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Edward Z88

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Everything posted by Edward Z88

  1. Salut @jeansted Bienvenue sur le forum Zéro 88. Pour voir les cues sur le Master Playback dans la fenêtre Cues, maintenez enfoncée la touche VIEW et appuyez sur le bouton GO du Master Playback. J'espère que ça aide. Hi@jeansted _ Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. To view the cues on the Master Playback in the Cues window, press and hold the VIEW key and tap the Master Playback's GO button. I hope this helps.
  2. Hi Mac, The core functionality and workflow of Solution XL consoles is similar to FLX, as they both run ZerOS. In many ways Solution consoles are more similar to FLX S than FLX - there is no syntax numpad, and you are limited on the number of fixtures you can patch. There are a handful of features introduced in recent versions of ZerOS, that have not come across to Solution consoles, due to Solution consoles featuring older processors. Solution consoles were discontinued in 2021, and so the warranty of the very last Solution consoles will be running out in early 2024. If you have any questions, please let us know.
  3. Hi @PJRichards Intensity values in the programmer have the highest priority on the console. The CLEAR key is required to remove high-priority intensity programmer values, to allow cues to playback as programmed. All other attributes (Colour, Beam, Shape, Position) mix LTP, irrespective of whether they are being controlled manually or by a cue. You shouldn't be seeing this behaviour. If you have fixtures in red on a playback, you select them and tap your blue palette, lower the playback fader so it releases - the fixtures should stay blue, because nothing has told the fixtures to change colour. Therefore it sounds like there could be a setting in your show file that is affecting this behaviour. Please feel free to attach your show file, and detail which fixtures, playbacks and palettes you are using. We can then investigate further. Please let us know if you have any questions.
  4. FLX S consoles can be locked to prevent programming from being edited and prevent settings from being changed. Whilst locked, cues can continue to be played back. @Davidmk has helpfully linked to the relevant section of the manual that provides more detail. If you have any questions, please let us know.
  5. Hi @Jakob Thank you for the feedback. If you would like to see OSC Output functionality added to ZerOS, please vote for "Trigger Outputs" here... This poll allows people to vote for features they'd like to see in ZerOS. Please let us know if you have any questions.
  6. Hi @Malvern I have just replied to your support email regarding this.
  7. The ZerOS Online Manual PDF can be found here... https://www.zero88.com/storage/downloads/manuals/zeros-en.pdf?230718
  8. Hi @discover FLX S consoles do not have an internal battery, which means there's no way of keeping time. FLX consoles do have an internal battery. FLX S consoles have a different processor to FLX consoles. Hope this helps.
  9. To be clear, FLX S consoles do not have an internal date/time clock. Therefore files saved from FLX S will appear to have erroneous dates/times when viewed in Windows File Explorer for example. If you would like to keep track of when your show file was saved, you can of course add the current date/time to the end of the file name.
  10. MIDI Timecode is ideal for triggering the console in applications like this... https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/setup/triggers/midi-timecode Any USB to MIDI interface that is compatible with Windows and supports MIDI Timecode can be used. Show Cue Systems is a Windows software package that can trigger audio tracks and MIDI Timecode. However, I don't personally have any experience of using this.
  11. Hi @LIGHTING I believe you have been emailing Keith regarding this. Let us know if there's anything else we can help with.
