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Edward Z88

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Posts posted by Edward Z88

  1. 10 hours ago, kgallen said:

    Well if you did them fully in-house then all credit to you all - very professional! As usual I'm just being a bit picky! It's a great idea - and having an edit of outtakes for Boxing Day is genius! :lol:

    Actually, I loved Tyler's (scripted) line from 0:52 on Day 3: when describing the new Add Fixtures: "if you want your fixtures to start every 10, I can actually say Patch Offset of '20'' " :D


    Haha yes we did notice that at the time of recording and were thinking about doing it again, but we figured people would understand what he meant! :P:lol:


  2. Hello,

    It sounds like for this you need to use Speed Override. This allows to speed up or slow down the cue transition using the Speed Override pot. Therefore set an estimated time you think it will take to transition from one cue to the next, then press GO to advance into the cue, and during the fade you can use the Speed Override pot to adjust the speed live.

    You can assign Speed Override to a fader if you wish by holding SETUP and tapping a blank Playback (submaster) button, and then choosing Speed Override. This will then work in exactly the same way the pot does, and 50% fader travel will be no override. 

    The latest software is ZerOS 7.9.3, not, which is available to download here...

    Hope that helps, any queries let me know

    Kind regards

  3. Hello,

    What software version are you running? If you are running ZerOS 7.9.2 or later the operation of the console is very different to how the original manual describes, as outlined in this document...
    http://nr1.s3.amazonaws.com/kb/2AD62C9/3879A76B/3AF10D9F/1/changes to operation of solution consoles within zeros 7.9.2 and later.pdf

    The latest manual can be found here...
    http://zero88.com/manuals/IM9210 - Solution Manual Issue 2.0.pdf

    The software version can be found by clicking "Other Windows" in the top left of the Output Window, and then clicking "System Information" from the drop down.

    When you say transfer I presume you mean Copying cues? If you are running ZerOS 7.9.2 or later copying cues is done in the Copy window you have been seeing. If you are viewing the cue list containing the cue you wish to copy, tap COPY, type the cue number you want to copy from, press ENTER, then type the cue number you want the copy to be numbered as, and then tap ENTER. You will then have made an exact copy of the cue.

    Hope that helps, any queries let me know.

    Kind regards

  4. Hello,

    Really glad you like the features of your FLX S48. We have just released a new software version for FLX S which I highly recommend you installing. We have found a couple of issues with patching that I guess is what you described as the "teething problems"! These issues are fixed in this version which you can download from our website here...


    Download the ZerOS - 7.9.3 (USB).zip file,  and extract it to the root of a USB stick. Then on the FLX S tap SETUP -> Load File, and select the software file and the console will perform the software update. Software updates wipe the console's memory, so make sure you save the current show first to USB before updating.

    The new software also changes the way the console behaves so that by default you have the cue list in the internal touchscreen. You can change this in SETUP -> System Settings -> Monitor Enable/Disable - this option changes which monitor the VIEW key effects.

    When you say "lines" on the screen, could you give a little more description or even take a photo and send it over? We haven't come across this before and so it would be good to know what's going on there. Is this still happening after updating the software?

    In the next software update we will be moving over to a new fixture library that will prevent the duplication you have described.

    Hope that helps, any queries please don't hesitate to get in contact.

    Kind regards

  5. 15 hours ago, JWylie91 said:

    Hi Ed,

    Does the Speed Override control only work with the Master Playback? I had a bit of a test the other day and wondered why I couldn't get anything responding to the override fader I'd set up. If this is correct then that would explain why I had the issues. 



    Hi Joe,

    Speed Override only effects the Playback you are currently viewing (by default this is the Master Playback). To View different Playbacks hold the VIEW key and press the button of the Playback you wish to view. The Speed Override will then effect this Playback.

