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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum

Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Everything posted by Edward Z88

  1. Dear All, Zero 88 Fixture Library version 34 has now been released. For full information, please visit: http://zero88.com/software/library This release contains 6155 fixtures from 290 different manufacturers. For a list of fixtures in the library please click here. The library is released in 2 formats: Full version for desks running ZerOS software (ORB Series, Solution series, FLX Series, FROG2 and Leap Frog 48 & 96). Filtered version for other Zero 88 desks. This removes data that is not used by these other desks, so that the file is smaller. When using a floppy disk (original Frog series, Illusion 500) it is recommended that the floppy disk be freshly formatted before using it. Download & Installation The correct format of the library for your desk can be downloaded by clicking the product name below. The library (.ift file) should be placed in the root directory of the floppy disk or USB stick. ZerOS desks (ORB Series, Solution series, FLX, Frog 2 and Leap Frog 48 & 96) To load this file into your console extract it to the root of a USB stick and plug into your console. Then tap SETUP, tap "Load File", then select the GFT.ift file. JesterML & JesterTL The fixture library is installed on the desk at manufacture, however this can be updated from USB if required in Setup -> Update Fixture Lib -> Update Library. Frog Series and Illusion 500 Use 'Common Fixture Manager' (included in the Fixture Tools download) to select the fixtures you wish to use, and save this as a file to a floppy disk. Diablo The fixture library is used with the Diablo Fixture Manager PC software. Sirius 250/500 Use the Fixture Type Editor to import fixture types from the fixture library, and then use the ‘Export Sirius UFT’ function (under the ‘File’ menu) to generate data in the correct format for the Sirius 250/500. Further details of assigning fixtures on the desk to fixture types in the fixture library can be found in each desk’s operating manual. Additional Fixtures If you need a fixture type which is not in the library, please read the following thread: http://zero88.com/fo...xture-profiles/
  2. Hi Kevin, Thanks for that. Don't worry updating that file further - those fixtures are already in the Library. Kind regards Edward
  3. Hi Kevin, Thanks for making that. I have ensured that the Chauvet COLOR series fixtures are clearer in the next fixture library update. Default values for Hue: 0, Saturation: 255, Intensity/Value/Dimmer: 255. Kind regards Edward The Chauvet COLORdash PAR-Hex 12 can be found in Fixture Library Release 34 here... Kind regards Edward
  4. Great glad that helped! Any queries just let me know. Edward
  5. Hi Kevin, Currently you can't change the function of the fader buttons when in channel mode - they are select buttons. However we are looking at giving the option to configure the buttons to be Select, Flash, Solo and Latch functions. This option won't be coming to ZerOS 7.9.3, but will be soon after. Kind regards Edward
  6. Hi Peter, I have been playing with your showfile and can't seem to recreate the issue after changing addresses/leaving the console for a while. Do you know when the buttons/faders stop becoming responsive, is it after a long time of operation? Kind regards Edward
  7. Hi Mac, Feel free to send me your showfile for me to take a look at the cause. The only time a colour swipe shouldn't be applied to colour palettes containing just RGB data is if you have many lights selected in different colours when you Record your palette. Edward
  8. Hi all, As Jon has mentioned previously, Pixel Mapping will be coming to ZerOS, and we do have an alpha version. However, there is no date for this to be released yet. Edward
  9. Hi Peter, Hmm thats very strange, Ive been trying to recreate this for a while and havent been able to. Channels page 5 using the bottom row of fader buttons selects channels 109-120. Can you confirm the faders have control of your lights intensity, however its just the buttons that arent selecting? If you send me your showfile Ill take a look to see whats happening. Kind regards Edward
  10. Hi Kevin, Currently there is no way of typing the 8 bit/16 bit value for parameters. However to quickly get RGB(W) values to 0, in the Colour Picker use the Value slider on the right of the touchscreen to scale down the RGBW values. We are looking into refining encoder sensitivity across all ZerOS consoles for ZerOS 7.9.3. This will bring similar sensitivity on all consoles irrespective of the encoder type. Hope that helps, any queries let me know. Kind regards Edward
  11. Hi Kevin, Thanks very much for your comments. I will incorporate your suggestions as we continue to build up this new knowledgebase. As Ian says, we are not going to include any further service information on the knowledgebase than what is already there. Kind regards Edward
  12. Hi Kevin, Yes we have indeed been busy with! However as you know ZerOS 7.9.3 will be coming soon for FLX. The Effects engine hasn't been overhauled for this update, however it has had some new features added to make it simpler and quicker to use. In ZerOS 7.9.3 you will notice there are some preset "Offset" buttons along the top of the Effects screen. These can be used to quickly offset effects across individual fixtures, or groups of fixtures. The ability to fan offset across your lights remains (holding SETUP + EFFECT to set the fan mode, and then holding SHIFT + dialing the offset encoder to fan) Kind regards Edward
