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Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Posts posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hello,

    You've got a couple of ways to do this.

    Firstly in Run Mode, you can change the Flash Mode to <Beat>. This allows for the buttons under the Submasters to be tap tempos for each chase, so you can define the speed for each chase that way.

    Alternatively, select the Submaster you wish to change the speed of. A selected memory/Submaster is indicated by the yellow highlighted row. When it is selected, hold SHIFT and use the Speed pot to level match the current speed, and then gain control of that one individual chase. As you say if you don't hold shift you will adjust the global chase speed. 

    You can read a little more on pages 24 & 25 in the manual...


    Hope that helps, any queries let me know. 


  2. Hi Rob,

    I think for this I would be tempted to use a chase, as I can then create the exact colours I want, record them as palettes, and then create my chase. This also gives you the benefit of tweaking colours and updating the colour palettes, and the chase updating automatically. You can however manipulate the existing colour effects. Does the fixture have a white colour parameter? If so make sure this is dialled to 0%, to ensure you've got the most saturated colours. 

    You can also experiment with the "Waveforms" tab in Effects. This allows you to go in your currently selected fixtures and apply functions to each parameter. For example you could put a sine wave on all colour parameters, and apply a speed, size and offset to each one. You should find this will start to create vibrant colours fading through, so have a play with the parameters, and then record it to an effect palette, to easily recall later.

    Hope that held, any queries let me know. 


  3. Hello,

    After a Factory Reset/Fresh ZerOS install, the default Colour Fade time for cues will be 3 seconds, therefore you should never see colour snapping in cues, or when pushing up Playbacks. A 3Ch RGB Virtual Dimmer would be the best 3 channel RGB fixture to use.

    You may find that when you push one Playback up with a colour on, and then push a second Playback up with a different colour programmed on it, you will see a snap. This is due to the fact colour follows LTP (Latest Takes Precedence) rules. You can stop this from happening however, by going into the Settings of the Playback that you want to fade over the top of the other, and enable a setting called "Fader Controls Colour". This will then scale the colour with the fader movement. To enter a Playback's Settings, hold SETUP + tap the Playback's button.

    Thierry mentions RigSync. This is a software feature that runs in the background, that can patch your lighting rig for you, and manage the setup. You can read a little more about it here...

    RigSync uses RDM, and can cause cheaper, non-DMX compliant fixtures to flicker. This however doesn't seem to be what you are describing, as RigSync is disabled by default on Leapfrogs.

    Feel free to attach a show file that has the issue in, and I can take a look at it and see where the problem lies.

    Any queries let me know.


  4. Hi Wytse,

    You wouldn't be able to set Programmer Time duration using Macros, as this is defined by using the Programmer Time fader. The other option available to you to achieve similar results is to use the Preset Time, rather than Programmer Time, as this will allow you to record a Macro.

    To do this, tap RECORD -> MACRO -> tap an empty Macro MFK -> Choose "Keys" -> SPECIAL -> Time MFK -> Type the Time you want -> ENTER -> MACRO. You will then have this Macro Recorded, so that you can set the Preset time to that level at the tap of the Macro MFK. You can reoeat this process to record several Preset Time Macros.

    Now when you press and hold the TIME button and press the Palette you want to fade to, you will fade into it over your Preset Time.

    Hope that helps, any queries let me know.


  5. Hi Wytse,

    Yes that’s exactly right. For example if you’re not using any of the preset B channel faders, patch them to Universe 4 starting at DMX 1, loop a DMX cable from DMX Out 4 to the DMX in, and then assign DMX In to trigger the Playbacks you want access to on other pages. The bottom row of channel faders are then extra Playback controls. 

    Hope that helps


  6. Hello,

    Yes that is possible. DMX In can either be used to remotely control the intensities of patched fixtures, or to remotely control Playbacks.

    This can be configured in SETUP -> Inputs & Outputs -> DMX In Control Playback -> Add. You can then add as many Playbacks that you want to be triggered, and configure their remote DMX address.

    If you want more hands on faders without needing to change page, you can also patch unused channel faders to an unused DMX universe, and plug the Output of this universe into the DMX In. These channel faders can then be used as Playback control.

    Hope that helps and makes sense, any queries let me know.


  7. Hi Johan,

    It isn't recommended, as although the channel is at full, the Triacs are still in circuit, and so cause the AC Sine wave to become very messy, which capactive dropper power supplies such as in most LED lamps don't like!


  8. Hi Johan,

    The Betapack 2 is a leading edge Triac dimmer. Looking through that PDF there is no mention whether those lamps will be happy on leading edge dimming, so you would have to try at your own risk.

    You say you will plug multiple LEDs into a single channel, so you should be over the minimum load of 0.1A. Therefore it may be worth buying a small batch and trying them on a channel, to see whether the dimming curve is acceptable. 




  9. Dear All,

    Zero 88 Fixture Library version 35 has now been released.

    For full information, please visit: http://zero88.com/software/library

    This release contains 7013 fixtures from 305 different manufacturers. For a list of fixtures in the library please click here.

    The library is released in 2 formats:

    • Full version for desks running ZerOS software (ORB Series, Solution series, FLX Series, FROG2 and Leap Frog 48 & 96).
    • Filtered version for other Zero 88 desks. This removes data that is not used by these other desks, so that the file is smaller. When using a floppy disk (original Frog series, Illusion 500) it is recommended that the floppy disk be freshly formatted before using it.


    Download & Installation
    The correct format of the library for your desk can be downloaded by clicking the product name below.