    Hope that helps,


  6. Hi Ziglight,

    Just to clarify, SmartTag is still tracking, and will Record the changes of fixtures, however will also automatically tag parameters that have changed from the previous cue, or intensities that are above 0% from a different source. It will also ignore parameters of a fixture with an intensity of 0%. Therefore in your example, with SmartTag enabled you could update the first cue and all subsequent cues will have changed colour, until there was another colour change.
    The way you described was non-tracking/ Cue Only. Tracking can be enabled/disabled from SETUP -> System Settings

    Juste pour clarifier, SmartTag est toujours suivi, et enregistrera les changements d'appareils, mais marquera aussi automatiquement les paramètres qui ont changé de la cue précédente. Il ignorera également les paramètres d'un appareil avec une intensité de 0%. Par conséquent, dans votre exemple, avec SmartTag activé, vous pouvez mettre à jour le premier repère et tous les repères suivants auront changé de couleur, jusqu'à ce qu'il y ait un autre changement de couleur.

    La façon dont vous avez décrit était non-suivi. Le suivi peut être activé / désactivé depuis SETUP -> Paramètres système


    Hope that helps,


  7. Hi Thierry,

    I think how I would do this is program a completely blank cue onto a Playback, and in that cue have 2 trigger macros for both chases. This Trigger Playback can then be raised and trigger both chases simultaneously. You would then need to record a second blank cue containing two release macros in the following cue, as lowering the trigger playback wouldn't release the chases automatically.

    Hope that helps,

    Kind regards

  8. Hello,

    You can't put Effect speed onto a Playback fader. However what you can do if you program an effect onto a fader, is enable Fader Controls Effect. To do this create your effect, tap RECORD, and then tap the Playback you'd like it on. Then hold SETUP + tap the Playback's button, and enable Fader Controls... Effect. This means that as well as controlling the fixture's intensity, the Fader also scales the speed of the chase.

    Alternatively, program a Group that has the lights included in the effect selected. You can then live select this group, and then go to the effects tab, and then use the Effects Speed encoder wheel live to speed up or slow down the effect.

    The other option is to Record the Effect onto the Master Playback, as you can then use Speed Override to control the speed of the Effect. Speed Override can be found under the Z key, or as you found can be put on an empty Playback by holding SETUP + tapping an empty Playback.

    Hope that helps and makes sense, any queries let me know.

    Kind regards

  9. 6 hours ago, Vanhung said:

    Hi all!

    I have just unplug usb. Then  I have turned on console but it has still bug likely the first picture.

    I tried to update again but  Setup button didn't work. every buttons same!


    It would also be worth connecting an external monitor to the Solution if you don't have one to see what that is displaying. That may help identify the problem.

    Kind regards

  10. Hi Thierry,

    To update a cue/step of chase, you need to go into it using GO Snap. You can do this by holding SHIFT + tapping the chase's button. You will find that rather than acting as a tap tempo, it now acts a GO Snap and pauses the chase from running. This allows you to go to the step you need to edit, make your changes, tap UPDATE, and then tap the chase's button. You can then tap the chase's button again and the chase will resume to run automatically.

    Hope that helps, any queries let me know

  11. Hi Soenke,

    If these lamps are advertised as TRIAC dimming, then they should work with the Betapack 3's leading edge TRIAC dimming. They have a good Power Factor advertised and therefore shouldn't dim erratically. However if you have contacted the manufacturer and they advise using their dimmers be wary. As you have stated the minimum load to be connected to a Betapack 3 is 0.1A. Therefore at 230v this is a minimum load of 23w, which equates to a minimum of 4 of these lamps on a single channel.

    Hope that helps, any queries let me know.


  12. Hello,

    The first image shows that the console experienced an unexpected error, and offering to dump a debug file to USB that you can send to us to take a look at what went wrong. However the latest software for Solution consoles that includes enhancements and bug fixes is ZerOS 7.9.3 available to download here...


    The second image does look like what Ziglight has described above, which is where Solutions will present the message "Boot Error" on the external monitor if a USB stick is plugged in during boot. This is because Solution consoles always look to the USB port on boot for software updates, and if it detects a memory stick with no install files on it it will fail to boot.

    Hope that helps and makes sense, any queries let me know.


  13. Hello,

    A couple of other things to try:

    Have you tried readdressing the pack to 1, to see whether Jester channels 5 & 6 are able to control the pack?
    Is the screen on the pack scrolling through various numbers, or static on 007? If its scrolling, it means it's not patched as a block of channels, and each channel is patched individually.
    Has the Topset been adjusted? To check this, tap MODE until the LED lights next to "Topset", and ensure all channels are reading 100.

