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Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Posts posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hi Fred,

    No update on this one yet I’m afraid. We’ve been working on ZerOS 7.9.4, which is an enhancement/ bug fix software update due to be released within the next week. 

    Your best bet is to plan your rig allowing for each segment of the sun strip to be an individual fixture. 

    Any queries let me know 


  2. Hi James, 

    Looking at your show file, you have "Fader Controls... Colour, Beamshape and Position" enabled on the Master Playback. This means rather than these attributes using the cue fade times, they will be instead scaled by the fader's position. To disable "Fader Controls", hold SETUP  tap the Master Playback's GO button. Then, tap and disable "Colour", Beamshape" and "Position", so that they have a blue stripe next to them, rather than red.

    As a separate note, I noticed from your show file you are running out of date software. Keep an eye on our website over the next week, as we will be releasing software version ZerOS 7.9.4, that I would recommend you installing on your FLX S, as it will bring new features and enhancements.

    Hope that helps, any queries let me know.


  3. Hi Jim,

    If your FLX S is displaying Press ENTER to complete calibration or Press ENTER to cancel calibration, then you are running out of date software. 

    The latest release software is ZerOS 7.9.3, available to download and install here...


    Once you’ve got this installed, you should find this solves your issue. 


  4. Hi James, 

    If your Fixture has a Postion speed parameter, usually this when set to 0% should mean full speed. Therefore your second cue should display a fade time, that you can use to define the duration from your first position to the second. 

    Feel free to attach your show file and I’ll take a look. 


  5. Hi Stefan,

    Looking at your show file, Playback 71 has got Trigger on Raise Disabled. This means that remotely triggering this Playback from a cue is also disabled, which is why it isn't triggering from cue 82 of the Master Playback. You can change this setting by holding SETUP + tap Playback 71's button -> Raise & Lower -> Trigger on Raise -> Enabled.

    Chases set to one shot will run through the cues of the chase once, and then stop on the last step.

    Hope that helps, any queries let me know.


  6. Hi Jim,

    There is no way of removing programmer time from the last encoder wheel in the Z key. By default this is disabled, and if you do tap it’s middle button to enable it, it will be set to 5 seconds. 

    Did you manually release/ turn off your Playback? This is done by pressing and holding CLEAR, and tapping the Playback’s button. You would then need to take the Playback’s fader down, and then back up to see any light output. 

    If it happens again, feel free to send me your show file and I’ll take a look at what may be causing it. 


  7. Hi John,

    Glad you like FLX S24!

    When you program a colour chase, the fades you see for that Playback’s Cues in the Cues window are for if you were to revert that chase back to a normal cue list. Therefore to edit chase settings such as the cross fade hold SETUP, and tap your chase’s Playback button. You will be able to see it is set to cross fade, and that the Colour crossfade percentage is set to 100%. You can tap this, and type/ use the encoder wheel to set the fade to 0%. Tap OK, and OK on the settings, and you’ll see your chase will snap the colours. 

    Programming parameters without intensity is an advanced programming method. Therefore to do this, press and hold RECORD, and you’ll see the Record Options pops up on screen. In here you’ll see there is a button called SmartTag. By default this is enabled, however if you tap this, it will have a blue stripe next to it, meaning it is now disabled, allowing you to record parameters with 0% intensity. This does now mean that playbacks you record will only store “programmer” data, and not data from other playbacks.  Programmer data is reperesented by red values in the output window, and parameters with a blue background. 

    Tap RECORD again to close the record window, and now you can turn your fixtures on and setup their movement effect (such as a circle), then tap the Z Key, and tap the middle encoder button of the intensity wheel to Untag intensity. Tap RECORD, then tap the playback you want to store to, and your lighting will be stored, minus intensity. 

    Hope that helps and makes sense, any queries let me know. 


  8. Hi Jimbo,

    That sounds odd. Did you set up a Playback to be a Grand Master and choose blackout accidentally? Did you apply a Programmer Time? Programmer Time is set on the last encoder wheel in the Z key Settings, and if enabled and turned to full will take 11 minutes 30 seconds for the programmer to be clearer. Could this be what you did?


  9. Hi Jim,

    If you tap SETUP -> System Settings -> External Monitor -> Disabled, this will bring these icons into the internal screen. Alternatively, updating your FLX S48 to ZerOS 7.9.3 will also bring those icons into the internal screen, along with bringing more new features and enhancements to the console.

    ZerOS 7.9.3 can be downloaded here...


    Hope that helps, any queries let me know.



  10. Hi Kevin,

    Yes that is a workaround if you wish to program fixtures without intensity with SmartTag. Just add in a Virtual Intensity channel to your Gobo rotator with no parameters scaled by it, and then on the console default the intensity to full.


  11. Hello,

    Sorry to hear you struggled with the Effects Engine on FLX. In a future software update, we're moving over to a new fixture library, which will allow the Effects engine to take advantage of multi-section fixtures such as SunStrips.


  12. Hello,

    On Solution consoles to jump to a cue, ensure you are viewing the Memories Window, with the blue highlighted cell over any cue number. Then tap ENTER, use the MFKs to type the cue number you want to go to, tap ENTER,  and tap GO.

    Hope that helps, any queries let me know.


  13. Hello,

    The quickest way to do this is actually to patch each lamp in the SunStrips as a separate dimmer channel. For example if you have 4, 10 lamp SunStrips patch 40 dimmer channels. Then select all lamps of one SunStrip, tap EFFECT, and use one of the auto- generated Intensity effects. You can then use the encoders to adjust the speed, and if you are running the latest software (ZerOS 7.9.3) you can tap the “random offset” button at the top of the Effects window. Record this as your own Effect palette to easily recall later. 

    Alternatively, if you want to keep them as individual sunstrip fixtures rather than dimmer channels, select them, tap Waveforms at the top of the Effect window, and apply a wave function to each lamp. Then give them each a random offset value, random size and speed, and your effect will begin to run. Again then Record this as an effect palette to use later. 

    Hope that helps


  14. Hi Jürg,

    I believe I have already helped you with this over Facebook. However just to write it here too. The easiest way to remove a fixture from a Playback/ Submaster when in Tracking mode, is to select the fixture you no longer need, tap HOME -> UPDATE -> Choose Remove -> Tap the Playback's button. If in Non-Tracking, push your Playback/ Submaster up, select the fixture and bring it to 0%, tap UPDATE -> Tap the Playback's button.

    Hope that helps,


  15. Hi Carpo,

    There is no way of setting a minimum and maximum value for Pan or Tilt, therefore you can't limit the movement.

    You can however program effects that only cover the dance floor area. This can be done by positioning a fixture towards the dance floor, and recording this as a position palette. Then go to Effects, and apply the effect you wish to use.  Adjust the Size parameter, to set the area the fixture moves over. You can then adjust the Speed to suit, and record this as an Effect palette.

    Hope that helps, any queries let me know.


  16. Hi Nick,

    In our later software versions (unfortunately unavailable on FROG2) you can load software updates in, in a similar way to loading a show file. 

    Have you tried this on a Windows 7 PC...


    We have come across a few people having issues with Windows 10 PCs. As long as your USB stick has a MBR, it would be detected by the FROG2 during startup. Therefore try low capacity USB sticks, and ensure they are FAT format. If you continue to have issues, try formatting a CD with a formatted software image on. 

    Hope that helps, any queries let me know. 


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