    The library (.ift file) should be placed in the root directory of the floppy disk or USB stick.

    ZerOS desks (ORB Series, Solution series, FLX, Frog 2 and Leap Frog 48 & 96)
    To load this file into your console extract it to the root of a USB stick and plug into your console. Then tap SETUP, tap "Load File", then select the GFT.ift file. 

    JesterML & JesterTL
    The fixture library is installed on the desk at manufacture, however this can be updated from USB if required in Setup -> Update Fixture Lib -> Update Library. 

    Frog Series and Illusion 500
    Use 'Common Fixture Manager' (included in the Fixture Tools download) to select the fixtures you wish to use, and save this as a file to a floppy disk. 

    The fixture library is used with the Diablo Fixture Manager PC software. 

    Sirius 250/500
    Use the Fixture Type Editor to import fixture types from the fixture library, and then use the ‘Export Sirius UFT’ function (under the ‘File’ menu) to generate data in the correct format for the Sirius 250/500.

    Further details of assigning fixtures on the desk to fixture types in the fixture library can be found in each desk’s operating manual.

    Additional Fixtures
    If you need a fixture type which is not in the library, please read the following thread:


  10. 14 hours ago, robhurt said:

    Hi All, 

    2 minutes before our penultimate dress rehearsal started, our FLX went into absolute meltdown. Syntax, keyboard commands all being entered randomly by itself, skipping cues all randomly. It's just gone mad. It's running through cues by itself rapidly, not responding to anything. It's behaving like it's had a drink spilled on it (but it certainly hasn't). 

    Does anyone know what the warranty period is on these? I've phoned Zero88 Support but as it's a hardware issue they can't really help. I haven't managed to finish programming due to a blown lamp in a Mac 700, so time is really of the essence. Obviously the company we bought it from are now closed for the day also :(


    Hi Rob,

    Really sorry to hear this. As Kevin mentions looking at the Blue Room it seems you have got a replacement in time, but feel free to give us a call, and we'll see if we can narrow down what the cause of the issue is.

    If you want to contact me personally my mobile is 07976 791850.


  11. 9 hours ago, Looking Glass Theatre said:



    Can anyone help? I have a que to start a fade up on a Mac 300 to red over 20 mins, however there are other ques that take place during that time. When I hit the go button for the next que, the red stops fading up. Is there any way of solving this on my FLX?




    Hi James,

    If you are programming in Tracking mode with SmartTag disabled, the console will do this for you automatically. You can program your first cue where the Mac 300 goes red over 20 mins, and then continue programming all of your other cues (without the Mac 300 being tagged). Then when you advance through the cues after the Mac 300 colour cue, it will continue its 20 min fade, unless one of the following cues  gives it a new command before finishing its fade.

    Hope that helps, any queries let me know.


  12. Hi Mitchell,

    Rather than putting an Effect over a Colour Palette, apply a colour Effect first, and then use some Colour Palettes over the top. You'll find this gives you different effects, so have a play. When you're happy, record this to a Playback.

    Hope that helps and is what you're after.


  13. Hi Carpo,

    Please find attached the fixture file for the Stairville CLB4 in all channel modes. For 14 Channel mode, Patch 4 of the 3 channel mode fixtures, which will give you a fixture per LED PAR on the bar. In addition to this, patch the "Control" fixture after the four 3 Channel fixtures, to give you an overall Master and Strobe control.

    Stairville Compact LED-Bar 4.ift

    Hope that helps, any queries let me know.

    Kind regards


  14. Hi Rob,

    The fade times displayed per cue of your chase are only there for if the Playback is reverted from a chase as you describe. Chases therefore don't use these fades. To achieve a cross-fade between the steps of your chase, go into the Chase's Settings by holding SETUP and tapping the Playback's button, and then set the Percentage cross fade you wish colour parameters to use. 100% cross fade means that 100% of the duration of each cue of the chase, the colour will be fading.

    Hope that helps, any queries let me know


  15. Hi Gerhard,

    On 2/3/2018 at 12:55 PM, der Puni said:

    Man, I wished this would work - but it didn't. I can change the sensitivity the described way, but it is only changed global. That means: If I changed the sensitivity for the effect-attribute from 50% to 30% it will also be changed for all other attributes automatically. Maybe i do miss something? I there a other setting to make somewhere to hold the sensitivities separately?

    Ok thanks for pointing that one out, we will look into this.

    On 2/3/2018 at 12:55 PM, der Puni said:

    I've tried this out before and it didn't work either. There is no specific difference if this setting is done + shift- button is hold while configuring the values. On other thought - Please correct me if I'm wrong: I thought the fine/coarse differentiation is for attributes with a 16-bit resolution like PAN/TILT...

    Ah apologies yes for Effect this won't work, as this does indeed apply to 16 bit parameters only. We will look into improving the sensitivity of the Effect parameters, in the meantime If you are still finding this an issue, you should find around 40% global sensitivity is a good compromise for all parameters if you are regularly using Effect encoders.

    On 2/3/2018 at 12:55 PM, der Puni said:

    B.T.W: You must send more T-shirts into space ;-) Great idea - great video!

    Thanks very much! ;-)


  16. Hi Nick,

    Yes that is possible, depending on your fixtures and the merge that you use.

    Is there any reason the Guest Technician wouldn't use the FLX S? 

    Keeping one control console always makes things easier, and if the guest technician wants to use the console and just control intensities you could always use the Remote App to control the colour and zoom remotely, whilst they stick to controlling intensities.


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