  12. Excellent - really pleased to hear it. Let us know if there's anything else we can help with.
  13. Ciao, 1) Per controllare il Prolights V575Spot, consiglierei di patchare un "Acme iMove 575 Spot", che è incluso nell'ultimo software ZerOS. Questo dispositivo condivide la stessa mappa DMX del Prolights V575Spot. Il Prolights V575Spot non ha un parametro "Dimmer Mode". Per controllare il parametro "Shutter Strobe, Shake", selezionare il dispositivo e toccare la scheda Beam. Quindi tocca il pulsante encoder del parametro "Shutter Strobe, Shake" per aprire le opzioni del parametro. 2) Per accedere al parametro Zoom del Prolights ArcLED 7361 Zoom in modalità TOUR, selezionare il proiettore, quindi toccare due volte la scheda Beam nella parte superiore del touchscreen. Questo sposterà i parametri Beam sulle ruote dell'encoder, per consentirti di accedere a Zoom. Spero che aiuti. Fateci sapere se avete domande. Hello, 1) To control the Prolights V575Spot, I would recommend patching an "Acme iMove 575 Spot", which is included in the latest ZerOS software. This fixture shares the same DMX map as the Prolights V575Spot. The Prolights V575Spot does not have a "Dimmer Mode" parameter. To control the "Shutter Strobe, Shake" parameter, select the fixture, and tap the Beam tab. Then tap the "Shutter Strobe, Shake" parameter's encoder button, to open the parameter's options. 2) To access the Zoom parameter of the Prolights ArcLED 7361 Zoom in TOUR mode, select the fixture, and then tap the Beam tab at the top of the touchscreen twice. This will page through the Beam parameters on the encoder wheels, to allow you to access Zoom. I hope this helps. Please let us know if you have any questions.
  14. Click the link below for information on the Output Window, including the "Source" button, and the colour coding... https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/desktops-windows/output-window
  15. The purpose of Fader Controls, for all attributes including Effects, is that you can raise a playback fader, to transition fixtures from their current values to the recorded values. If Fader Controls Effect didn’t control both Speed and Size, the fader couldn’t be used as a subtle crossfader - you’d either see the Size or Speed snap in upon raising the fader. Dedicated Speed and Size masters are a separate feature, that are on the todo list. This is covered under the “Improve Effects” item in the poll. As mentioned previously, Speed Override faders can currently be used as Speed Masters.
  16. As @Davidmk mentions, record the parameter you want at its desired maximum level to a playback. Then in the playback’s settings, enable Fader Controls for the attribute that is included in the playback. For example, if Gobo is recorded, enable the Shape attribute under Fader Controls. The playback fader can then be used as a variable crossfader between the recorded fixture’s current values, up to the maximum value you recorded. Let us know if you have any questions.
  17. Great, thanks for confirming.
  18. There are currently no plans to support OSC output in the next version of ZerOS. MIDI Out is on the poll above, but has a fairly low number of votes, so sending trigger commands from the console is currently fairly low-down the priority list.
  19. Hi @Erics To view the English ZerOS Manual, please go to this link... https://www.zero88.com/manuals From the very top, open the language drop-down, and choose English. Then click "View Manual" under ZerOS. Hope this helps.
  20. Hi Eric, Yes - show files saved in ZerOS 7.13 can be loaded into ZerOS 7.14. Please see the "Compatibility" information in the ZerOS 7.14 release notes, regarding loading in show files that contain colour effects... https://vari-lite.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/graphics/technical/documents/ZerOS-7.14-release-notes.pdf If you have any questions, please let us know.
  21. Yep - that should work. Let me know how you get on.
  22. After performing the software update, do you plan to load your show file back in, or do you plan to start patching the console from scratch? If you are not going to load your show file in, make sure you disable RigSync before connecting your DMX line. That way, you can patch everything how you want it manually. If you wish to load in your existing show file, the easiest option is to delete the RDM version of the fixture from the show file, disable RigSync, and patch it in manually.
  23. Great, pleased to hear it. I was using Chrome too. Hmm - looks like MS Edge is being very fussy about this file. After downloading the file from MS Edge, you have to click on the file download top-right of MS Edge, click "..." and then click "Keep"... I have reported this file as safe to MS Edge, so hopefully this won't cause problems for others.
  24. If I click on the file to download it, and then go to my File Explorer Downloads folder, it takes about 30 seconds for the file to download and show "ZerOS-7.14.exe". The file should be 219,707 KB once downloaded. If the issue persists, please try a different browser. Before downloading the file, hold CTRL and press F5 to refresh the webpage, and try again.
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