transition will not be governed by the Master Playback. When you release a playback from a cue in the Master Playback, that playback's colours will release as soon as the fixtures have faded out. The fade out is governed by the Fade Down time of the cue in the Master Playback that has the release.
  17. Hi @ProfDrJones When you calibrate a touchscreen on FLX, the calibration is saved along with a reference to your touchscreen's unique ID. It therefore sounds like FLX is unable to detect the touchscreen's ID upon reboot, and therefore doesn't apply the existing calibration. Out of interest, if you just turn off the FLX overnight, but leave the external touchscreen powered (standby), do you encounter the same issue? After calibrating the external touchscreen, please tap Z -> System Information -> System Info, and take a picture of this screen. If the external touchscreen's calibration is then lost upon reboot, please go back into System Info, and take a picture of this screen again. Please then email these two pictures to support@zero88.com, preferably with a link to your external touchscreen's manufacturer webpage. We will then be able to investigate further. Please let us know if you have any questions.
  18. Hi Alex, Click and hold on an encoder. Entirely horizontal dragging then provides coarse control. If you drag diagonally left/right, this will provide finer control. If you hold SHIFT, and then click on a parameter's name on the internal touchscreen, you can then type @ followed by a percentage, followed by ENTER, to take the parameter to that percentage. Hope this helps.
  19. Hi @DALX Yes - if RigSync is enabled, and ZerOS discovers a fixture, it will first see if there is a fixture in the library with a matching ID. If there is, it will patch this. In the Fixture Schedule, you can then tap on the discovered fixture in the Change All Fixtures column, to view the fixture's DMX map. If there is not a fixture in the library with a matching ID, ZerOS will then ask the fixture what parameters it has, and automatically create a fixture file based on this data. Again, you can then view the fixture's DMX map in the Fixture Schedule. Note - many fixtures that support RDM, do not report their parameter information. In these cases, you will just see "Channel 1", "Channel 2", etc listed, as the console is not being told what parameter does what. When RigSync discovers a fixture, it will always add it into the patch. ZerOS will never "link" a fixture it discovers, to one that is already patched. Yes - a single fixture on the console can have multiple DMX start addresses, so that you can control multiple identical fixtures that are on different DMX addresses simultaneously. Please see the link below for more information... https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/patching/fixture-schedule/edit-dmx-address Hope this helps,
  20. I don't have a personal licence for Capture, so don't have a Capture project for this one.
  21. The 36-channel mode of this fixture is a multicell mode. Please watch the tutorial below for information on controlling multicell fixtures on FLX S... Hope this helps.
  22. In case its of interest, here's the latest revision of the show file... Grease End Of Dress.zos My random tip for the day, which you may already know: Let's say you're currently in cue 9, and you need to make a cue 10, that is only slightly different. So, you make your tweaks, and are about to record cue 10. The director/lighting designer then asks you to quickly show the difference between this new state and cue 9, to check there's enough/not too make change. If you CLEAR CLEAR to reveal cue 9, you have obviously lost all your tweaks. For this, I like to use a "Clear Fixture" UDK. Select everything (1 THRU ENTER), and tap your Clear Fixture UDK. This clears all fixtures, allowing the current cues to play back, revealing cue 9. The nice thing is, that Clear Fixture can be backspaced. So backspace to undo, and you are then back in your proposed cue 10, ready to record/tweak. Apologies to @Uriahdemon for going off-topic!
  23. I think this is all totally valid. These are cases where SmartTag is a nuisance, but, as you say, changing the SmartTag logic here means it is no longer consistent. This is something we are working through internally. Personally, I very rarely program with SmartTag enabled. The only time I'll enable it is if I want to update a cue to remove attribute values for fixtures @ 0%, for example, to allow Move On Dark to take affect. Which is easy: Go into the cue > UPDATE > SmartTag > ENTER.
  24. Yep, Kevin's got the answer to this one... By default when you apply a palette, it instantly snaps onto the fixtures. Effect palettes operate in exactly the same way. "Programmer Time" can be used to add a transition fade time upon applying effect palettes. I'm currently programming & operating for Grease at my local theatre (250 cues plotted so far over 3 universes). I've found it really helpful to play with the balance between the base intensity, and the Size of intensity effects. For example, let's say I want to use a Smooth effect, and I want the fixtures to fade from 0% to 50%. If I apply the Smooth effect palette, my fixtures by default go from 0 to 100%, due to the Smooth effect palette's default midpoint of 50%. So, the first step is to reduce the intensity. If I set my fixture's intensity to 0%, keeping the size @ 100, this will result in my fixtures going from +50% to -50%. If you were to record this into a cue, you would be actually recording the fixtures @ 0%, which is why you see yellow intensity percentages in the Output window for this special case. But, you might not want your fixtures to be off for half the duration of the effect. So, I could set my fixtures to 12%, and then reduce size to 75. So now, my fixtures are fading from "-25%" to +50%. Of course, in terms of output, the fixtures are @ 0 from 0% thru -25% thru 0%, but it means you can decide the duration you want the fixtures to be off. This example would therefore still give a smooth intensity output from 0% to 50%, but with a different appearance to simply setting my fixture's intensity to 0%, and keeping Size @ 100. You can then tweak the base intensity level and size further to get what you want.
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