  13. Hi Ovidijus, Currently there isn't a way of a Playback controlling Size/Speed separately when Fader Controls Effect. What you could do however is program a Macro that select the fixtures within a Playback and goes to the effect attribute. You can then trigger this Macro from the Playback, which will then allow for live effect control on the encoders. There is a plan for the effects engine to be updated which will allow for separate Speed/size control on faders, however currently there isn't a time frame for this. Hope that helps. Kind regards Edward
  14. Hi Ovidijus, To record positions onto Playbacks without intensity you will need to ensure SmartTag is off. To do this, when you press RECORD to program your first position without intensity, tap the "SmartTag" soft button in the Record Options popup. You will find your position is now saved with no intensity. SmartTag will now remain disabled until you enable it again in the same way. Hope that helps, any queries let me know. Kind regards Edward
  15. Glad that's helped. With Solution consoles you do have the option to purchase a Remote Triggers expansion card. Then once you have your Solution programmed, using MIDI you could trigger the Solution from your computers - that may save having to have a third arm! Kind regards Edward
  16. Hi Simon, This will be implemented once the other Copy features are implemented on FLX. Kind regards Edward
  17. Hi Simon, Currently you can do this when Highlight is active. To do that select a light, hold SHIFT + tap HOME, and you can then use the Left/Right arrow keys to move to the next/previous fixture. In the next software release coming soon holding SHIFT + pressing Left/Right arrow keys will select the next/previous fixtures without highlight being active. Hope that helps Kind regards Edward
  18. Hi Thierry, Welcome to the forum! 1- There isn't any green on buttons within the Playback Settings window in ZerOS 7.9.2. Where you will see red/green options is within the Record Options and Update Options pop ups. In these there is a button for each attribute. When the button is Blue it means that attribute won't get recorded. Tap again to go red, and it means only tagged parameters within the attribute will get recorded, and tap it again and it will go Green, which will record all parameters within that attribute. 2- If you are using a show file from a previous version of ZerOS, the Playback defaults are set to "Trigger on Raise Disabled" and "Release on Lower Disabled". To get the desired effect, you will need to enable this. Therefore hold SETUP + tap the playback buttons of your already programmed playbacks -> Raise and Lower -> Enable trigger on raise and release on lower. You can then OK this, press SETUP -> Defaults -> Cue Stack Defaults -> Raise and Lower -> Enable Trigger on raise and release on lower. 3- This sounds like Playback 7 didn't release before you played Playback 6 again. Therefore setting trigger on raise and release on lower as detailed above should sort that. 4- There are a couple of options for this. The first option is to park the channels at full. To do this hold SETUP + press INSERT. Using the drop down select "Park", and using the Shifted drop down select "Unpark". Then snap your mover power dimmer channel faders to full, press SPECIAL -> Button Function Select -> Select your mover channels using the buttons under the faders, and then press INSERT (Park). You can then press SPECIAL and change the buttons back to flash if you wish. These channels will now be Parked at full until you select them again, and hold SHIFT + INSERT to unpark them. This won't be effected by the Grand Master. Alternatively you can patch Relay channels in place of these dimmer channels. To do this press SETUP -> Patch Wizard -> Generic Fixtures -> Relay -> DMX Address -> Tap the MFKs to put them on. Then exit SETUP, select these relays using the FIXTURE MFKs, and you can then tap BEAMSHAPE, and you will be able to turn the relay on and off using the encoders. Set it to fully on, and then tap RECORD -> BEAMSHAPE, and then an empty Beamshape palette. The relay On will then be recorded there, and you can also record a palette with it switched off too. This will not get effected by the Grand Master/Blackout. Hope that helps, any queries let me know. Kind regards Edward
  19. Hello, Please send this Fixture Request to the email address below where one of the team will be able to make it for you: FixtureSupport@zero88.com Kind regards Edward
  20. Hello, Please send this request to the email below where one of the team will be able to make this for you: FixtureSupport@Zero88.com Kind regards Edward
  21. Hi Sven, Yes both Zero 88 apps are iOS 11 ready. Edward
  22. Hi Pierotec, ZerOS consoles will accept MIDI timecode input to trigger any cue stack, and MIDI Show Control to trigger the Master Playback (Playback 0). Edward
  23. Hi Denys, Solution consoles have a maximum of 2048 DMX channels via the physical DMX outputs or Ethernet based outputs- it cannot be expanded. Only FLX consoles can be expanded to 8 universes. Kind regards Edward
  24. Hi Dan, We recommend QLab from Figure53: https://figure53.com/qlab/ QLab can run audio and video, and can also send MIDI triggers to the ORB XF console. You would therefore program on the ORB XF, then to run the show you would put in MIDI cues into QLab, and then can run lighting, audio and video from your Mac. If you don't have a Mac, a piece of software for windows called "Mulitplay" is also popular. Kind regards Edward
  25. Hi Denys, No this issue fix is not implemented in ZerOS Kind regards Edward
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