    If you've tried that, then it may be either a transformer, a phase link bar, or potentially the processor. 

    Feel free to send us an email to support@zero88.com, and we'll be able to work out the best way of getting your Betapack 3 repaired.

    Kind regards

  14. 22 hours ago, kgallen said:

    Edward - in LF48/96 does the battery retain showfile information or just time/date like Jon says for FLX?


    (Honest, I'll let you have some peace and quiet in a minute...!)

    On ZerOS consoles (ETX), batteries store some of the showfile.

    Changes you make are stored on RAM, powered by the battery. When this RAM becomes full (or certain other triggers, such as leaving SETUP), this data is transferred onto FLASH, and so the battery is no longer required.

    So the battery stores whatever changes have been made, since the last transfer to FLASH. Therefore, if the battery dies, it can be like going back in time - you can lose a couple of cues, or updates you made to fade times for example.

    Hope that helps,


  15. 13 minutes ago, kgallen said:

    Cunning! Thumbs-up. Thanks Edward - I thought the ZerOS LF48/96's were blue. Is my CR2032 comment valid for this desk?

    Ah no Illusion 500s and Alcora MKII were blue! Yes CR2032 batteries do fit in Leapfrog 96 consoles.

    But to Sean the OP, don't worry about doing a battery change if you're not bothered, if it ain't broke, don't fix it!


  16. Hi Kevin,

    This is the newer Leapfrog 96 - the key above the thumb wheel is a "SHIFT" key rather than "WHEEL GROUP", and there are 5 MFKs rather than 6 Fixture buttons above the LCD. 

    Therefore the latest release software is ZerOS available here...

    The screws you need to remove on either side are shown in the diagram below, only open consoles up if you are competent to do so.

    Hope that helps, any queries let me know



  17. Hi Sean,

    Yes this is a fairly easy fix if you feel confident opening up the console. You'll need to open up the console by taking out the screws on the sides of the console. The front panel will then hinge away from the base tray. Be careful doing this as there are ribbon cables linking the front panel and base tray together. You will then be able to access the wheel that's fallen out, and pressing either side push the clips in and push the wheel through and it will clip in.

    You may find it easier to take the bezel off first. You can do this from the front and prise it out with a flat screwdriver- the clips are at the top and bottom so be careful not to snap them off.

    Hope that helps, any queries let me know.


  18. Bonjour,

    Pour supprimer un repère sur la console Solution exécutant ZerOS 7.9.2 ou version ultérieure, appuyez sur SUPPRIMER, tapez le numéro de repère que vous souhaitez supprimer à l'aide des MFK, puis appuyez sur le bouton Lecture (Submaster) et il vous demandera de confirmer la suppression. cue de la lecture. Si vous appuyez simplement sur DELETE puis sur le bouton Playback sans définir le numéro de cue, vous supprimerez toute la lecture.

    J'espère que cela pourra aider


    To Delete a cue on the Solution console running ZerOS 7.9.2 or later, tap DELETE, type the cue number you want to delete using the MFKs, and then tap the Playback (Submaster) button, and it will ask you to confirm deleteting that cue from the Playback. If you just tap DELETE and then the Playback's button without defining the cue number you will Delete the whole Playback.

    Hope that helps


  19. Hi Thierry,

    Yes this is where tracking is a really useful tool. For tracking advanced you need to be careful recording Lighting states made from other playbacks. To avoid worrying about this, enable “SmartTag” in the Record Options Window. 

    Changing the tracking mode won’t change how previously recorded cues look. 

    Hope that helps


  20. Yes Ian’s right, PhantomZerOS is a great way of learning the consoles offline. We have a had a lot of feedback already saying that despite all the extra features FLX & FLX S offer, programming cues is quicker and easier than on a Jester. 


  21. Jesters have always had the ability for a maximum of 500 cue “slots”. These cues can then be numbered from 0.1-999.9, however the maximum number you can have is 500. On FLX S24 you have the ability to program cue 0.01-9999.99 across 49 Playbacks, however the max total cues is 9999. 

    It is a way of allowing you to number your cues with as much flexibility as possible.

    Hope that helps


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